Supreme God King

Chapter 1926: Three shots


The blood spurted out, and Meng Fan was already blood-red, and there was a big gap in his chest, deep into the bone, blood constantly appeared.

The body is even worse. This is already Meng Fan’s third shot. Not only did he encounter the impact of the supreme power, which caused the soul and body to be damaged, the most important thing was to penetrate into his body. Ancient spirit breath.

This kind of breath is self-contained, more terrifying than the breath of black death. Every time Meng Fan hits, if they can't be completely annihilated, then a trace of it will be enough for Meng Fan to drink a pot.

In just three fights, Meng Fan has withstood a large amount of ancient spirits. Although it is only a trace of spiritual thought, Meng Fan’s perception is exactly the same as himself. The feeling of ants crawling on bones made him bite. Close your teeth.

The body was even swallowed by vitality, even this kind of breath went deep along the bone marrow, constantly coming and going to burn his martial arts, and at a rapid speed, Meng Fan's whole person was turned into nothingness.

Ancient **** means!

Now Meng Fan finally felt the horror of the first race between heaven and earth. The latter was able to dominate the world until the establishment of the first dynasty, and this kind of powerful means of the ancient gods definitely had a great relationship.

Once the duel, if it is impossible to solve the strong of the ancient gods in a short time, then the stalemate will continue, and everyone will only become weaker and weaker. The more this kind of breath penetrates into the body, the more he will collapse. In the end, even without the ancient gods, their enemies defeated themselves first.

Prior to this, Meng Fan was still not convinced enough, but when he really faced the existence of the ancient gods and eight old gods, he just felt how terrifying the ancient gods' methods after their success was so terrible that he could not even swallow his martial arts. To drive away this kind of breath from one's own body, only to use all the strength, to force it out of the body by large means, it is impossible to refine or swallow it.

Something that even Meng Fan can't swallow can be imagined, how terrible it is!

Before, Lord Que had already asserted that Meng Fan had only three chances, but now he has finished three shots.

It was indeed, as said by the previous Lord Bird, that Meng Fan's injuries were extremely serious, otherwise he would not fall from this void.

Throughout Meng Fan's life, has he ever retreated? If it weren't for this kind of exhaustion, where would he be knocked off!

A generation of **** kings fell to the ground with one foot and barely supported themselves. The blood kept dripping, and the red-stained shirt was torn apart, revealing Meng Fan's body. There were already no fewer than five wounds and biting everywhere. The tiredness and pain felt like a wave. Same came.

Fighting like this is no different from reality!

The gambling agreement between the two parties has become alarmingly large.

In Meng Fan’s eyes, an incomparably strong unwillingness flashed. If he fails, even if he loses half of his effort, it is definitely not what Meng Fan cares about most. What he cares most about is not being able to leave this space, then What about the dark alliance in the outside world?


Just before he hesitated, the divine formation surrounding the heavens did not give Meng Fan any means. Here, there is the endless source of the heavens, a constant flow of mystery. Under this situation, there is no limit to his moves, and it seems The moment that didn't stop, just a moment, the murderous intent that usually dominates the world came, went straight to Meng Fan, cut the universe.

"Get up!"

At this moment, Meng Fan roared, even though the blood was dripping, the bones on his chest were exposed to the air, but the obsession in the brows was still calm and fearless.

With just one word, the sole of his foot is also a powerful force that is forced to operate, suppressing the ancient gods in the body, allowing the whole person to leap and tear the space.

The scene in front of me makes people feel extremely distressed. A generation of supreme **** kings, looking at the world’s nine heavens and ten earth’s invincible existence, now it takes ordinary effort to tear apart the space. Now Meng Fan wants to dodge this A kind of murder is extremely difficult.

The light that cut everything flicked past, and did not hit Meng Fan, but Meng Fan was still lingering. When he fell into the space, his wounds broke apart, causing blood to rain everywhere.

"Meng Fan!"

Under this kind of situation, a bird and a tortoise couldn't help gritting their teeth, only they understood what Meng Fan was, so insisted and desperately.

In the outside world, Emperor Wu shook his head and sighed slightly.

I spent more than two years in this sacred formation, and Emperor Wu also watched the changes, his eyes were fixed here, and he hadn't moved for more than two years.

For his existence, looking at the world, looking at the world, what else can make him feel amazed, but now he has to admit that in the past two years, Meng Fan The shock that brought him was more than a hundred thousand years in the past.

The king of the gods is strong, watching all sentient beings, but in the face of Meng Fan, who is such an outstanding person, he can't help but give birth to admiration!

But what made Emperor Wu feel extremely pity was that even if Meng Fan was against the sky to this point, in the end he couldn't help but end up in his own end and be defeated in the life and death formation of the heavens. The latter is full of the wisdom of the ancient gods, and the evolving universe is more than powerful and unparalleled. It simply doesn't give any chance. Under this kind of situation, Meng Fan was able to do so, even though he was defeated. Glory.

Even though it is a pity, whoever can defeat the sky, who can defeat the source of the heavens!

Endless life, endless cycles.

This kind of taste was witnessed by Emperor Wu with his own eyes and experienced. In the past two years, this ancient sacred formation has made no less than a thousand shots against Meng Fan.

Any time is that kind of power that smashes the world, even if it is a god-king power, it is difficult to burst out this kind of supernatural skill. It requires a powerful martial arts evolution, plus its own consumption!

But in this divine formation, it seems that there is no such thing as consuming oneself at all. There is only an endless world, endless killings, and any person, in such a long time, must Tired and weakened.

After all, human beings are just human beings, and there are times when they are exhausted, but the heavens have no such thing, to accommodate everything, resulting in this kind of ultimate means in this divine formation, endless, and natural manpower is irresistible!

Man will conquer the sky!

The simple four words are so difficult. In this divine formation, Meng Fan is equivalent to facing a part of the source of the heavens. It is the evolution of his true power, this kind of coldness, this kind of ruthlessness.

His body was stable, Meng Fan didn't wait to speak, another big mouthful of blood spurted out, his whole body swayed, and the aura of the ancient gods in his body more and more destroyed his own vitality, making Meng Fan's vision a little blurred. Come.

Such a state is rare in Meng Fan's life.

"How about it, Meng Fan, you still have less than half a year, do you think, with your current state, can you still break our divine formation!"

In the emptiness, the voice of the three elders of the ancient gods came again, and now they have recovered their calm, showing a kind of superiority and contempt for all beings.

For them, even Meng Fan... so what!

But it is still the case, but it is still going to fall into their means, like an ant in the palm of the palm, how can it jump out of this mountain!

Facing this indifferent voice, Meng Fan's body trembled, coughed a few times, wiped the blood from the last corner of his mouth with his palm, raised his head, looked towards the void, and said calmly.

"I won't admit defeat until the minute I am born and die. If it's such a long-winded word, some of you should take it back... I have already said that if you want me to bow your head, the ancient emperor will not do it, let alone the three. Try it..."

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