Supreme God King

Chapter 1956: Psychic tower


The two words fell, very shocked.

This is a burial place, so the creatures here are naturally burial people.

That said, it is naturally easy to understand.

And Meng Fan also smiled bitterly. Of course he was not a burial person, so at the moment the iron chain resisted him, he knew that he was bound to expose it!

His power is vitality, but the power in this burial ground is definitely not, even this iron chain will naturally resist him.


In an instant, the old man slapped out his palm and came towards Meng Fan. With one blow, it was extremely strange and sharp.

His strength is comparable to the strong Xuanyuan realm of the Human Race, but the physical body is actually much stronger than the strong Xuanyuan realm of the Human Race.

Under the action, thunder fast!

But unfortunately his opponent was Meng Fan. Although Meng Fan stood still and did not move, when he raised his hand, he confined everything where the old man was.


After the old man just uttered a word, the whole body burst open.

There is nothing wrong, it is a real burst!

In Meng Fan's absolute realm, the old man knew that he was invincible for an instant, and he blew himself up.

Even Meng Fan was taken aback, he never expected that the latter would be so tough.

At the moment his body broke apart, he was also completely destroyed, and the bursting power contained in it directly rushed toward Meng Fan. Fortunately, the opponent was just a powerful Profound Element Realm, and even if he exploded, his power was limited.

Asking Meng Fan to step back a few steps is to stand firm without any damage. If he is a strong man in the Divine Origin Realm, then now, Meng Fan may even be attacked and injured.

With a jump of his eyelids, Meng Fan almost didn't get angry. According to normal principles, even if the latter fell into his own hands, he would probably delay desperately if he knew that he was not an opponent.

After all, this is a matter of life and death. Even Meng Fan himself is definitely not as straightforward and decisive as the old man.

If you don't agree, you will blew up!

Meng Fan smiled bitterly, swept away his spiritual thoughts, and after investigating the sun, he found that it was a pity that under the elder's self-destruction, he had no gain at all.

Everything above and below his body has been completely wiped out.

If the old man had stayed for that moment before, he could use means to extract his memories from the sea of ​​knowledge!

"I rely on.... How come all the existences on this road to the gods are like dead men, and they all like to die!"

Meng Fan gave a low growl, very helpless.

This sounds like a joke, but within the small sky space, every bird and turtle understands that Meng Fan has already discovered something, his response is keen, and what he is best at is capturing problems from details.

Ever since Meng Fan set foot on this path of divine seclusion, he discovered that the biggest feature here is that it is full of endless silence. This is the case on the road of divine seclusion. The creatures, heaven and earth here are the same, and they are not afraid of death. , One or two may be easy to explain, so if they are all like this, maybe there is something hidden!

Meng Fan shook his head. Although he didn't know it, he understood that this must be the absolute secret of this divine hidden road. Perhaps if he understood this, he would have a good understanding of this divine hidden road.

After thinking of this, Meng Fan also moved and grabbed the iron chain.

Although this coffin had great resistance to Meng Fan, Meng Fan’s methods were very good. After all, he was a strong **** king. When his divine thought moved, he was able to operate divine powers and completely isolate him from the Zhoutian world. Nian Lai lifted the coffin behind him and moved forward.

From the outside, it seemed like Meng Fan himself was pulling the coffin forward.

One step down, stepping on this wind and snow, Meng Fan did not hesitate to move forward in one direction, lifting the coffin. Although the old man exploded quite simply before, he still provided Meng Fan with some brief information, that is, the direction he was going to was the northwest, and the place to go should be called the psychic tower!

Therefore, Meng Fan also intends to use the old tricks to disguise his identity first, but this requires more caution before doing so.

"Damn it, why did the little master fall into this? two come out and help, OK?"

"Hey, why don't you speak, talk? I rely on... You are actually playing with me and pretending to be dead?"

"Even you have been damaged by this divine hidden path..."

Along the endless wind and snow, Meng Fan also strode out and kept moving forward. At this moment, he hides himself. From a distance, it really looks like that.

It is like a coffin puller in the wind and snow, quiet and terrifying.

After three full days of advancing, Meng Fan was in this vast world and saw other burial persons. Like the old man before, they were of different grades, and each of them was holding a huge 'S coffin, heading forward.

This time, Meng Fan had learned well and didn't say anything at all, just pulling his coffin.

Fortunately, other people would not be willing to talk to Meng Fan. That's the way, and there are more and more people around Meng Fan.

From the previous two or three, it finally became sixty or seventy. It seems that as the old man said before, what everyone is looking for should be this psychic tower!

Finally, under this endless wind and snow, after a few days of advancing, Meng Fan's eyes finally saw an ancient black tower. It is not too tall, but it is built on the top of these mountains. Covered by wind and snow, there is strong wind between the sun and the sky, and under the foot of the mountain, someone has already been waiting.

Looking at it, Meng Fan discovered that there were three ancient runes written on the black tower, and the falling of the wind and snow between the sun and the sky did not affect the tower in the slightest.

And all the coffin pullers stood in front of this iron tower, with an admiring and respectful look, waiting quietly. Anyone who came here was completely like this, without the slightest impatience.

Naturally, Meng Fan didn't dare to say much, but just followed the crowd and stood in a corner.

With the passage of time, there are less than a hundred people gathered below, all of whom came from the coffin in the wind and snow. Any one of them later had a coffin like Meng Fan’s. .

"Hey, why are they here for? Why do they need to prepare a coffin!"

Facing the psychic tower, Meng Fan hesitated and muttered.

And at the next moment, the psychic tower on the top of that summit burst out with a ray of light, and for a while, the mountain vibrated and the sky changed.

Everyone felt clearly, a space door appeared above the black tower, and at the same time an old voice came.

"The psychic tower opens, the coffin puller... enter the tower!"

In this ancient voice, like singing, resounded everywhere in the wind and rain.

After hearing this voice, everyone under the black tower uttered a word,


But in the same place, Meng Fan's expression changed, staring at the black tower. How terrible his spiritual thoughts are. He dominates everything in an instant. He can see everything inside and out of the black tower. Finally, Tao,

"Among them, there is only an old man with a half-step **** king, which is not enough, but... this black tower itself is weird, how do I feel that in this black tower, there are a pair of extremely mysterious eyes, and these eyes The strength of the master must have reached a level of unparalleled horror!"

In the voice, extremely solemn.

With Meng Fan's current state and means, being able to say these words is enough to prove how extraordinary the master of the black tower is.

So Meng Fan didn't intend to act rashly, but wanted to enter this tower just like everyone else.

But at the next moment, Meng Fan's movements were a bit frozen, because he had just discovered that all the coffin pullers were lying in the coffin behind them when they moved, and then floated in the void and went inside.

It turns out that everyone's coffin... is actually prepared for themselves!

Seeing this, he almost didn't let Meng Fan spew out a mouthful of blood. This burial place was really weird. Not only was he not afraid of death, he had to bury himself by himself.

"Boss Meng Fan, they have all entered this coffin. If you don't go in again, you will be exposed!"

Inside the space, Xiao Tian's voice came, but it made Meng Fan almost mad, and beat Xiao Tian violently. One of them gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

"Well, why do I feel a bit unlucky..."

"Hehe, haven't you noticed that the half-step **** king buried in the tower has already turned his eyes to you!"

Without worrying about Meng Fan's extremely bad mood, Xiaotian ridiculed directly.

Hearing that, Meng Fan's small face turned black, and how terrifying his spiritual thoughts were. Of course he felt that the eyes of the old man sitting deep in the black tower were paying attention.

Helplessly, Meng Fan only gritted his teeth, stepped down, sealed himself, opened the coffin behind him, and buried himself with his own hands.

"How does it feel, boss Meng Fan?"

"Xiaotian, if you speak again, I will throw you out..."

Inside the coffin, Meng Fan almost ran away. If it wasn't for not revealing himself, he would definitely not fight like this, don't mention how greasy he was.

At the same time, hundreds of coffins also fell into this psychic tower, moved in the void, and entered this ancient gate.

And at the moment when Meng Fan's body was submerged in the black tower, in the burial place, there was an abyss that he could not see, and the deepest place was a stone.

But if it’s a stone, if you look closely, you can find that this stone is a...a figure. It’s just that because of years of hard work, this person is sitting here and has never moved. The condensation around him.

In the end, a hill-like stone was formed, which is already extremely strong. Anyone who sees this scene will be shocked. How many years has this person been sitting here and how much perseverance is needed to be able to do so. .

However, at the next moment, the stone suddenly collapsed, and a loud bang fell, the breath shook, and the abyss was trembling, and the abyss was caught in an unstoppable turbulence. A figure came out of it, looking towards Meng Fan. The psychic tower he was in looked over and slowly said,

"The powerhouse of Wanyu?"

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