Supreme God King

Chapter 2006: Healing

At the fingertips, oppose the customer first!

Before, Meng Fan still looked blood-blooded, poisonously suppressed, and controlled by the Taoist master, but with just a few breaths, everything was suddenly distorted.

Instead, it became Meng Fan's main attack, and this scene in the field was more than appalling.

We must know that Meng Fan's opponent is one of the three masters of Mingtu, the Supreme Taoist who is famous on the road to the great God!

This class of characters is definitely a great hero who has come out of the world, and how terrible is the scheming.

However, it has already encountered Meng Fan's layout, and in such a short time, he used the carelessness of the Taoist to suppress it.

It seems simple, but looking at the world, who can guarantee that he can do it.

If Princess Yueyue is sober, and seeing this, he will definitely admire Meng Fan. This kind of reaction alone is enough to make people respectful.

With one punch down, Meng Fan counterattacked, but he didn't hesitate to shoot, and the results were immediate. Now when the Taoist crisis is too high, how could he miss the opportunity.

In the face of Meng Fan's powerful attack, the blood-stained Taoist's complexion was ugly to the extreme. Finally, he let out a cold snort in his nose, and then landed on the ground, twisting Zhou Tian.

Although Meng Fan's blow was comparable to a tiger wolf and crushed the mountains and rivers, he was completely resisted by a brutal ghost after arriving in front of the Supreme Taoist.


Meng Fan's blow was actually blocked by the Supreme Taoist, making it difficult to advance.

In it, the Supreme Taoist made a long roar. In Meng Fan’s eyes, it became blurred, and it began to separate quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, the whole person completely turned into a piece of air and disappeared. In front of Meng Fan's eyes.

No matter how Meng Fan tried to crush the mountains and rivers, it was impossible to break through the air.

Obviously, this should be a way for the Supreme Taoist to escape for his life. The latter can instantly turn himself into a mist without any substance.

"Jie Jie... Meng Fan, I have no choice but to see you again soon. Don't worry, you can't leave here at all. The entire space is controlled by my seat. In today's battle, you are out of my seat. I pitted this seat once, but when I met again, it won’t be anymore..."

With the disappearance of the Supreme Taoist, around the sky, only this voice kept falling, indifferent and cold.

Facing this kind of secret technique, Meng Fan had nothing to do. The opponent was one or two lines higher than his own, the king of the gods, and he controlled too many secret techniques, which made him extremely surprised. Now it seems that it is very difficult for me to deal with this too sage, I can only watch the opponent disappear.

Wait till the space is quiet

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Afterwards, Meng Fan took a deep breath and recovered his calm.

As a result, he explored his divine consciousness around, but after a few breaths, what surprised Meng Fan was that all of this was just as the Supreme Taoist said before that the world where they were located was completely sealed. The whole world, like a huge prison, has no place to leave at all, including himself, is trapped here to death, unable to leave at all.

"Damn it, if it's here, how long will it be delayed, and what will happen when the guy in the upper reaches recovers!"

Meng Fan let out a sigh of relief, a little anxious, but at the next moment, his gaze swept away and he patted his head.

Invite Moon Princess!

Princess Yueyue is still beside him, and she is already very poisonous. She does not have the ability of Meng Fan to completely swallow the deadly poison of the Supreme Daoist. He is fighting fiercely with the Supreme Daoist again. For a long time, I don't know where the toxin has penetrated into Princess Yaoyue's body!

With a kick, Meng Fan hurriedly passed by and came to Princess Yaoyue.

Grasping Princess Yueyue's cold, slender wrist, Meng Fan also looked at Princess Yueyue carefully and explored her body. After a few breaths, Meng Fan's brows frowned tightly, because Princess Yingyue's injury was too serious.

The corpse poison of the Taoist Supreme is simply a natural nemesis to Princess Yaoyue. Once inside, it is like a fire encountering the east wind. It becomes more and more fierce. Naturally, the poison in Princess Yueyue's body will continue to increase. It is the king of the world, constantly resisting, and now the soul has been completely crushed!

"Xiao Tian!"

After hesitating for a moment, Meng Fan roared, and suddenly a golden tower shadow appeared, it was Xiaotian.

"Help me protect the law and imprison everything!"


Xiaotian nodded, covering the tower shadow, completely covering everything in Meng Fan's body.

But in it, Meng Fan raised his hand and hugged Princess Yueyue horizontally, letting her sit cross-legged, in front of him, Meng Fan was also opposed to her. Looking at Princess Yueyue’s pale complexion, Meng Fan sighed faintly. The identity between the two was not enough for Meng Fan to risk saving her. Now the corpse poison in Princess Yueyue has reached an extremely serious level, Meng Fan thought. To help her, it is necessary to integrate the Devouring Martial Dao into Princess Yueyue's body, and help her transport her whole body to absorb all the corpse poison.

However, doing so poses a certain risk for Meng Fan, because he must be fully convinced that all his mind is used to heal his injuries, and all his spiritual thoughts must be integrated into Princess Yueyue’s body, among which the corpse poison has reached extremely powerful. In Chengdu, if he doesn't handle it well, he is likely to catch fire.

But now,

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Meng Fan's methods are indeed limited.

Because Inviting the Moon Princess is a powerful help. If she can save her, she will definitely have one more hole card.

This is a taboo void. Meng Fan can't leave in a short time. There is a great Taoist who is staring at him outside. One more friend means one more life.

And the most important thing is that the information on the land that Princess Yingyue knows is too important to Meng Fan. Meng Fan has gone through hardships. If he came here, if he couldn't get his own reward, that would be a great loss!

So Meng Fan weighed it and planned to take action to rescue the enemy who had always wanted to kill him.

"Hey, you chased and killed the young man like that, but now it is unfair and unfair to talk about the young man coming to save you!"

Meng Fan sighed, and then stopped talking, but did not move, but the swallowing martial art was swiftly moving, palms stretched out, Meng Fan's hands were also grasping the hands of Princess Yueyue, and the powerful martial arts power followed The bodies of both sides entered the body of Princess Yueyue.

In an instant, Princess Yueyue was originally pale, and the color of her black skin suddenly became flushed. This is because Meng Fan’s powerful fusion of power has also aroused the vitality of Princess Yueyue. She is a god. Wang Qiang is immortal. The instinctive desire to survive is quite strong. With Meng Fan’s help, it hits it off. At the same time, Princess Moon is invited to open her body freely, allowing Meng Fan’s martial arts to fuse and help her extract Corpse poison in the body.

With such extraction, Meng Fan dare not have any carelessness. All of his mental power is concentrated on this. The swallowing martial arts continue to run, and the corpse poison is forced out of Princess Yueyue's body, swallowed, and let Yueyue The princess's vitality continued to recover.

After a few full breaths, you can see that the foreheads of Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue are constantly falling with sweat, and in the next moment, Meng Fan spit out one word.


In just a moment, his martial arts changed and turned into the most overbearing force, directly impacting the internal organs of Princess Yaoyue.

The five internal organs already contain the corpse poison of the Supreme Taoist. If you want to get rid of it, Wenhuo is no longer good. It must be extremely fast, and it will kill with one blow, and force it out, so under this moment , Meng Fan's devouring martial arts was also countless times faster than before, fusing into the body of Princess Yueyue.

Let her tender body tremble, instinctively whisper, and at the same time, the whole body will explode in the next moment.

The corpse poison of the internal organs was forced out by all the capillaries on the whole body of Princess Yueyue. With this powerful force, the whole body of Princess Yueyue overflowed with a layer of black sweat, and the whole body The clothes in between.... also burst into pieces!

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