Supreme God King

Chapter 1919: negotiation

Have a talk!

A faint voice spread around, Meng Fan still did not move, but it was completely different from before.

When he spoke for the first time, it can be said that it attracted the special disdain and murder of the ancient gods and three old men, but at this moment, the world was extremely peaceful.

Even the three elders of the ancient gods stared at Meng Fan and fell into silence.

Without him!

Before that, they disdain Meng Fan, because Meng Fan hadn't set foot on reaching the extreme of Dao Dao, and his grade was extremely young. Naturally, they would not give Meng Fan much respect to the ancient gods who were naturally despised by Human Race.

And Meng Fan didn't ask for any respect from them at all, because Meng Fan understood that the so-called respect and equality in the ten thousand domains were all built on one foundation, that is, they had the power to restrict each other.

So if Meng Fan didn't say anything, he just came up to fight!

Between those collisions, the ancient gods and three elders have already seen the power of Meng Fan. Even if they are not the ultimate powerhouse, even if compared with them, Meng Fan is not even a small baby, but the previous one This kind of fierce aura and means is enough to prove that Meng Fan's means are not lost to a powerful man who has set foot on the avenue.

The credit for all this can only explain one thing, that is Meng Fan's martial arts!

The latter is so powerful that even Tiandao cannot imitate Meng Fan's martial arts. In the past, it has continuously evolved and destroyed the gods and died in his hands. Naturally, it has the qualifications of tyrannical and indestructible.

This kind of existence cannot be attributed to the disrespect of the ancient gods and three elders.

Therefore, at this moment, what Meng Fan said did not even need to agree with the three elders of the ancient gods, because he had to face Meng Fan squarely and had to agree.

How terrible this confrontation is!

It's just one person, not for the extreme of the avenue, but for the three powerful men who set foot on the avenue. The scene before him is really shocking.

And outside the ancient **** city, not a strong **** king, but can't see what kind of doorway there is, can only stare here curiously, countless ancient gods are waiting quietly.

After a while, Emperor Wu smiled slightly and said softly,

"The three old guys don’t want to use your set. The young man in front of you is not like you imagined. Although I don’t know what he has experienced in these years, I feel in him. The breath of a lot of old people has arrived, and the **** king powerhouse he killed with his own hands is probably no less than yours. Our time... has passed!"

The voice is faint.

Falling into the ears of the ancient gods and the three elders also made their brows wrinkle slightly. For Emperor Wu, they were good to say that after all, the latter are figures of the same age as them, but for people like Meng Fan That said, they can hardly accept it.

The latter is really too young. Although Meng Fan is definitely an old monster in the eyes of ordinary people, he has lived for a long time, but in front of this old monster who has lived from the Kaitian era to the present, it is estimated that The leek in the roots of their teeth is longer than Meng Fan's years.

But the martial arts that Meng Fan had exploded before were too powerful. The power of that punch shook the mountains and rivers, piercing the three secret methods for life, and finally forced the three to join forces.

Because of this alone, the third elders felt a strong jealousy at this moment, and finally, one of the elders could not help but coldly said.

"What do you want!"

The tone was calm, but it was still chilly.

Meng Fan simply ignored this, smiled, and said softly.

"It's very simple. I hope to leave this cage. Naturally, I need the help of three!"


Hearing what Meng Fan said, the expressions of the three elders moved. They looked at Emperor Wu and then at Meng Fan. Finally, one of them said coldly.

"In this way, you are asking for us, but you are a human race and we are ancient gods. There is no friendship between us. You have trespassed into our territory and want us to help you. I am afraid it is not easy!"

In a simple sentence, while Meng Fan’s eyes were deep, he saw through the old man’s mind and said calmly,

"You want to make a condition with me, right? Well then, tell me about your condition!"

Seeing that Meng Fan was such a bachelor, the three elders of the ancient gods also looked at each other and exchanged their gazes. Finally one of them spoke.

"It's very simple, you can leave, we can also help you, but we... need half of your hard work!"

God King's painstaking efforts!

Hearing that, in the space of Xiaotian, two angry voices were heard, it was a bird and a tortoise, but no one did not understand what this thing was. It was almost abolishing half of Meng Fan's repair. for.

"These three old guys are so shameless, this is the lion's big mouth, this shameless, how can it be like me!"

"Not as thick as you, but it's almost the same, I have to hug him!"

"You must hug him!"


In the space, the roaring sound spread all over the surroundings, leaving Meng Fan speechless. These are the three powerful **** kings who set foot on the avenue. It is estimated that after releasing this bird and a turtle, I must hug him with their sentence. It is about to change and I must run away. Meng Fan is so familiar with the routines of these two people!

So Meng Fan simply ignored the words of these two guys. He just looked at the three old gods and the three elders, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, and said calmly.

"If I don't agree!"

"Then there is nothing to talk about!"

Among the three elders, one old shrugged his shoulders and said calmly,

"Young man, you are asking for us, but it is not that we are asking for you. Moreover, by your means, you can negotiate terms with us now. If you were in the past, I am afraid you would not even have the qualifications to speak. , You should know who we are, in other words, when we dominate the world, you don’t know how many years before you were born!"

The voice rumbling, full of accusations and lessons.

At this moment, it is clear that the three elders of the ancient gods have already assumed a respectable posture in front of Meng Fan, wanting to suppress Meng Fan with momentum and conditions. If they do not agree, they will be trapped in this void. If you agree, the price paid is too difficult.

Having lost half of his hard work, the god-king powerhouse cannot recover without tens of thousands of years.

"Three, is it a bit too much!"

Aside, Emperor Wu gave a cold snort and looked at the three ancient gods.

"Emperor Wu, this has nothing to do with you. The three of us act like this, it has always been the case. Besides, it is not certain whether this little guy can survive here. Could you help him?"

Among the three elders, another elder slowly said,

"You should understand that this is the base camp of the ancient gods. If you don't have the old man to help you, it will take you how many years to find a way to leave. With these efforts, the three old men don't need to work hard. As for the fee I think it should be, you say, young man!"

Three gazes, like electricity, focused on Meng Fan's body at the same time.

Although there was no such contempt before, but now a big pit was prepared, making Meng Fan a dilemma, waiting for Meng Fan to jump down.

Under the gazes of the three of them, Meng Fan's expression was still calm, expressionless, and said lightly,

"There is some truth in what the three said. Indeed, if the kid wants to leave this world, he also needs the help of the three seniors. The kid and the three seniors are ruthless and innocent, and they should pay some price!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the three elders didn't change their expressions, but there was already a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

For the three of them, even the strong who set foot at the end of the avenue have no desires and desires, but Meng Fan’s efforts are still very attractive to them, and Meng Fan’s efforts alone can see through him. Martial arts, this point is extremely important.

The previous fights have already proved the terrible martial arts of Meng Fan. If Meng Fan is willing to pay such a large price, they naturally don’t mind, and the final choice is with them. Once Meng Fan paid half of it Efforts can be said to be self-defeating martial arts, so between life and death, you can't help yourself.

"So, you agreed!"

One of the ancients asked softly, already showing a smile.

However, at the next moment, the smile on his face solidified, because Meng Fan’s answer was not what he thought.

"Of course... not anymore. Although the three have their own truths, I also have their own truths. It seems that the three still don’t understand the relationship between you and me now, so I should indeed tell Three!"

The method of verbal utterance follows, and the words are pointed out!

While speaking, Meng Fan flicked his finger, and a fingertip light flew out from his little finger. In an instant, it turned into a sword light that cut everything off and flew outwards, like the three ancient gods. The old man couldn't stop it, because this blow was not directed at the three of them, but flew to the ancient **** city outside.

Suddenly, you can see a corner of the ancient city of God, in a flash... a sea of ​​fire, the earth and the sky collapse!

With one blow, I just don't know how many ancient gods died, and even before they could react, they turned into ashes in the sky.

And Meng Fan didn’t have any reaction at all. This group of ancient gods all lived on the human race. In their eyes, the human race was just a beast, so Meng Fan would naturally not have any means for them. Be merciful, kill without mercy with one finger!

"you dare!"

The ancient **** city was in riots, and there were countless dead and wounded ancient gods. The three elders suddenly became furious. In an instant, they turned into three shadows. Standing around Meng Fan's body, any of them possessed overwhelming power to sweep the people. .

The three **** kings who set foot in the ultimate martial arts, the first batch of **** kings in the Kaitian era, are finally furious!

The emperor was angry, and the corpse was a million, and the **** king was angry, and the sky fell!

Compared with the emperor of ordinary people, the **** king and the strong are undoubtedly the true gods. Once they are furious, they are more than the power of destroying everything. They are simply to turn the sky upside down, and at this moment, it is not only It is one statue, but three statues, at the same time full of anger, aimed at Meng Fan.

Standing on the side, including Emperor Wu, all had a shocked look. He thought that Meng Fan would resist, but he never expected that Meng Fan would resist so fiercely and fiercely.

In the midst of this overwhelming murderous intent, Meng Fan was more calm, flicking his fingers and laughing.

"Forgot to tell the three of you. In this world...from the beginning to the end, there is nothing that Meng Fan dared not to kill. I'm sorry. Don't say the three are here. You are called Gu Come try?"

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