Supreme God King

Chapter 1949: Spar


The last two words fell, Meng Fan, Zhongtian God King, and Tianchou God King were silent, looking around, and no one opposed.

Because in this ancient rough land, it's not just that there is no vitality.

On the surrounding stone steles, rows of runes were portrayed, each of which was extremely unknown to the Meng Fanji people, and instinctively gave them a sense of agility.

In addition to the things carved outside the rough stone, such as dingdongs, grimaces, painted symbols, etc., it looks more like a primitive sacrifice.

So Bai Xingyi just said before, this place is more like a cemetery, who was buried!

"In any case, go in and take a look before you talk. What's inside should leave some traces!"

Zhongtian God King spoke calmly.

Hearing this, several people nodded, their spirits surged, covering the surroundings, looking for a way into the bottom of the original stone.

On this rough stone, every place has a kind of strange rune, but this thing is definitely not underestimated. Carved on it is a kind of power of the gods. For this, Meng Fan is naturally know.

If an ordinary person is just observing this rune, he will be insane. Not to mention finding the way to the seal, even people will immediately be scattered here.

However, how much Meng Fanji people exist, their spirit is firm, and they are not moved by the rows of bewildering runes. After a few breaths, they successfully found this place hidden under countless original stone mountains. door.

Above it, it was covered with dust, and a few words were written on the side.

"Those who enter... die!"

Meng Fan and his colleagues understood these words completely. They looked at each other and Renxiong didn't say a word. He just blasted out the door with a bang, tearing the door open.

When the five great kings entered here together, they discovered that in this underground, as they had expected, there is a huge underground palace, and a long tunnel runs directly through the underground, surrounded by countless roads. organ.

Obviously the entire rough stone was hollowed out by this person, laying down this ancient underground palace.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Bai Xingyi Road, taking the lead, step by step, entered the depths of the underground palace first.

Between the week and the sky, there are organs in that place. Once this kind of organ is set foot, it will trigger everything, and that kind of organ is absolutely extraordinary and can be called a murderous step by step.

Even if there is a **** king here, it is extremely difficult to go this way smoothly and it takes some time.

But it is a pity that this line is now the configuration of the five great kings, and it is also the five great heroes of the Middle Ages that suppress the world.

How could it be so?

So on this road, all the organs were torn to pieces by five people, and there was no blockage along the way.

Finally, the five people walked unimpeded all the way to the depths of the underground palace, only to discover that between the bottom of the original stone, there is an empty hall, which is the core of this entire ancient place.

It's already different from before. It's not the kind of desolation, but a lot of things are placed. Obviously it has been carefully arranged here,

Bronze earthen jars, lights, candles, etc., and every rune carved around it gives a strange feeling, and at the core of this hall is a huge bronze coffin.

It is true that Meng Fanji guessed right, here is a huge cemetery, buried in this endless path of divine hiding.

"Hey, this guy is fine. After the ordinary ten thousand domain powerhouse died, he was afraid that others would go deep into his tomb, but if he buried himself here, no one would disturb him at all!"

Renxiong sneered and took a step forward.

"Don't move rashly!"

Meng Fan suddenly said, staring at this huge bronze coffin, his eyelids jumped.


Renxiong turned his head and asked hesitantly.

Hearing that, Meng Fan was also speechless, because he now felt a kind of danger, but he couldn't say it, only feeling. Because in Meng Fan's body, the power of the Dao of Heaven was already integrated. This was an instinctive calculation that he incorporated into his bones. At this kind of moment, his method of calculation of the heavens came out, just feeling that this was wrong.

What was wrong, Meng Fan couldn't find the source, and now he could only remain silent.

"I just think it's a bit dangerous. This path of concealment is indeed too simple. We are just beginning!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the Zhongtian God King fell silent, Bai Xingyi broke the silence first, and said helplessly,

"In any case, we have already come. It is indeed dangerous. We have already known it before, but if we do not open it, we will never touch the true core of this divine hidden path. If we go when we encounter danger, we will also There can be no progress. After all, we are not here to survive here!"

The tone is calm, but it already represents the aspirations of the people in Bai Xingyi.

Hearing Bai Xingyi's words, Meng Fan couldn't say anything. What he said was not unreasonable. They came here to take risks. If they were afraid of danger, they would come here to do anything.

Everyone abandons everything, but it is for the things that are helpful to them, even if the **** king is strong, there will be his helplessness.


Meng Fan nodded and said.

Seeing that Meng Fan no longer objected, Ren Xiong smiled slightly, stepping out, and sneered before reaching the bronze coffin.

"Just let me weigh your best!"

While speaking, his big hand grabbed, and Juli was born, and he violently grabbed the huge ancient bronze coffin, and slapped the door of the coffin above, which immediately revealed the truth.

In this ancient coffin, there is a huge corpse lying quietly, but it is not a person, but it looks like... a huge bug.


The expressions of Meng Fan's five people moved, and they stared into the coffin.

The whole body is black, the armor is as big as a hill, and the most important point is that his looks are extremely weird, which makes people feel nauseous and irritable.

And faintly, in this piece of body, there is also a kind of monstrous violence. Obviously, the strength of this insect must be very terrifying.

"After coming here, I have already seen the second strong man. This bug is definitely not a thing of Wanyu, and I have never seen it before!"

God King Zhongtian said, very serious.

Not a thing of ten thousand domains!

Everyone stared at the remains of this insect and nodded. They were able to be as sure because there was no aura of ten thousand realms above the insect, and some were only the same as the road to the gods. It's cold and dark.

"This kind of existence, we see that the second one has already...fallen!"

Bai Xingyi sighed faintly, and there was a bitter taste in his voice. The existence of the **** king level is so extraordinary, that one is not shocking the world, if any one of them falls in the ten thousand realms, it will cause a great tremor between the world and the world.

Moreover, according to the truth, the one is a terrifying guy with an endless life, and it is difficult to truly die, but now he saw one again, and several people couldn't help but feel emotional.

"He should... also died in a fight. Although his body is still intact, his spirit seems to have disappeared, perhaps in the battle before his death.

Someone directly smashed his soul into pieces, just to make this kind of existence disappear, but... he left his physical body here and laid the altar, as if he was waiting for something! "

Zhongtian God King slowly said, pointing out some details around.

Indeed, the surrounding arrangement can be said to be extremely careful, even as if an ancient sacrifice is being carried out, especially in this coffin. At the front, there are rows of sacrifices, and that one is very mysterious. Meng Fan couldn't understand what the symbols carved.

However, the God King Zhongtian understands a little bit. Because of his previous brothers, he has conducted in-depth research on everything in this divine hidden space. Although it is only a fur, after carefully reading the sacrificial text, he opened his mouth. Tao,

"I can only understand some, it is too complicated. According to the above, he is saying that he is praying for the arrival of...something called...underworld!"

The last two words fell, and the others didn't have much, but standing between the places, Meng Fan's expression changed suddenly, his eyes fixed on the sacrificial text in the coffin.


Before Meng Fan was in the vague memory of the dead person, he saw a fragment of memory. Unlike other kings, Meng Fan came here only because of one thing, because in that fragment of memory, In the space of this divine hidden road, a mysterious thing emerged.

And at the moment he showed it, a very strange aura appeared between Zhou and Tian, ​​and the world changed. Under that aura, you could see that all the dead bodies in the space had opened their eyes. Just like a new student.

And that kind of breath even if Meng Fan only sensed this memory fragment, it moved him. He had never seen that kind of terrible breath, which had the meaning of transcending the world and surpassing all beings.

If so, maybe there is only one thing that can be compared to him, that is... the end of the imperial palace!

These two things made Meng Fan feel a sense of the same origin, but they were surprisingly different, and the scene in the memory fragment was even more terrifying and terrifying.

Could it be what this mysterious bug is waiting for...that is, is it called the Underworld?

This way of concealment is really.... more and more interesting!

In Meng Fan's heart, there were many thoughts, but he still didn't dare to be sure about all of this, because it was just his own guess.

"Don't worry about so much, there seems to be something in his mouth!"

After a while, Ren Xiong's expression moved, he took a step forward, pointed at the lying big bug, grabbed it with one hand, and moved the corner of his mouth away. Suddenly, a dark, dazzling object fell in front of Meng Fan's eyes.

At the same time, after seeing this thing, even the great kings here exclaimed.

"This is... Spar!"

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