Supreme God King

Chapter 2053: Void Storm

Moving instantly, turning space into invisible!

At this moment, Meng Fan didn't have the dodge before, using the complicated terrain within this sealess to fight against God Wuji. Bayi Chinese Network?

Instead, he burned his last trace of physical strength with all his might, like a long rainbow, heading straight ahead.

"Why, give up?"

Behind him, Shen Wuji sneered, strode forward, and followed him away.

For him, the more Meng Fan exploded, the more he would fall into his palm. After all, compared with Meng Fan, his injury was not as serious.

Once the latter is using his full strength, then Shen Wuji just needs to keep up. It won't be long before Meng Fan himself will collapse first.

One after another, the two traversed the space. Under Meng Fan's full explosion, Shen Wuji did not dare to have any intentions. He could only concentrate all his energy and follow Meng Fan.

The two of them traveled all the way through the layers of Wuhai, but in the next moment, the cynical mocking smile that always hung on the face of Shen Wuji suddenly broke, but he was a Shenyin giant, disdainful of the world's top masters, and approaching a dangerous moment. Naturally, it can be clearly felt.

This is the case now, Shen Wuji has already smelled a completely dangerous breath in the air of this week. He glanced around, frowned, and then said in shock,

"This is a storm of nothingness!"

A few words were spit out, and at the end, including Shen Wuji's tone, there was also a tremor.

Before Meng Fan came here, he didn't know much about Wuhai, but the skeleton **** king he killed before had a lot of knowledge about this place.

Meng Fan extracted his memory, and naturally he clearly knew many secrets in this sealess sea, which naturally included this... Void Storm!

The storm of nothingness is the strongest storm formed in the place where the power of nothingness is strongest in this sealess sea. Including the ultimate heavenly punishment evolved by the most difficult nihilistic force, it is one of the most terrifying sights in Wuhai. Even if the **** hidden giant faces this kind of storm, he must immediately avoid it, and he dare not dare. Hard resistance.

Because once you are involved in the storm, you will encounter an unprecedented impact. Even if the **** king is overwhelming, it will be difficult to maintain oneself. It must be hurt to the origin, soul, martial arts, etc. It is precisely because there are constant void storms everywhere in this sea of ​​no seas that it is difficult for the big divine hidden giants to cross here. Once faced, it is simply the call of death.

However, now Meng Fan is clearly coming here, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to travel to the mountains!


A moment later, Shen Wuji understood what Meng Fan was thinking in his heart, and he couldn't help being surprised.

At the same time, it can be seen that Meng Fan has already come to the closest place to this piece of void storm, standing on top of the sky. He seems to have not seen the near void storm at all, but turned around instead. He smiled slightly at Shen Wuji.

It was just a smile, which looked extraordinarily cordial, like an old friend who hadn’t seen each other for many years. However, facing Meng Fan at this moment, Shen Wuji shuddered in an instant, and he clearly felt a sense in this smile. Kind of malicious and cruel!

"God against the origin!"

In a moment, when God Wuji reacted and wanted to retreat, Meng Fan didn't give him any chance, uttering the law with his mouth, and shouting to the sky.

As the martial art in Meng Fan's body burns, it makes the space around him tremble. You need to know what Meng Fan is practicing, but if you swallow martial art, every thought will cause all kinds of power to gather around his body. .

This is exactly what Meng Fan is now, but what he is gathering now is not the energy of the heavens and the earth, but the real power of nothingness!

This is the source of the emptiness storm. Once the storm starts, the more terrifying the emptiness in it, the stronger the storm it will set off. And when Meng Fan stood at the source of this storm, instead of resisting himself, he used his own martial arts to swallow the power of nothingness in the entire Wuhai. Then he simply became the motive of this sea area, just for a moment, It was to see that the void storm that had just begun has suddenly increased by many times, and it has become stronger on the basis of the original.


The storm struck and swept across the world, and in just a moment, both Shen Wuji and Meng Fan were completely involved.

The only difference is that the two have different choices. One is to fight desperately against the surrounding void storm, wanting to leave, and the other is to use strength to fight, in this void storm, stir the wind and rain, and make the whole storm even more. Terrible, even more violent!

At this scene, it is estimated that the vast sea without sea has never been born for many years, because once you encounter this emptiness storm, even the top powerhouse can't resist, then there is only one way, that is to escape. .

Therefore, including the powers such as Taichu, Tai Ah, Shen Wuji, etc., will also turn around and leave, but at this moment Meng Fan is actively absorbing the power of the surrounding emptiness, causing the storm to become stronger, especially his method is to swallow martial arts. It is not easy to fight against this power of nothingness, but it is too simple for Meng Fan to create a big storm of nothingness in this sealess sea.

Under his continuous devouring, the center of the storm he was in was ten times stronger than before, a hundred times stronger!

It was originally a seemingly insignificant storm, because Meng Fan has become a powerful storm that is rare in this no sea. In just a moment, the sea is overwhelming and the black thunder is rolling, and the entire space of heaven and earth is completely covered by this. The storm was completely covered, and there was no way out of the Tianshan Mountains, they were all mortal places!

"You are looking for death! There is no survivor within the storm, you will definitely die!"

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, Shen Wuji's face was about to be distorted, and he screamed. I really wanted to kill Meng Fan, but at the moment I was overwhelmed, because the surrounding void storm was too terrifying. Under Meng Fan’s igniting, it caused several times the power, even if it was Shen Wuji, he was about to die immediately. Against this mighty storm, the power surging in his body, the runes made him a golden light, desperately trying to get out, but he was still blocked in the tyrannical storm, let alone taking care of Meng Fan!

At this moment, Meng Fan looked calm and extremely calm.

All these lives were only between electric light and flint, he decided to pull this **** Wuji into the water together, because before then, Meng Fan was already in a certain state of death, with the **** Wuji chasing and killing him, he was fundamentally within Wuhai. There is nowhere to go, so there are only trying to find a way to let this Shen Wuji follow him with bad luck.

In this way, it is Meng Fan who will take revenge quickly without delay.

Just a momentary effort made Shen Wuji, the top hero in the path of the dignified divine hiding, plunged into infinite passivity. When the storm came, Meng Fan didn't want to resist, nor could he resist.

One person is dead, so if there is a buried owner of the gods, it would be pretty good!

In the face of this, Meng Fan smiled, swallowing the wilds, making the storm between the sky and the sky worse and worse, and even reached an unprecedented level with the help of Meng Fan's power.

The dark storm extinguished the long sky, and the black electricity fell, as thick as a bucket, it was a means of destroying the world condensed by the power of nothingness.

Even though Shen Wuji was too powerful, he couldn't resist, the smashed spirit burst into pieces, screaming again and again.

No matter what the king of the world, the supreme giant, is struggling again and again at this moment, and is constantly hitting hard.

Regarding this, Meng Fan also nodded in relief. In the end, all his power felt like it was hollowed out, and then the whole person followed and disappeared into the storm.

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