Supreme God King

Chapter 2000: Xanadu

The ancient pagoda before was just a blindfold that invited Princess Moon and Meng Fan to join hands. In fact, they are still far away from the core of the Black Sea.

I don't know what happened, but Meng Fan understood that it must be extremely dangerous.

Otherwise, neither the immortal king nor the burial master should be under the strength of Princess Yueyue, so how could they summon their respective troops here!

It is conceivable that there must be stormy waves in it, and even these two great horrors are trapped inside.

But it is a pity that this time Meng Fan couldn't escape. Looking at Princess Yingyue's complacency and threatening herself, Meng Fan could only grit her teeth and admit her threat.

So after staying for a while, the two once again joined hands and moved towards the depths of the Black Sea.

The two great gods, going to any place in this world, should be decayed, like thunder. But it's a pity that this is the Black Sea. It comes from the hands of the Supreme Taoist, one of the three masters of Underworld, so it is also with unprecedented difficulty.

There are endless black holes between the sun and the sky. It is too difficult to find an accurate direction here.

Besides, the pressure in the black hole is very, killing every step.

A little carelessness, it is possible to touch the space storm in this Black Sea, even if Meng Fan invites Princess Moon, he dare not say that it is easy to provoke and consume himself.

Fortunately, both of them have big tonic things in their hands, that is, the former Jai Xuan and Teng Snake, the origin of the king of dragons.

This thing was completely absorbed in the hands of the two of them, and it was completely turned into a supplement to their own nutrients. It also allowed Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue, who had just experienced a battle, to stabilize themselves and rely on this to fight against Zhou. The consumption of the sky black hole.

In addition to his own flesh and blood, this **** king's origin and heart blood are powerful, but Meng Fan has benefited infinitely.

Worthy of being a fierce beast of the **** king level, Meng Fan runs martial arts and swallows it. It is almost more helpful to him than the power of spar, and it can also enable him to stabilize himself under the constant loss of this black hole space. There is even progress.

But what quickly made Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue alert is that this Black Sea space is really terrifying.

In the past, the three guys, Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue, were not paying attention to this in order to fool the snake and dragon, but now facing this black sea, even the two great kings feel a deep feeling at the same time. Of powerlessness.

In front of this endless emptiness, neither of them had any means. After a full half a month, they still couldn't find another way out, and even lost the way back. The entire Black Sea is extremely mysterious, and the sky is full of black hole power. Even though the two are stronger, it is too difficult to judge the direction and find opportunities in this black hole.

"In this space, the consumption for us is terrible. If it is one year, it is estimated that both of you and I may be exhausted!"

Meng Fan said helplessly.

But what was said was the truth, because the problem that had been before them both could not be solved.

But Princess Yueyue is quite stubborn, she has a posture of persistence in what she wants to do, she doesn't hesitate at all, she just looks for it all the way. And this kind of aimless exploration in the depths of the Black Sea made Meng Fan and the two have to waste time here, another full two months later.

Thanks to the painstaking effort and origin of the three big beasts of Javier and Teng Snake, it was only then that Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue were able to persevere, otherwise at this moment, they would have some problems themselves.


Princess Yingyue blasted out with a punch, her face was gloomy, and after spending nearly three months with no results, she also ran away.

He stretched out his hand and slammed it heavily into the Black Sea space, which was really violent.

"Don't be angry, being angry is of no use at all!"

Meng Fan comforted.

But in exchange, Princess Yue gave him a fierce look and said every word,

"Then you say, what can you do? If you can't, just leave me alone!"

Obviously, there is not much difference between the impatient Princess Yue and a little woman who loses her temper. It also makes Meng Fan quite speechless, so she has to look at the endless black sea space around her.

Without moving his complexion, Meng Fan quietly sensed the space between the sky and the sky. He didn't move at all. He couldn't find the way anyway. Instead, he sat cross-legged and sat on this void quietly. Just like an old monk.

Glancing at the strange Meng Fan, Princess Yueyue did not bother, understanding that the latter didn't know what he was thinking about, so she waited quietly.

It took three full days for Meng Fan to open his eyes, a trace of fatigue flashed across his face, but his eyes were piercing and he said,

"There is not necessarily no way out, but maybe we are looking for the wrong way!"

"What do you mean?"

Princess Yingyue raised her eyebrows and hummed.

"Clarify it for me!"

Looking helplessly at Princess Yueyue, Meng Fan said lightly,

"Why did we put our goal in this black hole before? The black hole itself is nothing, this piece of black sea is the core of this endless world, but it does not mean that the Taoist people will put the inheritance here, maybe this black sea is just His defensive shell is nothing more than to make people get lost here. We have persisted for so long, but there is nothing but the power of the black hole here. Perhaps he will end up here in another space!"

"You mean, in this Black Sea, there is still a heaven outside?"

Princess Yingyue's eyes flashed and she reacted.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan pointed and said slowly,

"If I didn't guess wrong, then maybe the entrance to the outer sky is in this black hole. We can try to find it. That place may not be a black hole anymore, and it should even be full of life.

If I were too Taoist, I would definitely do this. Only the place with a little bit of vitality in the black hole is the most likely to be his final fall.

Your father and the fairy king are also very likely to set foot on wherever they go, the sky outside the sky, the small world, only in this way, we can't feel it! "

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Princess Yueyue stopped talking, but sat cross-legged with Meng Fan. The two **** kings each looked at each other, and then closed their eyes at the same time, motionless like a mountain, but the powerful divine mind in the body was working. Open up and merge into one place.

Two tidal thoughts, turned into one!

This kind of integration of all spiritual thoughts requires mutual trust between each other. Otherwise, if one is careless and the other party suddenly launches an attack, then oneself will definitely be at a disadvantage, and even suffer a big loss because of it.

But obviously at this kind of moment, neither Meng Fan nor Princess Yueyue made a shot against each other.

On the contrary, they have no reservations, their minds and minds are one, and now Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue look more like good friends, and they have chosen to join forces like this.

How powerful is the spirit of the two great kings.

Together, they suddenly formed a strong magnetic field with the two of them as the center. Invisibly, everything surrounding them was distorted, including all the laws of space, time, etc., which were solidified by the two of them. Living, I use this magnetic field to look down on the huge Black Sea.

Between the week and the sky, Fan Tao in the angry sea is full of black hole power. The spirits of Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue are like a beacon in the angry sea, to illuminate the surroundings and find a right path. .

This kind of behavior, I don't know how long it has passed, and the time flowed bit by bit between the two. The last two looked at the same time, and their palms stretched out and cut into the void together.

Hands up, the strength of the black holes tore apart.

In front of Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue, there was also a rift in space. Among them, there is a cavernous sky, but a piece of... Little Thousand World!


Seeing this scene, Princess Yueyue was a little excited, and she understood that, as Meng Fan said, there is still a hidden place outside the black sea. It is here that the Taoist Taoist hides.

The Black Sea outside seems to be just another illusion of defense!

"Huh, this sorrowful person is really scheming!"

Princess Yingyue gave a sneer, and then stood up, already aware of the door to enter, naturally she did not hesitate to move forward.

Behind her, Meng Fan's brows wrinkled slightly, and in the end he didn't say anything, but followed in the same way.

When he settled down, Meng Fan felt a good smell coming into his nose, which made him feel refreshed and happy. When he saw it, this little thousand world was like a paradise, everywhere. There are valleys, jungles, green trees, and a flock of birds flying in the sky.

It even gave Meng Fan an illusion that this is a place far away from the storms of the world, and it is not like the place where the inheritance of the Taoist people should be.

"It's so beautiful. It's really amazing. The Taoist master killed countless people in his life. I don't know how many strong people have been killed. What he is best at is using dead people. In the old days, I heard his name, hundreds of millions. The man was crying, and he didn't think that he was in such a place in the end, and there was still some sentiment!

Invite Princess Yue coldly.

But Meng Fan frowned, carefully looked at the landscape between Zhou and Tian, ​​and finally said,

"Don't be careless, I always feel...something is wrong!"

The voice is solemn. For Meng Fan, who is in control of the sky, he is not a little sensitive to danger. Now in this place, although it looks more like a paradise, it feels like a crisis is coming. But it was several times more severe than Meng Fan's oppression in the Black Sea!

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