Supreme God King

Chapter 1967: Holy Orchid

Two days passed in a hurry!

And Meng Fanke was in this inn room, unable to retreat, repairing himself.

In the previous battle with the mysterious woman, the injuries in his body were extremely serious and the consumption was huge. After several days of fleeing, Meng Fan never had a good rest.

But now it is completely different. Not only is the environment elegant, but there is also a fragrance that helps the burial person to improve his cultivation and calm his mind, which is also very helpful to Meng Fan.

He had been hiding in the ground, deep in the sky, and spent his thoughts, but several times he was almost caught by the mysterious woman, and fled in this burial site in a very embarrassing manner.

However, now he sits in the inn of the burial ground, but no one will bother him.

And its requirements can be said to be responsive, and there can be everything that should or should not be.....

This gap made Meng Fan only secretly sigh. I don't know how the mysterious woman knows that she is now hunting and trying to catch people who are all enjoying the VIP treatment in Ye.

But I think it will be quite exciting.

And Meng Fan also used this short period of time to devour a large amount of spar power. He had won seven games in a row before, and the spar he obtained was not only huge, more than he had seen before. For Meng Fan, it was a huge sum of money.

But just two days, just let Meng Fan turn it all into nothing and integrate it into himself.

The body was originally dry, and the broken meridians quickly recovered, regaining a strong vitality. This thing can be said to be a great help to Meng Fan. I have never thought that there is such a **** in this world.

And the most important point is that Meng Fan felt that his martial arts had an imperceptible improvement.

Although it was only a little bit, he was excited enough. After all, the power of the **** king wanted to raise his level of difficulty, but it was absolutely no less than climbing to the sky. Any step is a huge leap, and Meng Fan himself Swallowing martial arts, wanting to make it to the extreme, don't know how many hard work it takes.

Of course, for all this, we must also thank Bidouchang and the burialists outside for their strong support!

He laughed in his heart, and Meng Fan's eyes suddenly opened. After two days of cultivation, he finally recovered a lot of energy. Even though the battle strength of the **** king was not at its peak, he could barely reach 80%.

And the Saint Orchid Club he knew before was also opened today, so Meng Fan also set foot and left the inn.

Unimpeded all the way, Meng Fan walked along this battlefield towards the meeting place of the Holy Lan Society.

It is not far away, and with the help of a maid along the road, he also quickly found its location. At a glance, he could see a huge garden.

Among them, the magnificent courtyard, the attic, and the landscape finally made Meng Fan vaguely feel a kind of faint anger. Here is not much different from Wanyu, without that kind of like a turtle city. dense.

"Damn, it's not easy to find a place in this burial ground that can sense popularity!"

Meng Fan's heart concurred, also striding forward.

Of course, as the previous elders said, this Saint Orchid Club is not accessible to anyone who wants to enter. Before the outside world, the fierce beasts of the battlefield were all here. Who dares to trespass, there is only one Word, die!

And with a waist card, Meng Fan also went unimpeded and stepped into the courtyard smoothly.

In an instant, it also made Meng Fan feel the extremely surging breath of countless Dao, with his means, even if it has been forbidden here, from the inside out, everything naturally cannot escape Meng Fan’s eyes. .

But after a few breaths, he was shocked. On the whole, in this burial ground, there are definitely a lot of strong people.

It was just a preliminary induction, that made Meng Fan aware of dozens of sacred statues in the inner courtyard of this courtyard, plus the existence of three half-step **** kings.

Such a scene, even in the ten thousand realms, is definitely considered a grand occasion, and it is unexpected that there are so many powerful people in this place on the road to the gods.

Fortunately, there is no aura of a strong **** king, and the previous mysterious woman is not here either.

Eye-opener, eye-opener!

Meng Fan's heart was shocked, and he felt surprised again. Why are there so many powerful people here, but among the ten thousand domains, they have never seen it?

Could it be that no one can reverse it because of this divine hidden road, so how can I go back?

Constantly thinking about it in Meng Fan's heart, there was a taste of suffering.

As strong as Meng Fan, it is impossible to completely put Wanyu down. Where is the person he loves most, in this burial place, naturally, I always hope to find a way to both sides.

However, Meng Fan knew that he couldn't be impatient, wrapped in a black robe, strolling in this garden calmly.

Although he didn't know anyone, Meng Fan's appearance was like a younger brother, which was extremely natural.

At the same time, he took the maid's wine and the precious fruit, and stuffed it into his mouth. No matter what, I will eat it first!

Most of the rare and precious treasures in this burial ground are not seen by Meng Fan. Although the power and vitality are different, Meng Fan is able to consume a large amount of power in this precious fruit by swallowing martial arts. Take it out, turn it into itself, and take it orally.

And just when Meng Fan was eating happily, in this courtyard, a voice also fell.

"The Holy Lan King is here!"

A few faint words came out, and the originally extremely free field suddenly became dignified, and countless people looked at it.

In the depths of this courtyard, surrounded by people, a handsome young man walked out, dressed in a yellow shirt, cut to fit perfectly.

The hair fluttered, the appearance was absolutely good, the figure was slender, and the moment she appeared, the eyes of countless burial women in the field were filled with nympholy eyes, and some even fainted exaggeratedly.

There is no doubt that this young man is the legendary King Holy Lan, the youngest son of the Burial Lord!

And hiding in a pavilion, Meng Fan's gaze also looked over, his expression remained unchanged, he had sensed it with just a glance.

This Saint Lan King looked young, but in fact he was already a superfluous grade, and in fact he was only a half-step **** king, one of the three half-step **** kings he had sensed before.

But in any case, Meng Fan doesn't care about his status and strength at all, but he is an absolute figure in the field. When he appears on the field, he attracts people around him, cheers, and surrounds him in the center, like the sun. .

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting!"

King Shenglan smiled slightly, facing everyone, and said.

A word suddenly made the field more boiling, everyone was silent and waited quietly. For them, since the king of Saint Lan came out in public, then naturally there was a big thing to announce, and no one dared to say anything.

"In fact, this time we are calling you all here, just hoping that everyone can raise their glasses and meet together. It is really a magnificent beauty. I am also happy to participate in such things. I can see so many young talents, beautiful women! "

King Shenglan looked around, his smile remained the same, but his tone of voice afterwards had a strange smell.

"I hope everyone can have fun here. I believe that the emperor will be happy too. As for the unhappy things, everyone will forget them. For example... what do you think of the deserted ancient battlefield?"

The last sentence came out, and everyone’s expressions were instantly moved. Although Meng Fan didn’t understand, he was only able to understand too many things through the reaction of the people in the field. Under these words, It can be said that a single stone caused a thousand waves.

The expressions of many of them have slightly changed, and some of them are already extremely embarrassed, silent, and their smiles are directly frozen on their faces.

Finally, a divine strong man among the crowd spoke,

"His Royal Highness, hasn't the Burial Lord already handed over this matter to His Royal Highness Princess Yaoyue!"

"Not bad!"

Upon hearing this, King Shenglan nodded, still smiling on his face, but there was a hint of imperceptible coldness in his eyes.

"The affairs of the deserted ancient battlefield have all been handed over to my sister. I shouldn't have participated in it, but... the father is in retreat, and I have always been the prince that father loves the most. I also need to share the worries for my sister. After all, this deserted ancient battlefield involves two great forces, the burial ground and the immortal ground. Even if my sister is in charge, I still feel a little worried, so I will want to also set foot there. , Help the emperor father and sister, I don’t know who is willing to go with me and show my power!

The voice was calm, but during the moment it fell, King Shenglan looked at the crowd as if they were real.

If it weren’t for the King of Gods, under this gaze, he would inevitably not be suppressed by him. Although the latter was average in strength, he was proficient in a powerful secret technique. Its eyes were deep, like an abyss, even if it was a divine counterpart His gaze also trembled very hard, unable to extricate himself.

The language is amazing.

After hearing the words of the King of Saint Orchid, everyone finally understood that the purpose of this meeting of Saint Orchid was to convene many powerful people in the field. The King of Saint Orchid hopes that someone can follow him and set foot on the deserted ancient battlefield.

However, it seems that the burial master has already given the invitation to the princess. The place where the two armies are fighting is so important. How can there be two commanders? This kid wants to go... to grab the benefits and target his sister!

Who is Meng Fan? I just heard the look of the people around him and these simple words, and he quickly thought of many things. Looking at it now, the weight of Princess Yueyue in everyone's hearts is definitely not low, because at the moment mentioned, everyone has changed color, and Meng Fan felt a deep fear in their eyes.

And it seems that this deserted ancient battlefield has nothing to do with the Holy Orchid King itself. The princess invited should have won the trust of the burial master. For the burial master's daughter, everything in the deserted ancient battlefield must be counted by her.

Once the Holy Lan King went, I am afraid it would not be for the supernatural power of the burial ground, but only to disrupt the situation!

It seems that in this burial place, the burial master is the head, but it is not a monolithic one. There is definitely a lot of grievances between the princess invited and the king of Saint Lan.

Meng Fan’s expression remained unmoved, but his heart was already analyzing countless intelligence, and the point that shocked him most was that he mentioned one point in the mouth of King Saint Lan, the ancient battlefield, although he did not understand what it was. But the two words Xiandi were enough to make Meng Fan alert.

That piece of battlefield should be the place of duel between the fairyland and the burial ground, so in other words, in this divine hidden road, the great power possessed is not only the burial ground!

Thinking of this, a very shocking look appeared on Meng Fan's face, and finally sighed faintly.

"It's... more and more interesting!"

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