Supreme God King

Chapter 1920: Rogue

Call Gu Huang to try!

A faint sentence came from Meng Fan's mouth. He just stood between the world and the earth, calmly looking at the three old men.

Despite the explosion of landslides on the three of them, Meng Fan did not change any color, and still had a faint smile.

In the same place, Emperor Wu secretly nodded and sighed. No wonder Meng Fan was able to reach this point at such a young age. The martial arts are so domineering. The determination and arrogance alone are enough to shock people. Up.

Between the ancient gods, there is a mess!

Countless ancient gods also trembled, looking at the direction in horror. Before that, under Meng Fan's finger, many shops and attics were destroyed, and countless casualties. They didn't give them any room for reaction at all. If they were to come back so many times, then I am afraid that the entire ancient **** city would be plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

Then, the millions of ancient gods in the entire city will probably have their lives hanging by a thread!

It also suddenly caused countless ancient gods to be in chaos, and looked helplessly into the cold cave, placing hope on the three elders of the ancient gods.

Up to now, only the three elders can make a hope to save the situation.

The bottom of the cold cave!

The ice cubes overflowed, and the water flew horizontally. Under the pressure of these three people, the entire space was completely sealed off, falling into the absolute realm of the three old men.

During the confrontation, looking at the motionless Meng Fan in it, an ancient coldly said,

"Young man, do you really think that we can't help you? I admit that you are very powerful and martial arts are extraordinary, but the three of our three extreme existences on the great avenue, do you think that with you, you can resist?"

There is no emotion in the tone.

However, the faintly spreading pressure in the space is as if the three of them are likely to take action at any time. Once it falls, it will be a means of breaking the sky.

However, standing still, Meng Fan grinned and said calmly.

"Three lords, I respect you because you are the predecessors, the creatures born at the beginning of the Kaitian era, but I hope you will not insult my IQ. You think I will believe that if I obey, you will not target Am I shot?

I still think that I will think that you are generous and kind and help me unconditionally. I am afraid it is not. If I obey you and give up my hard work, I will still be a dead word. If I don’t have the current strength, I’m afraid it will be too. A dead word, since everything is my own problem, do you think I need to respect you? "

The voice was calm, and the reaction of the three elders would not cause Meng Fan to make any waves.

At the moment when he called out the three old gods, he had already planned for the worst.

If he did not have the courage to face the three elders, then he would not be Meng Fan. As he said before, let alone these three elders, today is the power to cover everything, suppress the ancient emperor standing here, what should Meng Fan do? So, what will happen.

The arrogance of Wuzhen teenagers can be broken in the sky and rotten in the sea, but his backbone and courage have never changed.

"It seems you are really looking for death!"

After being ruthlessly dismantled by Meng Fan, it finally made the three old men unbearable and murderous.

"It seems that you don't accept the form, do you really think your time?"

Meng Fan sneered, and his body suddenly flashed.

Now surrounding Meng Fan’s body, the powerful auras of the three elders have formed a natural formation, but under Meng Fan’s movements, it turned out to be as fast as a ghost, under the suppression of such a powerful aura. , Didn't make him slow, but disappeared in an instant. At the moment when the Three Elders relocked Meng Fan's body, it was also possible to see that in another corner of the ancient city of God, he suddenly crashed again. ...Blast!

This was naturally Meng Fan's shot. The good old God City was under Meng Fan's two fingertips.

The ancient gods see hundreds of millions of people like... ants!

And Meng Fan looked at the ancient gods... not even the ants!


In an instant, an ancient **** ancestor was finally furious, a palm blasted out, and the sky shot down.

At this moment, the three of them launched the most powerful attack at the same time, trembling in the void, and only the imprint struck. These three have lived for countless years, and the coordination is more than seamless, the big net under that kind of palm print. , Is to turn the whole world into an overwhelming encirclement, leaving Meng Fan with nowhere to go.

The imprint is closed, the world fades!

However, among them, Meng Fan didn't plan to find any way at all. Now that martial arts are great and all methods are returned to the sect, all that is left in his heart is the idea of ​​looking at mountains and rivers, suppressing ancient and modern ideas. Even the elders of the three great Kaitian eras made Meng Fan unimpeded. He just fell in one step, and the emperor fist blasted out, facing the huge printing net between the week and the sky. At this moment, Meng Fan’s fist was just like Like the tide, it will move forever!

Bang, bang!

In an instant, Meng Fan exploded, and the emperor fist flew up. In just a moment, he didn’t know how many punches came out of his hand. Every fist fell like a cannonball. The mark covered the sky. 'S boxing front is the power of opening the sky, crashing against the big net between the sky this week, facing one of them, launching the strongest onslaught!

Do it!

Such a fight made Emperor Wu's heart trembled, and a slight hesitation appeared on his face.

I have to say that after such a long time, he has actually become friends with the ancient gods and the three old men, but after all, the ancient gods are different from the human race, and Meng Fan is the top powerhouse of the human race. He came here. The purpose is just to get out.

One side is a friend who cannot be counted as a friend, and the other side is a powerhouse rising from within the clan. The idea is pure, and naturally it also makes Emperor Wu extremely embarrassed.

After all, no matter who it is helping, it is not what he wants to see.

Although there is not much overlap with Meng Fan, the brief exchanges filled him with a good impression.

Meng Fan’s breath, martial arts, etc., were all shocked and delighted by him. Facing such a top powerhouse in the human race, Emperor Wu always had a long time, and finally saw a feeling like a bosom friend. .

And just between the moments of his hesitation, in this void, there are collisions. I don’t know how many times. Any strike of Meng Fan’s punch is a force that traverses everything. Under the impact of such an imperial fist, it turns out to be life In this big net covering the sky, a hole was broken, and Meng Fan's body came out.

Regardless of the injury from the impact, Meng Fan stuck the blood in his throat in his throat, stood in the sky, stretched out a finger, and once again pointed at a corner of the ancient **** city.

Just the moment when the fingertips were raised, it changed the color of the three old gods.


One of them yelled and absolutely didn’t want Meng Fan to make another move. If this ancient city of God was to suffer such a blow from Meng Fan, it was estimated that it would be completely demolished. They spent so many years of hard work in this city. People of the younger generation, naturally, absolutely don't want Meng Fan to just destroy them all.

Even if the ancient gods were ruthless and cruel by nature, it was impossible for them to care nothing about their own descendants.

With his body volleyed in the sky, Meng Fan raised his fingertips, that kind of faintly terrifying power could be released at any time, looking at the three elders, he calmly said,


"You are also a strong **** king, why do you want to attack my people, so shameless?"

With regard to Meng Fan’s methods, the three elders of the ancient gods can now be said to have seen them, and they will never be able to suppress Meng Fan in a short period of time. Naturally, they are very tired and crooked. One of them can only suppress anger and whisper Tao.


In response, Meng Fan just sneered and responded,

"The three are also creatures born at the beginning of the Kaitian era. It's not the same as the three of them attacking me together. Why do I flick my fingertips with such a few gadgets and become shameless? Then the three old faces, Where is it again?"

The voice full of sarcasm fell, and the three elders of the ancient gods suddenly coughed, their expressions embarrassed.

Obviously there is no right or wrong in this kind of battle, and both sides rely on their own strength. The reason for the ancient words is that they are really frightened by Meng Fan’s methods. The latter can not only break free from their suppression, but also just a flick of the finger, which is enough to drink a pot of the ancient **** city. There is really no way. Just say things face-to-face.

What I didn't expect was that Meng Fan's response was even harsher. The behavior of the three of them was definitely bullying the young, bullying the young with more, and losing such a face, there is no other way Meng Fan!

When he said it, it was like a big slap on the faces of the three of them.

The complexion was blue and red, and finally the three of them looked at each other, one of them said coldly.

"How do you want it to stop!"

"That's that sentence. My request is very simple. I want to leave this world, and don't say what the three people did before. Otherwise, I really don't mind you losing some more disciples and grandchildren!"

Meng Fan pointed and said calmly.

"Also, the three of you should have a clear understanding of one form, that is, although you are the creatures of the beginning of the sky, there are three others, but without the participation of Lord Wu, the three of you also need to make great efforts to move me. At a big price, I can at least be very responsible for guaranteeing that until the end of the battle, at least one of the three will follow me and leave, and before I leave here, I will definitely take the old and young in this ancient city together. , When everyone is on the road together, they are not lonely!"


Meng Fan's voice fell and spread around, not only the three old gods and Emperor Wu heard it, but also many powerful people in the ancient city.

Upon hearing the words, none of this group of people fainted, all of them turned into bitter faces, looking at Meng Fan in resentment.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan has put on such a rogue bachelor posture, but it is extremely effective, and one person can threaten these million ancient gods. Especially the last words of the latter were really rascal. Every bird in the small sky space couldn't help but give a thumbs up, admiring Meng Fan.

Such a shameless spirit is definitely... the true supreme realm, already blue is better than blue!

In terms of strength, Meng Fan can be said to be a true king among the crowd. In terms of face, it is estimated that in the vast crowd, Meng Fan's realm has also reached... the **** king...

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the three elders of the ancient gods almost didn't vomit blood, and the whole space became silent. What kind of contempt the three elders had before, now they all understand that they met not only a **** king with world-class warfare, but also a rascal, who would turn his face with them at any time and die together. Take away their countless disciples and disciples and themselves.

The ancient gods were threatened, and the most terrifying among them was the elders and widows of the royal family. This scene is really rare in the ages, and it is still on its own largest territory.

It is estimated that Meng Fan was able to do this kind of thing just now, and has the strength to do this kind of thing.

A little bit of time passed, and there was silence in the field, the three elders were exchanging opinions with each other, and finally, an old and tired voice broke the calm.

"Yes, we take back our previous disrespect, but if you want to leave this world and want us to help you, you still need to follow the rules.... I don't know if you know the previous bet of Emperor Wu!"

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