Supreme God King

Chapter 1968: Soul Hall

Fairy land!

Even Meng Fan couldn't think of it, after this burial place, he heard of another place called Xiandi.

A burial place was already shocking enough for him. It turned out that he saw strange creatures outside of vitality, but he did not expect that in this path of divine hiding, there seemed to be a fairyland hidden between the burial place and The relationship is extremely complicated.

Under these points, Meng Fan remained silent for a long time, and the best way now is to not say a word. Everything is a bit unexpected.

In this courtyard, everyone was even more shocked by the words of King Saint Lan, obviously everything was as Meng Fan expected.

The pressure on everyone's heart by Princess Yueyue is definitely not a little bit, and the Holy Lan King's move can now be understood by anyone with a little IQ, it must be a drunkard's intention not to drink!

If this trip were to follow King Shenglan to the wild and ancient battlefield, it would have to be a **** storm, and even face the characters such as Princess Yueyue.

Thinking of this, everyone in the field shuddered. Although many of them were invited to come here, it was only because of the reputation of King Saint Lan, not because of his life.

Especially thinking of the existence he wanted to deal with, suddenly this group of people who were still emotionally excited, all of them were like frost hit the eggplant, and they stopped talking!

Seeing such a scene, it also made Meng Fan smile. It seems that whether it is Wanyu or here, it is the same. The strength is the first. It is not easy to invite the moon princess, and it can make the people in the field afraid of her. This look.

Could it be that she is...

Thinking of this possibility also caused Meng Fan to remain silent, his eyes flickering.

The one who sensed the changes in the field was the most angry than King Shenglan. The hypocritical smile on his face gradually stopped, his eyes became much colder, he looked around and said calmly,

"Why... don't you guys want to raise the might of my burial place again?"

Hearing this, there was silence in the field. After a long time, one of the elders equivalent to the three holy realms took a step and said,

"King Shenglan, it’s not that I’m not willing to wait, but the Lord of the Wild Ancient Battlefield has already given an order. Everything is in the hands of Princess Yaoyue. If I wait to participate in the unity, then it is nothing, so other things can be considered, but this matter, please forgive the old and forgive me for not being able to live!"

While speaking, he turned around and walked away.

But at the moment he moved, there was a thunderous sound in his ears.


The method of verbal utterance followed, and the sky trembled.

At the same time, it can be seen that two figures suddenly appeared after King Shenglan. The moment the aura spread, it was almost like a star, causing the entire field to be distorted.

Two and a half step God King!

One of the two people who talked was an old man in a golden costume. He looked very majestic. He had white hair and a majestic spirit. The moment his voice was spit out, a big hand was directed towards the power of the three sacred realms. Go away.

One person blocks the space, one person takes action!

In the face of the two and a half-step God King's outrageous shots, where did the old man who spoke before had any means of resistance, and he immediately fell into an endless vortex.

The people on the side were even more shocked. Unexpectedly, King Saint Lan looked very good at talking before, but after just such a short time, he has become extremely cruel, and the two old men who shot are the famous people beside him. The two killer gods, known as judges of left and right!

The people in the garden also retreated one after another, but they couldn't leave this place at all, and the entire world was sealed to death by these two half-step **** kings.

And the old man who had spoken before exclaimed, patted out a palm, and roared at the same time,

"You dare, the old man is a subject of the burial master, not yours, you dare to treat the old man like this, the old man wants..."


The void exploded, no matter how the old man screamed, the half-step God King that shot did not show any mercy, just a single blow would make him retreat, blood spurting out. The gap between this is not as big as one and a half.

The two powerhouses on the left and right of the Holy Lan King are by no means ordinary half-step **** kings. They attacked the old man with all their strength and suppressed a full realm, leaving him with no resistance at all. Between a few breaths, It was defeated, was slapped to death, and completely crushed it!

A rain of blood was set off in the originally quiet garden, and the smell of blood spread around, making people vomit!

An existence equivalent to the three sacred realms just died like this!

Although the one here is a life-and-death existence, many of them are feeling uncomfortable now. This Holy Orchid King is really too violent. He was still talking and laughing before, and he had already taken action after a short while.

"Who else would dare to be disrespectful to King Shenglan?"

Two and a half steps, the king of gods, one on the left and the other on the right, stood beside King Shenglan and said coldly.

When I said it, everyone in this world was almost suffocated. Although there were many sacred and powerful people, they did not touch the existence of the **** king. They all understand that once someone speaks, I am afraid that the end will never be better than before. That person is much better, so who would dare to say one more thing.

"Hey, how can this be done!"

In the field, King Shenglan waved his hand hypocritically and said with a smile,

"It's wrong for you two to do this. The visitor is a guest. No matter how you say it, we can't do anything to our guest, right? Let's not take it as an example, let's not take it as an example!"

Although he said so, the patrolling gaze didn't mean to be an example. Instead, he was looking for any shadow against him among the crowd.

In contrast to his gaze, everyone suddenly bowed their heads, and did not even dare to breathe. King Shenglan smiled in satisfaction and said in a condensed voice.

"Don’t worry, everyone is here to discuss important matters, and it will give you great benefits. If anyone chooses to help me, then they will get a great gift from me. According to your realm , There will be rich spars, and on the deserted ancient battlefield, you just need to help me. Where the fairyland is defeated now, I will wait for it, but the best time, why not do it?"

Hearing the words of King Shenglan, everyone was silent for a while, and finally one of them shrank his neck and trembled.

"King Shenglan, I can do anything for you, but I'm afraid...Where is Princess Yingyue, you must know that the burial master is retreating, but the supreme Soul Palace is controlled by Yingyue, which is equivalent to waiting for me. The price and life are in the hands of the princess, if it is..."


Hearing this person’s words, King Shenglan’s complexion suddenly became extremely gloomy, and everyone, especially after hearing the words Soul Palace, trembled, and there was an extremely strong fear on their faces. .

In the distance, Meng Fan raised his brows and stared at the court.

He wasn't interested in the previous scene, but now the soul hall that everyone is talking about has to get Meng Fan's attention. And just after a while, King Shenglan slowly spoke,

"Don't worry, since this king chose to go to the deserted ancient battlefield, don't you know this? I know your worries, but this king is also the son of the father, and his favorite youngest son.

There is also a certain right to use the soul hall. Even if you invite the moon to be overbearing, you don't dare to do anything to me and my people directly, and the king will tell your father about this matter, you just need to help me.

Why, don’t you still believe in this king’s credibility? "

The voice was stern and stern, spreading around.

Obviously, at the present moment, King Shenglan has not had too much patience, trying to see, forcing everyone in the field to nod. Standing in the distance, Meng Fan's expression suddenly changed. According to the Holy Lan King, then everything can be completely certain.

It seems that Princess Yueyue, the daughter of the burial lord, is the mysterious woman who chased him down before, that... even he is the oppressive God King!

This Yingyue is already like this, so what kind of person the burial master behind him is!

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