Supreme God King

Chapter 1955: Funeral ground

Space tunnel!

At the moment he set foot, Meng Fan's eyes also changed. Instead of the endless darkness, there was an extra space power.

The void is twisted, and the tunnel goes through.

In the face of all this, it finally made Meng Fan smile, and it seemed that he had made no mistakes.

As Meng Fan had previously guessed, this is indeed a space teleportation array, and I don't know where its end is.

And soon, Meng Fan's answer was given.

The world broke open in front of his eyes, which also allowed Meng Fan's body to walk out of this space tunnel. After a moment, the whole person had already entered a natural world.

At a glance, it is full of wind and snow all over the week and the sky, with countless icebergs forming a continuous stretch.

The cold wind fell, it was extremely biting, and it was Meng Fan who was a strong **** king, his blood was surging, and he felt a slight coolness.

What surprised him most was the surroundings, because in this world, apart from the lack of familiar world energy, it simply gave him a feeling that he had returned to the world.

Because in this piece of the world, it is like being sealed by ice, the whole world, everything, is covered by wind and snow.

But it was not the coldness of this kind of scruples, there were also mountains, trees, falling snow, etc., so this, the same as Wanyu, was definitely beyond Meng Fan's expectation.

"Could it be that this is the burial ground, so what does the word burial ground stand for? Outside the heavens, there is a place, no wonder, no wonder!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, extremely surprised.

Before, he had been accustomed to the endless boundlessness of this divinely hidden road. After all, in this divinely hidden road, there was no source of the heavens, and there was no world.

Now that he came back to this peaceful world, it made him a little uncomfortable. Most importantly, he didn't understand the world at all, and he didn't know where the underworld he wanted to find was.

Sitting cross-legged, Meng Fan was puzzled, but he was always at ease.

With one step down, Meng Fan also burst into martial arts, hiding in the wind and snow, but relying on this swallowing martial arts, absorbing the power of the wind and snow of the week, a little bit of it merged into himself.

Although there is no power of heaven and earth that can help Meng Fan so much, it is really better than nothing. You can only help yourself with this power.

At the same time, with a flick of his finger, a large number of heaven, material and earth treasures turned into an existence that nourished Meng Fan, entered his flesh and blood, and quickly began to recover from his previous consumption.

While recovering himself, Meng Fan's divine mind was always observing the surroundings, and finally confirmed that it should be counted as a huge world accurately.

Like the previous world that sealed Emperor Wu and the three elders of the ancient gods, it should be counted as a small thousand worlds, but what shocked Meng Fan was that the worlds he encountered before had a boundary. In other words, it should be considered extremely small, and it is about the same as a large domain of Wanyu.

But this place was different. It was so huge that Meng Fan couldn't find the boundary at all, and it made him feel like he had seen another ten thousand domain.

Meng Fan was very clear that the birth of the Little Thousand World was only a manifestation of the Divine King's methods. If he wanted to, a Little Thousand World could now be evolved, but it was definitely not big, and could only be similar to the ancient emperor's world.

And the world in front of him is so huge, even if he is a small world, then the people who evolve him have reached a level of incomparable horror, is there a source of heaven and earth in this space?

Now Meng Fan, not to mention how shocking he was, had to admit that the opening of this path of divine hiding gave him an unprecedented vision.

It seems that there is a sky outside the sky, and there is someone outside the human being who said it right. I can't imagine that there can be this path outside the heavens and ten thousand domains, hiding these strong people!

Meng Fan shook his head. Although he had all kinds of doubts, he finally understood one thing, that is, he should be in this burial place now.

If the entire road to the gods is a sea, then this burial site is a small island on the sea, and the stone stele before it is a teleportation array spread over the sea, allowing people to come to this burial site.

Now Meng Fan is still on this path of divine hiding, but I don't know how much he has advanced through that teleportation array, and how much part of this road of divine hiding is actually on.

"In any case, this world is so big, go and take a look first!"

In the wind and snow, Meng Fan stayed for ten days and barely recovered. He stood up, walked along the snow-capped mountains and headed outside.

All the way unimpeded, Meng Fan also scratched his head, still the same sentence, if it weren't for the energy of heaven and earth, it really made Meng Fan think that he had returned to the source of the heavens.

The endless snow-capped mountains, the constantly falling snow, and the faults, the avalanche that is usually very annoying in Meng Fan's eyes, is now also very good to see, after all, it is better than the endless silence of the road of the gods.

And just after Meng Fan moved forward for half a day, his body suddenly slowed down, because this was the first time he saw a figure in the burial ground.

In this endless wind and snow, there is an old man who looks about the same strength as the Human Race's Profound Origin Realm. He is dressed in sackcloth, but Meng Fan understands that he is not a Human Race.

Because Meng Fan couldn't feel any vitality in his body, even his blood was cold.

And this old man was walking in the wind and snow, and behind him was pulling a huge coffin. Despite the extreme resistance of the cold snow this week, he never stopped.

Wind and snow, old man, coffin!

Meng Fan's expression shifted slightly. This scene was unclear and weird, especially the coffin held in the hands of the old man. Meng Fan saw at a glance that there was nothing inside, just a coffin, but it was extremely heavy and full. Hundreds of thousands of catties.

Thinking in his heart, Meng Fan also appeared in the snow in this wind and snow, and wanted to inquire.

Since he saw a living person, no matter how weird the other person was, Meng Fan would not let this opportunity go.

After seeing Meng Fan, the old man was not too surprised, but after a glance, he said in a long voice.

"Come here soon!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan was taken aback. He didn't expect the old man to speak to him on the initiative. He didn't know what the old man told him to walk through, but he did what he said and walked straight over.

After Meng Fan came, the old man also handed the iron rope that was holding the coffin behind him to Meng Fan, and said at the same time,

"Hurry up, the psychic tower is about to open, the old man counts you, don't mess up the errand, hum, if you didn't meet two enemies before, why the old man is so slow!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan also stretched out his hand to take the iron rope, pulling forward like the old man.

But at the moment when Meng Fan's palm touched the iron chain, he discovered that there was a great resistance from between the iron chains. Even though Meng Fan's supernatural power was overwhelming, it also came from his palm. A kind of hot piping hot, let him let go in an instant.

And standing in place, the old man who was going to move forward even exclaimed, looked at Meng Fan in shock, and said loudly.

"You are not... a burial person!"

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