Supreme God King

Chapter 2018: rule

Half the hard work!

A few faint words fell, extremely calm.

At the moment the man spoke, Meng Fan's eyes finally fluctuated, and he raised his head to face his eyes.

It was just discovered that the man now appearing in his true form is not a human race. To be precise, he should be a fierce beast with a majestic and strong bloodline in his body. The body is like a mountain and looks like a human form, but in reality It should be about the same as the Javier.

They are all the supreme fierce beasts born in this divine hidden road, they are extraordinary.

In the faint, Meng Fan felt that the other party should be more inclined to the line of dragons, with a powerful dragon in his body.

The only difference is that although this person is powerful and a supreme fierce beast, his qi and blood appear a little sluggish and his skin is pale. Obviously in this kind of place, isolated from the surrounding world, all the gods here have nothing to supplement, and no one will give them spars.

The strong people here have spent a full million years. Even if they had prepared before, under such a long time, all the preparations were completely consumed.

And here is completely isolated from the outside world, and the only way out is probably...the newcomers who come in!

So the moment Meng Fan stepped here was to make everyone in the whole world boil, not just the dragon powerhouse who spoke, but the others surrounded the void, anyone looking at Meng Fan’s gaze, There is a kind of killing and greed.

"Talking to you, new here!"

Seeing that Meng Fan didn't speak, another figure appeared in another void, which turned out to be a woman. However, it is better to say that it is a female ghost here. She is dressed in a white coat and drifting in the wind. The whole person is dry and scary. Her hair is scattered around her body, and her skin is pale and faint. Seeing a pair of eyes staring at Meng Fan like a deep hole, licking his tongue.

It is also a powerhouse of the **** king level, it is hard to imagine that a **** king level existence will finally live like this, human beings, ghosts and ghosts.

It is really sad. Only in these countless years, there is no vitality, no help, hope, etc., before a person can be destroyed in this way.

Meng Fan even felt that the cultivation base of this group of people not only did not have any progress, but...regressed!

The king of the gods, the king of the world, turned back, and it was a big joke to say it.

But now it happened in front of Meng Fan, and he had to believe it.


Facing the words of those around him, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, and finally said,

"This is... who made the rules?"

With a faint question, everyone around him was taken aback. Even the dragon man who spoke first never expected that Meng Fan would ask such a question.

"Of course it was made by the boss, Jie are really looking for death!"

After spitting out a sentence, the Dragon Race man's complexion became extremely gloomy. He didn't think that Meng Fan didn't donate his heart blood, but dared to question himself, can't he see it? It surrounds him, but it is seven. The eight gods are strong.

Not to mention that there is still an incomparably terrifying existence staring at all of this. It is just these seven or eight **** kings and powerhouses, facing such pressure, it is enough to make anyone in the world feel trembling.

What qualifications does a kid who just came in to ask!

"Ghost Dragon, show him a little bit of color, Jie Jie... It seems that he still doesn't know the situation here. To tell you the truth, boy, in the past three hundred thousand years, all the strong people who have entered here are all They were all dead, but they were not directly killed by us, but a little bit of effort and origin passed away, and finally had to die. There were even a few who were unworthy of suicide. For us, OK. Those who come are nourishment. Who blames there is no spar or treasure here!"

In the void, a gloomy voice fell, filling Meng Fan with a taste of mockery.

Obviously, because millions of years have no natural treasures, spars, etc., it also makes all the strong here go crazy and their spirits are abnormal. Being able to live is already a miracle, so to treat the newly-arrived **** king powerhouse is an extremely cruel way, that is, to force him to subdue him, deprive him of half of his heart and blood, and then leave the life of the **** king. , Waiting for him to recover.

Then deprive it again. In this way, it is also possible to provide this group of people with the only hope to maintain themselves!

Even after the final death of a **** king, not only its origin, but also the blood of the heart is shared by this group of violent existences, and even the flesh... Whether it is a human race or not, it will be divided and eaten by this group of people. It.

This is the cruelty of this cliff of life and death, which has already shocked the entire path of divine hiding!

I don't know how many people have heard of the discoloration. Although the stone monument that led to the enlightenment of the underworld has the temptation to reach the sky, no one has come to it for a hundred thousand years.

"Hmph, since you don't want to do it yourself, let's help you!"

Seeing Meng Fan still standing in place, motionless, the Dragon Man sneered, thinking that Meng Fan was frightened, and immediately stepped out. At the same time, a claw emerged and grabbed Meng Fan.

It's not just the dragon man who made the shot. On the side, the powerhouse like the female ghost who talked before, and the three existences hidden in the void, also shot at the same time, directly sealing everything towards Meng Fan, and working together.

There are five great **** kings working together, even if one of them is severely deficient in vitality and blood, but the powerful method is beyond the sky. At this moment, it immediately surrounded Meng Fan's body, forming a large net covering the sky, covering everything in it, giving Meng Fan no chance at all!


When the two words fell and the big net closed, it meant to imprison Meng Fan completely.

Facing the pressure from the void, Meng Fan finally moved...with his arms on both sides raised, facing the five great **** kings of the void, there was no expression, some just... .. Punch!

With a punch, the emperor is invincible!

With a single blow from Meng Fan, the naked eye could see that the big net laid out by the five great kings and powerful men in the void, at this moment turned out to be...inch by inch.


It was difficult to resist Meng Fan's imperial fist. His fist was like electricity, more than just overpowering Bahuang, making the entire space almost collapsed. The five great kings who had shot before even exclaimed. Everyone felt the pain in their tiger's mouth, and was shattered by Meng Fan's blow.

With a punch, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, but his voice... was spread all over the cliff of life and death.

"I don't care who made your previous rules, but since I have come here, from today onwards, all the rules here... are up to me!"

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