Supreme God King

Chapter 2206: Punish the gods

Meng Fan's thirty thousand green silks fluttered all over the sky. ggaawwx, please search for the most complete! The fastest newest novel

At this moment, the laws in his body actually showed signs of shaking!

It seems that I also feel the meaning of the ruling and want to escape!

That pure, huge, and perfect palm is like the law of heaven and earth, and like a cage of all things, to judge everything, trap everything, and block everything.

If it is another **** king, at this moment, I am afraid that the laws in the body will break and disintegrate, and lose without a fight!

But it was Meng Fan who faced this palm.

Throughout the ages, there are not many supreme kings who have mastered the true meaning of the world.

With a heart move, divine will descended, and a huge canopy appeared on Meng Fan's head, and Meng Fan, as the emperor and emperor, had the supreme majesty!

The law of restlessness in his body immediately surrendered and completely obeyed.

"Let me see what the real spokesperson of heaven has to do!"

Meng Fan's voice was loud and reverberating, he struck out with one hand, and collided with the ruling palm!

In a collision, in the entire passage where the karmic fire burned out, those who were originally very violent and wanted to swallow the law of the world, immediately rested in peace, did not dare to move, and even some shivered!

Under the violent impact, Meng Fan's body strength surged, and even between his mouth and nose, blood flowed out. The entire arm was cracked, revealing bones like jade.

even so.

Meng Fan didn't shrink back!

Even one step forward, one step!


In the passage, the incarnation of Heavenly Punishment that quickly fled, was affected by the huge force of the two palms, and just blinked, it was completely broken and completely dissipated.

Not blending into the void, but completely dissipating!

The law is obliterated.

Only one incarnation of Heavenly Punishment that escaped quickly did not break immediately, but still had a head left, and escaped faster.

When the head completely left, the hand that was pure and innocent to judge everything suddenly shrank, and then the violent channel shrank at an astonishing speed, and was finally repaired by the laws of heaven and earth and disappeared.

Meng Fan’s nose and mouth were bleeding, and only bones were left in one of his arms, but he was still smiling. He was very satisfied. He was injured, the laws in his body were a little broken, and his body was severely impacted. However, this injury may be a great loss to other gods. , But for Meng Fan, it was just drizzle, not worth mentioning. The true meaning of good fortune was flowing, vitality was permeated, and the broken body was repaired and it was intact.

"The source of the heavens, after countless years, has continuously absorbed the wisdom of powerful creatures, finally... finally..." Meng Fan murmured for a moment, closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened.

"I finally have consciousness!"


The existence of the one just now evolved from the source of the heavens.

The true source of the heavens can never produce consciousness, and cannot be a living being, because the source of the heavens is all the laws between the heavens and the earth, and it is the end of all avenues. This kind of power is pure and it is absolutely impossible to produce living beings. awareness.

However, the source of the heavens has continuously absorbed the knowledge and wisdom of living beings during countless years of fighting with various powerful beings. After so many years and so many years, finally, the source of the heavens has used the power of heaven to create a Creatures with wisdom and consciousness!

This creature not only possesses very high wisdom, but also gained the knowledge accumulated by the source of the heavens over countless years. More importantly, it also possesses a power equivalent to the meaning of the Great Dao, but it is not the divine will, not the will of heaven, and the true will of good fortune. It is the meaning of trial and ruling.

It is a supreme legal force, full of authority!

If Meng Fan didn't grasp the true meaning, let alone a palm, just seeing the existence of that deity, the law of the whole body would collapse!

Too powerful.

And after the palm of the hand, what made Meng Fan even more shocked was that the existence of that statue actually had a name, and it was a name that was very human.

Punish the gods.

Just in the name, the word punishment is displayed by means of heaven, and it is full of the supreme taste of judgment. All sentient beings in the world will be punished.

The moment of confrontation made Meng Fan even more frightened. Now he has a lot of true meaning, and he has the foundation for the cultivation of the gods of good fortune. Although he has not fully understood the true meaning of good fortune for the time being, he is already a domineering figure, and he is unified with the **** of punishment. Still a disadvantage.

"Finally, the catastrophe is getting closer and closer. Not only are ghosts appearing in this world, they are actually the source of the heavens, and they have condensed conscious creatures and powerful existences that serve the source of the heavens."

Thousands of thoughts emerged in Meng Fan's mind.

He got a lot of important information from the **** of good fortune.

First of all, the most important thing is that the last era, the moment when it finally shattered, there are three major forces in the world.

One is the source of the heavens, the second is the Chaos Great Emperor, and the third is the nine gods and countless heroes who plundered the source of the heavens and many powers and laws at that time and condensed the true meaning.

Among them, the eight great gods led countless heroes to the final battlefield and fought hard. According to the gods of good fortune, they severely inflicted the Great Chaos, and it was also the final battle. The huge power penetrated the heaven and the earth, creating the path of the gods, and the eight gods The true meaning of the king turned into an immortal monument and flowed out. After that, it was the source of the heavens that descended the final catastrophe and faced off against the Great Chaos.

But the outcome is unknown.

At the moment when the origin of the heavens descended and the era was destroyed, the **** of good fortune fell asleep completely.

But Meng Fan could guess one or two.

That was the defeat of the Great Chaos.

He must be defeated, otherwise, how could the true meaning of the Eight Great God Kings flow out?

There must be many secrets in it.

Another important message is that of the nine great gods at the time, only a few of them came from Wanyu!

The other pinnacle **** kings all came from other realms, and those realms, according to the description of the gods of good fortune, were comparable to the ten thousand realms, and had the same glorious history.

For example, the Oracle Dragon Emperor came from the dragon world.

There are other peak **** kings.

According to broken memories, in the last epoch, these areas were called the Great Thousand Worlds. It seems that the number of such big Thousand Worlds in the universe is difficult to measure, but although they have powerful world powers to repel each other, the characters of the gods, It can still be surpassed. Why, what Meng Fan sees now is only the path of Ten Thousand Realms and Divine Hermitage?

Providence deduced...

Meng Fan's eyes are bright!

If in the ancient era, heaven and earth were one, because the final battle caused the universe to be torn apart and created the path of divine hidden, then the road of divine hidden is a rift.

That's right!

The cosmos has been cut apart by the path of divine hiding!

Whether it’s ten thousand realms or those realms that Meng Fan has never seen before, but only a little learned from the memory of the gods of good fortune, they are like islands, and the path of divine hiding is like the ocean between islands, and those great worlds are still Exist, but, too far away!

"Mother and son are angry." Meng Fan said softly.

The little girl appeared immediately: "Father!"

"You have just seen the battle with the avatar of the source of the heavens. The source of the heavens is constantly evolving and getting stronger and stronger. You can actually condense the avatar. I don’t know what else to do and what plans you have. Hurry back to the dark alliance, sit in the center, protect everyone, and tell everyone about the incarnation of Heavenly Punishment, so that everyone is ready!"

"Yes, I understand!"

After Wan Mu Zi Qi Ding promised, the figure shook and disappeared.

The laws of Meng Fan's body were surging, and immediately in front of him, a huge stone gate appeared, which was several feet high. The moment the stone gate opened, the surrounding avenues were distorted.

This is the stone gate leading to the road to Shenyin.

For the current Meng Fan, this path of divine seclusion, which has been evaluated since ancient times, is easy to get in and out.

He is now very clear about what he is going to do. The greatest enemy in the universe is the source of the heavens and the Great Chaos! Among them, the Great Chaos, according to the gods of good fortune, has not known how many epochs have been alive, and has been fighting against the source of the heavens. It is powerful and unimaginable. Even if the Eight Great Kings lead countless heroes, they are still created by the Great Chaos and his creation. The army of ghosts was defeated.

However, the Eight Great God Kings still severely inflicted the Great Chaos.

Therefore, the ultimate enemy is the source of the heavens and the Great Chaos, and the ultimate battlefield is either the source of the heavens or the end of the road to the hidden gods!

Finding more remains of the Eight Great Divine Kings and gaining more power from the Eight Great Divine Kings is it possible to fight against the Great Chaos Emperor and the Source of the Heavens. Especially now, even if it is a **** of good fortune, it can actually be said to the Great Chaos Emperor. It’s that they don’t even know what the Great Emperor Chaos looks like. As for the plans of the Great Chaos Emperor, they don’t know anything. They don’t know anything except ghosts. Therefore, in any case, he has to go to the road of Shenyin. To explore more far-reaching places.

Meng Fan stepped in and entered the path of divine hiding.

Immediately, the influence of the law of the source of the heavens became smaller. In the path of divine hiding, heaven did not seem to have much power. This has always been strange to Meng Fan, and he didn’t understand it, but now he finally Got it.

As his mind turned, he began to move in big strides, constantly smashing the void. At this moment, he came to the road of divine hiding, which was much bigger than his previous goal, to find some edges of the road of divine hiding.

He knows very well how difficult this is. It is conceivable that in some sense, the path of divine hiding has no edges, because here, the law of the source of the heavens has become very weak, and the concept of space is somewhat blurred. , But now Meng Fan, what a character, not only has mastered a lot of power, but also got a lot of ancient secrets. At every step, he left a ray of thought as a coordinate, and at the same time ran the power of the sky to calculate the abnormality of the surrounding space. .

Nothing unusual can escape his grasp.

Just like when the burial site was found at the beginning, although the burial site is not a great world, it is independent of many laws, various derivations, and is equivalent to the great world. It is an island, almost completely isolated from the outside world, but even the perfect jade, There were also flaws on closer inspection, so the burial site still left some cracks and passages in many places, and Meng Fan entered the burial site.

Then there must be countless cracks in a real world.

Just when Meng Fan kept searching the mountains and seas.

Suddenly, a huge ark floated out of the black shadow in the endless space of the road of the gods and hidden, wandering slowly.

This ark is simply too big!

It is almost the same size as the entire Middle Ancient Region, and the speed of wandering is actually not fast. If it is not for Meng Fan, but an ordinary vitality monk, he would not have noticed that the ark is moving at all, and it would be impossible. Seeing that this is an ark, one would think it was a floating world, a continent.

There are countless auras in it, which are chaotic. Many layers of space are derived from the Ark, layered on top of each other. In each layer of space, a large number of creatures live.

Suddenly, on the side of the ark, a silver-gray beast appeared, like a giant snake, hundreds of miles long, but with countless claws, and on the back of the giant snake, more There are many buildings attached to it, and it is a fortress.

A giant snake, like a country, came straight to Meng Fan!


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