Supreme God King

Chapter 2195: Shatter the world

I hate guys who are neither male nor female.

With the sound, a very subtle light and shadow passed across the void.

This light and shadow is too small, a hundred times slender than silk, moving with a beard, let alone the naked eye, even if the divine mind of the **** king fills the void, it is difficult to detect!

It was the Beidou sword that Meng Fan used to cut off the tail of the five dragons.

However, this time it was more mysterious than before.

The Beidou sword that was used before was as thin as a silver needle at first, and then because of Meng Fan's strong crossbow and lost the air, the Beidou sword expanded into a giant sword of heaven and earth. This shows how weak Meng Fan was at that time, and that giant sword, It also shows Meng Fan's haggard.

To reach the realm of the **** king, the true power is not distinguished by size.

The Beidou sword that Xu Mifei flew out was only one percent of the silk. The power contained in it, the idea of ​​lore, was dozens of times stronger than the sword in the Hongmen before!

And it's silent, it seems there is something like nothing, even the **** king, it is difficult to perceive!

The Beidou Sword passed through five dragons that stretched for dozens of miles, and the dragon immediately turned into a five-colored thunder and dissipated into the world.

The Beidou sword passed through the king of war madness, all spirits, and drowned his palm, and directly cut through, causing the king of war madness to scream and withdraw his palm. There was a slight blood mark on the palm of the palm, as if a mortal was accidentally cut by a knife. , But this bloodstain is constantly expanding, and the spirit of life that has been condensed in the body by the king of war madness for hundreds of thousands of years has penetrated from this bloodstain and cannot be contained!

In the end, the Big Dipper fell in front of the suave son who Meng Fan called "not a man or a woman" and indeed worthy of the name.

A sword pierced the center of the eyebrows of the Sustained Young Master.

The Sustained Young Master was completely stunned, followed by a twisted face and infinite fear, because his divine sea was penetrated!

His physical body began to split, turning into a mass of maggot-like existences, wriggling all over the sky, and the power of the laws spread, trying to grasp the flesh and blood and regroup them, but he couldn't do it, because these flesh and blood actually possessed The completely opposite martial arts, with extremely yin on one side and yang on the other, the suave son maintains his heyday and can condense these flesh and blood, but now that the Shenhai is broken, it will immediately dissipate!

Meng Fan sneered: "I said, what you are building is the Yin-Yang Avenue, which is correct, but with her artificial cauldron, smelting yourself and extracting extreme yin, this is already a magic method, not your own yin and yang!"

"" There is only one face on the whole body of Su Suo that is still temporarily condensed, but a little bit of flesh and blood is scattered every moment, extremely hideous, a monstrous hatred, a strong murderous intent, and it is almost a demon. His thoughts are floating in the heavens, wishing to curse Meng Fan forever.

Meng Fan was too lazy to look. With a wave of his finger, the Big Dipper sword that was still in the void of the heavens, flying around, I don’t know when it would appear, suddenly stabbed again, and a sword broke the five-element giant that besieged Hong Xi. .

Immediately afterwards, this sword, which was a hundred times slenderer than silk, suddenly dissipated in the world.

It was this sword that was completely exhausted after continuously breaking the lore of the three gods, and then dissipated.

But at this moment, the moment the Beidou Sword dissipated, the swords in the hands of countless monks around the tree of the world, some were sabers, some were natal swords, trembling violently, soaring into the sky, and then one after another shattered and turned into dust. Dissipated between heaven and earth.

This sight surprised many monks.

The Beidou sword is out, there is no sword in the world.

This is not a joke.

Hundreds of millions of monks around the World Tree, countless swords, even ordinary vitality swords, at the moment when they feel that the Beidou swordsman has retreated, they are born with sword intent in an instant, and thousands of sword intent feel The strength of the Beidou Sword was all broken and dissipated in the world with the Beidou Sword.

After the earth-shattering sword, Meng Fan's thirty thousand green silks fluttered, and he did not deal with the already horrified Wuyun ancestor and the **** of war madness, but put all his mind on the tree of the world.

Not only did he absorb the astonishingly rich vitality in the fruit of the World Tree, he also experienced the power of good fortune in the dark!

This strength is more refined than Hong Xi’s evolution of himself, the Five Elements Avenue of the Five Clouds Patriarch, the Chaos Martial Dao of Zhan Kuang, and Su Su’s yin and yang techniques. Tian Yan couldn't calculate this power, obviously, it was a power at the same level as Heaven's Dao!

The power of Taoism.

Although it is impossible to deduce this power, and it is impossible to derive a complete system like other martial arts, but Meng Fan used the calculus of heaven to pursue the origin and found the starting point of the power of good fortune.

In an instant, a picture appeared in his mind.

A man with countless veins all over his body.

In those veins, the pure power of origin flows into the man’s body and nourishes his body. This man is completely asleep, and his consciousness has almost disappeared. What is especially strange is that his face is constantly changing and sometimes He is a young man, sometimes an old man, sometimes a child, and even becomes a variety of birds and beasts.

The moment Meng Fan deduced everything, the moment he saw the man, the man moved slightly.

He didn't open his eyes, but his body moved slightly, which obviously sensed Meng Fan's prying eyes.

"The imperial palace..."

Meng Fanchang exhaled, and a strong heroic spirit suddenly appeared in his heart: "I didn't guess wrong, you sink here, your original vitality, infinite vitality, good fortune and true meaning, evolved into a tree of the world, with roots interspersed in every one. In the corner, it constantly releases vitality, creates creatures, absorbs the true meaning of life, and feeds back to itself. This world tree is the backbone of this world!"

The voice came out, like a breeze coming, into everyone's ears, their hearts swayed, and some of the wise men immediately came out with a shocking secret.

This world was created by a true eternal figure!

Meng Fan slowly raised one of his hands, and in the midst of a Sumi, his five fingers changed twelve thousand six hundred times, forming a series of extraordinary and mysterious marks. The speed was so fast that several **** kings were stunned. Thoroughly, and the next moment, among his countless marks, a sharp blade, purely condensed by laws and great roads, appeared!

Unlike the Beidou sword, this is a sword, a very simple one, exuding a wild atmosphere, like a sword that existed when the world was first formed, not even in the shape of steel, but in the shape of a crude stone with a series of marks on it. , It adds too much mystery to this broad knife.

Mountain knife!

The Big Dipper Sword is erratic and denser than silk. It gives people a kind of horror that the sword goes slant and kills invisible. And this mountain splitter is more than two feet high as soon as it appears. The imprint is injected, the larger the volume of this stone knife, even swelling like a mountain!

The Beidou sword is slant, and the mountain chopper has a heavy blade without a sharp edge.

What made the ancestor of Wuyun, the king of war madness, including Hong Xi, completely lost in surprise, was that as the mountain chopper became larger, Meng Fan’s figure began to evolve, because he released too much power in one breath. In his body, the vitality that was originally difficult to digest has also begun to blend into his immortal body that has been tempered for thousands of years, showing even more amazing strength. His body has also become bigger in an instant. When a mountain knife is as big as a waning moon, he becomes The giant who could reach out to pick the moon held one end of the mountain chopper.

Then, swing the knife.

Hundreds of millions of people were almost lost in shock.

Because of this knife, cut the tree of the world!

Although it is just a crack, it is not worth mentioning compared with the huge body of the world tree, but it is still cut. In countless years, it is not that there has been no **** king who wants to work on the world tree, but can stay There has never been such a deep trace!

After one cut, another cut.

It is like an old woodman, chopping wood.

But this is the tree of the world, the backbone of this world, and the source of everything!

Among the several **** kings, the most lawless, vainly attempting to swallow all living beings and transforming themselves into the deity of good fortune, all pale in horror, and even the origin of the creatures whose palms are constantly overflowing are ignored!

These **** kings all vaguely guessed that outside of this world, there is another world. After all, they are **** kings. No matter the calculation methods and opinions are unparalleled, but in their hearts, even if there is an outside world, their The world is still the central world. The tree of the world is the core of everything. Everyone wants to get the true inheritance of the tree of the world and get the tradition of good fortune. However, even the most rampant war mad king, what he wants is to accommodate everything and replace the world. Tree, how could you ever think of destroying the tree of the world!

Every time the knife fell, the opening in the tree of the world became a bit huge, and the vitality contained in the countless veins overflowed and transformed into infinite creatures.

Like a natural creation, every knife of Meng Fan will provoke countless creatures.

"Can't let him do this!" The suave young man who was already torn apart, leaving only half of his face roared: "Kill him! Kill him! He wants to destroy everything!"

The voice fell, but the ancestors of the five clouds and the king of war madness did not move. At this time, Meng Fan slashed the tree of the world. The power that dominates the heavens and regards them as nothing is too terrifying.

A thousand dollars!

The World Tree has been cut in half.

At this moment, Meng Fan swung the mountain knife again. This time, his whole body swelled, and the vitality of the fruit in his body melted and absorbed most of it in an instant.

The mountain cleaver crashed down.

The tree of the world is cut off!

In the loud rumbling noise, countless branches of the tree of the world were born and existed in space. They collapsed in an instant, and millions of cities were turned into fly ash, and even the entire world was broken, with cracks everywhere.

Some strong people also felt the earth creeping, the space was dislocated, and the sky was breaking!

Hong Xi's eyebrows trembled, and he suddenly felt that his body had become lighter, he slowly raised his head and looked in a direction in the void.

Not only him, but many people have seen it. In the void, something has appeared.

Including the distant endless sea, Shuquanxin, who is enjoying the worship of believers, also left his palace and looked into the sky.

Everyone felt that the body had become light and agile, and some kind of restraining power had suddenly disappeared, and even everyone had an illusion of ascending to the heavens.

What appeared in the air was a channel composed of countless energy fragments, silent, but sounded like a sound, as if calling everyone to leave, it was a temptation, although no one knew what the other end of the channel was.

"The power of the world has disappeared..." Hong Xi said softly. He pursued his dream for so many years and finally realized it. Now, as long as he wants to, he can enter a channel and leave the world forever.

Not only him, because of the complete disappearance of the power of the world, this world is almost about to collapse, and there is no longer any binding force, even if it is a half-step divine, you can try to enter the passage and possibly leave the world.

But Hong Xi didn't move.

Everyone turned their attention to Meng Fan who cut the tree of the world.

His figure returned to its original shape again, and the mountain chopper turned into a four-foot stone knife, held in his hand.

"My deity, show up!"

The voice rumbling, majestic, came from Meng Fan's mouth, like a decree, commanding the creator of this world, the source of everything, to appear!

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