Supreme God King

Chapter 2217: Divinely blessed

When this breath came, the entire universe, all powerful sect leaders, whether traveling or in retreat, opened their eyes, raised their heads, and looked at one direction of the universe. , There, many warriors in gray robes descended from the sky.

In the depths of the Promise Gate, in a hidden underground city, a huge Ark is slowly flying into the sky. Many elders of the Promise Gate are doing their final work to make various small protective runes for the Ark. At this moment, many Promise Gates His disciples, elite disciples, are all boarding the ship.

When this amazing breath came to the world, the ark painted with 36,000 ghosts and gods vitality runes was as huge as an island. It seemed to be able to stand still in the face of everything. At this moment, it was shaking violently, and some even fell apart. meaning!

This is not only the Promise Gate, but also in the depths of the other sects.

Dao phantoms flashed past, and more than forty figures came to the passage where the gray-robed warriors descended. These characters looked at each other without saying a word, their expressions were solemn.

They are all the **** king figures in the three * sects!

The entire universe, all the gods, are all present.

They all have grievances with each other. Some grievances have lasted for tens of thousands of years, and they will never die. But twenty years ago, the aliens invaded and caused half of the universe to wither. All the gods of the universe, An agreement was concluded. In the agreement, not only is the truce, but more importantly, when the ghosts come again, they will join forces to fight.

But seeing the grey-robed warriors swarming, these **** kings immediately knew that they were not ghosts.

It's just a vigor monk.

Many of them are in the realm of Shenyuan, and most of them are in the realm of Tianyuan.

"Why are there so many ants?" said a god-king figure with a long beard.

"The other end of this passage is the path of divine hiding. Someone used great means to penetrate the world power of the universe. Such means cannot be done by a group of ants. There must be masters, seven or eight out of ten. Coming to our ark on the other side!" The Promise Gate Master said.

He is a middle-aged man who looks thirty or forty years old, with a very elegant appearance, wearing a five-color gown. When speaking, his voice seems to come from the endless void, and he is also the three * sect supreme **** king of the universe. One of the best in the overlord.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of almost all the gods changed slightly, even the hundreds of thousands of old monsters in the city.

They built the Ark, just to give up the universe.

The reason is the invasion of aliens twenty years ago.

And to cross the road to the gods and to find the legendary gods and blessings, you must rely on these arks. Only these brand new Ark Arks made from the fragments of the Ark of the Primordial Era can carry a sect of hundreds of thousands of years.

At the moment when these gods appeared, in my heart, I felt that no matter who came, the target was these Ark Ark on the other side, because all the Ark of the other side of the sect showed signs of destruction.

So, who is the person here?

Daqi Empire, as a secular dynasty, the two gods peaks are the countries of supreme figures, and no one can perceive the changes in the universe.

Meng Fan, who was sitting steadily in the ancient treasure house, raised his head and looked at the gray-robed warriors who were constantly pouring in like a tsunami, his eyes narrowed.

"These ants are only here to disturb the line of sight, the real bosses behind the scenes are waiting."

Meng Fan put the fragments of the Ark into his own space, and whispered, "People of the Underworld."


Meng Fan has faced this kind of aura too many times, and he can't be wrong, too early, too, two divine hidden giants, shot!

Before Meng Fan and Taiyi joined forces to inflict heavy losses on the two of them. Originally, in Meng Fan’s plan, the two men were physically broken and it would take too many years to recover. At least for the visible time, they would not pose any threats, and they should not even be. Appearing in front of everyone, you should only hide in the underworld, rest quietly, and beware of too many people who don’t know when they will appear, but at this moment, the offender is definitely a warrior of underworld.

Only the hidden giants such as Mingtu, Shenzang, and Zen Temple dare to bravely break into the Universe World, a place that is not weaker than the Ten Thousand Realms!

Although the universe of Qiankun has been inherited by humanity, here, humanity is absolutely prosperous. Throughout the ages for thousands of years, humanity has occupied the supreme position. Therefore, the strong here are not like ten thousand domains. There are not so many legends coming out, and the various sects basically maintain a confrontation and balance. There is no supreme power here, which can be compared with the ancient emperor or the thirteen hall masters.

But here, the number of human monks is many times that of Wanyu!

Meng Fan immediately condensed his breath and stared quietly at the cultivators of the Underworld that were constantly pouring out of the void, but the forty **** king figures in the universe did not move. They turned a blind eye to those cultivators and gave them all to the disciples and elders of each sect Killing, their eyes are all searching, wanting to find the real boss behind the scenes.

With a loud bang, in the Ghost God Sect, one of the three* sects of the Universe World, various protective arrays exploded, uninterrupted, and then, from the holy forest in the sect, an ark, like a gale The fallen leaves in the middle, without weight, float toward the passage that penetrates the universe!

The island-like ark is floating in the sky, fast, and is still disintegrating, first the bow exploded, and then the sails burned!

"What!" The Sect Master of the Ghost God Sect was taken aback, and immediately rushed towards the Ark. His majestic vitality wrapped the Ark like a tide, but he struggled to stabilize it.

A **** king, the power that can't be suppressed!

Almost at the same time, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and rock cracks appeared in all directions of the universe. The ark, which was as big as an island and condensed infinite space, was constantly being pulled out by some huge force and flying towards the void channel. disintegration!

Dozens of **** kings who were supposed to be serious and ready to take action against the big guys behind the scenes at any time, all were overwhelmed at this moment and quickly went to stabilize the ark.

The sect master of the Promise Sect frowned and kept thinking. The two **** kings behind him were the same sect hegemons who had risen with him. At this moment, he was extremely anxious and looked back at his sect's Ark from time to time.

"Sect Master!" An elder **** king finally couldn't help but shouted.

The Promise Gate Master took a deep breath: "Go and stabilize the Ark."

The two **** kings returned immediately, and the Promise Gate Master continued to stare at the void passage. At this moment, he was the only one who remained here, waiting for the giants of the underworld to appear at any time.

at last!

In the void passage, a Taoist wearing a green robe slowly walked out.

Taoist at the beginning.

Meng Fan's eyes fuse, and the Taoist priest at this moment has not only fully recovered his physical body, and his aura is extremely strong, but he also revealed a completely different flavor of vitality from all around him!

Even Meng Fan, after seeing the Taoist in the early days recovering in a short period of time, and seemed to have reached a state of heyday, he was much stronger than before when he fought with Meng Fan and Tai. His mind also developed in an instant. Self-doubt, thinking that I was wrong.

After the Taoist appeared in the early days, his eyes swept around, and finally fell on the body of the Promise Gate Master.

"You should recognize me." The Taoist from the beginning said in a very plain tone: "I have only one purpose here, to take away all the fragments of the Ark on the other side. I will not accept your life."

After hearing this, the master of the Promise Gate smiled unexpectedly.

"What a big tone!"

After saying this, the Promise Master waved his hands, and for a time the vitality of the world was surging, and the entire universe was slightly shaken!

At this moment, it is as if the vitality of the entire world is pouring towards the Promise Master, blending into his body, and using it for him!

At the beginning, the Taoist had a deep gaze: "It turns out that you are the person chosen by the earth! In humanity, since ancient times, there have been many people chosen by heaven, but there are still some who are recognized by the power of the world. Become a selected person and have received countless blessings. It looks like you are very young? That is, you are tens of thousands of years old. If you give you a few more years, just tens of thousands of years, you will completely master the origin of the universe. , This world will become your world, why bother to fight with me and ruin your future?"

The Promise Sect master said coldly: "Mingtu, Shenyin giant, although I have never set foot in Shenyin, I have also told you about it. There are many reveries, but I didn't expect you to talk so much!"

With a mockery, the Promise Sect Master shook his body, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

At the beginning, the Taoist's eyes flickered, and he nodded and said: "Being protected by the universe, you can mobilize all the vitality of the universe, and you can also move to any corner of the universe. You have some skills. It’s right to set foot in Shenyin. If you leave here, you will know your weakness!"

The last syllable landed, and the Taoist’s feet in the early days were a little bit, and the vitality in the void suddenly became tangible, ripples in layers, and then he swayed, and he came to an area, here is the sky above the Promise Gate, the brilliant sect It occupies a vast area, and the mountains and rivers are all gardens. In the beginning, the Taoist fell with a palm in the air. When the force of this palm is falling, it will continue to gather vitality and become more and more huge. When it falls into the Promise Gate, it is already It is an ancient mountain and river, smashed to the ground.

Howling, crying, and smog! The Hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Promise Gate center was blasted to the ground.

Smooth directly!

"You should be punishable!" The Promise Sect Master, who used the power of the world to hide his figure, did not expect that the Shenyin Giant was so cruel. Instead of coming to him, he directly destroyed the center of the Promise Sect. I don't know how many elders. He and the elite disciples were all wiped out by this palm and turned into smoke and dust. In his anger, he appeared in figure, and in his hands, the infinite vitality was condensed into a hundred-foot-long snake spear, which pierced the Taoist priest!

"I don't have time to fight against you and other little people!" The Taoist from the beginning said coldly, his body was shaken, and his five fingers stretched out. At the tip of the five fingers, the five clusters of breath seemed to be vital, but not, revealing a kind of death. , The horrible taste of reincarnation, grabbed the Baizhang Snake Spear with bare hands, and immediately, the Snake Spear broke every moment!


A meditation that is even stronger than what I have seen before, roped around his fingertips.

And this hand did not stop, after grabbing the snake spear to pieces, it took the Promise Sect Master's throat straight.

"Friend, long time no see, I really miss it!"

In the void, someone greeted.

The way to greet is to use a palm of the same mind!

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