Supreme God King

Chapter 1947: world

Step on the road of divine hiding!

Space teleport, escape into darkness!

To do something that everyone has not done since ancient times, at this moment, even Meng Fan couldn't help but get nervous.

After all, what they have to do is a feat that absolutely shakes the past and the present, especially the Meng Fanji people don't want to sink into this mysterious road forever, but need to come out again. This is too difficult.

It has never been successful, and it naturally made Meng Fanji people cautious.

Even the nuances are already nuanced, the **** king and the strong are not afraid of the world, but it does not mean that they don't take their lives seriously.

They had already discussed the spirit formation that they would cooperate with. The five spirits were connected by blood, and their forces merged to form a defensive array surrounding them to resist everything.

In a blink of an eye, it was possible to see a five-pointed star, drawing a meteor-like spark between the endless darkness.

Smashed in the darkness, but there was a big wave in a flash!

Even if it was the space rift on the path of the gods, it trembled.

At the same time, at the next moment, the five members of Meng Fan felt like a big hand, completely enveloping them. All the familiar breaths between Zhou Tian were absent, but they came into a completely strange darkness.

this is…..

The expressions of the five people all changed. After this moment, they felt that the aura from the source of the heavens is no longer there. Some are only cold and dark, and between this week and the sky, there is no Any vitality.

All five of them are erupting from the body's qi and blood, and they maintain this space divine formation with great means, and at the same time, their divine thoughts come out to probe the surroundings. As far as their eyes can reach, they can see them now in an endless darkness.

Darkness shrouded, without any light, vitality.

With their gazes, all they could feel was coldness and chill. Even the five great gods at this moment, the hairs all over their bodies exploded, shivering.

Here it is as if descending in the real hell, even though the five great **** kings are all courageous, but facing this situation, they can't help but tremble.

If it was someone else, it was estimated that he didn't even have the qualifications to tremble here, and he couldn't bear the pressure alone. The same is true for a sacred statue, because there is no longer anything familiar to them in the week, and even the vitality of the heavens and the earth is gone, and the place where it is located is absolutely cold.

It is unbearable whether it is psychological or self. Fortunately, the several great gods each have the means to restore themselves, not necessarily relying on absorbing the power of the sky.

"Time and space countercurrent!"

And at the next moment, Ren Xiong roared in a cold tone, already aware of the difference between this world. Although they were standing in the same place, they noticed an invisible force at the same time. This force seemed to be like a powerful pusher, pushing them forward and moving them forward in this piece of world.

Meng Fan's brow furrowed, and he clearly felt this kind of power. There is no doubt that it was similar to the power of time and space, as Renxiong said.

"With this kind of power as the pushing hand, it seems that in this tunnel, it is a bit similar to the law of time and space. We can only move forward, not back. The deeper we sink, the greater the control of this power, just like in a swamp. It sinks deeper and deeper, I don’t know if the teleportation array and jade pendant we have placed before can resist this kind of power!"

The God King Zhongtian slowly said, looking around, his face filled with a deep wry smile.

Now in this situation, several great **** kings personally found it, and it's a bit of trouble.

"Forget it, if you come, you will be safe, your brother, isn't it 200,000 years later that he will find his way back!"

Meng Fan, who was always silent, finally spoke.

In a word, the expressions of the four **** kings of Zhongtian and Tiancan all moved, Renxiong said in doubt,

"You mean, there is this kind of suppression of heaven and earth here, but it is also very possible that there is a place to crack this heaven and earth in the deep place?"

"Perhaps, but I know that now we only have this deep road!"

Meng Fan pointed to the emptiness, and as far as his eyes could be, he was heading towards the core of this divine hidden path. Among them is an endless darkness, and the more forward, it means that they are farther away from the ten thousand domains, so that no one can help but feel emotional.

"Yes, let's go!"

The Tianchou God King smiled, it was also free and easy, and he was also walking towards this endless darkness with several great God Kings.

Between the sun and the sky, there is no heaven and earth, nothing, there is only that kind of endless pressure and darkness. But fortunately, Meng Fan's five people are all powerful gods, each controlling themselves, qi and blood, and slowly walking through the darkness.

After less than a stick of incense, Zhongtian God King opened his mouth and said,

"Be careful, everyone. There is no sense of direction on the way forward here. There is no concept of time or space at all. There is no law of ten thousand domains. You can walk. Only by our instinct, don't separate. I am afraid that once it is separated, I will get lost in it too!"

Hearing the words of the God King Zhongtian, everyone nodded, and at the next moment, the expressions of the five people moved at the same time.

Looking at it, in the endless darkness, finally let them see the first thing, which is a huge rough stone!


The original stone feet looked like ten mountain peaks together, but there was only a black surface, cold and merciless, across the endless sky.

Unexpectedly, the first thing everyone saw was this.

Let Meng Fan look slightly moved, according to the memory of Senior Brother Zhongtian God Wang, everything here seems to be unfixed, in this divine seclusion road, there is only advancement, no retreat, and everything is Floating between the world and the earth, constantly moving, maybe the scene you saw at the first glance disappears in the next.

Including the heaven and earth that the previous brother saw, it is like this rough stone, circulating in this sky, and the aura filled with it makes them feel strange... Break through the power of reincarnation!

It is precisely because of this that Meng Fanfang came here.

"There is something on it!"

Bai Xingyi frowned and pointed at the rough stone.

How terrible the mind of the five great **** kings is. In an instant, they captured everything on the original stone, and they noticed that there were some...remains on the original stone!

It is said to be the remains, but in fact it is about to be completely fused with this flowing rough stone. After difficult identification, I can only feel the skeleton of the remains, and finally concluded that this should be a huge tortoise, already dead. After a long time, his whole body can still maintain its current appearance, leaving traces, enough to prove his strength.

At least it proves that he must be a...the existence of the **** king level!

"It looks very much like the ancestor of a fierce tortoise in Wanyu. I heard his legend when I was young. It seems that he also entered here and died!"

The Heavenly Cannibal God King spoke, with a sigh in his tone.

"There should be nothing wrong. It is said that this kind of fierce tortoise is extremely cruel. In the past, it was undefeated against the strong men who set foot in the ultimate martial arts. But you see him, it seems that he was penetrated by some power, and his bones There is a huge crack, and that kind of power penetrates through his back of armor!"

Bai Xingyi's gaze is like electricity, as if it is a deduction of the battle scene of the year.

As soon as he said, the expressions of several people moved slightly. If the tortoise was the **** king of the year, its power could reach the sky.

But being so penetrated, it seems that it was just a blow, what kind of power is this caused, who can use such a terrible power.

Meng Fan listened quietly to the words of several people, and did not speak, his eyes always stayed on the original stone. But at the next moment, his expression moved, and his palm stretched out, turning into five fingers that control everything.

Even in the midst of this endless darkness, Meng Fan’s handprint stretched out is comparable to a huge black hole. The rough stone that tells the flight in this void is fast, but it is controlled by Meng Fan’s power. Through everything, directly aiming at an abyss above the mysterious tortoise remains.

After a breath, Meng Fan retracted his hand, but in his palm, there was an extra thing, that was... a spear!

This thing is only more than one meter long, and I don’t know what it is made of. After such a long time, there is no more decayed posture, but Meng Fan grabbed it in his hand and said calmly.

"This tortoise should have died under this spear, someone threw it at him!"

With a word, the expressions of the great **** kings changed slightly, and it was unexpected that Meng Fan's observation was more careful and thorough than theirs. They had found the weapon to kill the mysterious turtle in this abyss.

"This thing is heavy!"

Renxiong took it, weighed it, and couldn't help but smile.

"Is it the weapon of the people of ten thousand domains?"

"It should not be!"

Meng Fan was sure.


Human beings are horrified, and Zhongtian, Tianchou God Wang and the others all looked at Meng Fan in surprise. And Meng Fan shrugged, pointed at the tail of this strange spear, and said softly,

"Did you not notice that there is a symbol on it?"

As Meng Fan's voice fell, the eyes of several people stayed on it, and they suddenly realized that, as Meng Fan said, there was indeed a symbol on the spear.

It looked very strange, like an ancient rune, it was engraved on it, only the size of a little finger, if you don't look carefully, it is really easy to be overlooked.

"This rune, engraved here, should be something that marks a person. You have lived longer than me. Among the ten thousand realms, do you know any strong man who has used it before his death?"

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