Supreme God King

Chapter 2194: Rebirth

Yin and Yang sharp blade, cutting life and death. ???

Just half an inch!

Hong Xi’s gaze had been condensed to the extreme, and he wanted to mobilize all his power to block the yin and yang sword at the center of his eyebrows, but he couldn’t. Not only did he beat his whole body to be rotten, but even his martial arts foundation was shaking violently.

Even more terrifying is that pieces of his flesh and blood are flying all over the sky!

A sword came in front of you.

One finger floated.


The fingertips touched the sword of yin and yang, like a dragonfly, making black and white ripples, very beautiful.

After that, the unstoppable yin and yang sword, twisted at an incredible angle, shot to the other side, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, not knowing how many layers of space it had traveled, and how far it had gone.

Sudden Young Master's eyelids throbbed violently, his face was a bit distorted, angry, and frightened, because he obviously felt that the power of that finger was not only strong, but he couldn't dialyze it at all. It was a martial art he didn't understand.

Especially that finger, let him just condensed his own small half power and law attack, it was invalid!

Inversely pointing.

Meng Fan stretched his hand to hold Hong Xi and stayed in the air.

"Brother Meng..." Hong Xi was also surprised when he saw Meng Fan's appearance, because now Meng Fan is aging all the time, and now he is already an old man about to step into the grave.

Meng Fan didn't respond. He raised his head and looked at the huge world tree.

The leaves of the World Tree turned from emerald green to withered yellow.

The whole world has also changed from emerald green to withered yellow.

This is a manifestation of the fruit of the tree of the world.

Hong Xi also retracted his mind and stared closely at the tree of the world. At the same time, his flesh and blood flying in the sky were scattered, as if consciously, all of them flew back quickly and condensed on him.

Huh la la la la la la...

The withered yellow leaves of the World Tree all fell off and drifted all over the sky. Some of the cities that had just been shocked by the aftermath of the power of the four gods and defensive arrays were crushed by the leaves of the World Tree in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the eyes of Meng Fan and the four **** kings penetrated out, and they all saw that on one side of the tree of the world, a very huge fruit, like a star, was born!

In this fruit, there are so many colors, luster, laws, powers, yin and yang, five elements, and so on! Of course, there is still very strong vitality!

Among them are full of vitality. Some strange creatures flying through the air, avoiding the leaves of the world tree, only breathed a little bit of the fruity fragrance of the fruit, and then transformed in the blink of an eye. The whole body became crystal clear and the origin of life expanded countless times. Even a few small, ordinary flying insects, like creatures of ten thousand domains, flew in the air and suddenly shed their skins, regenerating into creatures that were as big as giant elephants and were golden all over, and in their minds even produced A very high wisdom!

There are countless cultivators who, under the influence of the fruit of the tree of the world, suddenly broke through the realm!

In the world where the imperial deity has condensed for millions of years, the first being born, the tree of the world, only condenses one fruit every 100,000 years. In such an ancient world, only ten are condensed, just fruit. Fragrant, let hundreds of thousands of creatures transform!

It can be seen how terrifying its origin is.

"Successful son, the king of war madness!"

Suddenly, the ancestor of Wuyun yelled: "I feel you are about to move around, don't be impetuous, remember, no one of us can completely swallow this fruit! Back then, your suave son could swallow three points One is to forcibly swallow it. It has been 100,000 years, and there are still some remnants that have not been digested. According to the previous agreement, the three of us are divided equally. Don't be restless, and kill Hong Xi first and this dying man!!!"

"Kill me?" Hong Xi suddenly got up, and at the same time communicated with Meng Fan with spiritual thoughts, asking him to immediately go to the world where the fruit is: "My physical martial arts have been changed in a blink of an eye, and the king of war madness, you just disappeared and flooded softly. Not enough flavor, fight again!"

With a word, Hong Xi has already killed him. Although he has just been hit hard, the momentum is still unstoppable, which is admirable!

Meng Fan said nothing. Now is not the time to fight with Hong Xi. In such a weak situation, he is still showing an infidelity. The whole person has completely reached the limit and is completely unbearable. Moreover, everyone's Goals are the fruits of the world.

Take a step slowly and cross the space fault, the target world fruit!

Stepped on the void, shuttled for a moment, hundreds of thousands of miles, and suddenly a huge two-color wheel of Yin and Yang smashed out of the space crack.

This huge wheel, with countless layers, continuously rotating, is a grinding disc, a grinding disc that can crush life.

From the cracks came the wicked and cold voice of the suave son: "What a courage!"

Meng Fan tightened his mind, and his pace was faster. Now he has no extra power to deal with Su Su's yin and yang road and obliterate the means.


Hong Xi blasted out with a punch, leaving cracks on the yin and yang grinding disc, and then it fell apart.

"Brother Meng, don't worry about being behind!"

A divine thought reached Meng Fan's mind.

"Hong Xi, you actually helped outsiders to capture the fruits of the world!"

The ancestor Wuyun yelled, and suddenly her appearance changed. She was no longer a heroic girl. Flowing clouds gathered on top of her head to form a five-color canopy. The emperor's robe was hundreds of feet long. The great emperor stretched out his hand and pointed, the origin of his body turned, and the endless five-element avenue gushed out, transforming into five giant spirits among the heavens. Each of them contained a line of supreme laws, powerful, and pervasive formations, encircling Hong Xi.

In the blink of an eye, Hong Xi was swallowed by the Five Elements Giant Spirit.

And Meng Fan's hand-already touched the fruit of the world!

"Go to hell!"

The sky-shaking battle roar came out from the mouth of the **** of war madness. He chased after him and stretched out his two palms, both of which are hundreds of feet of huge 10,000-meter extinction and drowning method. One palm hits Meng Fan, one palm, grasps Fruit to the world!

At this moment, Meng Fan could no longer be distracted and challenged, ignoring the palms of all souls behind him, opened his mouth, released the swallowing martial arts, and wrapped the fruits of the world.

The ancestors of the Five Clouds have also arrived, and the Five Elements Principle permeates and penetrates into the fruit of the world.

In the end, it was the suave son, the whole person, shuttled into the fruit of the world.

At this time, Hong Xi was almost at the end of the world, and was blocked by the Five Elements Giant Spirit. The five laws, surviving and reversing, must tear Hong Xi into pieces, swallow it, and cannot escape.

The three gods and Meng Fan simultaneously used natal means to grab the fruits of the world.

Little vitality flows into Meng Fan's origin.

For a time, a kind of virtuous and congregational aura, solidified as substance, wandered around Meng Fan's source, and was immediately absorbed, repairing the broken source with the naked eye.

The old and haggard Meng Fan was recovering from the cracks in his physical body. His yellow eyes renewed a little light, and his head turned white, gradually turning gray, and then it was as dark as the night sky.

In his body, those laws and avenues that had shrunk to the extreme, quickly filled and energized.

Meng Fan closed his eyes.

Just closed a short breath.

Open it again, two vast rays of light, like the sun rising into the sky, illuminating the earth! There are tens of thousands of miles around, all covered by light, no dead ends, no shadows, but the light is not dazzling, but magnificent and tolerant. Many weak monks are affected by the light and immediately feel a kind of power that has never been seen before. It is a force that does not belong to this world, a completely different martial art!

Some monks with extraordinary talents immediately realized that their vitality had also undergone a tremendous transformation.

Next moment!

The huge world fruit like stars, crazily shrunk, just two or three breaths turned into nothingness!

The suave son, the king of war madness, and the ancestor of Wuyun stood in the air in amazement.

The fruit of the world, which bears once every 100,000 years, disappeared within two or three breaths, no breath, no vitality, just so inexplicably, it disappeared.

But the three **** kings did not absorb much vitality and good fortune at all, less than one percent.

Their gazes turned at the same time to look at Meng Fan.

At this moment, Meng Fan was no longer a withered old man who was about to step into death, but he was not a young man. It was very strange. He was actually a naked child, his skin was as tender as an ancient spar, and an extremely pure child.

The appearance of a four or five year old child!

Only a pair of bright and bright eyes, blinking gently, surrounded by countless laws, martial arts, and three **** kings that they could not understand or had seen before.

There is some power, which reveals the taste of the end, which makes people see it, and the heart is full of despair and death.

There are some powers, supreme and supreme, standing on top of all beings, pointing the galaxy.

There is some strength, tolerance and vastness, it seems that everything can be born.

There are some powers that seem to be condensed into the essence of the laws of heaven and earth in the dark. There is no doubt that they must be observed.

These powers, the three **** kings can't understand, they just feel fear!

Because it is a great way of meaning, and they have never touched this level of power.

Soon after, this "four or five year old child" began to grow.

In an instant, he grew up a few years old.

Three moments later, he looked like an eighteen-year-old young man with thirty thousand green silks flying and dancing like a waterfall of galaxies, white skin and crystal clear eyes, and eyes like the sun forever.

At this moment, absorbing the power of good fortune, infinite vitality, from a withered old man to a young child, and then grow up, it is truly profound and profound reincarnation.

The young man stretched out a marble-like smooth and clean finger that was still wrapped in the true meaning of heaven, and gently wiped his lips: "The fruit of the world that bears in one hundred thousand years, the vitality is too great, it is my devouring martial arts, also It can only be swallowed temporarily, but not all digested. There is still 50% of the power left, and it will take some time.

The voice slowly fell into the ears of the three gods, and it was because they had a natural fear of Meng Fan's whole body's transformation, and they were extremely angry!

After waiting for a hundred thousand years, the world fruit was born, but it was taken away by one person!

There is no need to communicate with divine minds, no communication, the three gods at the same time released their strongest blow, even burning the origin, overdrawing the life span, releasing the strongest blow!

"Kill him, draw out his divine king's efforts, the origin of life, the law of the whole body, make up for us!"

Sudden son shouted madly.

"I hate guys who are neither men nor women the most." Meng Fan said calmly.

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