Supreme God King

Chapter 1948: Mysterious place

That strong man!

Zhongtian God King, Tianchou God King and the other five looked at each other, and shook their heads after a while.

According to the truth, this is a weapon that kills fierce turtles. With one blow, the spear flies out and penetrates the turtle's back armor. How powerful and sharp.

The person who shoots must also be a gong, which is extremely terrifying. If this kind of character exists in the ten thousand realms, then everyone should know more or less.

After all, such existence, no matter in that era, is to suppress the past and the present, overshadowing anyone.

Even if it is low-key, it will inevitably leave some traces, but looking at this strange rune again, everyone is extremely strange, let alone having seen it before, not even a trace of hearing.

Moreover, the shape drawn by this rune is also extremely strange, which seems to give birth to a rather strange feeling, and it is natural to understand why Meng Fan said before that he is probably not a person from Wanyu!

"You mean, there are other creatures here!"

Renxiong's eyes flickered, and the blood in his body seemed to be burning.

"Maybe there, maybe not, but you have to see it before you know it, maybe there are not only other creatures, but also things we can't imagine!"

Meng Fan opened his mouth and looked deep again, but there was a fierce desire to break through the sky in his eyes.


There is no doubt that for the five people of Meng Fan, this path of divine hiding is absolutely unknown.

There is no experience, no ancients can provide clues, the only basis is some memory fragments left by Senior Brother Zhongtian.

If you are someone else, you will never come here in your life.

It's just that the five of them are all speculated according to common sense, otherwise they would not reach today.

However, seeing this pierced fierce turtle, on the contrary, the **** meaning in the bones of the five people was stimulated, and the previously unstable emotions completely disappeared.

Because there are other creatures in this space, it means that this is a real hell, perhaps just a bigger little thousand world.

Then the rest is fighting with people!

Therefore, for this group of **** kings, they all became quiet, because for fighting with people, which one of them is invincible, who has been undefeated for many years, and that one is not the one to kill. Sea peak.

So in this instant, the eyes of several people have become unprecedentedly terrifying, and they have stepped forward together.

After the previous episode, the actions of the five people have become much faster than before, and their vitality has merged to form a powerful divine formation that protects the surroundings and shuttles in the darkness.

And just like the thoughts of the five people before, the more forward, the five people calmed down, because in the path of divine hiding, there was not much difference from the little thousand world they had seen.

Except that this place is only dark and there is no law of ten thousand domains, the others are also considered to be peaceful. Following the power of this powerful time and space countercurrent, Meng Fan and others also stepped towards the land of the gods.

In the endless darkness, there is even no concept of time, and Meng Fan and others want to know how long they have passed, only relying on their own calculations.

Silent all the way, according to their calculation method, in this endless darkness, after they walked a short distance, they should have experienced a full three days.

Between the three days, there seemed to be no change during the week.

Because in this divine hidden road, what you have is endless darkness, a piece of silence, no living things, no changes.

So in this three-day journey, everyone felt like they were stepping in place, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

With this feeling, even Meng Fanji's brows are frowning, and he is a powerhouse in Ten Thousand Realms. It is really too uncomfortable to survive here.

If it takes too long, I don’t know if it can make people crazy. The only thing that can feel that they are moving forward is that after a period of time, one can see a flowing rough stone floating in front of their eyes. Over.

As they had seen before, in this divine hidden road, there were continuous rough stones floating by, varying in size, but any piece of it could be felt. I am afraid that it has gone through an unknown amount of time.

"What a divine hidden road, it is not chaos, but it is much more terrifying than chaos. Do you think it is the divine hidden road ahead, or the source of the heavens?"

Renxiong chuckled slightly, and now he felt stable, but he didn't feel so uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Meng Fanji's expressions all moved. They exchanged their eyes, and they all felt what the other person meant.

It seems that several people are thinking at the same time, this path of divine hiding is so terrible, so dark, I am afraid its origin even before the change of the source of the heavens, just don't know what the relationship is.


At the next moment, the God King Zhongtian changed his expression and said coldly.

The five Meng Fans followed their gazes and found a rough stone again. This rough stone was not much different from what they had seen before, but it was a little bigger.

It looks like a large area floating, but what makes the five people of Meng Fan shake all their bodies at the same time is that you can clearly see that it is different from other rough stones in that it is no longer the stone-like surface before. , On top of it, there are many runes!

Among them, many buildings can even be seen faintly. The style is extremely strange, but it is definitely man-made.

"Meng Fan, it seems that you have guessed it correctly. There are also biological auras in this divine hidden road. Some people are alive, but I don't know whether they are the strong from the ten thousand realms or this ghost place itself. A born existence!"

Renxiong roared, stepped out, and walked directly towards this rough stone.

The four Meng Fans behind them also followed closely. Unlike the other rough stones, this rough stone has such a thing on it. Naturally, it is impossible not to let Meng Fan and the others let it go. It was only for a moment that they locked the rough stone and dropped it in one step. Between the dark sky, came to this rough stone.

Stepping on the soles of the feet, Meng Fan could feel that this place was not much different from the earth, but there was no vitality. And that kind of vicissitudes of life came head-on, as if suffocating.

The five people are not here to check history. Their eyes are on the vaguely surrounding buildings, looking at the weird runes.

After a long silence, Bai Xingyi suddenly said,

"Meng Fan, how do I feel that this place is more like...a cemetery?"

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