Supreme God King

Chapter 1974: Fox fake tiger

Burial master clone!

At the moment when the four characters fell, the murderous intent was originally rising, and the anger in the ancient temple suddenly became a freezing point, and everyone's complexion was stiff and there was silence.

Under this situation, I don't know how long has passed, but no one dared to speak.

Because it really matters too much. In this burial place, everyone has only one co-owner, the burial owner. Even if they are all of Princess Yueyue’s subordinates, there are only endless fears for the burial owner. And awe.

There are many sons of the burial master, and even the most beloved one is not enough to make this group of murderous powerhouses afraid, but if the burial master comes in person, what concept is this!

Who dares not to go, who dares not to follow!

Finally, a person shivered to break the silence,

"Impossible... The burial master has already given all the rights to the princess. He hasn't made any moves for so many years, so how could he come to this small place like the deserted ancient battlefield..."

"According to what the Holy Lan King said!"

The other handsome sighed,

"The Burial Lord's trip is top secret, and there is even a big thing against the sky in this deserted ancient battlefield...Whoever dares to spread it is to kill someone!"

"Could it be that King Saint Lan was cheating? He wants me to wait!"

Another one hesitated, and didn't believe it.


The five towns’ commanders glanced at each other, nodding their heads with gloomy expressions, one of them coldly said,

"The owner of the burial has never been in retreat forever, and Princess Yingyue is the only co-owner of this burial place, and the burial owner has already announced to the world. This king of Saint Orchid has an unpredictable heart, and his sin is to blame.

He said that the chance of the burial master's clone coming here is less than one in ten thousand. I don't think the funeral might actually come, but there is only this one in ten thousand chance. Do you... dare to bet? "

Outside the deserted ancient city, there is peace!

King Shenglan waited in place like this, as if everything was calm and calm.

But those who followed all of him now can be said to have layers of sweat on their foreheads.

Including the two elders on the left and right, they also felt a burst of pressure, mainly because the current plan had not been discussed with them before King Holy Lan, and they were extremely risky.

This is for the five half-step **** kings, plus dozens of sacred warlords to come to greet them personally. In addition to a **** king, there is still a formation that can be possessed.

In this huge burial ground, it is estimated that one hand can count, and it definitely does not include the Holy Lan King!

Being stared at by everyone's eyes, King Shenglan's complexion did not move, but as time passed, a trace of anxiety could not help flashing deep in his eyes.

Finally, King Shenglan spoke,

"Military strategist, do you think... they will believe it?"

"Believe in this kind of thing, if you don't believe it, there will be nothing, I guarantee that even if they don't believe it in their hearts, but there is only a slight possibility, they will not dare to take risks!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Furthermore, even if they don't believe it, don't worry, there will be a second hand to deal with them!"


King Shenglan's eyes flashed and nodded, but before he could say anything, he suddenly felt the aura in this deserted ancient city, the city gate opened wide, and countless figures came out from it.

In just a moment, the entire world was sealed, without any action, just a breath attack was enough to cause ordinary people to collapse.

The group of figures in front of the people in this city walked out, all of them were a sacred existence, the strength of blood and energy was more than domineering.

With so many kills gathered here, it naturally formed a strong aura.

At the same time, standing around King Shenglan, the many powerhouses who chose to follow him more suddenly changed their expressions, especially after seeing the five powerhouses in front, they became extremely shocked.

On this deserted ancient battlefield... the five handsome towns are all here!

Even they had never expected that the real masters on this barren ancient battlefield would come out, knowing that each of them only obeyed the order of Princess Yue.

In the burial place, besides the burial master, who else!

Although King Saint Lan was favored by the burial master, he would definitely not have such a great energy. The scene now is not shocking for everyone.

And surrounding this, countless burials on the deserted ancient battlefield are also gathered in and outside the city, from the eyes of everyone's attention.

It's really coming!

Faced with this, even King Shenglan had never thought of it, and couldn't help getting excited, and quickly asked through a voice transmission.

"Military division, what do you do now?"

"Of course it is to act according to the plan. Please remember, King Shenglan, the stronger you are, the more they will think that what we said before is true. As long as you lower your head one step, hum!"

Meng Fan snorted coldly, wearing a black robe, his body hidden in the darkness, standing behind King Shenglan, so that everyone could not see his true face.

Hearing that, King Shenglan’s expression changed. He wanted to step out to welcome the crowd and stopped. Instead, he stood indifferently on the spot, staring coldly at the people who came here. people.

After waiting for the five great town leaders and all the sacred powerhouses to come here, King Shenglan also roared.

"When you see this king, don't kneel down yet!"

The sound was thunderous, and after it came out, it suddenly made the sensation in the field stronger.

No matter who it is, it is impossible to think that King Shenglan would dare to do this, and in this deserted ancient city, he would be so violent and violent!

Including the five great towns commanders, they were all shocked, looking at King Holy Lan in anger, not to mention the many sacred powerhouses behind him.

Just because so many powerful men raised their heads at the same time, the horror aura that was raised was beyond the ability of ordinary people to resist, even the King of Holy Lan, his heart trembled violently.

But thinking of what Meng Fan said, King Shenglan immediately settled down and said coldly,

"Asshole thing, this king came with the order of the emperor, and now it represents the emperor, why, do you dare not respect the instructions of the emperor?"

While speaking, King Shenglan seemed to have swept through everyone in the field with profound meaning. Under this kind of gaze, suddenly let the five major towns in the field be handsome, and all the gods were shocked.

If according to King Shenglan's words, if the Burial Lord's clone is here now, it would be broken.

Anyone who doesn't kneel down now is simply looking for death, and even any disrespectful act is estimated to bring about a calamity that will never turn around.

They could not come out before, but it was because of this little chance that they were not sure at all, and finally had to come out.

Finally, the five towns commanders looked at each other, each gritted their teeth, and they knelt down one after another. Behind them, many gods and generals saw this, and they did not dare to say more. Following the five towns commanders, they all knelt down.


Rows of silhouettes, as many as millions of fierce burials on this deserted ancient battlefield, are all elite and powerful men responsible for guarding this deserted ancient city. Today, without hesitation, they kneel down one after another, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

"Respect to the burial master, and see King Shenglan!"

These words came one after another, resounding between the world.

Facing this moment, King Shenglan finally revealed an unconcealed secret of joy. Unexpectedly, Meng Fan’s strategy really worked. He looked at Meng Fan with great appreciation, stretched out his hand, and said in a condensed voice.

"Military, please!"

Under the attention of everyone, King Shenglan and Meng Fan also set foot in this deserted ancient city.

I am afraid that no one would have thought that the most important criminal who is constantly wanted in this burial site is standing next to King Shenglan and welcoming the worship of millions of burialists!

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