Supreme God King

Chapter 2205: Evolution of Heaven

More than a dozen avatars of Heavenly Punishment, condensed from the purest power of Heavenly Punishment, appeared in front of Meng Fan!

"Interesting, really interesting!" Meng Fan applauded again and again: "I have to say admiration! If the source of the heavens is the most disgusting in the prehistoric universe, I want to obliterate it immediately. According to the broken memory of the gods of creation, I It can be inferred that it belongs to the Great Chaos, but even the power of the heavens cannot reach the absolute realm in which he lives, so the world has become a chess game, and the source of the heavens and the Great Chaos have become two chess players. ggaawwx

The Great Chaos created the ghost, the source of the heavens, and created the incarnation of Heaven's Punishment? Interesting, interesting, not too interesting! "

After three consecutive fun, Meng Fan's smile gradually faded, and turned into a cold one.

"Just like when the last era was broken, the Great Chaos obliterated many heroic spirits in the world, and then released the alien ghosts, and played a killing game with the source of the heavens. Everything in the world seemed to be the source of the heavens and the chess piece of the chaos great? Right? "

An incarnation of Heaven’s Punishment said coldly: “Yes, this is a game. All creatures in the world are power. What the chaos rebellion wants is flesh and blood, and we want wisdom. The more we seize, the more he gets. The less, this is a zero-sum game, where one side gains an advantage and one side is bound to be disadvantaged."

"Right, right, right!" Meng Fan nodded repeatedly: "And for some big chess pieces, especially huge ones, the source of the heavens must want to take the lead and get them right away. I guess your goal is not me, but the **** of good fortune. Sovereign, but this predecessor is indeed powerful, avoiding millions of years, and has not been discovered by the source of the heavens."

"The gods of good fortune have seized the power of heaven." The incarnation said: "The nine kings of the gods in the last epoch all captured the power of the heavens. This is the greatest sin and cannot be forgiven. Now, you have got it. This force, the true meaning of good fortune, is more than the strongest law that the heavens have descended-the era is destroyed. After knowing the story of the previous era, the era is destroyed, and everything will die. If you start again, nothing can exist. To the next era, including memory."


Meng Fan snapped his fingers: "That makes sense! So you just showed up when I came out."

An incarnation of Heavenly Punishment took a half step forward: "Let's take back what belongs to the source of the heavens."

"Okay!" Meng Fan smiled slightly and stretched out a hand, huh! Waving in the air.


The head of the incarnation of Tiancai was cut off!

Clean and neat, there is no nonsense, it is a mysterious and shadowless Beidou sword, a strong killer move!


Immediately after the head of Tianchao's incarnation was cut off, the body became a thin and invisible law, and it was about to regroup.

Moreover, there is no weakened taste at all.

"As I guessed, the incarnation of Heaven's Punishment is not a creature, but an aggregation of laws, it's useless to beheaded!"

Meng Fan laughed loudly, his laughter was extremely bold, and he stepped out one step into the weak law that was about to converge, and then punched him!

If a huge meteorite hit the world.

Under the power of this fist, the surrounding space seemed to be crushed and broken in layers, and the weak laws that were gathering were also cut, and immediately flowed into each space, blending into many laws in the blink of an eye. , As a stream merges into the sea without causing any ripples.

The only remaining laws that did not dissipate were immediately stimulated and became bursts. They exploded and burned, turning into clusters of purple lotus flowers, hitting Meng Fan!

Purple practice industry fire.

The power of punishment.

This kind of power is many times stronger than the Heavenly Punishment brought down by the Empress’s achievement of the God King. Even the mighty God King cannot ignore it, because in every purple practice fire, there is a horror of burning origin and avenue. Power, this power comes from the source of the heavens itself, the avenues of the world are all transmitted from the source of the heavens, burning the avenue, it is not difficult for the source of the heavens!

Even Meng Fan did not dare to resist.

But he does not need to resist.

A punch that releases the meaning of the void can smash the space, so the figure shakes, and it is still the power of the meaning of the void, he shuttles out, wandering in hundreds of layers of space, and those blinks can burn a dozen miles away. The fire of karma is as slow as a snail before Meng Fan’s eyes

"Judgment, punishment!"

The magnificent voice is just like Tianwei! Get out of the mouth of other Heavenly Punishment incarnations, and all Heaven Punishment incarnations will be attacked and killed!

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth curled up, and his figure shuttled, avoiding the impact of the incarnation of Heaven's punishment, indifferent.

"Huh, do you want to block the heavens, set up an array, and burn me?" Meng Fan's eyes moved, and he smiled coldly when seeing the direction of the incarnation of Heaven's Punishment, and the little thumb popped out, and immediately a force penetrated the incarnation of Heaven's Punishment. , Beat it into a cotton wool state, and then fly up, just step on the "cotton wool". This time, he didn't even use the meaning of emptiness. It was pure, his own rules and martial arts power!

The incarnation of Heaven's Punishment is a gathering of laws.

And Meng Fan's own laws are more powerful and concise than the incarnation of Heaven's Punishment.

So this foot directly oscillated the laws of the heavens and rolled, and the broken heavenly punishment incarnation merged into the heavens and was instinctively absorbed by the laws of heaven and earth.

"Huh? Interesting, so that's it!"

The moment the incarnation of Heaven Punishment was broken, Meng Fan immediately performed the deduction of Heaven's Will. At this moment, the incarnation of Heaven Punishment, because the broken incarnation of Heaven Punishment, is no longer a heaven, but just a group of laws, so it can be deduced.

He found that the incarnation of punishment these days seemed to have a hand manipulating it.

Moreover, this hand not only manipulated, but also estimated Meng Fan at the moment when the incarnation of Heaven Punishment was broken up.

In other words, there is a force behind these Tiancai incarnations, experimenting with Tiancai incarnations and learning experience from battles.

Like the way of heaven, it's not like the power of heaven.

This is very similar to living beings, a kind of consciousness, a kind of taste of wisdom!

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows, waved his palm, and easily grabbed the neck of an incarnation of Heavenly Punishment, letting the karma fire released by the incarnation of Heavenly Punishment entangle and burn on his arms, burning his body.

This is a dangerous move.

But Meng Fan was very sure based on guesses.

It turns out that he guessed right.

At the same time as it burned, the avatar was no longer a god, but became a pure god's punishment. The various powers in it could also be deduced. Immediately, Meng Fan felt the back of the god's punishment incarnate through a faint touch. , There is an existence in the remote realm that cannot be measured.

A mask, a white shirt, huge hands, and a pair of gloves that are completely condensed from the avenue. The gloves release a strong, disciplinary taste, symbolizing authority and ruling everything.

Meng Fan crushed the incarnation of Heaven Punishment.

On his scorched arm, there was a cloud of crystal light, which was the true meaning of good fortune, and he immediately recovered, unscathed.

The karmic fire burned only his flesh, but it didn't even touch the origin of his avenue and the laws of his body.

"Could it be that..." Meng Fan thought in his heart and his eyes became more and more condensed. The huge and majestic existence he just saw gave him a very strange feeling. It was not pure heaven or the source of the heavens. It's a...being!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan suddenly turned around and said coldly to the remaining incarnation of Heavenly Punishment: "Take me as a pawn? Then you really made a wrong calculation. If you want to take away my power, you need the puppet master himself. Come out, send a group of little puppets to find out my strength, analyze again, and then upgrade the puppets? Funny! For countless years of heaven, only the punishment and the final catastrophe can be brought down, and you can't condense the form in this universe. The avatar is also condensed with a powerful heavenly power, and breaking one is a big loss. The puppeteer will not appear on the scene and crush all your toys!

When I became a God King, the power of Heaven’s Punishment could not hurt me. Now, do you still want to hurt my origin! "

When the voice fell, the remaining incarnation of Heavenly Punishment immediately rose into the air, vaguely, to cross a certain boundary between heaven and earth and leave.

"If the master doesn't come, keep the toys!"

Meng Fan shouted, fisted, and blasted the two incarnations of Heavenly Punishment!

Above both fists, the mind and the will of heaven are extremely condensed.


The two incarnations of Heavenly Punishment were immediately broken and dissipated, but there were some remaining, unable to escape, but was suppressed.


Supremacy, law speaks casually.

Even the law of heaven and earth is hard to escape!

The purest traces of the laws of heaven, under the containment of the divine will, become the turtle in the urn, and they can only be absorbed by Meng Fan. These laws have no meaning to Meng Fan’s own strength. They are nothing but a drop in the bucket, but they are integrated into the will of God. Deduction.

Every time a rule is deduced, the deity behind the manipulating puppet becomes clearer.

The clearer it is, the more Meng Fan can conclude that the deity behind it and the aggregation of the law, but... a creature.

A real being has wisdom, consciousness, and even many means.

But this creature has exactly the same breath as the source of the heavens!

The rest of Heaven's Punishment incarnate, constantly vacating.

No matter how much Meng Fan's figure moves, he doesn't want to let go!


Stabbed la la la la la la!

The blossoming purple fire lotus flower appeared from the void, a huge number, burning continuously, burning out a huge passage in the void!

This passage faintly leads to an unspeakable and unspeakable place. The reason why it is indescribable is that everything in that space is very different from what Meng Fan had seen in his life. The laws of heaven and earth are also very different. Very weird, all seem to be living creatures, all beasts that want to devour the world!

On the other side of the passage, the one wearing a mask and a white shirt, his hands full of judgment, as if to judge everything in the world, silently watching Meng Fan.

Then stretched out a hand.

This hand stretched into the passage and kept moving forward. With every blink, it traveled a vast distance, and every time it traveled, it doubled in size!

It seems that this hand is going to kill the world, and its majestic ruling is to kill all sins!

The will that is the source of the heavens is the highest law of heaven.

Even Meng Fan suddenly felt a sense of guilt, as if he was guilty of his sins, and he felt more guilty than death!


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