Supreme God King

Chapter 2051: Seriously injured

The owner of God Tibetan, God Promise!

Such a person, how terrible, disdainful of the top giants on the road to the hidden. August 1??? Chinese?

This kind of existence is the object of worship by countless creatures on the path of the hidden gods. In one word, hundreds of millions of apostles will be killed by him, and he is crazy.

But right in front of me, this Shen Wuji was pointed out by Meng Fan...

The golden light in the sky dissipated, as if the sacred faded. Under the power of Meng Fan's powerful fingertips, even if it was God Promise, he could no longer hold on, and the whole person... flew out suddenly.

At the same time, the power of the Supreme Taoist has also arrived. During the previous confrontation, he and Shen Wuji were in a stalemate, but they are not now.

Because of Meng Fan's sake, the balance of this battlefield was completely tilted, and the peak power of the Supreme Taoist penetrated everything, thus overwhelming, and completely smashed into Shen Wuji.


Within the sea, 10,000 meters of nothingness, completely burned.

Being swept by the power of the two pinnacle **** kings, Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist, caused them to swallow everything, the earth splits the sky, and the power contained in such a fight, even if the ordinary **** king is here, it will inevitably be shaken to death.

This is the embodiment of Meng Fan and Taishang Dao’s strongest means of life peace. For Meng Fan, it has reached an unprecedented level that he has displayed, especially the change of the fifth finger of the inverse God. If it is after understanding the mind , Will never be displayed, but now they are all used on Shen Wuji.

Within the sea, there is chaos!

Encountered such a powerful blow, the **** Wuji in it, I don't know how much geometry can remain!

But Meng Fan was forcibly suppressing the extremely severely injured himself, even at the corners of his mouth, his eyes were already a little weeping, but his eyes were still staring at them.

The strength of this person is definitely one of the few people seen in Meng Fan's life. If it weren't for the combination of the Taoist and him, it had attracted most of Shen Wuji's attention before then.

Including Meng Fan's antagonistic finger and other earth-shaking methods, they may not be able to shake him!

The latter is now alive or dead, but it is still unknown!

I have to admit that this kind of hero who stands on the path of divine hiding and looks down upon the vicissitudes of life is really too difficult to deal with, and Meng Fan can't help but feel nervous.

The latter's ability to become the owner of this god's treasury is not just about talking!

Above the sea, calmness was finally restored. Under the spreading and bursting breath of the sky, finally, a figure gradually recovered. The moment Meng Fan and the Taoist priest appeared gloomy, Can be gloomy again.

This person is God Wuji, and his figure gradually becomes clear. The khaki clothes are covered with blood stains and silk is fluttering. He originally looked like a peerless emperor, but now he looks very embarrassed. The whole person is like a catastrophe. Especially on the chest area, there is an obvious scar, the size of a bowl, in the middle of the heart, there is still a lingering breath in it, which looks indelible.

This kind of injury definitely hurt the origin, but the vitality of God Promise at this moment is still not cut off. On the contrary, whether it is Meng Fan or the Taoist, they all feel the space trembling faintly, as if they were touched. Like the extreme, peerless beast, the cruelest revenge is about to come out!

"I look down on you. A great Taoist man, who has been chased by the two old guys from Taichu and Tai Ah for millions of years, and can still maintain this level of combat power, and you."

The voice of God Promise broke the peace and spread throughout the world. While speaking, a pair of eyes fixed on Meng Fan's face.

"Although it has not reached the stage of transforming the meaning of the Dao, but its own combat power can actually be terrifying to this level. That one is good, it is very good, if it is not for this seat to understand the divine intent to communicate with the mysterious, and incarnate half of the martial arts. The above, I’m afraid it’s really going to fall into your hands, but it’s still one step away. What a pity!"

In the voice, there was a hint of self-deprecation in peace.

However, in the ears of Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist people, they understand that this is the prelude of Shen Wuji's complete rage. The latter is seriously injured but not dead. Such a record looks extremely proud. After all, this Shen Wuji's identity The status and status are all there, but for Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist, it is bad news.

Strike a snake and hit seven inches. If the snake does not die, it will be yourself that is so sad!

Glancing at each other, Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist did not speak, but at the same time, the old foxes, both large and small, began to move their space.

Without him. At this moment, the peak combat power of the two has passed. The previous joint blows suppressed Shen Wuji, but it is the embodiment of the two's strongest means. Now both of them are in extremely bad conditions. , I can't handle myself, the consumption is too huge.

The stubborn illnesses in the two of them have already appeared, it is already like the sun at sunset, staying here is equivalent to dying.

At this moment, Shen Wuji still has the power to fight, and the two must go!

Suddenly, Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist wanted to leave this battlefield, but they appeared, and an endless layer of murderous intent was covered between the sun and the sky, and the **** Wuji standing in the same place suddenly moved. With one step down and a big hand patted out, its combat power remains unchanged, and it turned out to be bombarded towards Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist.

"Want to go, it's too easy, leave it to me!"

In a word, with a wave of murderous intent, Shen Wuji completely ran away. He is the supreme Tibetan master of the gods, so proud, even in the face of Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist, he has enough confidence to suppress.

It’s just that I didn’t expect it to be a little careless before, and it was suppressed by Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist together, especially Meng Fan, whose fighting power was so terrible, beyond his imagination, the power of five fingers against God, even Being on the front line broke his defense, otherwise given him a little bit of effort, he will be able to completely suppress both of them by getting rid of the master.

Now he was severely injured by Meng Fan. This kind of injury was a great humiliation to Shen Wuji. Between those fingers, he had already hurt his origin, and almost never killed him!

"I am a god, but the world is only me!"

Eight characters spread all over Wuhai, and Shen Wuju waved his hand to kill. Even though it was severely injured by the unparalleled, but now, between its advancement, the combat strength still has not been reduced, but it contains a kind of thunder and rage, sweeping the wasteland.

The entire space was sealed by Shen Wuji's powerful aura, making it difficult for Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist to leave for a while. There was only one battle.

The two screamed, shot out in the air, and stood with Shen Wuji again. However, under this battle, it is completely different from before. Both Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist are like the sunset of the setting sun. Although Shen Wuji is seriously injured, relying on various secret methods, the combat power can still be controlled. Around the peak, for Meng Fan and Taishang Daoist, they were like oppressive demons.


After a few breaths, Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist continued to rout, and finally their flaws were revealed.

Shen Wuji's body was like a phantom, with one blow across the air and his five fingers like electricity, he directly grabbed one of Meng Fan's arms with a bang.

Under his strength, Meng Fan's entire arm was broken and turned into a rain of blood.

And it's another step. With a snap of your finger, the Taoist priest above the sky will snorted. His entire abdomen will fall under the palm of Shen Wuji's hand. His five fingers are more than sharp, and he almost didn't move. The Taoist priest was punched through his abdomen, and his intestines were hollowed out!

The blood filled Shen Wuji's face, but his expression became more cruel, facing Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist, word by word,

"Today is the day you waited for the two of you to fall, and wash my humiliation with your blood"

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