Supreme God King

Chapter 2193: Good luck

The black emperor water dragon was severed by a sword, and instantly turned into infinite rich water vapor, which floated out. Many underground caves were nourished by this water vapor. Some ordinary fungi grew and mutated, and even derives some mobile ones. Vegetation, the silent underground world immediately became vibrant. ?

Slay the dragon with one sword.

The Five Elements Avenue was broken and broken!

The Hongmen that was about to be overturned immediately settled down.

But it is not over yet.

The formations that were destroyed or even destroyed under this spirit of thoughts wandered in the Hongmen. Only two or three blinks were restored to their original status. At some positions of the formations, it was not only repaired, but more like a finishing touch. The pen drew some rules and lines to strengthen the big array.

For a time, the precarious Hongmen actually settled down, and it was as solid as gold!

Whether it’s the five-cloud ancestor with a pleasing but old-fashioned personality, the suave son of a demon and evil, or the **** of war madness who has never said anything, but only enhances his fighting spirit, his eyes are on Hongmen in an instant. The expressions on each are different, but nothing more than shock.

Hong Xi became the God King 200,000 years ago. At that time, the first batch of God Kings who fell here had disappeared in the world for many years. Hong Xi was the first God King in hundreds of thousands of years. .

After that, it was the ancestor of Wuyun, followed by Zhan Kuang, and finally, when the fruit of the world was born 100,000 years ago, he became the Sustained Son.

This world, because it is completely closed and isolated from the world, there are only these four **** kings, they are the supreme existence, no one is invincible, and the birth of each **** king will cause the world to change, the vitality reversal, it is a big event, so These supreme beings are also absolutely sure, there is no other **** king in the world.

But at this moment!

One finger broke through the Five Elements Avenue, and another finger at Angu's precarious Hongmen. With just two hands, they destroyed the natal power of the ancestor of Wuyun. No matter how stupid he is, he understands that the person who shoots can only be the king of God!

Compared with the three dignified kings, Hong Xi was even more shocked.

If it were him, he would be able to break the Five Elements Avenue of the Five Clouds Patriarch without any problem.

But he is in a state of heyday, and he can do it with his full strength. He is very clear about his own strength and the methods of the five cloud ancestors.

But Meng Fan’s vitality dissipated 90%, the avenue was weak, and he was on the verge of death. It could be said that he was in the weakest state anymore. It was only **** that broke the layout of the five cloud ancestors, then Meng Fan What kind of person should he be in heyday?

I can't imagine, I can't imagine!

Hong Xi knew that he had lived in this world for two hundred thousand years and knew nothing about the outside. At this moment, seeing Meng Fan from the outside world with such domineering methods, he suddenly gave birth to infinite heroism and must seize the world. Fruit, let Meng Fan return to prosperity, and then step out of this world!

Thinking of this, he had infinite pride in his heart, and he took a step, and the heavens trembled slightly, and his huge fist had reached the nearest Susu Young Master.

"One hundred thousand years, the battle for good fortune and orthodoxy, today there should be a decision!"

At the moment of rushing, Hong Xi spit out a big shout.

At this moment, inside the hall.

Meng Fan's body resembled a porcelain that had been hit hard. It broke every inch and coughed, it was thick blood.

Hong Tong hurriedly came up to help, and the little girl was shocked by Meng Fan's hands just now, a little dazed.

"Senior! Senior!" Hong Tong kept shouting, "Are you okay?"

"I said..." Meng Fan said in a weak voice as he coughed up blood, "Can you stop calling you "you", I sound awkward..."

Hong Tong was taken aback for a moment. At this moment, she was shocked when someone saw Meng Fan's expression. She was afraid that Meng Fan would be "broken" if she was not careful, but the person concerned still had the intention to correct her tone.

Meng Fan covered his mouth, his broken body became firmer, and muttered: "Good luck Taoism, sure enough, sure enough... The source of power in this world is the vitality, laws, and avenues of the imperial palace. Meaning, then the core origin of this world is good fortune, the system of cultivation, which has something to do with good fortune.

What Hong Xi cultivates is his own good fortune, constantly accumulates vitality, possesses such a powerful physical power, and his life is endless; what the Five Clouds cultivates is the Five Elements Avenue, surviving and reversing, and the five emperor dragons under the arrangement even gave birth to consciousness. The original intention is also good fortune; Sustained son, um, interesting, it is actually a dual cultivation of natal life, Yin and Yang Dadao, this kind of road, of course, walks much faster than hard training, but with the help of others to make a cauldron to temper himself, the foundation is unstable , And easy to get confused.

This is called Zhan Kuang..................interesting, so interesting! His breath is actually very similar to the old man of Chaos. It is the opposite of Hong Xi. Hong Xi constantly strengthens himself and contains vitality in order to seek breakthroughs and evolvement. On the contrary, Zhan Kuang extracts the origins of various creatures and integrates them into this world. All creatures in, are born from the true meaning of good fortune, he is equal to upstream, if he can seize the origin of all the unique creatures in the heaven and the earth, and perfect integration, to some extent, he can become the same existence as the true meaning of good fortune, But to reach that level, he needs to swallow everything in this world, but he doesn't have this ability. "

In a few words, he could see through the four supreme gods and kings of the world.

The martial arts of these four people are all derived from the true meaning of good fortune, so they are also seeking the ultimate fortune, and they have walked four different paths. When they become the king of gods, their realm in this world is almost stopped. This The four people, regardless of their strength, are very far away from the end of the martial arts, so as Hong Xi said, they are now fighting for good luck.

Who can win the good fortune, whoever is the real supremacy in this world, the existence of the law.

Where is the good fortune tradition?

Meng Fan had already guessed it.

The four kings of gods, and the ten of them are also the place to know the good fortune.

At this time, Hong Xi, the ancestor of the five clouds, the suave son, and the king of war madness were already strangled together. The collision of countless forces shredded the space and radiated out, destroying many cities.

However, the Hongmen in the center of the battle is as solid as gold, and has not been shaken at all. Because Meng Fan is sitting in it, his body is weak and his origin is broken, but the divine mind is still strong, and tens of millions of thoughts wander in Hong. Everywhere in the gate, once the defensive formation was damaged by the power of the four gods, it was restored in an instant.

While mending the formation at will, while focusing on the four **** kings, Meng Fan is too weak to participate, otherwise it would be extremely dangerous, but he looked for opportunities, found loopholes, and released a blow. Seriously hurting one of them is not a problem.

However, the ancestors of the Five Clouds, the King of War Madness, and the Sustained Young Master were extremely deep in their scheming. Although they did not see the deity of Meng Fan, their sight was blocked by Hong Sect and Meng Fan's various methods. There was a **** king, they took a lot of scruples and refused to reveal the slightest flaw.

And this also gave Hong Xi a huge advantage. The three of them did not dare to show their full strength, but Hong Xi had no scruples, and he was one against three!

The four gods possessing a trace of good fortune power are also amazing. A city that has just been destroyed by the aftermath of the power released by the war mad king. All living creatures were wiped out in an instant, and every living creature’s body came out of it. This kind of substance that seemed to be gas and liquid, instantly flew into the body of the **** of war madness, and was absorbed by him, that was the origin of life.

A city with a population of tens of thousands was harvested and eaten like grain, and used it as a supply for the war mad king in the fight.

Afterwards, the ancestor of the Five Clouds displayed the Avenue of the Five Elements, and immediately seemed to have entered a fairyland for tens of thousands of miles. The five-colored clouds were filled, like a dream, and among the clouds, the five elements thunder brewing, and among the crackling, one after another emperor dragons rose into the air. , Strangling Hong Xi, one of the more than ten-mile-long Crimson Red Dragon was smashed to pieces by Hong Xi's bare hand, and fell into a dead city harvested by the King of War Madness. The flames and thunder rushed immediately, and the corpses everywhere, and some were still remnants. With a trace of life origin, without being sucked up, receiving the power of the five elements of flames, they immediately transformed into flame elves two or three feet high.

Compared with the other three **** kings, Su Su's martial arts is much immature. One is that his time to become a king is shorter than the three of them. Second, as Meng Fan said, the roots are crooked, and the foundation is unstable, but still not In addition to the monsters that hinder him, various methods emerge in an endless stream. Sword energy is soaring and murderous to the ground. What is even more bizarre is that he is actually male and female, yin and yang change, sometimes aggressive, sometimes long and gentle, advance and retreat. freely.

Hong Xi's own martial arts is pure life origin, extremely vigorous, almost without any magic skills, that is, stepping through the space fault while walking, and breaking the three men's intent with a punch.

The means of seizing vitality, deriving vitality, condensing vitality, and the four gods of the meaning of cultivation make Meng Fan feel new and strange.

at this time!

A group of figures broke through the external formations of Hongmen, and rushed into the depths in an instant. They were the entourage of the ancestor of the five clouds and the suave son, and there were many half-step sacreds in it.

A Hongmen elder and disciple of the elite inner sect immediately rose into the air, came to challenge and dealt with these followers.

But the light and shadow flashed, before these elders could see clearly, each of the followers, no matter the realm, no matter the strength, what half-step sacred, was cut in half in an instant, not only the flesh was cut, but also the martial arts and the origin of life. , Was also cut, and died immediately.

It took five to six hundred years for the most genius of them to cultivate to this point, even twenty to thirty thousand years long, to be killed easily.

At the same time, those arrays that were destroyed were also repaired at the same time.

After all the Hongmen elites were taken aback, they turned their heads and glanced at the hall where Meng Fan was located. Without a word, they returned to various places and continued to stabilize the formation.


An extremely large, square-footed, very strange palm, tearing through countless layers of space, bombarded Hong Xi!

It was the king of war madness who was in the chaos, struck out with all his strength and used his own ultimate move.

Hong Xi vomited blood and fell from the air!

While the King of War Madness performed his ultimate move, the ancestors of Wuyun and Su Suo immediately shifted their eyes to the Hongmen.

That's right, they just communicated with their spirits and didn't want to delay any longer, so they let the **** of war madness use the means of lore, and all souls will be destroyed! At the moment when the **** of war madness used their methods, the two gods did not immediately kill Hong Xi, but instead focused all of their attention on the Hongmen to prevent Meng Fan from doing it.

However, he failed to see any means.

So the Sustained Young Master sneered and tapped his fingers in the void. In an instant, a black-and-white intertwined, like a fish in the void, containing the law of yin and yang, came to the center of Hong Xi's eyebrows with an instant kill!

Only half an inch away!

Huh la la la la la la...

The tree of the world towering so high that it interspersed with countless layers of space, at this moment, a piece of huge island-like leaves, trembling violently, and visible to the naked eye, these leaves turned from emerald green to burnt yellow.

The countless monks living around the tree of the world have a thought in their minds at the same time.

The fruit of the world is born!

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