Supreme God King

Chapter 2200: Patriarch Avenue

It is impossible to guess how many epochs there are.

Meng Fan's spirit was shaken and quickly stabilized.

According to the **** of good fortune, he existed in the last epoch, and in his time, there were ancient creatures that survived earlier epochs, so at least there would be three epochs.

In other words, the world has shattered at least twice.

The **** of good fortune paused for a moment and gave Meng Fan some digestible world before continuing: "The five decay of heaven and man is the final catastrophe, which can be understood as a catastrophe. The origin of this catastrophe is the source of the heavens. My own mutation is too profound, and I can’t understand it, but as I said, the source of the heavens has been fighting against countless gods over countless years, stolen a lot of power, but also killed and swallowed. Many gods and kings continue to gain knowledge and wisdom.

So, I know one thing, that is, the five decays of heaven and man do not appear once every tens of thousands of years, but as there are more and more kings between heaven and earth, too many domineering figures appear, the five decays of heaven and man will Triggering, like everyone who gets sick will have a fever, burn to death, is a very pure mechanism, the five decay of heaven and man is to kill all living beings in the world. "

Meng Fan had a deep gaze, and said in a deep voice, "But senior has survived."

"Yes." said the **** of good fortune, still showing a meaningful expression, I don't know what emotions, it is very complicated: "The living beings are wise, can evolve, and are full of variables. When God's punishment came to the world, many talents were killed. After that, some characters still found a way to deal with it, and even regarded the punishment of heaven as a temper. Similarly, after the appearance of the five decays of heaven and man, there were also many ancient gods and supreme overlords who found a way and survived the final catastrophe.

But the price is staggering. Like me, I fabricated the world, created my own life, fell asleep completely, and shut off all breaths. As a result, I fell into perish, slept for a million years, dreamless and godless, maybe I just woke up, I will experience another Once the era is broken, it is more likely. In the process of another era, I failed to wake up and fell asleep and died in another final catastrophe. The longer I slept, the weaker I became.

But this is still good luck. I have only seen a few ancient creatures. One of them, completely a walking dead, became the most powerful puppet of a **** king, and another one, which is no different from a lonely ghost, and fragile. It was a mess, and the consciousness was shattered. In the end, he couldn't stand the torment and dissipated in the world by himself.

And the creatures in the world are more than hundreds of billions? In an unknown number of epochs, there are still a group of people who dominate the heroes. Not only did they survive the dying of the era and the final catastrophe, but also not like me, abandoning everything. They rely on their own strength, means, and strength to survive. The end of the era, when a new era begins, the world is in chaos and nothingness, nothing, but they are still kings of gods. "

Meng Fan was already drunk.

Pass the broken epoch safely, and continue to live forever in a new era.

What kind of person can possess such a mysterious secret?


The **** of good fortune has just awakened, and Meng Fan can feel that he is very weak, but he is still a domineering **** king. Even if he fights against Meng Fan at this time, he has the power to fight. If he is allowed to leave now and swallow Heaven and earth, reshape the origin, and then play against Meng Fan, the outcome is probably between five and five!

Because the deity of good fortune was a big figure in the last era, a superb figure, although not as good as Meng Fan in grasping many true meanings, he only masters good fortune, but the vitality is endless. Meng Fan speculates that his strongest killer move is the ancient emperor On his body, the other party was also seriously injured, but the **** of good fortune, although he did not have the dominance of Meng Fan, but the tyrannical vitality made Meng Fan feel that it is difficult to leave too deep scars on him.

Based on this alone, he is a top person.

However, the King of Good Fortune has been in deep sleep for millions of years. If it hadn't been for Meng Fan to wake him up, perhaps, he would really continue to fall asleep, and then completely die in another era burst.

However, there are people who can survive the dying of the era safely, and they are not sleeping, not hiding, but shaking the final catastrophe, this kind of person is too terrifying!

After an era is shattered, a new era is born. There is nothing and nothing in the world. If you don’t know how many tens of thousands of years, you can regroup the born spirits. These creatures will not know how many tens of thousands of years before they will have wisdom, and then countless years. , In order to start cultivation, when the first **** king appeared, perhaps this era has passed millions of years.

But the **** king said in the mouth of the gods of good fortune, but when an era was just born and the world was empty, he was the **** king!

Wouldn't it be the overlord of heaven and earth?

Meng Fan did not sigh or ask any questions, but the gods of good fortune were very clear. One of the two gods has passed through the epoch, and the other has mastered many true meanings and possessed heavenly calculations. At such a close distance, he treats each other frankly. Many words are not needed. Speak clearly, you can guess it.

"I can't tell whether these characters are still there, but-in the long history of thousands of years, I don't know who dominates, leaving a sentence, this sentence is-the absolute power that tried to kill me After the failure, it made me stronger-his words refer to the source of the heavens, the way of heaven. No one knows what this person is called, but one thing is certain, this life is in me Before the epoch, it was very old, and extremely against the sky, absolutely dominating everything.

For this reason, when he became the **** king, the source of the heavens lowered the most terrifying punishment, and even countless puppets of the heavens went to assassinate him, all of which failed. Now, I can be sure that this character is still alive! "

Meng Fan was startled: "Senior just woke up, how did you make this conjecture?"

"Because of you, because of the uncountable human beings in this world!" Although the eyes of the **** of good fortune do not have pupils, giving people a vast and profound feeling, it seems that there is no emotion, but at this moment, his eyes clearly reveal a kind of Emotion, a kind of awe!

"Because humanity is still there! Today, there are countless human beings alive. Although it is very different from my era, they still abide by humanity, human race, and still prosper! Although I am not human race, I also fear that ancient **** Zun, because of him, led the confused and barbaric humans to civilization. He invented fire, invented houses, invented rituals, created a unique heritage of mankind, and laid down all the laws of mankind. This is humanity, and This person is the ancestor of humanity!"

At this moment, Meng Fan seemed to have received an infinite impact. It was an impact of knowledge and spirit. From the mouth of the **** of good fortune, he heard incredible and subverting information.

First of all, the gods of good fortune are not humans. Meng Fan has already guessed this, because the appearance of the gods of good fortune is the same as that of humans, but only the appearance. As the master of the true meaning of good fortune, he can reshape himself and create countless creations at will. It’s not difficult for the creatures to transform into human beings.

Especially among the creatures of the heavens, human beings have the highest wisdom and the blood of the whole body is also the most suitable for cultivation. Even some wild beasts and animals will transform their bodies into human forms after they have cultivated to a certain level, just to be able to cultivate better.

But the other words of the **** of good fortune made Meng Fan shocked, even if he was supreme **** king, dominating the ages, he felt that the self was severely impacted.


The ancestor of humanity!

The Lord of Good Fortune exhaled and seemed to be sighing: "Although I don’t know how many epochs the world has gone through, and when it started, everything has a beginning, and through countless ancient scrolls, past information can also be It is speculated that when the source of the heavens just created the world, the creatures were chaotic, there was no race, and they were ignorant and weak.

Because the creatures are fragile, the source of the heavens did not evolve into the heavenly punishment and the final catastrophe. The first era must have lasted for a long time, perhaps tens of millions of years? Maybe, billions of years?

When creatures evolve, we can be sure that there will always be some powerful creatures born, questioning the heavens, questioning the earth under my feet, and most importantly, questioning myself, where do I come from and where do I go? Where to go? Why is there spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the four seasons alternate? Why should there be birth, old age, sickness and death, sorrow and joy? Thus, Patriarch Avenue was born!

The Dao of the First Ancestor is the beginning of countless creatures. Some wise men among the creatures not only have endless doubts, but also have great courage. They create, invent, pass on, and they begin to cultivate the vitality of the heavens!

In the end, they became the ancestors of a race. They laid down laws, sowed civilization, enjoyed the worship of hundreds of millions of blood races, and led their own race to grow stronger. The laws and roads these races followed were the ancestor road. Humanity is what the human race has been walking on!

The human race is the most intelligent, sensitive, unjudgeable, and variable power of all races. In countless years, the **** king born by the human race may be similar to other powerful races, but these **** kings are always It can turn the world and write legends, so the human race is also the most feared race of the source of the heavens. There have been countless times to destroy the human race, drop the plague, release the flood, and even collapse the sky and let the earth collapse, but the human race has always existed. , You are tenacious, your wisdom, and most importantly, you have persistence, faith, and courage. You have humanity.

As long as the human race does not die, then the ancestor of humanity will not disappear. "

Meng Fan was dumbfounded, and countless scenes appeared in his mind.

These scenes were not his imagination, nor were they deduced by heaven.

But at this moment, when the **** of good fortune said this shocking secret, deep in Meng Fan's heart, it seemed to come from blood. After hundreds of millions of years, countless inheritance, a trace of consciousness that has flowed to today is in his many true meanings. Under the urging, this picture emerged.

It is not a deduction, not an imagination, Meng Fan can be absolutely sure that this is true!

He saw a wilderness.

Barbaric, wild, without any taste of civilization.

There are many strange beasts, fierce beasts with very strange structures, and they are rampant everywhere.

A group of humans.

It is a group of very ugly, naked, no language, only howling humans, holding only some primitive stone tools, and fighting a fierce beast, just to fill their stomachs. ] (Important notice on this site: Please use the free novel app on this site, no ads, no errors, fast update, member sync bookshelf, please follow WeChat public account wanbenheji (press and hold for three seconds to copy)

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