Supreme God King

Chapter 1940: Fusion

In the grass cottage.

Time is fast, Meng Fan is in retreat, but he will never take into account the ups and downs outside.

So a full five years have passed, for Meng Fan, it seems to be in the blink of an eye.

And the most important thing is that the inheritance left by the Big Dipper Star Emperor is too difficult. Meng Fan is absolutely amazing now, and his skills are shocking the world, but for this golden box, he also has a feeling of helplessness.

"It's too difficult, it's too difficult, how did this sword art change from one person to more than a thousand people wielding swords, it's not easy at all!"

This sentence is definitely a portrayal of Meng Fan’s heart. During these five years, all of his time has been spent on this, and he dare not have any slack at all, and naturally it makes him unable to know the time. Spend.

The years urged in the mountains, this sentence is not without reason.

And the middle-aged man in this golden box is from the first one, to more than one hundred, to more than one thousand, and at the end...more than ten thousand people!

Imagine that there are more than 10,000 people swinging their swords at the same time. Everyone's sword moves are not moving, and you need to remember all the sword moves at the same time.

And not only do you need to remember everything, but you also need to integrate everyone's sword intent with yourself, before you can evolve the next sword move, this kind of difficulty, Meng Fan has failed many times.

On Meng Fan’s face, there is often a furious look, because an inattentive person, as long as he makes a mistake, even if all his efforts are completely abandoned, a set of swordsmanship, unless it is read from beginning to end. , Remember, otherwise, you will start all over again, no matter where you go, there is no possibility of continuing.

This also caused Meng Fan to suffer enough. During these five years, he even felt that he had presbyopia and had a nervous breakdown!

But after all, Meng Fan is Meng Fan. In addition to his own cultivation level, the most important thing is his persistence and honesty in cultivation.

Above this point, countless monks can't compare it, because no matter how angry or angry Meng Fan is, he hasn't changed the toughness of this golden box.

Even if it seemed to be playing tricks on himself, Meng Fan was unimpeded all the way, relying on his strongest tenacity until the end.

This point has nothing to do with the cultivation base, with the bloodline, and with no one's methods, it is just the quality of Meng Fan himself.

And perhaps it is precisely because of this that... the Meng Fan today was cast!

Time passed, accompanied by Meng Fan's constant enlightenment, until the last ten thousand people wielded his sword, he had already failed continuously. There may have been failures before, but after Meng Fan tried again, he was able to succeed several times. Spend.

At this moment, Meng Fan wanted to see more than 10,000 people wielding different swords. It was also very stressful for him. He was above this level and failed more than a hundred times.

And every time he failed, Meng Fan realized it clearly, and then entered it again without hesitation, and after observing such a sword art through himself, the martial art changed, and used the means of deduction to complete this. Set of swordsmanship.

Spring has passed and autumn has come, and another year has passed.

Meng Fan has a deep understanding of these ten thousand people wielding swords, and finally in a certain attempt, accompanied by all kinds of sword lights of ten thousand people, all at the same time reflected in the moment when Meng Fan knew the sea. The changes in the box finally stopped.

The light and shadow disappear, and the sky is dim.

All the middle-aged men who wielded the sword before were gone. They merged into a single person, and the armrest stood in front of Meng Fan. At this moment, he was separated from the breath of thunder in the sky, looking like An ordinary middle-aged man looked at Meng Fan with a smile on his face, calmly said.


The fall of a few words caused Meng Fan to be taken aback for a while, and walked out of the previous crazy state. You must know that during these five or six years, in order to understand the difficulties faced by the Big Dipper Emperor, Meng Fan was simply incarnate as a cultivator madman. Apart from his attachment to the sword arts, his heart was full of emotion nothing.

Now, after hearing these words suddenly, it made Meng Fan feel a little uncomfortable and took a moment to break away from that state.

"Is it?"

Meng Fan rubbed his head. He couldn't remember how many sword arts he had merged in these few years, but at the moment he recovered his sanity, he could feel that there was more in his mind. Countless swordsmanship changes, as long as he just thinks about it, he can evolve countless kinds of tricks, and kill everything.

"Yes, right now you just need one, which is to integrate my martial arts, and then send out all the sword arts you learned before in one sword. Ten thousand swords are unified, and it is my... Beidou sword! "

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and said, while speaking, the whole person turned out to be ethereal, turning into an evolved martial arts aura.

The martial arts of the Big Dipper!

For a moment, Meng Fan's whole body trembled.

Prior to this, he had spent a lot of effort, and with his own perseverance, he learned all the sword moves previously laid by the Big Dipper Emperor, and now he finally saw the Lord.

The breath strikes, the coercion of the world!

Looking at the thing in front of him that seemed true and illusory, like a hazy mist, Meng Fan knew that this was the existence he had spent so long looking for, the most complete Beidou sword transformed by the martial arts of the real Big Dipper. !

The two major heritages are finally.... All started!

Even Meng Fan felt an excitement in his heart now, but after only a moment, he suppressed it all, calmly raised his head, arched his hands, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I will make good use of the two martial arts of the Beidou sword and the mountain chopper. The two powerhouses are people whom Meng Fan respects. In this life, when I fight the forbidden zone, these two martial arts will definitely bloom. Bring the glory that belongs to him!"

In the voice, there was an unprecedented solemnity.

Although Meng Fan understood that the middle-aged man left behind should be the afterimage of the Big Dipper Emperor. He didn't have any wisdom or ideas at all. He just reproduced the methods of the Big Dipper Star Emperor here, but for the stories and personalities of these two men. , Meng Fan had already understood it, and now it has inherited it. Meng Fan's respect for this kind of sentiment comes from his heart!

What he said was his promise to the two powerhouses who had long since disappeared in this world!

Hearing that, standing in place, the martial art that was transformed did not respond. Among them, the figure belonging to the middle-aged man gradually disappeared. This may be the last mark of the Big Dipper in this world, but it is incomparable Regrettably, despite the amazing existence, if it falls, it will definitely face this moment.

However, at the moment when the figure was about to disappear, the figure transformed by the Big Dipper star emperor nodded to Meng Fan, revealing a gratified smile, as if it were a disguised acknowledgment...Finally until it was complete. Disappeared into nothingness.

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