Supreme God King

Chapter 1927: Critical moment

The voice is faint.

At this level, Meng Fan's strength to speak is much weaker than usual, but that kind of firmness and persistence has never changed!

Baike does not change my ambition!

This is Meng Fan, this is Meng Fan!

"it is good!"

In the cold cave, at this moment, Emperor Wu suddenly stood up, spit out a word, Zhou Tian trembled.

He has personally experienced the life and death array of the heavens, and naturally he has tried the last kind of helplessness and bitterness. During the years, he was full of faith and reached the end, but he could only be discouraged and defeated.

Even after facing the situation of Meng Fan at the beginning, he himself had already given birth to a kind of retreat. After all, he was already there, unable to break through the formation of life and death.

On the other hand, Meng Fan was able to remain immortal, as if there was no change at all, even in this last desperate situation, he was still so arrogant.

Emperor Wu couldn't help but a burst of energy and blood, even if it was him, a hint of excitement appeared on his face, whispering,

"Human race has you, just let me see... its own shortcomings, indeed, human race cannot compare bloodline with ancient gods, and can not compare body with monsters, but the strength of character and thought of human race itself cannot be imitated by other creatures. Yes, awesome, awesome!"

Between this sealed heaven and earth, no one can think of it, there will be the first batch of **** kings in the age of opening the heavens, and they will praise Meng Fan.

Gu Huang, it's not good either!

This is the second time Meng Fan has said these words. They are still so calm, but still so powerful!



Between this moment, the two ancient gods elders also snarled low, and there was a tremor in their voices. Unexpectedly, this moment could not disintegrate Meng Fan's belief.

The warrior is speechless!

For those who are good at fighting, it is natural to understand that the most important thing in fighting is the belief between each other. Once the belief is broken, then you will lose yourself without fighting.

Unexpectedly, in this big battle, the plight of more than two years, thousands of strangulations, were unable to shake the mind of this young man, how strong his obsession is!

Ignoring the shocking colors of the few extreme powers who set foot on the road, Meng Fan stood between the places, coughing up blood at the corner of his mouth, barely supporting the Lord himself, his eyes flashed around him, and his eyes flashed decisively.

Although Meng Fan was extremely arrogant, he knew even more that now he had indeed reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted. This ancient killer of the ancient gods was truly oppressive.

Three shots and countless attempts were the result of failure! If it drags on like this, then Meng Fan will only be dead. Not only is there not enough time, but now this incarnation of divine thoughts will not last long.

Then there is only one last fight!

Meng Fan said to himself in his heart, and at the same time, after this moment, his whole person was still, his eyes turned out to be.... Slowly closed, his whole person stood still, motionless.

Really still!


With the moment Meng Fan closed his eyes, all the auras in his body were restrained, and the martial arts returned to calm, without the aura that dominates the world, without the supreme warfare intent, without the kind of natural innateness. The style of the king.

It seemed that at this moment, his whole heart had stopped beating, and his whole body was like a living dead, without any breath showing outside.

It seemed to people from outside that it was clearly his body standing in place, but no matter how powerful it was, it was impossible to sense the existence of Meng Fan.

The body is still there, but the breath... Nothing!


In the first time, the three old gods reacted. The three of them controlled this divine formation, and everything in the world was controlled by them.

Then everything in the divine formation would naturally fall into their sea of ​​consciousness, and any change, all Meng Fan's actions were no exception.

What I didn't expect was that at such a critical moment, Meng Fan... disappeared out of thin air!

There is nothing wrong, it really disappeared!

In the eyes of the three powerful men who set foot at the end of the avenue, Meng Fan's breath completely disappeared from the sea of ​​knowledge of the three people, and he could not capture the slightest aura.

Such a point is simply incredible!

For the strong **** king, if you want to make a move, you don’t need to observe it with your eyes. The power of the soul can suppress everything in the heavens. There is only one method for the enemy, and the most effective method is to block the opponent’s aura. Because the naked eye can deceive people, what you see can be any illusion in the world.

To reach this kind of power, naturally you disdain to catch opponents with your eyes, but Qi Ji does not, but is a person's origin, martial arts, etc., which cannot be imitated at all, and naturally will not be deceived.

But now in the eyes of the three old gods, Meng Fan’s breath has disappeared, just under their noses, as if it hadn’t appeared before, even though his body is still there, it looks terrifying, it’s simply It makes people feel like **** in a sunny day!


Emperor Wu was even more surprised. He stared at the space and tried his best to search, but unfortunately, he didn't find any difference. Except for Meng Fan's physical body, the latter didn't have any breath at all to stay in this void.

Without Meng Fan's aura, how could he target Meng Fan and just move toward that physical body?

Even the three elders of the ancient gods had a feeling of being stunned and unable to start at an instant. Although the body was still there, it was not their target at all.

One is that they are somewhat unable to judge the situation now, and the other is that without Meng Fan's real aura lock, they would not be able to harm Meng Fan even if they shot, because they could not determine the exact target of the latter. Moving fast, everything just needs to be instantaneous.

If it's just in one direction, then the shot is also equivalent to no shot!

On a clear and blank day, Meng Fan’s breath disappeared. The scene before him is estimated to make the entire world shake. The ancient powerhouses among the ten thousand domains have taken action. There are countless people who have the magical skills to hide themselves. It is possible to escape into the heaven and the earth, but in front of Meng Fan, the four great powers who set foot on the great avenue, the first batch of **** kings in the Kaitian era, have never seen the method of hiding, and then pass the strict method of hiding , There will be flaws.

Once there is a flaw, naturally there will be a breath that can be locked, but now Meng Fan has really disappeared, as if he was between this world, and any place between the world... it is him!

Within the divine formation, there was a moment of silence!

Under this kind of situation, it was an extremely strange scene. The three elders of the ancient gods did not expect that they had already reached the winning ticket. They were the last step to win Meng Fan. Such a weird picture appeared. They didn't dare to take action easily, they could only wait quietly.

In this world of cages, no one can see through Meng Fan’s methods.

But it doesn’t mean that Wanyu is not there. In the chaos, the ancient emperor’s gaze is locked on Meng Fan’s body, and finally smiled,

"Yes, the means of heaven, I am the heavens, and the heavens are I, dividing my soul and body into heaven and earth, and blending them into laws.

Although this Meng Fan has not set foot in the source of the heavens, he has endured Xuanyuan’s means, and thus inherited the way of heaven. He has a certain degree of understanding of the power of the source of the heavens. He can do this step. When his knife is really grind to perfection, it is not far away! "

The sound fell, and in this faint, there was some...excitement!

The cage world, within the divine formation!

But it is perilous. It seems that no one has moved between the world and the earth now, but it is not the case. Meng Fan and the ancient gods are deadlocked here. Meng Fan cannot break this space, and the ancient gods cannot. Capturing Meng Fan's breath, that means of slashing everything naturally couldn't kill Meng Fan.

Hidden within this divine formation, Meng Fan's mood was neither joy nor sadness. Even in this moment, he didn't even have any emotions. It was indeed Meng Fan's most powerful trump card, which was the way of heaven!

By going, we will see the future and take the present!

The power of the Dao of Heaven was originally the greatest rule between the heaven and the earth, and it could also break through the countless rules between the heaven and the earth. Controlling this Dao also allowed Meng Fan to understand countless magical powers.

This is how his current method is. In the past, Emperor Wu was already desperate at his moment, but Meng Fan did not. Not only his belief would not make him desperate, but also because of his method!

Such a confrontation seemed like everyone was peaceful, but in fact it was the most dangerous. At this moment, Meng Fan didn't even have any thoughts in his heart, and no emotions could appear.

As long as he is a little impatient or impatient, then his own power of heaven will be broken, and he will show up from the breath of the heavens. Just a little bit is enough to have the ancient **** three. There is always a chance to shoot.

This is Meng Fan's deepest hidden hole card, and only a few people in the world know it, but it is naturally impossible for him to keep his hand at this level.

With the passing of time in this way, Meng Fan's physical body still stayed in the void, but it seemed as if the fuse was constantly burning in the field, making people's heart beat faster and unable to extricate themselves.

Including Emperor Wu, he is now trembling. His body is standing in place, motionless, only a powerful spirit staring at the field, he has not been excited for hundreds of thousands of years, this **** king who has set foot on the avenue, Because of Meng Fan's appearance, even the heart felt that it was about to rise above the throat.

After facing three failed attempts, he was already desperate, but he didn't expect that Meng Fan would bring this kind of opportunity to this event.

The latter is just like a totally unpredictable wind. Where Meng Fan is, instinctively makes people feel trembling, including a **** king with the ultimate avenue, no exception, this is Meng Fan, its own charm !

A month's time, two months' time... Within the space, the years continue to flow away, and there are less than ten days left before the agreed time between Meng Fan and the three old gods!

In ten days, Meng Fan is about to lose!

But in the space, you can see that Meng Fan’s body is still standing on the spot, without any movement. On the other hand, the ancient gods and three elders hidden in this void, their foreheads are actually covered. Sweat.

The three of them conceal the void and control all the changes in the divine formation. The old face is full of a sense of cohesion. The whole service mind is concentrated in this piece of heaven and earth, and does not want to let go of any changes.

The sweat on that forehead fell drop by drop, like rain, but the ancient gods and three elders didn't seem to notice it. You can feel the three nervous!

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