Supreme God King

Chapter 2019: qualifications

It's up to me!

The four faint words fell and spread throughout the world.

Between this moment, it can be said that everyone hears Meng Fan's voice, very calm and simple.

But the overbearing meaning contained in the words was to make all the **** kings in this place shocked.

Before this, any strong person came here with a certain degree of pride. After all, looking at the world, any strong person who reached the level of the **** king, it is impossible not to be proud. But soon, all of his arrogance had completely disappeared, and in the end it was reduced to a living medicine furnace for other powerhouses on this cliff of life and death.

But unexpectedly, when Meng Fan just came, he was not only arrogant, but a kind of.... domineering, unprecedented domineering!

Even before this, no one would be like this.

But Meng Fan actually did this, like a big mouth, drawn on everyone's face.

Doesn't he know that he is only himself, and in this week, there are more than a dozen gods and powerful people?


In an instant, the dragon man roared, his eyes became blood-red, letting the tiger's mouth burst open, but also regardless of himself, the power in the body was running, and he would kill with one blow, coming towards Meng Fan.

And surrounding him, the other strong men moved at the same time, including the female ghosts before. In this space, three supreme fierce beasts flickered, each of which looks different and has endless blood. Extremely fierce.

In addition to the two old men, a person who looked like a small boy, turned into a shadow, and shot Meng Fan!

Any one of them is a powerful and extremely existence. If he was on the path of the gods in the past, it can be said that he has a terrible reputation. Now they are all coming together for Meng Fan, and what they want is to kill Meng Fan completely. Even this group of people has already thought of the ending of Meng Fan. They will definitely not let him die easily, but let him know. ...Once you set foot here, death is a luxury.

However, at the next moment, everything in the field was completely beyond everyone's expectations, because the dragon man who took the lead went quickly and came back... faster!

In the void, Meng Fan blasted out with a punch, and collided with the dragonman’s fist front. With just one punch, the dragonman’s handwriting turned out to be.... It broke apart with a bang, turning it into There was a rain of blood, and at the same time Meng Fan dropped his foot and put it on his chest, causing the dragon to let out a heart-piercing howl, and the whole person flew out. In just a moment, the bones between the chest were I don't know how many of them are broken, and they fly out like a ball.

After solving one, Meng Fan suddenly turned around and shot lightning, facing the cooperation of many gods behind him, he did not retreat but advanced, and strode down.

At the same time, the emperor fist smashed down, fierce and powerful, the fist fist was like a meteor, turning into the ultimate method in the void, and violently colliding with many powerful men, causing a loud sonic boom in the void.

Bang, bang, bang!

Five sound bursts fell, the space collapsed, and there were five miserable howls. The great kings who had previously attacked Meng Fan flew away, just to fight against him, it is difficult to be His opponent was directly bombarded by Meng Fan, either his arm was short, or his body exploded!

At the same time, at the next moment, Meng Fan moved to one of the directions and faced a fierce beast.

This fierce beast is also an existence at the level of a **** king, but it hasn't had time to target Meng Fan before this. What I didn't expect was that Meng Fan was here.

At the same time, with a big hand, Meng Fan grabbed the beast, his vitality exploded, his five fingers closed, and a means to control the Eight Desolations came out. There was no chance for this beast to react. He was completely controlled by Meng Fan, and then Meng Fan used both hands, grabbing half of the fierce beast's body with one hand, and then just like that... tore it apart!


It was a real hand tear, a strong and fierce beast of the **** king level, in this cliff of life and death, it was actually torn by Meng Fan.

He didn't even have a chance to shoot, but he was already...somewhere!

The blood rained all over the sky and landed around.

The scene in front of him immediately caused a dead silence in the space of the cliff of life and death that was boiling. Countless eyes looked at this place, making everyone stunned. It was impossible to believe it, because it was too appalling.

Meng Fan was only one person. Facing the seven or eight **** kings in the field, he was so strong. In a few moments of breathing, he tore a person and shocked the big **** kings in the field.

Under the shot, it was like cutting melons and vegetables, and this group of **** kings had no room to fight back in front of them.

What kind of combat power is this, what a wicked evildoer!

This scene in the field can be called countless ray of thunder, smashing into the minds of more than a dozen **** kings, making the big **** kings who were still eager to take action against Meng Fan are now frozen. , Completely stiff in place.

It is conceivable that even Meng Fan’s punches could not be resisted by the previous few players. Even if they came together, it is probably not enough for Meng Fan to crack his teeth!

And the maker of all these killings, Meng Fan stood calmly in the sky, letting the blood rain dripping down, expressionless, as if all this had nothing to do with him, looking around, said indifferently,

"Don't say that you are not at the peak. The energy and blood are now sluggish. You can't even display one-third of your usual combat power. Even if you are at the peak, with your group of people, I am still not afraid at all. I said Yes, the rules here... now are up to me. I declare that the first rule is, whoever violates me will die!"

The sound fell, very simple.

All the dozens of powerhouses in the cliff of life and death had heard of it. Before that, Meng Fan had clearly told everyone that the rules here are now set by him. It's just that all the strong people before didn't believe it at all, thinking it was just a joke.

But now.... I have to believe it, because Meng Fan has just shown his ferocity through thunder.

With a snap of his fingers, he killed a **** king and tore his life. This level of cruelty, even if it fell in the eyes of everyone in the field, it felt the chills.

This group of people wanted to kill him before, but now it seems that all the strong are not fools. They have already realized that Meng Fan is really a piece of iron, and it is... the extremely terrifying piece, and the previous one. All the strong who came to this cliff of life and death are completely different!

Between the field, the smell of blood overflowed, and it also caused a dead silence in the sky.

Unlike the gloomy and quarrel before, now in this piece of heaven and earth, there is only dead silence. At the same time, all the powerhouses in the cliff of life and death stopped talking, but turned their gazes and looked at the deepest part of the cliff of life and death. There was no words before, just looking at Meng Fanzhi. Place!

Wherever there is a person, he is always staring at himself.

Meng Fan had already understood this point. Now that everyone's reaction is seen, he also understands that this figure should have been the makers of the rules of the cliff of life and death. Among the many strong men in the field...the uncrowned king!

"Young are too arrogant!"

After a while, the figure finally made a sound. At the same time, the body flashed. Not far from Meng Fan, an old man appeared, with white hair and all around his face. Knowing how many years have passed, but the body is not big, it is difficult to judge what race he is.

And the moment his eyes were facing Meng Fan, even Meng Fan felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

As if being stared at by this person's gaze, there is a great danger!

But at this moment, Meng Fan smiled slightly, facing the old man, and said lightly,

"Dare to ask your Excellency..."

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