Supreme God King

Chapter 2225: Fight against the six kings

When the scarlet eyes lit up in the smoke, it stared at Meng Fan, like a beast dormant in the dark night.

Then, the second pair.

The third pair.

Soon, countless pairs of eyes lit up in the billowing smoke.

Each pair reveals a cold and cruel light, and the breath it emits is enough to make any strong person shudder.

Ignoring these gazes, Meng Fan looked at the fortresses and castles hanging in the air in the vast plain. At this moment, among those castles, the powerful who had been gathered by the thirteen hall masters for their own use for countless years were paying attention. Here it is.

That was the gaze of thousands of powerhouses, and many of them were almost half-step divine. Although Meng Fan’s shots were a bit abrupt, the thirteen hall masters captured the giants of the sky, and the biggest purpose was to introduce Meng Fan. Here, after a brief period of surprise, there was a billowing black death air in the fortresses, which was a sign that the formation was activated.

After a while, a person walked out of the smoke and dust.

A long robe shaped with black feathers, pointed-eared monkey cheeks, and an ancient vulture-like character, his shriveled feet stepped on the dark ground, and said coldly: "Meng Fan, the overlord of ten thousand domains, the eternal emperor , Such a mighty prestige, do you think that no one can do it..."


The talking vulture-like cultivator of the Divine Origin Realm was broken without warning and turned into a **** mist in the sky. This sight also made the eyes staring in the smoke suddenly startled.

Meng Fan didn't make a move.

He just glanced at the cultivator of the Divine Origin Realm.

Just a glance, the power is unparalleled, the soul is crushed, and in an instant, it kills people invisible, not only the flesh and blood burst, before the flesh and blood turns into a thick fog, the soul first dies.

With a wave of Meng Fan's palm, the smoke and dust broke apart, and the hidden existence in it also turned into billowing dust.

He didn't have much interest in these little fishes and shrimps. The three giants of Wanyu faced each other. In their eyes, there were only the other two giants!

His body shook, he rose from the ground, and traversed thousands of miles. The fortresses the size of the mountains and rivers in the middle were crushed by the release of vitality as soon as Meng Fan walked by. None of the stallions in the restricted area survived.

Restricted area, restricted area.

A forbidden word tells all beings in the heavens, here is not to step into, absolutely forbidden area.

But too many years ago, before the birth of the vast majority of the powerful in Wanyu, two figures stepped into the restricted area one after another. Although they died and died, they were announcing that the name of the restricted area was misleading!

Time passed and Meng Fan became the third person to step into the restricted area.

One step is tens of thousands of miles.

In one step, hundreds of fortresses were crushed into dust!

"Meng Fan!"

Rumble like the roar of the gods coming, amidst the billowing black air, a giant with a height of hundreds of feet and wearing black armor suddenly stood up, holding a heavy hammer in his hand, standing upright.

This giant is of the blood of the ancient giant spirit, with infinite strength, and must surpass the ancient gods, and this giant is already half-step divine, and the **** king is not far away.

Relying on the superiority of the innate bloodline, it is another half-step sacred realm. If this giant spirit is in the ten thousand realms, even if it is a **** king at the first level of the natural disaster, it should look straightly.

As the leader of the second era of Wanyu, the thirteen hall masters have operated the forbidden area for countless years. The foundation is by no means comparable to the dark alliance. Here, there are countless masters, strong men, and puppets of the thirteen hall masters. Wait for the characters!

The giant spirit roared, shook the sky-breaking sledgehammer in his hand, and the thunder was tens of thousands of dollars, causing the billowing black death air to entangle and fly, breaking through the sky, and even causing terrifying shocks in the endless black plain.

"What a giant innate spirit!" Meng Fan's figure only paused, turned around, and then gave a simple to the extreme punch!

From the avenue to the Jane, the emperor fist bombs!

The vitality is swept, and the world is coming!

Before the front of the fist arrived, the hammer that broke through the sky cracked every inch, and then the armor of the giant spirit was condensed from the black death air, which also silently turned into smoke and dust. Then, the Emperor Fist did not have any blocking, and it was seven inches in the heart of the giant spirit.

Push things through.

The giant spirit's chest exploded, and a huge pillar of vitality penetrated it, reaching the depths of the restricted area!

The look in the eyes of the innate giant was fleeting, the soul was swallowed by the underworld, completely dead, dissipated between the heavens and the earth, and crashed down. It was a rolling earthquake. The creatures living on the plains relying on the energy of the black death to survive, don’t know How much was pressed into mash.

Whoosh whoosh!

Clouds of black air, like meteor smoke and dust, struck from the depths of the forbidden area and circled all parties, revealing a domineering aura that enveloped Meng Fan, who was actually the six gods.

But not the thirteen hall masters.

It is the six **** king figures who have been cultivated by the thirteen hall masters for thousands of years.

From this point of view, the background of the restricted area is much more than that of the dark alliance, after all, it has been too long to rule the ten thousand domains.

Meng Fan turned his gaze and coldly looked at the farthest place, deep in the restricted area, the hall.

Outside the hall, thirteen pillars stand.

Thirteen pairs of eyes looked at Meng Fan.

"Dare to set foot here, you only have a dead end!" Among the six **** kings that struck, a figure pierced the envelope of the black death, with a fierce punch, it hit Meng Fan directly. This punch was the same as Meng Fan's emperor fist. Extremely similar, as if re-enacted, but also mixed with the might of dominating the heavens.

Meng Fan said coldly: "A puppet created by mimicking my breath, which flees like a falling water dog last time. This time, he dares to come out and show his ugliness in front of me? Have you heard of the four characters Bugu Leimen?"

The person who came is not someone else, but Wang Tiandi!

This character destined to be tragic, only because he is the puppet of the thirteen hall masters and also a test product. The thirteen hall masters selected from the ten thousand realms, and then completely imitated the aura of Meng Fan and accumulated countless resources to create a god. king.

Such a person is sad.

Because Meng Fan, a small person, relying on himself, has moved forward courageously and killed countless times. How many times he has faced the dominance of the world, but he can still be active in the world. He has too much truth in the world against the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters, and the friends of the world gods , Adhering to the humane force to turn the tide, how can such a character, the existence that no one in the world dare to ignore, can be reproduced?

Dong Shi Xiaofeng, cloth drum Leimen.

The Emperor Fist blasted and killed, then the Emperor Fist returned the gift!

Fists collide.

Only Wang Tiandi, who can be compared with Meng Fan's arrogance and arrogance, burst into flesh and bones in his arms, and turned into steam in his imperceptible short beard. Not only the flesh and blood, but also the vitality and laws in his arm were all evaporated. !

It's evaporation!

The Emperor Quan kept on.

Quickly change into the palm, come horizontally, snap!

A loud slap in the face.

Like a father who teaches his self-righteous son.

Wang Tiandi came like a meteor, and fell like a meteor. It smashed into the earth and immediately shook thousands. The forbidden area was smoothed out by the thirteen hall masters with great means. The vast black plains were ups and downs. Wang Tiandi smashed out a radius of a hundred miles. In the middle of the pit, half of his body was buried in the black soil. His seven orifices were bleeding and he wanted to get up, but he couldn't even move his fingers, but there was infinite resentment and sadness in his eyes.

A slap in the face.

It not only shattered his muscles, veins, skin, and flesh, but also completely shattered his ridiculous dignity.

Tragedy is tragedy, it can never become a comedy!

An overwhelming **** king, vomiting blood and fainting under the interweaving of thousands of emotions of sorrow, anger and shame.

The remaining five **** kings immediately tore through the black death air package, and at the same time they shouted, using their own means to attack Meng Fan!

Among them, the thirteen hall masters imitating the ancient emperor's martial arts, Han Zhongsheng, can be said to be the most powerful character among the six gods, and the scheming city mansion is also the most profound. He first came to the front and pulled his right leg out of the afterimage. In an instant, a hundred kicks were kicked, and the burning vitality of each kick was extremely astonishing, and the shadow of the domineering and brave ancient gods contained in it was also extremely obvious.

These one hundred feet are enough to change the earth, the vicissitudes of life, the mighty heavens, and all sentient beings bow down.

It reveals the courage of the ancient gods.

But it failed.

Yes, it failed.

He only hit the afterimage of Meng Fan.

The five **** kings, who each used absolute means, were shocked after discovering that there was only an afterimage in front of them, and quickly released their souls to search the heavens. At the same time, they were vigilant and vigorous, and their minds were dignified to the extreme, and they were not controlled. The birth of fear.

How can a **** king have fear?

But no way, now, what they are facing is Meng Fan! Overlord of Wanyu!

And this overlord, after destroying Wang Tiandi with amazing means, his figure dissipated, no matter how he searched, he couldn't find a breath.


A black and white spear passed through the chest of a **** king.

Everyone was shocked, but apart from the spear, no one saw the person who released the spear.

"It's the true meaning of emptiness." Han Zhongsheng's expression was cold: "The Lords of the Palace have said that now Meng Fan already has a variety of true meanings of the Great Dao, among which the meaning of emptiness, the mind moves through the endless space, he is by our side, but In another space, we cannot see!"

The King of God, who was pierced by the black and white spear in his chest, wailed in pain. He wanted to draw out the spear, but found that he couldn't do it. As soon as the spear was pierced, he released an extremely mysterious atmosphere of Yin and Yang, continuously smelting his body.

"What kind of power is this...Is it the meaning of yin and yang?" The other gods and kings were panicked, and could no longer suppress the panic in their hearts.

"Blast the space and force him out!" Han Zhongsheng was determined and decisive, and immediately rolled his body's vitality, condensing into highly compressed vitality particles, released them, bombing the surrounding space, blasting through layer by layer.

Seeing this, other kings quickly followed suit and kept bombing the space.

For a time, the void in the restricted area was unstable, layers of space colluded, and the rules were messy. In many places, the butterfly effect of space collapse caused astonishing spatial turbulence.

"Are you so scared?" A cold voice came from the hall where the thirteen hall master was.

Immediately, the many panicked **** kings calmed down and stopped bombarding the space, but all of them were panting, and their vitality was consumed too violently.

The **** king who was pierced by the yin and yang spears in his chest was already in twitching. His entire body became black and white, constantly transforming, and it was actually absorbed by the spear and turned into a part of the spear.

And Han Zhongsheng, at this moment, saw Meng Fan.

In the center of the huge pothole on the plain, Meng Fan stood beside Wang Tiandi, ignoring the many gods above his head, and smashed Wang Tiandi's body with a direct punch!

With just one punch, the body is destroyed and the soul is gone.

Meng Fan flicked his finger and pulled out a ray of green power, which was the core of Wang Tiandi's martial arts.

"The thirteen hall masters are good methods. They can simulate my martial arts so much and interestingly, but they are just imitating. To promote Wang Tiandi to a **** king, imitating is not enough. There seems to be a lot more here. Your martial arts will?"

Meng Fan said blankly, holding his hands tightly, and then letting go, there was nothing.

His throat throbbed, as if swallowing something.

Swallowing martial arts directly swallowed the origin of Wang Tiandi.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand to the sky and yelled: "Come on!"

The **** king pierced by the yin and yang spear immediately let out a wailing that resounded throughout the world, and his entire body melted, absorbed by the yin and yang spear, and became a part of the spear. Following Meng Fan's cry, the spear was immediately teleported into his hand.

A spear that absorbed all the flesh and blood of the king.

Meng Fan raised his head and looked at the lord of the thirteen halls far away.

"Do you want to use a few gods to test how far my martial arts has reached? It is also a good calculation, I will let you take a look at what level of my martial arts is!"

Say it.

A phantom exploded fiercely behind him.

In the phantom, the billowing vitality of the universe gathers, and Meng Fan is like a giant whale absorbing water, incorporating these vitality into himself!

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