Supreme God King

Chapter 1973: Shock

With a word, the heroes trembled!

Including King Shenglan, none of them spoke.

Because Meng Fan's proposal had to be said, it was too bold. No one would not understand King Shenglan’s move now, just to come to this wild ancient battlefield to get a share.

Under the circumstances that are extremely advantageous to the burial site, this place is like heaven for any monk in the world, especially if he controls the right here, then the spar obtained is no small thing.

Wild ancient battlefield!

Its core spar veins have been preserved intact by the two major forces so far. Because of the stalemate for so many years, no one has ever used anything, even the boundless wars of this wild ancient battlefield. Can't affect anywhere.

And it is said that the most core spar is the fairy king, and the burial owner has both lowered important decree, it is a must, it is an extremely huge spar.

Even if it is divided into ten thousandths, it is enough for a divine ecstasy!

That's why it led to so many years of endless fighting between the two sides. For the immortal land and the burial ground, the largest battle that took place in these 100,000 years, the huge investment between the two sides was already quite tragic.

Now the funeral is winning, but in the final analysis there is only one reason, that is to invite the moon princess!

The latter is not only a commander from the air, but also the diehards of Princess Yaoyue who have defeated many powerful immortals. They come from Princess Yueyue’s mansion. They are all **** warriors who have fought for thousands of years in this burial site. A murderous, extremely cruel.

Now Princess Yueyue is not here, but this group of warriors are still there.

And according to King Shenglan’s previous idea, it was to mix into this city, then look for opportunities to occupy power, and finally, when sharing the cake with the mud, you can get some.

After all, his identity is placed here, and no one can target the burial owner's favorite young son.

But the taste in Meng Fan’s words is definitely not so simple. Among this group of people, the old fox who is not the hairless old fox, understood in a flash, looked at Meng Fan in shock, because Meng Fan There is only one meaning in all words, that is... seize power!

King Shenglan went in like this, just to inspect, and to take a look at the final progress of this barren battlefield in his capacity, it was barely a reason, but if he stood here, waiting for everyone to meet him.

Let this group of warlords who surrendered to Invite the Moon Princess come out in person, then it is not an ordinary treatment, which means that King Shenglan will be the highest authority here and command everyone. Once the war is over, Then the power to divide the cake in the end is in his hands!

Looking at this huge deserted ancient battlefield, the only one who can receive treatment except for the burial master's visit, then only invites the moon princess, even the elders who are very close to the burial master can not do it.

Such ideas are too bold and too radical!

There was silence among everyone, including the two half-step old men who followed King Shenglan. They were all startled, and there was a little silence. One of them was humane,

"King Saint Orchid, isn't it... not so good? In the eyes of this group of warriors who follow Princess Yue, they only recognize Princess Yue. Our coming is enough to cause their backlash. If it is so strong... ."

I did not say the following words, but the reminder in the words is already self-evident.

There is no doubt that the burial general who survived for so many years in the deserted ancient battlefield is not the strong, not the cruel figure.

It is said that this group of people believes in inviting Princess Yue as a god, not only is they outstanding in combat, but also like a dead man, even the King of Holy Lan, they absolutely dare not easily provoke.

After all, the control of the Soul Palace is not in his hands, but in the hands of Princess Yueyue.

Upon hearing this, King Shenglan hesitated, just about to nod, but Meng Fan said coldly.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers are very fast. Now Princess Yingyue is trapped between the burial grounds. If that person is not wanted for a day, she will not get peace for a day. Now she is in a hurry. This opportunity is a rare opportunity. If you lose it, you can't find it anymore. Gentle means can gain a bit of advantage in this ridiculous battlefield. It is better to use thunder means, otherwise...there will be endless troubles, and there is no point in waiting here for me!"

When he said that, King Shenglan's complexion instantly stiffened, and he had to admit that Meng Fan's methods of catching people were too powerful. He fully understood how greedy King Shenglan was for this wild ancient battlefield spar. , This spar is effective for the king of gods, and it is no exception for the king of holy orchid.

If it can be obtained in large quantities and used to fuse oneself and become a **** king, it is not impossible!

Such temptation is not uncommon.

In particular, it can make Princess Yueyue depressed, indeed Meng Fan said, because there are things that Princess Yueyue can't handle, and now is the best time for the clan.

But my heart was moved back to my heart, and after looking at the ancient city, King Shenglan whispered.

"I'm just afraid that they won't, and I won't have anything to do at that time. After all, there are at least five half-step **** kings here, plus dozens of sacred kings. They are all powerful fighters and registered characters from the father.

If they don't follow, even this is impossible to kill them all, attack the immortal land, and have one final blow, you have to rely on them! "

"You don't need to kill it, you just need to surrender. There is a way..."

Meng Fan smiled slightly, came to King Shenglan's ear, and whispered a few words.

With every word falling in Meng Fan’s voice, it made King Shenglan’s eyes brighter. After just a breath, King Shenglan laughed, looked around, and said calmly,

"Well, if that's the case, then this king will set the king's car outside this deserted ancient city, come, the five town leaders in the simultaneous interpretation, all the warriors, all come to meet this king!"

A few words resounded like thunder outside this deserted ancient city.

Suddenly, the situation was trembling, and everyone was petrified.

It is impossible to imagine that King Shenglan would choose this way. Including the two elders behind him, it is impossible to understand why King Shenglan changed his mind so quickly.

But everyone understands that once the words are spoken, the verbal method is bound to take effect!

No matter how everyone reacted, it was impossible to stop the news from entering the deserted ancient city. After a few breaths, the most tightly guarded hall in the deserted ancient city suddenly roared.

Among them, it can be seen that the figures gather, the evil aura is abrupt, there are dozens of burial powerhouses, who can stand here, that one is a sacred existence, not only is it powerful, but also has endless evil aura.

Now it is clear that the anger of this group of people has been ignited, making the entire hall become extremely depressed.

"It's really looking for death!"

"Yes, King Shenglan is here, but he wants me to wait for me to go out to meet him personally. Does he think highly of himself?"

Inside the crowd, there was a cold voice, and all the sacred powerhouses were dissatisfied now. They had heard the news of King Shenglan's coming, but they didn't expect that the latter would have such a big air.

After a while, among these many sacreds, one person suddenly said,

"Zhenshuai, this deserted ancient battlefield is very messy. It is probably common to die one or two. Even if this person's strength is high, his status is more prominent, but the people of the fairyland... won't recognize it..."

The tone was calm, but that kind of murderous intent was extremely Ling Ran.

Hearing this, everyone in this hall was silent, and their eyes turned to the core of the field. Among them were five men with different looks, three old men, two middle-aged men, and their own breath. Majestic and long, it has already reached the realm of a half-step **** king, and it is also the five great towns in this deserted ancient battlefield!

What is different from the others is that none of the five great town leaders has spoken, even if someone has already proposed to kill King Holy Lan directly, but the five are still calm, and they suddenly feel a little confused.

Finally, one person asked tentatively,

"Jinshuai, what is going on?"

Inside the ancient hall, there was silence, and finally one of the five town leaders slowly spoke,

"The King of Shenglan not only sent people to greet us, but also told us a word... We must kneel to welcome you, all the etiquette, because the King of Shenglan said... At this moment the burial master is also between them!"

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