Supreme God King

Chapter 1912: prisoner

Gu Huang!

Before this, the old man of Chaos had said that this is the top-level existence among the world, but it has not yet made Meng Fan have too many associations. It is not until now that he has captured these two ancient gods and extracted their memories. Understand that this space is a real cage.

And the person imprisoned turned out to be...the top powerhouse of the ancient gods!

According to reason, this is absolutely impossible.

Now the entire ancient **** clan is already sparsely populated, and it will look at and respect the ancient real horse as the main reason. Naturally, the ancient emperor will not act against them.

From this incomplete memory, Meng Fan also knew the secrets of the ancient gods, and only then did he understand why this group of people were imprisoned.

In fact, in the most ancient times, the ancient gods were not ruled by the ancient emperor.

Meng Fan knew this for a long time, and the ancient gods at that time were also powerful and unparalleled, suppressing the world. As the top emperor in the world, when the ancient emperor hadn't grown up, there were eight elders ruling together in this clan, and they were called ancient gods and eight elders.

Later, the source of the heavens was opened, and the ancient gods benefited greatly from it, and there was a generation of powerful people who suppressed the ancient and the modern and swept everything out, the ancient emperor.

It was just now that the ruling power of the ancient gods was handed over, and the ancient emperor became the only king of the ancient gods, but at that time, the power of the eight elders was already very large.

Moreover, these eight elders are actually eight **** kings, which are the most ancient inheritance of the ancient gods line between heaven and earth, and they are also the earliest group of **** kings between heaven and earth.

The ancient gods were one bloodline, and countless bloodlines in the past came from them, and even the ancient gods were counted as one of their descendants.

One can imagine how terrible it is.

In terms of age, the old man Pishan is a baby in front of him, let alone a descendant of Meng Fan, not even a drooping grandson.

Probably after the source of the heavens was born in the heavens and the earth, this ancient **** and eight elders came out at the right moment and ruled the ancient gods.

After the battle at the source of the heavens, the Eight Lao followed the ancient emperor, and even established a feat that was unmatched before, unifying the tens of thousands of domains, and controlling the endless territory. Power and fame climbed to the highest peak between the world and the earth. To the point.

At that time, the ancient gods were extremely powerful, and they were the only one among the real world.

Unlike the hegemony established by all races, the ancient gods were slaughtered, greedy, and cruel, so except for his race, all other races were slaves.

It led to **** memories in that era. I don't know how many human races died, and how many people even lived to tomorrow is a luxury.

It's just that before this second source of heavens is about to open, the ancient gods have a big problem.

And these problems also led to the desolation of the ancient gods and the rise of the thirteen hall masters.

It was a powerful contradiction between the ancient gods and the eight elders and the ancient emperor, but what this contradiction was, there was no memory of these two ancient gods.

The two of them haven't reached that level yet, but vaguely know that between that, the ancient emperor and the ancient gods and the eight elders have completely broken off. One is the current emperor of the ancient gods, and the other is the ancient gods. The ancestors of the gods, these two forces have a large number of the most deadly loyal people among the ancient gods.

With their insistence, a powerful battle finally took place, and the Eight Elders came out together and fought against the ancient emperor.

Although the ancient emperor has conquered the world and martial arts, but one of the ancient gods and eight elders is a god-king level existence, so in that confrontation, even the ancient emperor did not have anything to do in a short time. Eight old.

The Eight Lao forced the palace, and the forces under it are attacking the forces loyal to the ancient emperor, and the entire ancient gods and many forces are chaotic.

And at that moment, a group of people rose up, the thirteen hall masters.

At that time, the thirteen hall masters were able to successfully take one step ahead of the ancient emperor, enter the source of the heavens, and harvest the greatest fruits. In fact, the benefactor should be considered as the ancient gods and eight elders.

Without these eight elders making chaos, the ancient emperor would not be furious, and all attention would be placed on these eight elders, and to suppress the huge rebellion of the entire ancient **** clan, only then gave the thirteen hall masters a great opportunity. .

But in the past, because one side was the source of the heavens and the other was the split of the ancient gods, the ancient emperor fell into a situation where the ancient emperor was under the enemy, so he personally beheaded five of the eight elders, but he also paid a lot. A huge price.

That was the most terrifying God King powerhouse between heaven and earth, the ancient emperor alone VS the Eight Lao and countless powerhouses of the ancient gods at that time.

However, the strength of the ancient emperor was so shocking that he was able to kill the five elders personally in what kind of chaos. Even now Meng Fan knew of this scene, but he took a breath and felt his heart beat. The ancient emperor's combat power has a judgment, but now it seems that it is still underestimated.

The only emperor in this eternal emperor is... what a fighting force!

At that moment, the ancient emperor was extremely confident. After slaying the Eight Lao, he didn't even have any rest. In order to seize the source of the heavens again, he refined his original divine object.

That divine object was a supreme seal, which allowed the ancient emperor to spend his blood and make it into a space of its own, forming a peculiar world.

Then all the remaining three elders who are still fighting and the forces loyal to them are suppressed here, and they will be left to clean up after he seizes the things in the source of the heavens in the future!

It's just a pity that the ancient emperor encountered the extremely cruel thirteen hall masters, failed to seize the source of the heavens, and suffered serious injuries himself, and had to hide.

And the world he suppressed was also lost in this endless chaos. At the very beginning, there were some clansmen of the ancient gods who were looking for and trying to rescue them.

Later, the ancient gods between heaven and earth were extremely weak, and the disciples of the clan died and wounded between heaven and earth, and there was no chance to take care of the remaining people.

With the passing of years and historical changes, this ancient world finally disappeared completely from the eyes of everyone, even many ancient books did not mention it.

The only one who can know this secret, such as today, is probably only that kind of great man who has passed through that era, or the old people who have survived from the line of the ancient gods, of course, including the more ancient and immortal chaos. , This is also known.

After learning this memory, Meng Fan also sighed slightly, looking around, a hint of sadness also appeared on his face.

Without him.

Judging from this cause and effect, the world he is now in is the world sealed by the ancient emperor’s original divine object. It is a cage carefully arranged by the ancient emperor for those who betray him, and it is also the old man who wants to give him The cage laid out!

There is no doubt that he is also trapped here now, able to make the ancient emperor clan, the three great kings, a world prison that has been unable to do anything for tens of thousands of years.

Meng Fan thought about it. Even though he was extremely confident, he still thought it was really choking.

"Old man Chaos, if the young master is released in the future, I won't beat you and fart, the young master will have your last name!"

With Meng Fan's concentration, he couldn't help but burst into a swear word, no wonder the old man Chaos was so confident and proud.

This world itself was forged by the ancient emperor’s original divine object. In this cage, only entry is allowed, no one can leave. This old chaotic man is really after he returned to the ten thousand realms. Give him a great gift.

If I have been locked in this world for millions of years...

Thinking of this possibility, Meng Fan felt a regret. Why didn't his fists punch the old man Chaos no longer be harder? Why not give him a big mouth? Why not kick his cock...

Even though Meng Fan had countless regrets in his heart, but now, he had no choice but to die, becoming one of the prisoners in this cage.

After pondering for a moment, Meng Fan understood that there must be two things to do now. The first thing is to recover from the injury as soon as possible. The strength is the ancient space of the past, sealed by the ancient emperor’s gods, and the strength is abundant. It is not necessary to quickly recover. difficult.

The second thing Meng Fan wanted.... I looked at the situation of the other prisoners in this cage. He is not familiar with the place of his life here, but the three old gods, plus his large number of elders and children, are all After surviving here for hundreds of thousands of years, Meng Fan understood that if he wanted to leave here, he would definitely not be able to rely on himself alone.

If you want to find a way, you still have to mix into the ancient gods.

However, when he thought of the remaining power of the ancient gods in this space, Meng Fan gritted his teeth a bit, according to the records of these two ancient gods.

Because the remaining clan of ancient gods could not leave this prison, so it was in this world that its own kingdom was naturally formed, and it continued to multiply. It could have millions of ancient gods, forming a huge ancient **** city.

In this space, apart from occasional unlucky creatures that would fall in, there are no creatures other than ancient gods.

Meng Fan wanted to spy on intelligence, but he would inevitably get into an ancient **** city full of ancient gods. This is more difficult than his getting into the Split Mountain Gate.

It was like the little white sheep mixed into the tiger group. Meng Fan clearly understood the sensitivity of the ancient gods to the human race, especially the remaining three elders.

But the three great kings, the ancient emperor of the year did not kill the three in one go, they could only be sealed up, so many years later, what will the strength of these three be.

Even Meng Fan is not sure.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan could only spit out a few words between his teeth, and felt a thunder rolling in his head.

"Lord wait for the little master. When the little master goes out, it will be cut to pieces... No, when you step on your dick, the little master will definitely not cut your body this time, but will be humiliated alive. Damn you..."

PS, cough cough, I heard about one thing, it seems that the post bar is blocked, if there are book friends who like to chat and have nowhere to go, let’s deduct the group, 259974428, the others are almost full, just this There is also location.

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