Supreme God King

Chapter 1913: Shot

No matter how Meng Fan shouted!

But there is absolutely no way to change the fact that he is now a prisoner, trapped in this huge prison.

So after some venting, Meng Fan also closed his eyes, without joy or sadness, hiding in the woods to cultivate himself.

After a full half a month, Meng Fan opened his eyes and took a heavy breath. The injuries in his body were already recovering. He tried to break through several times, and finally made him almost desperate, as expected. As previously speculated, this mysterious space is like a completely enclosed prison. If it is so easy to break through, then the remaining ancient gods will not be able to get out for so many thousands of years.

How domineering Meng Fan's divine power was, but at the moment it hit the sky, it completely stopped him.

It seemed that between that barrier was the power gate that blocked everything, and it didn't allow him any chance at all.

Finally, Meng Fan was also desperate, knowing that now is the time to do the second thing.

Ancient God City!

Just in the center of this piece of prison, after tens of thousands of years, it was cast after imitating the ancient **** and emperor capital in ancient times.

Where are the millions of ancient gods living?

Although this group of ancient gods hadn't left for countless years, Meng Fan absolutely did not believe that they had not found any way to leave within such a long time. It's just that the two ancient gods he killed were too weak to know too much inside information.

After recovering from his injury, Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts were swept away. It was also in this moment, breaking through thousands of miles, directly penetrating the endless void with strong spiritual power, and seeing a **** city where it was.

With Meng Fan’s eyesight, he couldn’t help but raise his brows. He had to admit that although the resources in this small thousand world were extremely barren, there was nothing other than the things brought by the ancient gods in the past, but The casting is also exceptionally amazing.

Such a capital city even has the appearance of the highest place in the ancient times. The Pishanmen headquarters back then was nothing more than that.

The entire space is so barren, but it is possible to cast such a powerful capital on it. From this point of view alone, the ancient gods are definitely not simple.

"Only one step can be taken, count one step, you must first blend into this capital city before you can have the possibility of understanding them!"

Meng Fan sighed softly, his eyes swept over the corpses of two ancient gods not far away, and his whole person changed suddenly.

Many years ago, when he was a little cultivator in Wanyu, he was already proficient in the way of change, and he never stopped using this to cheat others.

But now that he is the top powerhouse between heaven and earth, this is naturally nothing to say.

In a breathing time, you can see that Meng Fan's body has undergone amazing changes. It is already the appearance of the two ancient gods killed by him before, and one of them has become tall and hostile.

It seems that there is no difference from an ancient god, but the real difference is the origin of Meng Fan. If you can't tell from the appearance, but it is different in the eyes of powerful people, especially the **** Wang Qiang. It only takes a glance to see through him.

And the most important thing is that Meng Fan still doesn't know if there are any detectable things in this ancient **** city, and he needs his defense.

But until now, there is only one way, Meng Fan can only resort to dangerous moves.

After the change, he also completely annihilated the corpses of the two ancient gods, then fell in one step and turned into a shadow, heading towards the ancient **** city.

This imperial capital built in a mysterious space, it is estimated that no outsider has set foot in it for hundreds of thousands of years.

But the sparrow is small, but it has all the internal organs. You can see the whole city at a glance. Shops, attics, auction rooms, etc. are all available. The crowds between them are tall ancient gods, that kind of hostility. And overbearing can't hide it at all.

Even Meng Fan saw a brothel on the street, and several women who were big and thick and dozens of times bigger than him were standing at the door. They were swaggering across the market and almost didn't let him vomit.

The moment Meng Fan got into it, he felt a strong pressure.

Because there are ancient gods everywhere here, Meng Fan’s behavior is incomprehensible. For example, he had seen a person who resembled an ancient **** and nobleman, holding something in his hand while walking. Eating.

It was just a glance for Meng Fan to recognize that it should be human internal organs. Once Meng Fan reveals his identity here, it is estimated that... it will become a crazy target of siege by millions of people.

"You must leave here as soon as possible. I just returned to Ten Thousand Regions, and I don't know where and how, and the first thing I leave here is that I need to get into this ancient palace first!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, while paying attention to the most central mansion in this ancient **** city.

After turning a circle, Meng Fan had already discovered that the most core place of this **** was in this mansion, which was called the San Lao Mansion by the ancient gods.

According to some clues searched by Meng Fan, this place controls all the power of the entire ancient **** city. Although there have been no orders for a long time in the three old mansions, it is the most mysterious and terrifying place in the entire ancient **** city. , Ordinary people, even one more look here will be convicted!

"How do I get in here? There is no princess of grace to help me now, little master, I can't pretend to be a disciple of the three old gods, this place is heavily guarded, and there are three big gods inside. It is best to go in quietly. With me, an ordinary ancient god, there is no edict unless..."

Meng Fan murmured, just after the next moment, his eyes flashed, and an extremely strange arc was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

At the moment when this arc appeared, in Xiaotian's space, two voices also suddenly fell.

"The boss is going to cheat people again, do you know?"

"Be quiet, don't be heard by him. He is so strong now, with such a small mind.... Besides, this is not called cheating, it is called Chaodu, you know, Chaodu, Buddha said, I will not cheat. Who will cheat people!"


Meng Fan ignored the words in the space, his gaze swept away, and after a while he was concentrated on the largest restaurant in the ancient **** city, and immediately walked in in a magnificent manner.

This place is different from other places. At a glance, people with extraordinary identities in this ancient **** city can come here. From the surrounding decorations to the maids at the door, etc., there is an extremely elegant atmosphere.

It finally made Meng Fan see the woman who looked at the past a little bit. This ancient **** clan looks fierce in nature, and it is difficult for any beautiful woman to appear.

All of them are five big and three thick, but the maid in this attic is at least a bit pretty, although compared with the women around Meng Fan, she doesn’t even match the shoes, but fortunately, it won’t make you feel the urge to give him a look. Up.

"Come here! Hurry up and call you the best food and wine here, and the maid!"

As soon as he entered the attic, Meng Fan yelled, and patted a sixth-order heaven and earth **** directly on the table, and kicked over the tables in front of him, appearing to be aggressive.

Without him, this ancient **** clan is fashionable, which is different from the gentleness and elegance of human clan. Among the ancient **** clan, the more domineering your attitude, the more powerful you are, and Meng Fan is really a little bit offended. Don't understand.

And as soon as he saw Meng Fan’s appearance, an old man in a black robe immediately walked over to Meng Fan and he looked at Meng Fan suspiciously.

"That lord...what do you need!"


Another Tier 6 artifact was thrown to the old man in black robe, Meng Fan's expression didn't blink, and he said coldly.

"Do I need to repeat it?"

"No need, no need!"

Seeing the two Tier 6 gods, the old man in black robe also opened his eyes and smiled. Although he hadn't seen Meng Fan, his attitude also took a 180-degree turn.

This place is different from the outside world, there is nothing, even a mere Tier 6 divine object is here, but it is a cherished existence, and this black robe old man is not respectful.

So the old man in black robe made a gesture and waved his hand, and immediately everyone around him was waiting for him. To Meng Fan's largest room, a lot of wine and food were brought up. They were all precious meat of beasts, plus ten girls from the ancient gods.

"What do you think you need? It's a pity that the flesh of the human race is too cherished. If you must need it, then I can give you...but the price..."

The black robe old man squinted with a smile.

"Hurry up, you give me these monster meat once again, besides...the girl is not enough, let's have twenty more!"

With a big wave of his hand, Meng Fan directly ate meat and drank alcohol.

Hearing this, the black-robed old man's complexion became stiff, but seeing Meng Fan's boldness, he could only nod his head and waved his hand to make arrangements. After a while, the arrangement came up again as Meng Fan said before.

In the room, you can see a full thirty girls of the ancient gods surrounding Meng Fan and Yingying Yanyan. It's so lively.

And Meng Fan appetite, and swept away the meat of this large amount of monsters, and the large amount of wine was also stunned, so that everyone in the field was stunned. How could this one eat so much.

At the same time, seeing the girls around Meng Fan, two voices came from the small sky again.

"Master, you are so romantic, does Master Bai Shui'er know?"

"Master, you are so romantic, does the Empress know?"


Satiated with alcohol and rice, he hiccups in alcohol, and Meng Fan was also confused when he drank some of it. Apart from anything else, the wine of the ancient gods was full of potency.

He also stepped down, stood up, and walked slowly outside surrounded by thirty girls. Seeing Meng Fan's movements, the old man in black robes who had always been guarding outside immediately came over to help Meng Fan with a smile on his face.

"Has the master eaten well?"


"Has the master drank it?"


"That one....."

The black-robed old man couldn't talk anymore, staring at Meng Fan, who was about to leave the attic, but he didn't mean to pay. Although Meng Fan had already taken out two Tier 6 gods before, these things were far from enough for his table of wine and food plus the girl's money.

After all, this is a sealed cage. If you want to eat and drink like this here, according to Meng Fan's method, it is at least the price of two seventh-order gods.

So the old man in the black robe finally couldn't help it. He stretched out his hand to stop Meng Fan and smiled.

"Master... do you have other money to pay?"

Hearing this sentence, Meng Fan turned his head, drunk, stared at the old man in black robe, smiled slightly, and uttered two words.

"What money?"

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