Supreme God King

Chapter 2204: God's Body

Meng Fan thought of the boy in white. ggaawwx

The predecessor who exists only to convey the true meaning of the void.

He suddenly understood the source of everything!

In the Era War, the Eight Great Kings led countless heroes into the battlefield. Although they died, they did not disappear. Because the purest power in the world, the most supreme power, is the true meaning of the world. This is the power that many overlords have seized from the source of the heavens. , Therefore, whether it is the final catastrophe, or the mysterious and unpredictable Chaos Emperor, can kill the eight great kings, but they cannot obliterate the true meaning they have.

As a result, the true meaning turned into an immortal monument and fell into the Shenyin, which is a mantle.

And at this moment, Meng Fan truly grasped the true meaning of good fortune, and the true meaning of the void, and not the original source, only the slightest entanglement in his body, but the same powerful meditation, heaven and divine will.

More importantly, he learned too many ancient secrets and learned everything that had happened!

Soon, he left the world created by the **** of good fortune.

In front of him, there was still the absolute realm arranged by the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding, as well as the imperial palace like a villain. Sitting on the side bored, turning his fingers, he was suddenly startled when he saw Meng Fan and shouted: "You It came out!"

Meng Fan ignored him, but released a few spiritual thoughts.

He clearly perceives that in Ten Thousand Realms, there are some very subtle spatial cracks that are almost undetectable, and some shadows fly out from those spatial cracks.

One of them, he was very familiar with, was Hong Xi.

The world of the **** of good fortune was shattered, and many of the characters hidden in it had left, and Hong Xi brought the entire Hongmen to Wanyu.

As for the others, Meng Fan didn't pay attention, but transferred his spiritual thoughts, speculated, and found that the world time flow of the **** of good fortune was comparable to the ten thousand domains, so only a few days had passed.

"" The imperial incarnation villain pointed Meng Fan in horror, his fingers trembling constantly. "!" But he couldn't say a word for a long while.

Meng Fan said with emotion: "Your master will not control you anymore. He has...turned into nothingness, leaving nothing behind."

The imperial palace looked at Meng Fan eagerly, but didn't dare to say anything, a little pitiful. His true master is dead or alive. Needless to say Meng Fan, he also perceives that the two are inextricably linked, but at this moment, he clearly realizes that Meng Fan has become his new master!

The power of Meng Fan's whole body has an innate suppression and absolute control over him. Even if the law of Meng Fan's whole body is broken at this moment, his vitality is dissipated, and it is just a mortal womb, but a kind of absolute power, it also allows the emperor. The palace produces fear.

He immediately judged that Meng Fan had inherited everything from the **** of good fortune! Not only power, but also will.

"You are completely free, the world is huge, let you go." Meng Fan waved his hand impatiently. "Let's go!"

The imperial palace was stunned.

Although he lost to Meng Fan, he is a **** king!

The imperial palace has been condensed for countless years and has been admired for countless years. He has self-consciousness, vitality, and self-derived vitality. More importantly, he has been watered by the power of faith for many years. He is already a **** king and an ordinary **** king. , Are incomparable.

How many domineering kings came to challenge him back then, didn't they return without success?

Now Meng Fan has inherited everything and has natural control over the imperial palace. With Meng Fan's thought, the imperial palace must do it, he is a puppet! A puppet so powerful that even a **** king could hardly shake it, but Meng Fan casually said "let's go" and let him go?

The imperial palace was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he unlocked the domain of Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding, and he realized that this was true, gritted his teeth, and flashed away.

The mother and son came to Meng Fan with an aura, soft and lovely, holding Meng Fan's hand: "Father, you are back!"

Meng Fan patted the girl's forehead affectionately, his eyes flashed.

It is an instinctive spirit.

Because of the surrounding space, the laws of heaven and earth, there are fluctuations!

This kind of fluctuation made Meng Fandu feel a little uneasy.

If it is a top **** king, appearing horizontally, it will also produce law fluctuations, but this wave is different. The appearance of the top **** king is like throwing a stone into a pool and causing waves, and this fluctuation is just like Fish swimming in the water is the existence of heaven living in the law.

Very subtle fluctuations, so subtle, a **** king, if you don't deliberately detect it, you can't notice it.

"Something's wrong..."

Meng Fan whispered softly, taking the tens of thousands of mothers and children's gas cauldron, and in an instant he moved out countless spaces and was hidden in a void in a crack.

"The beasts on the road, no matter how fierce they are, they will become weak when they fall into the water..." A misty voice passed into Meng Fan's ears.

After listening to Meng Fan, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he simply walked out of the void and exposed himself.

"Yes, the terrestrial tiger wants to hide in the water and prevent sharks from happening. It's ridiculous."

Before the words fell, ripples appeared in the empty space in front of him, and then a figure walked to Meng Fan's eyes.

This is a faceless person.

In other words, not human!

This "person" only has the form of a human being, wearing a cloak that looks like a platinum forged. It is by no means luxurious, nor does it have any formation patterns. However, the cloak reveals a simple, bright, and high taste.

And this person, whether it is realm or strength, Meng Fan can't speculate! Even if he grasped a lot of true meaning, especially the will of heaven, he couldn't speculate that his calculative ability was like light, omnipresent, and the person in front of him was like a black hole, and light could not illuminate his essence.

In every gesture, there is a taste of ruling everything.

In an instant, Meng Fan got the result!

"You are a puppet of heaven."

The answer came out that the younger brother of the ancestor Xuanyuan that Meng Fan had seen before was also a puppet of the Heavenly Dao. The auras of the two were very similar, especially that they could not be deduced by the will of heaven. The main reason was that the other party was the Dao of Heaven and the law of heaven. , How is it possible to speculate with heaven?

However, the Xuanyuan puppet was all dressed in black. Although he had the laws of heaven, he did not possess the majesty of heaven. He was just a puppet. The smell of the person in front of him was like heaven itself!


Heaven itself!

It was also at this moment that Meng Fan came to this answer and result, and his eyes became extremely solemn for an instant.

"The word puppet is really ugly." The person shook his head, his voice was not emotional, and because he was sleepless, the whole person revealed a pure and ruthless taste. "The universe is prehistoric, all living beings are created by the law of the source of the heavens, and they are also a brilliance of the source of the heavens. Since they are all part of the source of the heavens, how can they serve the source of the heavens? puppet?"

In the words, the most supreme and most domineering taste is revealed!

What puppet? Everything is the source of the heavens, there is no such thing as a puppet, everything belongs to the way of heaven!

Although Meng Fan's eyes were solemn, the corners of his mouth rose when he heard these words.

The person asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Meng Fan shook his head slightly mockingly: "You are not a puppet, but an incarnation of the power of heaven. You have the will of heaven. Since heaven is inclusive of all things, omnipotent, and everything is part of heaven, then I am a part of heaven. Part of it, can't you guess why I laugh?"

After finishing this sentence, the figure of this person actually shook a bit!

The shaking at that moment, the whole body of this person was a little illusory, and even the law showed signs of breaking up.

However, it soon disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Meng Fan sneered even more: "The source of the heavens, will he doubt himself?"

"You are against the human." This person continued to say in that mechanical voice: "As a child of the heavenly way, but against the heavenly way."

"Really? I tell you what I was laughing at." Meng Fan stretched out a finger and pointed at the top of his head casually, acting very lightly: "I always think that the source of the heavens is a law. Aggregates, without the consciousness of beings, have absorbed the wisdom of many beings in countless years. Then, if the way of heaven is transformed into a being, what tone should it speak? Like a human being, it can speak 36,000 words and can speak. There are so many colorful things in the world, or like a dog, only barking according to the existing instinct? I laugh because you talk like a dog."

This person has no face.

But the laws of his whole body are gathering frantically.

A powerful force is brewing, ready to flourish.


This is the way God expresses anger!

Tiandao has no emotions, but in countless years, Tiandao has absorbed the wisdom of powerful creatures and has formed its own mode of operation. The most important and core of it is that when there is any power to challenge, it will use this power. Kill!

"You are the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, but the Dao of Heaven is limited by its own laws and cannot condense all of its power. You are only the appearance of a certain kind of power. But since ancient times, even from the broken memory of the gods of good fortune, I have never seen the source of the heavens turn a certain power into an entity and appear in the world. The most is to find someone, lure him into the source of the heavens, and then transform into a puppet. What does your appearance mean?"

Meng Fan ignored the law of the mad surging whole body of the Faceless Man, so he had a sober analysis in his spare time.

"That’s right, wisdom’s backfeeding...every time when a powerful creature is killed, Heaven will absorb its wisdom to feed back itself, just like eating. The source of the heavens eats knowledge and wisdom, and the heavens The source of the earth can actually form an incarnation and come to the world. This must require a lot of knowledge and wisdom. The last time the gluttonous feast of the source of the heavens was a fight with the Emperor Chaos. The Emperor Chaos created the strange ghosts, and the source of the heavens, Created you."

The more Meng Fan said, the brighter his smile.

An incarnation of heaven, did not scare him even the slightest.

"The power that the source of the heavens first descended into the world was to obliterate the heavenly punishment of the **** king, so you, the incarnation of the power of heavenly punishment, are indeed very powerful, but the wisdom of heaven is also terrible, after all, it has swallowed so much. The strong, it should be clear that an incarnation gathered by the power of God's punishment is the pediatrics before my eyes."

Meng Fan said, waving his palm!

Immediately, many spaces in the heavens were affected and torn apart by his power.


More than a dozen faceless men, dressed in platinum robes, appeared in front of Meng Fan!


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