Supreme God King

Chapter 1905: On the way

See off!

With the sound of the piano, the world will swing!

Under the sound of Meng Fan's piano, that kind of tragic, violent aura spread throughout the world in an instant, falling into the ears of everyone, and staying for a long time.

This is the ancient times, and Meng Fan does not belong to this emptiness. Even if he comes out now, it belongs to the interference emptiness, because in the original history, this scene did not happen at all, and the old man at the mountain only went to heaven.

But Meng Fan saw him off with a song, even though it is not an interference in the historical journey, but it also touches the power of time and space.

In an instant, you can see that Meng Fan himself encountered a strong pressure, but the entire time and space crushed him. With his fingertips playing, the pressure surrounding him became more and more intense. Huge, like a mountain, like a tide!

Between this kind of pressure, it seemed invisible, but the damage to Meng Fan was extremely huge. It was only a moment that it had penetrated into his internal organs, causing a lot of internal bleeding in his whole body.

The pressure of time and space comes from the true source of the heavens.

But it was not the kind of puppet of the old man in black, but came from the most mysterious and terrifying source of the heavens, when its power really began to target a person.

In the world, who dares to truly say that he can, including the ancient emperor of the year, the thirteen hall masters can be so powerful, but it also comes from... the power of the source of the heavens.

In just a few breaths, you can see Meng Fan sitting on the spot, touching the piano with both hands, but a trace of blood spills at the corner of his mouth. His whole body is trembling, and the flesh may collapse at any time, but he is playing. The sound of the piano never stopped.

The more he played, the more pressure on him would be caused by the entire world. He appeared in this past history without authorization and was not allowed by the source of the heavens.

But now Meng Fan will not stop at all. What he wants to do must be done. The sound of the piano is high, and the golden horse is just a song for the old man to see off the mountain.

Under this sound of the piano, everyone in the Middle Ancient Domain felt it.

Above the sky, the old man Pishan listened to the sound of the piano. After a while, he nodded to Meng Fan and laughed.

"It’s great that you can see me off on this last road, and I don’t know how much brilliance has been added to my last journey, and it’s great to be able to see the future generations...I have no regrets in this life. Today, it’s a great pleasure to be able to see with my own eyes there is another person like Beidou and I. If a man is alive, that’s the case, haha..."

That kind of laughter, revealing endless heroism, accompanied by Meng Fan's piano sound, the old man Pishan laughed, and stepped down, tearing the void of the restricted area.

After a while, he could see that he was submerged in it, and he slammed into the restricted area!

This period of history finally happened.

Standing in place, the Zhantian Giant closed his eyes and sighed in his heart, knowing that today's trip is the death of the old man at the mountain. Even though this has happened, he still has a lot of emotions.

The figure was lonely, and the sound of the piano came in an uproar. The last note fell, full of endless sighs, long sounds, sadness...

Meng Fan was still sitting on the spot, with his palm stroking the piano, blood spurting out, and he could see that between his seven orifices, blood began to flow out from everywhere, dripping down, and then his clothes.

This is the result of the crushing force of the powerful time and space, just for such a period of time, it almost didn't let Meng Fan die. There was a lot of internal bleeding in his body, and his five internal organs were about to be crushed. It was only Meng Fan's mouth that a lot of blood foam came out.

One can imagine how terrifying that kind of crushing force is. Silent, but enough to kill people, still under the circumstances that Meng Fan did not do anything.

If he said one more word before, I am afraid it would be even more terrifying. The power of the source of the heavens is not trivial. If you want to go against the sky, you need to pay the price of it.

However, Meng Fan has no regrets at all, only a few words,

"Respect the old man Pishan!"

The few words faintly utterly used up his last bit of strength, which was Meng Fan's heartfelt voice.

With the fall of these words, in the entire Medieval Domain, you can see that countless powerful men, tens of billions of monks, and even the people who have been against the old man in the past countless years are all creeping on the ground, only A few words fall,

"Respect the old man Pishan!"

A word, resounding through the Middle Ages, resounding across the universe.

Under the sound of this kind of sonic boom, it was almost as if the entire Middle Ancient Region could shatter, and countless people were in pain.

A generation of great emperors left like this, and his voice will no longer be seen in the world!

Maybe this scene will be forgotten after a hundred years, or maybe it will disappear completely in this history in ten thousand years.

But Meng Fan understood that this scene would always be in his heart, and it would never dissipate.

"Don't worry, I will take your inheritance away. Even if you die, your martial arts will never dissipate between the world and the earth, and what you haven't done, don't worry... I will help you complete it. Go on, unless it's... I die!"

A few words are sonorous and powerful.

From the beginning to the end, Meng Fan has always cherished words like gold with regard to promises, because once he was promised, it would be like a sword.

At this moment, Meng Fan actually promised to a strong man who was destined to pass away, only for the true heart-to-heart relationship between the supreme strong, and only for this kind of man who truly despised the world!

Heroes have blood, never retreat!

The sound of the piano fell, and Meng Fan flicked his fingers. At this moment, his whole person was also blurred. At the same time, the giant Zhantian who became blurred with him. The purpose of their career is to serve these two great techniques. Now Meng Fan has already obtained these two great inheritances. Although there is no complete integration, they are all completed. Naturally, there is nothing left here. reason.

The martial art of the old man Pishan was already completely engraved in his mind, while the martial art of the Big Dipper Star Emperor remained in that golden box, such two great treasures.

Taken away by Meng Fan's past time and space, the harvest of this line is not unbelievable.

Even for Meng Fan, it was definitely a great opportunity.

But Meng Fan understands better that the biggest gain in his career is not to get these, but to really get the most supreme thing between the world and the earth, that is, he has seen the spirit of the old man in the mountain. Kaitian spirit!

The calmness of the old man Pishan before leaving, the arrogance of facing life and death, was all deeply engraved in Meng Fan's heart.

Perhaps in tens of thousands of years, the human race can truly stand in this world, and it has always been fighting against many fierce beasts, and many different species of heaven and earth fight, but it is still the master of this world, precisely because of the human race. Among them, there is this kind of spirit, this kind of arrogance.

Motivated him to grow stronger from generation to generation.

Such a touch made Meng Fan's thoughts a little firmer. After he and the Heavenly Battle Giant were running their power, both of them passed through their bodies, and the aura of heaven merged, blatantly tearing apart the void.

Space tunnel!

On this familiar road, the two set foot again, and under everyone's eyes, the whole person completely disappeared in this past time and space, as if they had never been here.

Looking at the figures of the two people, countless people are suddenly lost, but after a moment, they have completely forgotten. This is the result of the power of heaven, a kind of natural smoothing, leaving them all traces of the world. , They are all cleared and vanished, and no one can even remember that they came.

Only Meng Fan two people remembered what they saw in this world and the people they met here.

Space tunnel, time travels.

It is not easy to come here, but if you want to return it, it is very simple, because the future space-time coordinates are constant, as long as Meng Fan and the Zhantian giant pass through the space-time tunnel.

Between several breaths, the two of them discovered that they had come directly into a familiar world. After a moment, they were ejected and the moment the whole person fell into time and space, the aura of the two suddenly became stronger.

They themselves were in the stage of breaking the Yuan realm, but from the moment they returned to heaven and earth, the two great kings of the world, once again...revived!

A moment later, the two opened their eyes, and they were already... King of the world!

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