Supreme God King

Chapter 2224: Step into the restricted area

Without looking back, Meng Fan knew that it was the empress who had arrived.

Prior to this, the Empress had been in retreat. As the dark alliance **** king, although she did not directly control the entire dark alliance like Ling Daiyou did, she was the first person under Meng Fan to have prestige, so she understood many important events that were coming. After that, she began to retreat and fully comprehend her martial arts.

Following the sound, the slender arms wrapped around Meng Fan's waist, and the gentle body leaned against Meng Fan's back.

"Many people in the dark alliance signed a book jointly, preventing you from stepping into the restricted area. It can be said that it is exciting. If Ling Daiyou hadn't suppressed it, now you have been buried by the snow flakes." The Empress's voice was soft, her face There was still a smile on the face, but it was a wry smile, and the anxiety revealed in the words could not hide.

Meng Fan held the slender hand of the empress: "Am I doing something wrong?"

The female emperor hugged tighter: "Yes, you are too wrong. The first mistake is to ignore the opposition of everyone in the dark alliance and have to set foot in the forbidden area. Although the upper level of the dark alliance is generally knowledgeable and tight-lipped outside, everyone Panic.

The second mistake is that you start a battle with the restricted area. If you are seriously injured, will the ancient emperor stick to the agreement? These eternal giants do nothing by any means, and are very fierce, tearing a piece of agreement is nothing to them.

Third, the most wrong thing about you is to leave me behind. Of course, you also leave behind those girls who are not important to me in your heart. "

At the end, the empress was amused by her words, but she couldn't help but shed a few tears in her eyes.

A generation of female emperors, the first woman in the ten thousand domains, killed and suppressed the Quartet decisively, shedding tears.

Meng Fan quickly turned around, wiped her tears, and said with a smile: "Don't cry, you cry, I really feel that I am extremely sinful."

The female emperor took a step back, pushed Meng Fan away with her hands, rubbed her eyes, and said with a smile: "You are the fool I've ever seen to molest girls the most. Go away. Now there are not many people who know this, except me and Ling Daiyou, the other girls don't know, so hurry up, you won't be able to hide it if they come back."

Meng Fan stepped forward and hugged the empress directly in his arms, hugging him tightly: "You are the second fool."

The empress closed her eyes and smiled happily.

"Turn the wine temperature up, I will go back." Meng Fan smiled, took a step back, and disappeared. The next second, he appeared in the void of the Middle Ancient Region.

When he did not hide his aura at all and was completely exposed to the void, too many **** kings in the ten thousand domains all looked over. Today, the ten thousand domains, Meng Fan, as one of the three giants, only needs to show up at any moment. , Will inevitably attract the attention of countless people. His every move at this moment is not only about himself, nor is it just the dark alliance, but the luck of the entire Ten Thousand Realm.

At this moment, including the dark alliance, the people guarding everywhere raised their heads and looked over. After seeing Meng Fan's figure, they shouted the word leader!

These days they got the task. Although they don’t know what the situation is, they all know that there must be a reason for such a big move by the dark alliance. They have some worries in their hearts. But at this moment, seeing Meng Fan, they immediately forgot all their worries. , Only infinite confidence, confidence that can face all difficulties.

"Grandpa..." Meng Niuniu, wearing a bright red armor on an ancient pass that is hundreds of feet high, is becoming more and more heroic. After receiving a trace of Meng Fan's martial arts, her realm has continued to improve. It was originally a half step. In the realm of the **** king, it seems that there is a huge heavenly power hovering over her head, and it will fall at any time, indicating that she is not far from encountering the heavenly punishment and setting foot on the **** king!

She looked at Meng Fan's figure, her hands couldn't help holding the stone wall in front of her tightly, with a solemn expression: "What happened?"

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, in Jiu'an, a huge city in the eastern plains, Lord Que and Lord Gui, who were insulting and joking at each other, stopped laughing and frowned as they looked at Meng Fan's figure.

In a dark league branch near Hyakki Yeguo in the west, Yun Feiyang was checking the defensive formation. Suddenly he raised his head abruptly. At the same time, from a palace in the distance, a blue-robed Zhan Wuji flew out. .

"He has committed that problem again." Yun Feiyang frowned.

Zhan Wuji licked his lips uncomfortably: "I know."

Longquan Lake, a fertile plain, magnificent like the sea, on an island in the middle of the lake, a black dragon that is as high as a person, with a strong aura, patted the next Hu Niu, motioning her to look up at Meng Fan in the void.

This island is very secretive. It has been placed under many layers of hidden aura restrictions. Among them are stationed a forbidden army trained by Ling Daiyou, all in the realm of Shenyuan, and Lin Tang is also here, almost with Xiao Hei also noticed the sight of the sky. They existed here as a secret army, and after a while, Bai Shui'er and Gu Xin'er also walked out, looking at Meng Fan's figure with complex expressions.

In a secret fortress of a dark alliance.

Fen Tianling, who looks younger and younger, looked at Meng Fan, with a look of shame on his face, and muttered: "Zhantian giant was arrested. With your personality, you will definitely set foot in the restricted area, but although you have obtained your martial arts Will, I haven’t been able to break through the last barrier and step into the realm of the **** king. It’s too short a time."

At this time, the Heavenly Remnant God King, Zhongtian God King, and Renxiong, who were recovering themselves with all their strength, also looked at Meng Fan. They had guessed what Meng Fan was going to do, but they knew that no one could stop Meng Fan. For the three of them, Meng Fan did the same thing.

Ancient gods, imperial capital.

Yuhan quickly flew into the depths of the palace and came to the ancient emperor.

"Father!" Yu Han said anxiously.

"Yeah." The ancient emperor just nodded slightly, showing his domineering calmness across the long history of ten thousand domains, but his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. It was only after a long time that he said: "Heaven, earth and people... The words spread out, tell all the ancient gods, business as usual, no friction with the dark alliance, offenders, kill them, punish the nine clan, no, ten clan, kill it simply." After speaking, he cast his eyes Going out, as if to say to oneself: "Good demeanor, among the ten thousand realms, others don't know, but I know that you are not the first person to step into the restricted area in all ages. Splitting the mountain, Beidou... But they are all killed in it. ."

When countless eyes were looking at Meng Fan, he himself didn't notice anyone. He just focused all his energy on one spot in the void and blasted out a punch!

This punch was unrivaled. It found the passage of the restricted area in a very small node in the virtual space of Wanyu, and blasted it directly!

As the passage showed, everyone in Wanyu was shocked, all of them looked unbelievable, and their surprised jaw dropped to the ground. Everyone knew that the side of the passage was the restricted area, and Meng Fan actually tore the restricted area passage. why?

There is a certain kind of speculation in everyone's heart, especially those who know that the battle giant has been captured. At this moment, they are even more divergent. They think of Meng Fan's consistent style, and can almost conclude that what will happen next. thing.

And Meng Fan also confirmed their conjecture.

One step, step into the restricted area!

This action, even if it was caught by some people's conjecture, still a little bit unbelievable, and even tried to gain insight, to see if this scene was some kind of illusion.

Ten thousand years, the place that must not be stepped into, the territorial restricted area of ​​the thirteen hall masters, it can even be said that after the thirteen hall masters dominate the heavens, until now, I don’t know how many methods and terrors have been arranged in the restricted area. And it is extremely mysterious, no one knows, the forbidden area can be said to be the most dangerous place in the world, among the ten thousand realms!

Now Wanyu giant, Meng Fan, stepped into it.

The channel is closed.

All happened in a short moment.

Immediately afterwards, many of the gazes staring at Meng Fan's figure immediately turned around and looked at the dark alliance. Many of them shouted in their hearts, Meng Fan, there is no doubt that he will die!

It was also at this moment that the headquarters of the dark alliance suddenly rose up with an aura enveloping the heavens. The majestic female emperor appeared for the first time, sitting in the sky above the headquarters of the dark alliance, with her eyes closed, as if waiting for Meng Fan, and at the same time, another The few breaths of, come from the Heavenly Remnant God King, Zhongtian God King, and Renxiong. They are all staring at the dark alliance, and there is almost no doubt that they will immediately help the dark alliance if they move.

Those ill-intentioned gazes, after feeling the breath of the four gods, who were already ready to take action, all hesitated, and then looked at the lowest-key giant in the ten thousand domain, the ancient emperor led like a Pangu dragon. The ancient gods that shocked one side, they thought that when Meng Fan went to the restricted area, the three-legged balance was broken, and the ancient emperor would be the first to take the fisherman's advantage, but they did not expect that he did not move and the ancient gods did not respond.

"Why." A secret **** king said Yinsi: "Why didn't anyone take action against the dark alliance? Meng Fan stepped into the restricted area, and he was bound to die. The thirteen hall masters have all recovered and joined forces to attack even the ancient emperor. Retreat, absolutely invincible among the ten thousand domains. Under this circumstance, Meng Fan dared to step into the forbidden zone. There was endless black death in it. He was dead. Why, no one would take action!

There are too many hopes to see the changes in the Ten Thousand Realms. In this era, the overlord Meng Fan and the dark alliance have fallen, and the people who have obtained the opportunity are very angry, but no one dares to take the lead, let alone other, the four great gods are enveloped in the dark In the headquarters of the league, whoever dares to make a move must first weigh whether he has enough weight.

Therefore, after Meng Fan left, the short-term throbbing immediately disappeared, and Wanyu returned to peace, but this calm was only on the surface. Everyone was extremely curious about the battle that would take place in the restricted area, and even some gods. The king can't retreat, can't sit still!

This matter, regardless of the final result, will be a major event that will completely change the history of Wanyu, and no one can stop it!

At this moment.

The soles of Meng Fan's feet landed on a dusty ground.

This land, a flat river, can’t see any hills or lakes as far as the eyes can see. It is a complete plain, a plain stretching for millions of miles. It seems that there are many people who have used great means to remove the mountains and rivers here, and the lakes and seas. Filled up, creating this vast plain, everywhere is the smell of death, there is no vitality, but here, it is not without life, in many places, there are suspended castle fortresses, but the masters who live in it, They all seem to be half-dead, without human emotions.

The smoke and dust lingering on the plain was a faint air of black death.

The moment Meng Fan appeared.

In the thick smoke, a pair of scarlet eyes lit up.

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