Supreme God King

Chapter 1975: Control

In the deserted ancient city!

The breath is desolate and full of blood.

The forces of the Immortal Land and the Burial Land have gone through countless years of battle here, and I don't know how many people died between the two sides. Naturally, there are too many traces left on it.

This place is like a place filled with a sea of ​​blood on a mountain of corpses, no matter how good the surrounding construction is, the smell in the air can already be felt clearly for an old fried dough stick like Meng Fan.

And Meng Fan looked calm, following King Shenglan along the way, enjoying the pilgrimage of millions of burials, and the town commander here, many gods, and the people brought by King Shenglan stepped into this famine. Among the most core ancient temples in the ancient city.

And there is no doubt that he is standing next to King Shenglan, under one person, above ten thousand.

Especially his black robe looks extremely mysterious, so that no one can touch his head.

Everyone moved together and came to this ancient temple. For a while, there were a thousand people here. Even if the ancient temple was already extremely huge, it seemed a bit crowded now.

In the center of the field, King Saint Lan sat in the first place, of course, looking around, and a hint of excitement appeared on his face.

There is no doubt that in this general situation today, he has never thought that it will be like this, and command the heroes.

Below it, the five great towns commanders stood quietly, and this ending was completely beyond his imagination.

"Haha, everyone, this king is here today to prevent Xiandi from making the final counterattack!"

King Shenglan smiled,

"But now it seems that the king's thoughts are too much to worry about. The strength of the big towns is very strong. With you, I believe everything will go smoothly, but I don't know when the general attack will be set! "

"Return to King Shenglan, just three days later!"

One of the five town leaders said.


King Shenglan's expression moved, and after a moment of silence, he said solemnly,

"Then you plan to arrange the core mineral vein of spar?"

"Of course it is heavily guarded. I will wait for the five people. Once the war is over, where will I go personally to suppress it. There is no order from the burial owner or the moon princess, and no one will get close to anything!"

The five handsome towns said at the same time.

After hearing these words, the huge hall became extremely silent, and everyone looked at each other, because everyone knew that the core mineral vein of this spar was also the most important in the entire deserted ancient battlefield. thing.

The immortal land and the burial land have fought for so long, for the value of this core mineral vein and the biggest piece of cake.

If according to the words of the great town leaders, then the move of King Shenglan to come here has no meaning at all. He came here to share the value of this core mineral vein and be able to divide a part of it.

After all, although most of the spars in this core mineral vein are to be given to the burial owner, how much is given, then it is a knowledge.

Even the burial master would just prohibit this thing too much, so anyone will understand that the control of this core mineral vein is the existence that anyone wants in the deserted ancient battlefield.

"A good way!"

King Shenglan smiled softly, but now there was no smile in the depths of his eyes, only the endless coldness.

"But this king also has a way. After all, in order to deal with the immortal land, the five great towns have to take care of this core mineral vein. It should be impossible to take care of it. It is better to send someone to directly control the core mineral vein. Then you can wait for five people. Concentrate on dealing with the fairy land, right?"

With a word, the situation trembled!

The handsome eyes of the five major towns in the field flashed, and at the same time he said,

"No, the control of this core mineral vein is personally told by Princess Yingyue that we need to be directly in charge of the five people, except for the order of the burial master or Princess Yingyue! Please take back King Shenglan and die, With this decree, it is hard for subordinates to wait for forgiveness!"

The tone is calm, but sonorous and powerful.

Before they went out to meet the Holy Lan King, in fact, they had already suffocated endless fire, but because of the possibility that the burial owner might come in person, the five of them were extremely afraid and did not dare to take risks. But now facing the requirements of King Shenglan, I can’t bear it anymore, because as it said, Princess Moon is invited to explain in person about the core mineral vein, which is extremely important. If it is done, then the five of them But she will face the anger of Princess Yueyue.

Naturally, they couldn't bear such things, nor did they dare to bear it.

So now, under the attention of all the people, the five of them did not dare to remain silent any longer, and directly refused the request of King Shenglan.

"you guys!"

In an instant, King Shenglan's complexion turned gloomy, but he also felt extremely tricky. He understands that wanting to seize this right is indeed quite difficult, but now he has the upper hand, he naturally cannot let it go. He wants to continue to expand his influence on this deserted ancient battlefield, which is thinking in his mind. At that time, a voice suddenly came and fell in this hall.

"The five big towns are handsome, don't you think about it?"

The voice was faint, and the speaker was Meng Fan.

Under this kind of moment, Meng Fan spoke calmly, but it attracted the dissatisfaction of the five great towns commanders. They still dare not disrespect King Shenglan, but for Meng Fan, there are not so many scruples. One of them He immediately said,

"What are you, this handsome..."

However, before he could finish speaking, his eyes were facing each other, and he suddenly collided with Meng Fan's eyes. The same was true for the other four people. Under Meng Fan's cold and deep gaze, it was only for a moment that the five major townsmen in this scene were shocked at the same time, and an incomparable shock appeared in their eyes.

Obviously, the five great towns commanders felt Meng Fan’s horror. Although the latter did not move, the quietness of his eyes was like an old well, which could bury everything between the world and the earth, even if it was them. The five people also felt a chill at the same time.

God king strong!

After a short while, the five people understood that only the existence of the **** king can create such a great power. When each one looks at each other, they can see the incomparable tremor between each other.

The person who was originally speaking was sweating like a rain in a flash, and he was struggling to speak.

Reminiscent of King Shenglan’s previous words, the burial master’s avatar came, and several of them dare not speak, because Meng Fan’s breath is a real God King and powerhouse. There are only a few people in this burial site. And they even felt the deep and mysterious in Meng Fan, especially now that he was in a black robe, and he couldn't see any face, it also made the five people have to appear in series and mistakenly think that he is the burial master!

It is also one of Meng Fan's hole cards. He dared to make this round, and naturally he needed a considerable method.

The latter can use his breath, and now his knowledge of this burial site can be described as a perfect disguise.

With his cultivation base, pretending to be the burial master, this group of people can't see much at all.

But Meng Fan smiled coldly,

"King Shenglan is the son of the burial master, and he is the most beloved one, how many handsome towns, don't you think about it?"

With a word, the five people once again looked at Meng Fan's gaze, and each swallowed a mouthful of water, the sweat already wet their clothes.

Even if they were loyal to Princess Yue, and feared Princess Yue, but mistakenly believed that the burial master was here, they were already crazy. After all, this is really a real God King's method. Can't imitate.

"Yes...Yes! Just follow the arrangements of King Shenglan!"

Finally, a town commander nodded, his legs were soft, and he almost didn't kneel down. The other four town leaders also nodded. The largest spar vein on this deserted ancient battlefield was in control, so it was transferred to Meng Fan and Shenglan. King!

Hearing the words of these five people, there was a thunderstorm in the field, including the people who followed the Holy Lan King. They had never thought of it before. Looking at the eyes of the Holy Lan King, they couldn't help but feel a kind of surprise.

It seems that the latter indeed possesses the decree of the burial master, and is able to do so!

In the field, King Shenglan was even more surprised. He didn’t understand why Meng Fan’s words meant that all the five leaders in the field had succumbed. Laughed and nodded,

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then this king of the core mineral vein will personally send someone to take care of it, sergeant, how about you do this thing?"

"Naturally good!"

Meng Fan smiled and arched his hands, which also made everyone in and out of the court look at each other and shake.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Holy Orchid King arrived, above the deserted ancient battlefield, the control of this core spar had completely changed hands. I don't know where Princess Yueyue heard about it, and what will happen!

In the ancient temple, other things were already trivial matters, and under the arrangements of King Saint Orchid and the five great town leaders, they were completely resolved. Everyone also had their own concerns and dispersed. And Meng Fan was arranged in the most luxurious secret room in this deserted ancient battlefield.

After no one was around, Lord Bird said in a panic.

"Boss, are we playing bigger and bigger? If this goes on, the lady and her burial owner father must find us. I can bet that the fierce lady will come here soon. Everything is exposed!"

"I don't want to stay long in this burial ground!"

Meng Fan shrugged and said helplessly,

"It's too dangerous here. I can't deal with a fierce lady, let alone the burial owner behind him. I don't know what strength it is. Besides, my goal is the Underworld. I just want to disturb the burial ground. The situation has allowed me to regain my strength and at the same time blackmail them severely!"

"Ah, boss, do you think..."

A bird and a turtle exclaimed at the same time and reacted.

"Of course, the spar in that core mineral vein belongs to Xiaoye, but I didn't run!"

Meng Fan smiled coldly, and then said,

"But before their battle starts, I still need to do one thing!"


Asked a bird and a turtle puzzled.

And Meng Fan's gaze was looking outside this secret room, at the other end of the sky in this deserted ancient battlefield, calmly said,

"In the deserted ancient battlefield, the burial ground is now in the overall situation, but there is one last place that has not been attacked. Before them, I want to... go and see the people in the fairyland!"

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