Supreme God King

Chapter 1939: Beidou Sword

The legacy of the Big Dipper!

This golden box looks extremely old. At the moment of showing the world, even the surrounding time and space are slightly shaken, triggering a powerful repulsive force.

There is no doubt that what is hidden in this ancient box is the Big Dipper Sword, which is also the strongest inheritance from the Big Dipper Star Emperor, which includes all the martial arts of the Big Dipper Star Emperor.

However, according to the progress of time and space, this box was finally completely annihilated between the world and the earth, reaching the present and the future. The Big Dipper star emperor's way of shocking the world, the method of the thirteenth palace lord of Megatron has never been shown again. Light.

However, now it was Meng Fan's forceful means to bring him out of the past time and space.

I have to say that this in itself is already an extremely defiant move!

It is estimated that where Meng Fan is in the source of the heavens, he will be even more hated. If the source of the heavens is to be liquidated in the future, the first five will definitely not escape Meng Fan's position.

But now in Meng Fan's eyes, there is only that kind of fierceness and excitement.

He is already in control of the mountain chopper, although he is not very skilled, but it does not matter, it just needs to be constantly tempered in the days to come, and now only the Beidou sword.

Once this is truly able to control these two magical abilities, the benefits to Meng Fan are not as great as ordinary ones. These are the two most terrifying magical methods in the world. They will kill people when they are shot, and they will kill people without mercy.

Meng Fan spent so much thought, but he definitely didn't come to learn two useless methods.

Whether it is a mountain chopper or a Beidou sword, they are both extremely sharp weapons in the battle of the gods and kings. Don’t you see that when Meng Fan was in the old chaotic battle, the moment he raised his hand, he smashed the body of the chaotic old man. Otherwise, there is no chance for him.

But now Meng Fan is facing a problem, that is, how he learns this Beidou sword.

In the past time and space, the reason why he was able to comprehend the Mountain Splitting Sword so quickly was because of the secret help of the old man Splitting Mountain.

Although the old man Pishan didn't know who Meng Fan was, but from Meng Fan's behavior, martial arts, manners, etc., he already regarded him as a confidant.

The strong **** king has a kind of sympathy for the strong **** king himself.

Except for the emotion that is similar to Meng Fan and Heavenly Dao puppets, the old man of Primordial Chaos, which does not give up, there will be that kind of appreciation among other **** kings.

After all, among the hundreds of millions of human beings and countless hours of time, only one person jumped out at the end. How lonely, meeting people like yourself, will naturally feel the same as seeing the flowing water in the mountains, especially the spirit of Meng Fan himself. It would have recognized him before anyone knew it.

And this Beidou sword is hidden in this golden box. Meng Fan understands that if he wants to realize the mystery of the Beidou sword, he can only rely on himself, through the prohibition of the Beidou Star Emperor staying here, if it is impossible, So even if Meng Fan spent his entire life, he couldn't understand it.

Otherwise, the legacy of the Big Dipper Star Emperor will not just disappear. It is definitely not easy to meet the requirements of this Big Dipper sword.

"In that case, let's try it!"

Meng Fan spoke calmly, and just for a moment, his divine mind surged into the golden box.

A moment later, I saw a ray of light burst out of the golden box, shining around, extremely dazzling.

The moment Meng Fan’s spirit entered this place, he saw a strange world. In this world, a middle-aged man appeared. He looked ordinary. He was dressed in grey clothes and held a long hand. Jian, who looked like an ordinary uncle, ignored Meng Fan at all.

But at the next moment, the middle-aged man moved, but it was different from before. With a light swing of the long sword in his palm, the middle-aged man also exploded with an aura that surpassed all living beings, as seen before. He is just an ordinary person among the many living beings between the heaven and the earth, but the moment the man swings his sword, he is like a dragon standing in the voice of the nine heavens, looking down on all living beings, endlessly indifferent!

When the whole body moved, the long sword changed, and he swung the sword away.

In just a moment, Meng Fan saw the long sword in the palm of the gray-clothed man transform countless moves.

Every move is sharp and extreme, dazzling, and its speed is so fast, I am afraid that a sacred figure did not react, and only separated immediately.

The way he dances his long sword is beyond the imagination of anyone in the world. It uses the fastest method to swing the fastest sword. Any strike is as fast as lightning, as powerful as thunder. At this moment Even Meng Fan had a feeling of exploding his scalp, and this sword art made him extremely palpitated.

The spirit surging, Meng Fan also has a powerful force coming out in an instant, running through the entire space, its spirit power is completely locked on the gray man, his eyes are unblinking, and all his swords, methods, are all It is in my eyes.

However, just after less than half of the incense, Meng Fan's sea of ​​consciousness stinged, and his divine consciousness retreated from the golden box.

"This is... a failure!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself and touched his chin, a little embarrassed.

With the means of his **** king, to understand any martial arts in the world, it only takes a glance, that is, if you have seen through all the changes, where will it fail. It's just a pity that the inheritance left by the Big Dipper Star Emperor is not a general martial arts.

Recalling the previous scene, when the gray-clothed middle-aged man was running the sword art, Meng Fan remembered every move, but at the moment of a one-handed sword change, Meng Fan missed a half. But just that empty effort was to make Meng Fan's mental power shatter in this world.

With this kind of experience, Meng Fan suddenly understood that it seemed that in this world, all his sword moves must be integrated in his mind, only to remember any changes in the middle-aged man’s blow. Only now can be counted on clearance.

It must be seen clearly before it can work out. This is the prohibition for the Big Dipper Emperor to stay here!

When Meng Fan’s spirit moved, he entered the golden box again, and his spirit exploded. At this moment, Meng Fan was like a mad demon. He had already failed once, but he raised his strength for twelve points, completely focused, and stared at it. The middle-aged man began to swing his sword.

All kinds of changes, countless moves!

They were all in the middle-aged man’s set of swordsmanship. The moment he shot it, it opened Meng Fan’s horizons. It took a long time to make incense. When the middle-aged man stopped swinging his sword, Meng Fan was also long. Breathing out, I didn't expect that the Divine Sword could be used in this way in this world. The Big Dipper Star Emperor simply helped him open the door of a flash of power.

There is no end to learning, no end to cultivation, in this vitality field, the same is true, even if Meng Fan is now the master of the world, after all, there are things he doesn't understand and he doesn't!

However, without giving Meng Fan any time to breathe, the middle-aged man standing in the same place on the armrest moved again, and this time it turned out to be a phantom. From the previous figure, it became...two. The two middle-aged men, in front of Meng Fan, began to wave their long swords.

this is....

Meng Fan took a breath, even he didn't expect that this middle-aged man would change like this after the completion of this sword art.

Now two sets of sword tactics have begun, but it is also necessary for Meng Fan to use Divine Soul to completely record the movements of these two people. The effort spent is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but is what Meng Fan has in mind. Calculating, following the changes in sword moves, and perhaps even evolving his own martial arts, can he keep up with the movements of this middle-aged man.

Nima, no wonder this thing obliterates the ancients. What the Big Dipper left behind is not just a heritage, it is simply too difficult, you deserve it!

Meng Fan murmured a word, but the divine thought of observing this sword art didn't mean to stop.

Two figures, sword tactics change, after the two sets of sword tactics changed at the same time, in the eyes of Meng Fan, they changed from two to four people, and after this moment, the four people started to swing their swords at the same time. , Everyone’s sword tactics are still different, each is extremely complicated and endlessly changing!

Rao is Meng Fan, and he also has a feeling of ignorance. He can only concentrate all his energy and grit his teeth. At this moment, he is actually facing how many years ago he was a little monk. The assiduousness and earnestness of the means of comprehension of vitality makes him crazy now. Not to mention the flow of mental power, while turning into an endless tide, he still feels that some are not enough!

"How come it has become eight, **** it, it's a bit difficult!"

"I unexpectedly failed again..."

"Sixteen, hey, why are there thirty-two!"

Inside the space, there was a roar of Meng Fan. Thanks to the forbidden space, no one could see Meng Fan at this moment. Otherwise, he would inevitably laugh.

An overwhelming **** king, the belief in the eyes of countless dark alliances, the ancestor of the world ascetics, is now scratching his head, and under the inheritance left by the Big Dipper, he has failed several times because of this golden box. The middle-aged male figure in the middle is constantly evolving, from one to two, from two to four, from four to eight... Under this kind of multiple increase, one or two before, it’s better to say that Meng Fan’s concentration of some spirit is Being able to see it over, when sixty-four middle-aged men appeared in front of Meng Fan, but more than one hundred, it made Meng Fan crazy.

Because the sword tactics that a person operates are all different, endless changes, and in this moment, Meng Fan incarnates countless, and sees every change clearly. With his method, it feels quite tricky. In the end, the more he failed, the more he failed to become angry.

This is too shameful!

But the more so, the more the toughness in Meng Fan's bones broke out, the obsession of Wuzhen teenagers for cultivation!

Now all of his mental energy is concentrated in this endless change. Facing more than 400 middle-aged men, Meng Fan's face flushed and said viciously.

"Niangpi, I don’t believe it, I can’t fix you. A living God King can still make a God King who has been dead for many years to be embarrassed. Jokes, jokes... Hey, why is this so difficult? ?"

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