Supreme God King

Chapter 1988: Mixing

Looking at the world, for any man, molesting beautiful women is a pleasing thing to watch.

Especially the beauty of the level of Princess Yingyue, especially a **** king who is invincible in the world, especially this beauty who has suppressed Meng Fan in the past.

For Meng Fan, this kind of thing doesn't mind letting Princess Yueyue struggle on the edge of the outbreak!

Quite fun, very happy!

I have to admit that Meng Fan's yardstick is quite adequate, and finally in the incomparably resentful eyes of Princess Yingyue, he has to gritted his teeth and nodded.

With that kind of gaze that tears everything apart, it is conceivable that if it weren't for this very moment, when the burial master was deeply trapped in the important place, I am afraid that Princess Yue would immediately cut Meng Fan's body 100 times!

Of course, everything is just maybe!

If it were in an ordinary state, Meng Fanke would never take the initiative to provoke this female tyrannosaurus.

After everything was settled, Meng Fan also stepped on the sole of his foot and moved forward again, but now there was no one beside him. The Princess Yueyue who had always followed him before, but disappeared!

Now among the endless black holes, all that can be seen is Meng Fan alone.

In the black hole, there was utter silence, but in Meng Fan’s eyes, it seemed as if he could see a kind of road in the dark. This came from the dead king of the burial ground, whose breath helped Meng Fan run the heavenly calculation. , In this chaos, looking for someone who killed him.

Not long after, Meng Fan's expression moved, staring into the distance. Although separated by thousands of miles, he had sensed three extremely terrifying auras.

In just a moment, the three **** meanings piled up like a sea of ​​blood from the corpse mountain hit his face, causing Meng Fan to feel a tremor all over his body.

This should be the divine hermit that Princess Yaoyue said, it's actually so powerful!

Meng Fan's expression changed and he sighed inwardly.

I have to admit one thing is that the environment in this divine seclusion road is actually worse than ten thousand domains, because in ten thousand domains there is the protection of the source of the heavens, even if there is a forbidden zone, dark turmoil, monks fighting And so on, but it's not as dangerous as in the way of the gods.

Because in this divine hidden road, it is like a sea without any defenses. As long as you are here, what will happen in the next second and who you will encounter, but no one can say it well.

And Meng Fan also felt that in the distance, the horror of the three breaths was definitely not the human race, but three creatures that Meng Fan had never seen before.

No need to speak, just from the perspective of breath, one can feel the ferocity of these three strange creatures.

Once they are close, they will put themselves in an extremely dangerous situation.

But after only a moment, Meng Fan slowly moved forward, his face calm, and he couldn't see any waves, but he was approaching the three fierce auras quickly.

Such behavior, if it falls into the eyes of other people, it will inevitably be shocked, it is almost like death, even if Meng Fan is powerful, he is the king of God and suppresses everything.

But these three strange creatures at his close range are equally terrifying and unparalleled. Even if it is one-on-one, Meng Fan is absolutely not sure of victory, let alone three!

But Meng Fan did just that, and within a few breaths, his figure actively fell into the sight of these three strange creatures.

As far as I can see, I can see that there are three tall shadows in the void, which look like three human men, all dressed in costumes, but through many details, they can sense the extraordinary and extraordinary harmony of these three men. terrible.

One of the men was dressed in black, with a growing horn on top of his head, his face was cold, like an iceberg, motionless and cold.

And the other two are also places with different human races. One is big like a mountain, the other is small and pitiful, and it doesn't look much different from a dwarf.

The only thing in common is the terrible fluctuations in these three people, and at the next moment, the eyes of the three are focused on Meng Fan.

Obviously, when Meng Fan saw them, they naturally saw Meng Fan too!

Without any words, within one breathing time, the whole world became extremely cold. None of these three people spoke, but the terrifying breath was already overwhelming.

There is no doubt that these three are strong in the Divine King Realm, but to reach that point, you still need Meng Fan and them to really fight before you know.

Facing this kind of pressure like the tide, Meng Fan's complexion didn't seem to change at all, and he couldn't feel the same. Instead, he took a big step towards the three of them and said loudly.

"Three...brothers, stay here!"

The voice fell, revealing a kind of incomparable enthusiasm and overflowing. If people who are familiar with Meng Fan will have their chin dropped at this moment, since when did Tai Shan collapse in front of Meng Fan, there was such a passionate time. In the eyes of too many people, the latter may not have said a word for thousands of years!


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the expressions of the three of them all moved slightly. They watched Meng Fan approach indifferently. The overwhelming murderous intent had not changed. They confined an inch of space, and then the indifferent man said.

"who are you!"

Three words were spit out, but like a cold knife, tearing his face apart.

When he came to the three of them, Meng Fan burst into laughter and said loudly.

"Three brothers, I don’t think I can see someone like you here. I’m so lonely and empty. It’s great to be able to see you... Are you asking my name? My name is... Uncle !"


The three of them were stunned, and this word could also understand what was going on for them. One of the strange creatures with huge physique gave a low growl, blasted out a punch, and came violently towards Meng Fan.

"You dare to take advantage of us?"

The roar is like thunder, the strength is great, tearing the eight wilderness, even if a **** king is strong, he will tremble, because the body of this huge strange creature is obviously extraordinary and possesses a certain kind of secret technique. The force between the fingers of this shook everything in the mountains and rivers.

However, standing still, Meng Fan didn't move, just raised his hand faintly, and punched him together.


Under the bang of the two, Meng Fan fought like an iron, but the body of the tall strange creature shook for a while, and the fist that had dropped was also retracted!

Yep? !

Seeing this scene, both the indifferent man and the dwarf man changed their expressions. No matter where they are in this world, strength is the first element of speech. Obviously, the strength shown by Meng Fan is different. general.

"Why hit me!"

Meng Fan cried a face, and said,

"I do call this name, in that space of mine, everyone calls me that way, I just call this name, since I was born, it's just this name! I don't know how many thousands of years, Still such a name!"

Hearing that, the tall strange man still wants to do something, but he was stopped by the indifferent man with a beckon, and said coldly,

"Don't do it yet. What he said may be true. It is not surprising that he is called an uncle in the world he lives in based on his cultivation base, but you have to talk about where you come from and do it when you come here. what?"

"I don't know where I came. I came here... even more accidentally. I was chased and killed by someone!"

Meng Fan looked helpless, as if he was talking about something painful.

"Hunt and kill, who is it?"

The dwarf man raised his brows and asked directly.

"I'm not sure, but I know someone calls her... Princess Yueyue!"

When Meng Fan said this, the expressions of the three indifferent men suddenly changed. Obviously, they were no strangers to Princess Yueyue, especially the two **** kings in the previous burial ground were planted in their hands.

"Hey... Has this lady come here too?"

The dwarf man said negatively,

"Ten thousand years ago, Lao Tzu fought against her once. What a pity, that time... Lao Tzu unfortunately lost a move. He was chased and killed by that fierce lady so badly that he almost died in her hands. Now if he touched her again Now, we must teach her a lesson, but we just..."

"To shut up!"

The indifferent man glanced at the dwarf man, then looked directly at Meng Fan, saying every word,

"Why do you say that you were invited by Princess Moon to chase down here? I don't know what's going on here?"


Meng Fan seemed to be stupid, rubbed his head and said helplessly,

"Where is there any evidence? I woke up from my space and wandered on this divinely hidden road. I didn't know that I came to a place called a burial. I also knew what opportunity they came here to look for. I just took a look, and I didn't expect that when I just came here, I was spotted by the fierce lady who invited Yue.

Chasing all the way, I finally escaped here. If it's evidence, I beat her. Although she beat me miserably, I didn't make her feel better, leaving a few drops of her efforts, you guys Look! "

As he spoke, Meng Fan's palm was spread out, and there was a small bottle in it. The blood flashed in it. Every drop of blood contained great power. Only the king of the gods could sense this drop. How extraordinary is blood?

At the same time, the expressions of the three indifferent men changed, their eyes flickered, and their eyesight naturally saw the terrible blood at a glance.

After a moment of silence, the dwarf man said,

"Is this guy really taking the initiative to go with Yuegong?"

"It's more than hands-on, I was beaten badly by her!"

Meng Fan smiled silly, then looked at the three of them, saying every word,

"Princess Yueyue is here too, she might be chasing me down, can you help me!"

There was a silly air between the voices, but above the corner of Meng Fan's mouth, there was an arc that only those who knew him could feel, revealing a trace of evil!

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