Supreme God King

Chapter 1989: Strange creatures

Can you help me!

In the voice, there is a trace of sadness, it is just how sad and sad, how helpless and helpless!

For Meng Fan's hidden look, the three indifferent men couldn't even notice. 【,..

Because only people who are familiar with Meng Fan will know that once the bad water starts to surge in his stomach, they will laugh like this and fall in their eyes, just thinking that Meng Fan is smiling bitterly.

Hearing this, the three of them suddenly changed their expressions, each of them glanced at each other, they all had some doubts, and a trace of murderous intention flashed past!

There is no doubt that for Princess Yueyue, any of these three guys are full of murderous intent. Not to mention that the dwarf man had fought against Princess Yueyue before and had grievances. The other two people were involved in killing the King of the Burial Land. In action.

They naturally knew the identity of Princess Yueyue, and they had already killed an ancient burial place, so naturally they were automatically included in the blacklist of Princess Yueyue's must-kill.

Now they know that Princess Yaoyue is here, so no one can escape.

Once a collision, it will inevitably set off a **** storm, and for the king of the gods, for potential threats, they have always liked the nature of starting to be strong.

"Jiayan, what do you think?"

The dwarf man looked at the indifferent man, and said through the voice.


The indifferent man called Jai Xuan gave a sneer and said slowly,

"This person has a good cultivation base. If you really have a grudge against Princess Yueyue, you can use it. First, you can use him as a bait to attract Princess Yueyue. Secondly, this place is extraordinary. We might as well let him. It is also good to be a pioneer and find the way for us in front of it!"

"Not bad!"

Hearing that, the eyes of the dwarf man and the tall man were bright, and they nodded in sympathy.

This strange space is extremely dangerous, even a few people need to work together.

And the appearance of Meng Fan could not help but make them feel joyful. Obviously, the three of them intend to use Meng Fan as their own pathfinder in this ancient black hole. Once there is something, then naturally they can make Meng Fan first With.

"But what if this kid is deceived? Why do I feel that his IQ is not enough? Did it pretend to be?"

The dwarf man's eyes flashed and hesitated.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether he pretends or not. We are the three great kings. He is just one person. Although he has some strength, how can he be our opponent? If this kid is unpredictable, he can take his life at all times. "

Jai Su said calmly.

Hearing what Jai Xu said, the dwarf man and the tall man stopped talking, but smiled slightly and turned to look at Meng Fan.

"Haha, your dissatisfaction said, we have already seen Princess Yueyue unhappy, so why don't you walk with us? If Father Yueyue mainly deals with you, we will help you!"

The dwarf man's eyes flashed and he looked at Meng Fan with a big smile, with an extremely warm look.

"In this case, you don't have to be afraid of the princess who invites the moon. Moreover, there is a great opportunity here. It is better for the four of us to worship and become brothers. We can share the blessings and share the difficulties together. Find out this great opportunity in this space. Then divide equally, what do you think?"


Meng Fan looked excited, nodded repeatedly, and said loudly.

"Uncle Lai Xia, I am very willing to bow down with the three and become brothers who want to be photographed!"

Uncle, you big head!

Hearing this, the corners of the tall man’s mouth twitched. I have to say that the word Meng Fan is too much. If I call it, I will suffer too much, but I don’t call it again. It's because I can't get past the face now, and my heart is itching with hatred.

But after all, the three of them are **** king and strong, the city mansion is not a little bit, they all looked still, and said,

"At Xia Jui!"

"Bi Long!"

"Teng snake!"

The four raised their hands at the same time, looked at each other, and said in unison,

"Willing to worship together and become brothers, look for great opportunities together, share blessings and share in difficulties!"

The voice fell from the mouth of the four great kings, which was sonorous and upright. It's just that in the hearts of the four people, they just don't know how much thought and bad water are surging, but this scene seems to be extremely loyal.

After the worship, Meng Fan also became their brother. They were called uncles and brothers by the three people, and they went on the road together.

It's just that every time a few people called Meng Fan's name, they felt that the corners of their mouths twitched.

And Meng Fan always had a silly smile on his face. He seemed extremely enthusiastic and cordial. He even took the initiative to walk in front of the four people, leaving his back to the three people without reservation. Three people were surprised.

Rao, none of them could imagine that Meng Fan believed that?

If the three of them attacked from behind at this moment, then they would be able to severely inflict Meng Fan in the first place. If the three great kings joined forces, then Meng Fan would not have any chance to react and would suffer a catastrophe.

But Meng Fan didn't have any doubts at all. He walked in front so stupidly, causing all three of them to shook their heads secretly.

Isn't this guy really a fool?

In this strange space, it was extremely strange, even the four of Meng Fan had to be careful.

After all, the power of the black hole here is too terrifying. It is a completely unfamiliar void space with too much suppression.

While on this road, Meng Fan walked directly in front, exploring the way for the three, and laughing happily, asking the four people behind him.

After a verbal conversation, Meng Fan also knew that the three people of Jai Xuan were all strange creatures born in this divine hiding path. They were different from each other and controlled the most terrifying means, and the path of growth was extremely fierce.

It is definitely not a human race. It should be regarded as a fierce beast in itself, but it is only transformed into a human form. Once any person appears on the body, then it will be extremely violent!

And from the clues above the words, Meng Fan was even more aware that the relationship between the three is not as strong as iron, but because he wanted to explore the ancient treasure of this great Taoist, he chose to join hands. , But in fact, the three of them have their own ghosts, and none of them are kind.

Naturally, Meng Fan had already anticipated this. What really surprised him was that there were so many hidden in the path of divine hiding. Before that, he knew nothing at all. There is also such a terrifying and wonderful world. From the simple information, Meng Fan sensed the horror of this path of divine hiding.

However, the more so, the more excitement arose in Meng Fan's heart, because the three of them, no matter how strong they were, were similar to Princess Yueyue, but would only be weaker than them. Even the princess Yueyue was jealous of Mingtu, which was enough to prove that Mingtu was above everyone.

Then what he couldn't do in Ten Thousand Realms, maybe in this divine hidden road, he would be very likely to do it!

There were a lot of thoughts in his mind, but Meng Fan couldn't see anything on the surface. Only the three people who followed Jai Xu kept searching within the realm of the Taoist master.

Relying on the instincts and means of several great kings, he was exploring some traces in this endless black hole.

Three full days have passed, just when Meng Fan meant that there was basically no gain, he always stood behind him, but the silent stare moved abruptly and whispered.

"Don't move, the entrance to the Black Sea... is here!"

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