Supreme God King

Chapter 2216: Ark Beyond

The ancient treasure house, as the name suggests, in Meng Fan’s speculation, this treasure house contains a lot of secrets that have been passed down from the last era!

First of all, Jixiami is by no means something of this era. Among them, there is the ability to seize the good fortune of the heavens and the earth. Within the Jixiami, there are endless formations, layered by layers. As long as they are planted, they can continuously absorb the vitality of the heaven and the earth. Therefore, this kind of rice can grow to such a huge extent.

However, no matter how Meng Fan uses the deduction of heaven, and then uses the true meaning of good fortune to create, he cannot simulate this grain of rice.

In other words, this grain of rice that captures the good fortune of heaven and earth cannot be copied and is of no use.

With Meng Fan's methods now, it is actually impossible to replicate a grain of rice? After a little deduction, he discovered that the reason was that the structure of this grain of rice, the rules and formations in it, were different from anything he had seen before, but it was completely consistent with the breath of the ancient era displayed by the gods of good fortune. Reproduce this grain of rice by means of this era.

Immediately afterwards, among the things Meng Fan found in the wild ancient treasure house, there were mountains of third-order and fourth-order gods, and many spiritual grass seeds, but they couldn't enter his Dharma eyes, but some ancient books he found, Meng Fan was surprised.

Because in these ancient books, the two words "humanity" are recorded.

Meng Fan held an ancient book and sat among the treasures like mountains and seas. It was only a few hours at a glance. Among them, the mighty text clearly recorded many things at the beginning of the birth of the universe.

Qi Xuanzhen has also been wandering in the deserted ancient treasure house, his knowledge is less than one ten thousandth of Meng Fan's, so those ordinary treasures, many vitality seeds, are enough for him to be greedy, and he is holding a lot of things dangling. Yoyo came to Meng Fan's side and said carefully: "Master, in this wild ancient treasure house, according to the ancestors, there are many treasures that have given birth to consciousness for many years, and even evolved into monsters. Why have I not seen any of them? Too strange."

"Because I am here, they dare not come out." Meng Fan answered casually and continued to look.

Each article confirmed some of Meng Fan's previous conjectures.

That's right, this universe of universe, in the ancient era, is the same world as Wanyu!

Because many things recorded in these words are so similar to Wanyu.

Qi Xuanzhen glanced at the ancient book in Meng Fan's hand, and said with a smile: "Master, this is my family tree of Qi. I read it when I was very young, and I didn't expect to be here."

Meng Fan looked at Qi Xuanzhen squarely: "Do you recognize some of the words here?"

"Yes, in these words, some seemingly weird symbols are actually a formation created by my ancestors of the Qi family and written in the form of symbols. It can be said that they are the secret codes of my Qi family. , Xiaoye, look!" Qi Xuanzhen was about to bite his fingertips, apparently about to drip blood, and suddenly he was taken aback: "I just remembered, I...this body is not from the Qi family, so there is no Qi family bloodline. ,Please wait!"

Qi Xuanzhen went out immediately, and returned soon, with the young emperor of the tens of billions of Li Min Great Qi Empire.

Although this little emperor was only a teenager, Meng Fan admired all his demeanor. At this moment, Qi Xuanzhen, the ancestor, was also cautious. Even though he was very nervous when he saw Meng Fan, he could keep calm.

"Benefactor." The little emperor said, obviously Qi Xuanzhen said something to him. "You want to see my family tree of Qi?"

Qi Xuanzhen angrily said: "What nonsense!"

Meng Fan waved his hand, smiled, and handed the genealogy to the little emperor: "Please also your Majesty bother."

The little emperor did not hesitate, showing decisiveness that did not fit his age, and bit his finger. As a result, he seemed to be a little dizzy and his face was not pretty, but he still pressed his finger on the genealogy tree.

This expression and decisive attitude made Meng Fan lose consciousness for a while, thinking of his young self.

On the genealogy, it was stained with blood, and suddenly a lot of vitality spurted out from the genealogy. These vitality swept across all sides, some blue-black, some lavender, kaleidoscopic, touching the surrounding treasures, immediately melting these treasures into liquid, Then it condensed again, and in the blink of an eye, using these melted and solidified treasures, a human form evolved.

These human figures have different appearances, some are fat, some are thin, some are majestic, and some are strong, but without exception, each of them wears dragon robes, just like emperors.

The little emperor was taken aback, Qi Xuanzhen immediately patted the little emperor on the back of his head, and then bowed to these statues one by one.

Meng Fan swept through his spiritual thoughts and found that these statues did not have any consciousness. He thought it was a means of resurrecting the soul, but it was not. But the moment these statues appeared, many of the code symbols in the ancient books in his hand were transformed The text, and the content, are more than a hundred times greater.

"Master, these are the emperors of my Qi family. Some of them are older than me, and some are my juniors. After they die, they will turn their own vitality into a series of talismans to protect the family tree. A lot of key information."

Listening to Qi Xuanzhen's explanation, Meng Fan immediately swept his mind and looked at the words in the ancient books more closely.

It turns out that the Qi family is one of the oldest families in this universe!

And in the most secret page of the ancient books, what makes Meng Fan very dazed is that it records that before incalculable years, the oldest person in the Qi family, when he was a teenager, was caught by a huge ship. The Ark was sent to the great world of Qiankun, along with him, there were more than a hundred boys and girls, that was the beginning of the era!

According to the ancient books of the Qi family, the oldest person in the Qi family was born on a huge ark, and this ark wandered all year round in a completely enclosed and completely isolated space. The ancestor of the Qi family , It’s just one of the countless creatures in the Ark, and it’s very weak. It’s just a matter of just mastering the method of vitality cultivation. According to this old ancestor’s memory, he and others have lived on the Ark for hundreds of generations. In other words, the Ark is their world.

They don’t know what kind of world it is outside of the Ark, but there is a legend that outside the Ark is the real world. The vast world is vast, but the world outside the Ark has perished. , I heard that there are many supreme characters, called **** kings, and they have all fallen. There is an ancient power who has imitated several arks to protect humans and other creatures in the ark, waiting Restore the shattered world to its original state.

After many years, an ark finally began to sail and came to the universe of the universe, and placed more than a hundred boys and girls, and many other creatures here, so they became the beginning of the era of the universe. The first creatures.

It seems that there are other arks, heading to other places.

According to the memory of the ancestors of the Qi family, the human race initially lived on the same continent. It was an ancient continent, immensely vast, and the humanity on it was also very prosperous. That continent was called the Xuanhuang Land, but later the universe When the wilderness was destroyed, many places were divided, and the same was true of Xuanhuang Land.

Meng Fan closed the ancient book, remembered the moment he had encountered Linglong Xinzun, he saw the monster ark, pondered for a moment, and asked: "How do you leave the three* sects of the Universe World? There are hundreds of billions of creatures, even if most of them are discarded, the core figures of each sect are as many as trillions."

"It's a ship." The little emperor humbly said: "Benefactor, although I am not involved in political affairs as a junior, this matter is no longer a secret. The three * sects are building ships, a very large ark, I heard that it originated from the land. At that time, they were using the wreckage of some kind of prehistoric giant ship to build ships, but it was very difficult. Twenty years later, the three *sects only built 36 arks."

"Not too small, one boat per sect, just enough." Meng Fan closed his eyes.

He immediately thought of the deal he wanted to make when he encountered Taichu and other giants of Shenyin.

A piece of the wreckage of an ancient ship was exchanged for a stone monument of meditation.

It's a boat again.

A coincidence?

Never possible!

First of all, in the oldest era, there was an ancient ship, the only ancient giant that could cross the sea and enter the end of Shenyin.

After that, the source of the heavens created the era-breaking calamity, and at the same time, the Great Chaos waved and cut through the cosmos.

Now, Meng Fan already knows that after no sea, the end of Shenyin is where the Great Primordial Chaos is located, and it is also the most secretive realm in the world, almost as unknown as the source of the heavens. No one knows its true appearance.

When the ancient epoch collapsed, there was a great power who created a ship that could survive the collapse and was called the "Ark of the Other Shore" in ancient books to carry the human race so that the Tao could continue to multiply in the next epoch.

Nowadays, strange ghosts have appeared in the Universe World, and the overlord three * sects have built ships one after another. What they used is the wreckage of the Ark on the other shore that sent more than a hundred boys and girls to the Universe World.

How could there be no contact, how could it be just a coincidence?

Almost in an instant, Meng Fan had a seven-to-eighth conclusion in his heart, that the Ark on the other side was inextricably linked with the ancient ship that could cross the sea!

It's just not 100% sure.

With a thought, Meng Fan stood up abruptly, waved his hands, the majestic vitality was released, and immediately filled the entire barren ancient treasure house, khaka ka... countless rare treasures, various gods, one after another. Shattered.

This scene made Qi Xuanzhen’s eyes almost fall out, Haoxuan did not spit out blood, Meng Fan just waved his hand, and the treasures that were destroyed were not one million, but there were seven or eight hundred thousand pieces. They were all left over from many years. Turned into the purest vitality, everywhere!

However, these things were worthless in Meng Fan's eyes. With another wave of his palm, hundreds of thousands of treasures were turned into vitality. Immediately, a large area was vacated. This deserted ancient treasure house should not be called a treasure house. , It should be called Yuanqi Library.

But Meng Fan waved twice, but it didn't destroy everything in his sight.

There are still some things that have not been destroyed under his domineering power, and even cracks have not appeared!

Meng Fan's gaze swept across, and immediately raised his brows, stretched out his hand, and suddenly, a very inconspicuous piece of wood **** the size of a fingernail fell into his hand.


He held this small piece of wood tightly.

There are about one percent of the fine particles in this wood **** the size of a fingernail. The breath in it is the same as the wood board that the Taoist showed him at that time. Meng Fan also had a breath of respect.

In the distant years, the ancient ship that could cross the sea was blown up.

Many fragments were left in Wuhai, but many fragments were also lost, such as the wooden boards in Taichu and Tai'a.

Some of them were transformed into tiny particles by the ancient power that inherited the humanity, combined with other ancient prehistoric giant trees, and made the Ark on the other side!

His guess was good, and then, a volley of breath came, which proved his guess.

A breath of end, return, and demise descended from the sky, and in an instant, it enveloped the vast world in the center of the universe!

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