Supreme God King

Chapter 2196: God of Good Fortune

The roots of the collapsed world tree are endless brilliance, like the imaginary world of light, connected to the sun.

With Meng Fan's majestic voice.

A man appeared from Guanghua Middle School.

At the same time as he appeared, his vitality condensed into a set of pale golden robe, on which were slices of weird symbols, like words and patterns, twisted and weird, every symbol seemed to be the origin of a creature, Even Meng Fan could hardly see how many painted symbols.

After the man rushed out, he breathed slightly for a moment, as if he was savoring the world, then he looked at Meng Fan with eyes without pupils.

Those eyes, without the whites and the benevolence, are just a mess of colors.

"You...woke me up..."

The rumbling voice spread and permeated. This voice fell in Meng Fan’s ears, nothing, but in the ears of thousands of monks in this world, it was like a sacred seal, imprinted on their minds, the methods they practiced, More or less from the power of good fortune, at this moment, when the deity of good fortune speaks, they all seem to be unlocked with wisdom, and they have broken through themselves.

Today, the four gods and kings are fighting together, and Meng Fan is in the air. The hundreds of millions of people around the tree of the world do not know how many casualties are. Perhaps more than half of them have been killed, but those who survived have experienced various baptisms, and they are all emerging. An amazing transformation.

This world was originally isolated from the world, completely independent, martial arts, knowledge, methods, and cultivation systems are all extremely blocked, so it is very easy to produce bottlenecks. From millions of years to today, there are only four gods in this world. Seeing that one out of a million monks can reach the realm of the gods, it is already rare.

But today, after a series of baptisms, although half of the monks and hundreds of millions of people died, almost all of those who survived broke through the realm!

This baptism is so vast.

The deity of good fortune, and Meng Fan, two supreme **** kings, who are above the four **** kings present, and how many levels higher, are facing each other.

Meng Fan was dressed in a blue shirt, with 30,000 green silk fluttering, proudly independent, and cutting the tree of the world.

The deity of Good Fortune wears a pale golden robe, and his eyes contain thousands of creatures and are mighty.

"That's it... That's it..."

The deity of Good Fortune blinked and immediately understood everything.

He was inextricably linked with the imperial palace. He was asleep before, but now he wakes up. He immediately got all the memories of the imperial palace, knowing who Meng Fan is and why he came.

"Unexpectedly, I actually slept for 1.3 million years. For so long, now, that world is called Ten Thousand Domains? In the Ten Thousand Domains, there are so many turbulences, and today, there are so many figures. It also made you such a man of heaven, breaking through infinite limits, reversing life and death several times, and finally came to me and even awakened me...Your name is Meng Fan? What a great thing."

Listening to the man's words, Meng Fan didn't say anything. He just waved his hand and immediately dissipated his true intentions. He sealed the space and completely sealed him and the man. At this moment, outside, there is no way to detect the inside, even if it is. The **** king can't do it either.

"With a vast history of 1.3 million years, you are really the senior of the seniors." Meng Fan smiled.

The man also smiled slightly, sitting in the void, his pale golden robe fluttered and his eyes calmed down.

"In my time, I was called the God of Good Fortune, one of the nine gods and kings in the world. I know that when you come here, there are too many things to ask me, and there are too many things you want to know. Excuse me! You are a man of heaven, and you have awakened me again. In return, I know everything."

Meng Fan also sat down steadily, and when his divine thought moved, all kinds of questions flooded into the mind of the **** of good fortune.

The **** of good fortune nodded slightly, and understood all the problems instantly, so he spoke directly without talking nonsense.

"That's right, I am the existence of the last era!

What is the era? This is a big problem. Say one word, and with your wisdom, you will be able to realize one or two things, and that is-the five failures of heaven and man! "

As soon as he said this, Meng Fan brows his brows, did not interrupt, and listened quietly.

The voice of the **** of good fortune is loud and mighty. Although he is sitting in front of Meng Fan at the moment, he has fallen asleep for 1.3 million years. At this moment, it is like a long-dead character whose voice has passed through the ages and fell into Meng Fan’s ears. .

"When you reach the realm of you and me, life is endless, and there are all kinds of means. Speaking of it, it can be said that it is not bad, immortal, immortal, immortal, and immortal? That is true, but there is a kind of power, even if it is a **** The king must also be annihilated. This power is the five decay of heaven and man, that is, the shattering of the heavens and the disappearance of the heavens. This is the end of an era."

Hearing these words, Meng Fan's eyes were already very deep, with countless thoughts in his mind, he was constantly processing this information, and was also performing various deductions.

These few words sound simple, but the information revealed in them can shock the world and the secret!

No one can be calm.

Even Meng Fan, the surface is deep, the heart, has set off a huge wave.

"The way of heaven will be broken, and the heavens will die?" Meng Fan asked. In his eyes, the **** king is indeed immortal, but it is not immortal. There is always some power that can destroy the **** king, and the world is truly immortal. It seems that there is only heaven.

However, the five failures of heaven and man? Heaven is broken, and the heavens die?

Absolutely appalling, the king of God will also be shocked!

The **** of good fortune raised his head, his eyes didn't know where he was looking, and he fell into deep memories.

"You should have guessed that the ten thousand domains were created by the source of the heavens, but the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains is not the true source of the heavens. The source of the heavens is the way of heaven. According to our guess, when When there is nothing in the world, when there is nothing, there is only a force, which works in the dark. This force is some of the most primitive laws. Over time, these laws condense, evolve, and grow. It is the source of the heavens.

But how many years ago the source of the heavens was born, no one of us can infer that it is no longer a long time, but a time that even the **** king can't estimate. However, everything that was born later became clear. It was the law of the source of the heavens, which became the way of heaven and also shaped the world. However, the source of the heavens is not a living being, but an aggregation of countless laws, although there is some consciousness, But these consciousnesses are very thin.

Therefore, at that time, some geniuses and some innate creatures gradually cultivated. Suddenly, one day, when they step into the realm of the gods, they will begin to find the true meaning of the source of the heavens and the origin of all things. Therefore, these ancient gods became The first person who stepped into the source of the heavens, and seized some of the power of the source of the heavens, various avenues, true meanings, and laws.

The source of the heavens that created the universe is not the body of the source of the heavens. It's just that countless years ago, in a more distant age before me, an ancient **** king stole a part of the source of the heavens and realized from it. After going out of the laws of heaven, this ancient **** king disappeared, and this part of the source of the heavens that was stolen has always existed and created the universe you were born into.

Although the source of the heavens is not a living being, as a heavenly way, as an aggregation of all laws, in the process of encountering powerful **** kings, it also feeds back a lot of knowledge from those **** kings, and gradually born and living beings. A similar consciousness, then, correspondingly, the source of the heavens would take measures to deal with many ancient **** kings, so the heavenly calamity and the heavenly punishment appeared to kill all the eternal characters who broke through the realm and stepped into the **** king.

When the source of the heavens just used the laws of the underworld to create the heavenly punishment, many countless years of cultivation finally stepped into the realm of the **** king. From then on, the characters between the heavens and the earth were killed, but, with the heavens The source is different. Living beings have infinite variables and infinite diversity. Over time, many powerful people have found a way to deal with the punishment of heaven, and even some people use it as a baptism to strengthen themselves.

It was also in that era that too many characters were born who dominated the heavens and the earth, and among these characters, many of them stepped into the source of the heavens and stole more power of the source of the heavens!

However, this kind of stealing is not unilateral. It is not only the ancient **** kings stealing the source of the heavens. Similarly, there are also many **** kings who entered the source of the heavens and were killed, swallowed by the source of the heavens, and Absorbed their power, their knowledge, and wisdom, so there was a final catastrophe, the era was shattered, and the heavens and the people were declining.

Speaking of everything here, I did not personally experience it, but learned from countless ancient documents and ancient creatures. "

Meng Fan frowned slightly: "Ancient creatures, I have an impression of this title."

"You have absorbed a small part of the imprints of the imperial palace, and you have an impression." The **** of good fortune nodded: "The so-called ancient creatures are those who have survived the dying of the era and the five declines of heaven and man, but are still alive. For you , I am an ancient creature. My cultivation system, martial arts, power, and so on are all different from you, because after the era is broken, everything has disappeared, everything has been over again, so different things will be born, But because the foundation of cultivation is the laws of the heavens, it has the same root and the same destination by different paths. To you, I am an ancient creature, and in my time, there are also ancient creatures to me."

Meng Fan guessed a lot, and said solemnly: "How many times have the five decays of heaven and man occurred, and how many epochs?"

"I don't know." The **** of good fortune replied very simply: "In my time, any ancient creature was completely asleep, or its origin was broken, only a trace of consciousness remained, and even more, it simply became a walking dead. There is no soul, but every ancient creature is just another epoch.

Simply put, if your era is the tenth era, and my era is the ninth era, then the ancient creatures of my era are the existence of the eighth era, but I have never seen any The ancient creatures of the seventh epoch only have some very old documents, which are still broken and almost unreadable texts. It is impossible to predict the age. In other words, whether there is a seventh epoch, I don’t know. It is impossible to guess how many epochs. "

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