Supreme God King

Chapter 2001: Hidden Murder

The simpler, the harder, the calmer, and the more dangerous!

Over the years, Meng Fan has gone through many fights, until today, every strand of his hair is empty.

The awareness of the surrounding environment is even more nuanced, which can make him so, but it is rare.


When Princess Yueyue's expression moved, she understood that Meng Fan would never be aimless, and she couldn't help but shake her body, and she was twelve more distracted.

The two great kings were extremely alert at the same time.

The divine mind was running and probing the surroundings, but neither Meng Fan nor Princess Yueyue had gained anything. Within a few breaths, the entire world remained as before.

Everywhere around is the fragrance of birds and flowers, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, a peaceful appearance.

"It's not you.... The induction is wrong, right?"

Princess Yueyue hesitated.

"Walk around!"

Meng Fan did not answer directly, but took a step and walked in this landscape painting.

The surrounding scenery is picturesque, the green hills are rolling, and the scenery is exceptionally pleasant, and here there are more men and women, Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue, who look like a match made in heaven. Anyone can see This scene will be lamented.

But on the contrary, in it, Meng Fan's eyes were always staring at Zhou Tian, ​​unwilling to let go of any changes.

Qi and blood erupted in his body, moving at any time, making him always in a state of high alertness.

With the passing of time, in less than a stick of incense, Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue have already walked a lot of mountains around here, but they didn't find anything other than enjoying them. I couldn't help standing firm in front of a cold pool, and the water rushed in and slapped the bluestone.

"No, no!"

Meng Fan looked around, took a deep breath, and muttered,

"I always feel uncomfortable here, what is wrong..."

While he was speaking, his eyes closed, and the power of Heaven's Path circulated quickly, making an extremely tedious calculation in his mind. This kind of method comes from the source of the heavens, and it is a unique secret technique that no one can understand except the person who really controls the heavens.

Once this kind of secret technique works, it does not need any evidence, no means, but a trace of speculation, which is to find a breakthrough in the chaos. Belonging in the chaos, inferring the future, speculating on murder.

Even Princess Yueyue didn't understand why Meng Fan was so alert, but didn't dare to interrupt.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan's expression suddenly moved, his eyes closed, the soles of his feet stepped out, and he slowly moved forward about twenty steps before standing in front of this cold pool.

At the same time, Meng Fan's body lowered, and Meng Fan's palm fell, grabbed into the pool of water, and grabbed a small rock from the pool.

The whole body is white, it looks like it is just a small stone, but after Ying Yue Princess has concentrated all the attention, it suddenly changes in color.

"Xiandi Divine King Powerful...Bone!"

Princess Yingyue exclaimed.

She had already recognized that this stone was not a real stone, but a bone, in which there was still a trace of the power of an immortal land.

It's just that it's almost the same. If it hadn't been for Meng Fan's big means to grab the skeleton in this pool of water, he didn't know that there was something here.

This bone should be at the chest. Meng Fan opened his eyes and looked at Princess Yingyue at each other, knowing that in this place, even if it is possible, that strong immortal land had fallen.

Before, Meng Fan had heard that the three ancients in the fairyland all came here. Have they already set foot in this space and died in this seemingly peaceful landscape?

"Your father told you before, didn't you say anything?"

Meng Fan asked hesitantly.


Princess Yueyue nodded, and finally said helplessly,

"He passed the secret method of my burial site, but only one sentence came. It was extremely simple. He just said...I am in danger, quick rescue, only these simple words, I don't have to lie to you!"

There was a bitterness in the voice.

She had only doubted Meng Fan's words before, but now after seeing this bone with her own eyes, the endless fierceness in her eyes suddenly appeared.

It's just that she didn't wait for Princess Yueyue to say anything, suddenly...a piece of snow fell!

It seems to be just an extremely soft snowflake, but the moment it fell, Princess Yueyue also burst out with a destructive force in her body. She stepped out and stepped on the ground with one foot, a god-king and powerful person who scorned the world. It has already exploded, suppressing the surroundings.

One person lifts the sky, and Princess Yueyue also shoots out with a palm and goes to the sky.

At the same time, Meng Fan didn't hesitate at all. He raised his head to the sky and roared with blood erupting. An invincible idea of ​​the world swept across the mountains and rivers to help the Princess Yue and seal the surrounding space with ice.

There is only one reason, that strange snowflake is weird.

It seems that there is no difference between ordinary snowflakes, but who Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue are, observantly and extremely meticulously, have reached an incredible level of judging danger.

The snowflake contained a kind of continuous chill, which seemed invisible, but actually contained a fatal murderous intent. Therefore, Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue had to use great means to completely seal the entire void.

At the same time, a sudden chill hits and the snow falls!

The sky is full of snowflakes, constantly downwards, it is obvious that the surrounding environment is extremely brilliant green mountains and green water, but the snowflakes that fall are exceptionally cold and piercing!

In the face of this, Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue had to exert all their strength to resist the surroundings, and in the next moment, what shocked the two of them was that in the void, a faint laughter unexpectedly fell.

"Jie Jie... Two little dolls, it's a good response!"

Between the voices, the ancient vicissitudes of life, extremely hoarse, a few meters away from the two of them, there was a figure unfolding, a black robe, which looked like a middle-aged man, extremely tall, no anger in the eyebrows Wei makes people think of the king of the world the first time.

And the great monk in the world will see this man, his heart trembles even more, because there is a different kind of aura in the man, as if this person is the controller of death, that kind of power that flows inadvertently is Can make the common people extinct, this person... is terrible to the extreme!

"this is……."

Seeing this man, Meng Fan's brows suddenly wrinkled, his eyes flashing like electricity, staring at the middle-aged man in front of him, faintly, feeling the terribleness of this man, this kind of devotion to control the world and stir the situation The breath made him think of a person, Gu Huang!

The two of them are extremely the same, they look like a refined middle-aged man, but in fact they have a kind of slaughter the world, the common people are all annihilated and I am immortal. This kind of person is even more than ten. The Lord of the Three Halls is even more terrifying, the Lord of the Thirteenth Halls wants to turn Wanyu into a forbidden zone and turn into their slavery.

Rather than completely annihilating the world, desperately.

But the ancient emperor was not, except for himself, he didn't care about anything at all.

If they really offend them, they will destroy the world, and they will die at all costs!

While standing aside, Princess Yueyue’s gaze was even more shocked after seeing the middle-aged man. With her concentration, her pretty face turned pale after a short while, and she uttered a few words with difficulty.

"Too great... Taoist?!"

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