Supreme God King

Chapter 2005: Return a gift

That kind of poison from the underworld was too terrifying. It turned into a breath and penetrated into the bone marrow, making Meng Fan's whole body weaker, and the more he struggled, the more blood sprayed.


Meng Fan wanted to stand up forcibly, but only the moment his body stood up, his chest seemed to shatter, it was torn apart, and jet-black blood came out.

Because Meng Fan had been attacked too deeply by the toxin, all the power that belonged to him could not be used, even his physical body could not be controlled, and he burst into pieces.

The whole person now looks extremely miserable under the control of the Supreme Taoist, even if Meng Fan is struggling to support him, he can't hold on, just like a blood man.

This scene seemed extremely bleak, and a generation of **** kings ended in such a fate.

Even standing is strenuous, what else is there to talk about.

"Jie Jie, I said, I don’t need a stick of incense to deal with you two little dolls. The former fairy king and the two wastes in the funeral are just like this. Let me stay in less than one stick. Xiang’s time is gone, if it weren’t for them to have hidden means, with the blessing of the old men in the Zen Temple, I would have killed them a long time ago, you two, how could you escape!"

The Taoist Taoist said indifferently, before speaking, he stepped down and came towards Meng Fan.

In just one step, he was less than three meters away from Meng Fan, like a **** who controls life and death. At this moment, Meng Fan had no resistance at all.


One palm grabbed Meng Fan’s neck, and the aura of the Supreme Taoist approached, completely enclosing Meng Fan. The palm of the hand was also slowly tightened, and the neck of the boon master Meng Fan was also on the face of the Supreme Taoist. There was a cruel smile on his face.

"Little Wawa, blame you for coming to the wrong place. I admire you very much, but... uh!?"

At the moment when the Supreme Taoist was about to let Meng Fan's body burst into pieces and annihilate his soul, suddenly... his expression suddenly changed, and the palm of the hand that was holding Meng Fan's neck quickly loosened, trying to back away. But it was too late at this moment, because before I knew it, not only his palm fell on Meng Fan’s neck, but also his palm fell on his chest. In a moment, the palm of his hand fell on his chest. A ray of light pierced the long sky burst out from there, and the vitality revolved, turning into a sword.

The sword came out, and the sword fell. It was named Beidou, for... the Beidou sword!

Between the electric light and flint, even if it is too high, the Taoist can’t react, because he is too close to the sword light. To be precise, he actively approached the sword light, but what he never thought was that the other party Already prepared, dormant in the same place, the means of the Big Dipper sword, hidden at his fingertips, just waited for the moment he approached, and then unfolded.

So in an instant, it was the place where Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist were, bursting with an incomparable light!


Thousands of swords came out together and cut everything. Between this sword, I don't know how many sword moves are involved. The moment it falls, it is more than a ruin, and suddenly a cry of exclamation can be heard from the sword shadow in the sky.

The sound must vibrate and vibrate, how tragic and tragic, in a moment, with Meng Fan as the center, an incomparably bright light burst out, this light shining on the world, gorgeous and dazzling, sparks everywhere!

Just the breath that spreads out, it breaks the surroundings and breaks the ground!

After a few breaths, the sword light stopped, and the dazzling splendor finally disappeared.

In the midst of the smoke and dust, Meng Fan still... stood there, motionless, still looking bloodstained, but at this moment, he found his breath... definitely not as unbearable as before, on the contrary. Is extremely powerful.

It's just such a person standing, but it seems like a peerless emperor looking down on the world.

There is no doubt that even the stupid person who saw the current Meng Fan should be able to reflect it. The previous Meng Fan did not seem to be affected by the poison, and everything in it was just a disguise.

In the same way, on the opposite side, there was an extra figure. Like Meng Fan before, he was covered in bloodstains and his body was riddled with holes. I don’t know how many sword moves pierced his body. How can he guard against the ten thousand swords already in front of him?

This is the Big Dipper Sword, the ultimate sword **** of the Ten Thousand Regions. Even if it is too high, it has suffered a big loss, the injury is serious, the blood is dripping, and the powerful aura on the body is just weakened.

This confrontation is even more the same as before he and Meng Fan, but at that time... he had the upper hand and was extremely proud!

"You are not injured, you are not affected by my corpse poison!"

The blood fell, and there were countless wounds all over his body, but the Taoist Taoist didn't care at all, just staring at Meng Fan firmly, the only expression in his eyes that could not believe it.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded, looking very sorry.

Unexpectedly, he arranged such a fierce killing game. It did not kill the Supreme Daoist. That kind of magical ability to penetrate everything completely hit the Supreme Daoist, but the latter can still survive, and The flesh is immortal.

It has to be said that this alone is already standing on top of the world.

"Your corpse poison is very powerful, but it's not necessarily incomprehensible. At least, I have a way to get rid of it, because my martial arts have nothing to break or swallow!"

Meng Fan's voice resounded throughout the world, with a sense of arrogance in his confidence.

What I didn’t know was that at the moment when his body was heavy with corpse poison, the anti-shen martial art in his body was in motion. In fact, from beginning to end, Meng Fan was not affected by that kind of corpse poison. It swallowed and resolved.

However, Meng Fan used this point to target the Taoist priests, and instead set up a plan to let him fall into his trap.

This is the horror of Meng Fan. Everything that happened before was less than a cup of tea, but Meng Fan was able to calmly analyze and deceive a million-year-old monster, pretending to be injured, including its The tear in his chest was actually caused by Meng Fan's own shattering, painful, just to create an illusion.

As a result, the Taoist Supreme was really fooled. He came to Meng Fan's body and was sturdyly hit by the Beidou Sword. Although he was not dead, there is no doubt that the Taoist Supreme was definitely seriously injured at this moment. .... Actually still in full bloom!

"This should be counted as the gift I gave you back. In the past few years, Xiaoye has rarely been calculated by others. If you succeed once, how can Xiaoye be willing!"

Meng Fan stepped forward, his eyes indifferent, and murderous intent emerged.

Now it is time to have a stick of incense. There are not many opportunities for the Taoist to support the Lord. Moreover, he is injured now, so for Meng Fan, it is an excellent time. It should be... Anti-customer-oriented!

With a kick, Jueying realized that Meng Fan suddenly looked like an unsheathed divine soldier, the emperor fist traversed the world and slammed it directly towards the Supreme Taoist.

With a snap of your finger, without any hesitation, just like this!

For Meng Fan, now... it is his turn!


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