Supreme God King

Chapter 2227: Name of Meng Fan

The air of black death extinguishes creatures.

Among the thirteen hall masters, the six hall masters jointly attacked and blocked all passages. In the ten thousand domains, anyone facing this situation, there is only despair, infinite despair!

But it was Meng Fan who faced this scene.

"In the first battle at the headquarters, taking advantage of my emptiness, the two hall masters attacked and took the life of the **** monkey. Today, let me see if you have made any progress!"

Double fist, hit Huanglong, Supreme Emperor fist entrained the majestic vitality, and the end of the underworld, with six combos, colliding with the black palms of the six palace masters!

After the collision, Meng Fan's figure retreated sharply, and he stopped steadily at one hundred and eight steps. He stepped on it all the way, and the ground cracked and collapsed. At the same time, blood was constantly flowing out of the corners of his mouth, but his inner fighting spirit was projected into his eyes, and the excitement was extreme!

The thirteen restricted area pillars took the thirteen hall masters and disappeared on the black soil again.

One glance disappeared, one glance appeared, a pillar soared up from under Meng Fan's feet, and a palace lord flew away from the pillar and spread his arms. The jet black wings derived from the black death air slapped fiercely, attacking with the greatest evil, and striving to give Meng Fan is traumatized.

There was a bang, thunder blasted into the sky, amidst the dignity of the hall master and the sneer rising from the corners of Meng Fan’s mouth, the emperor fist and the black death air violently collided, and with every shock, the hall master had to flap his wings to dodge Once, one-on-one, any one of the thirteen hall masters is really hard to resist Meng Fan's mighty power!

Boom boom boom!

The three pillars came out again, and three palms hit Meng Fan's back.

"Void Avenue!"

Meng Fan's figure flickered and moved a few hundred feet away. The pinnacle escaped the attack of the four hall masters. At the moment of retreating and dodge, he flicked a finger and released a Beidou sword with a sharp sword. It was hidden and difficult to find, and a Dou Zhuan pierced the body of a palace master.

Stabbed! With bursts of tearing sound, the palace lord who was stabbed by the Beidou sword immediately bloomed with flesh and blood, and his internal organs were injured. He had a hideous face and crazily condensed the black death energy of his body into his body, trying to force this Beidou sword out.

Today's Meng Fan, his own martial arts is ever-changing, and he has a lot of minds. The Big Dipper sword is not only a sword of the Big Dipper Star Emperor back then, but a sword that contains the meaning of emptiness. It has the horror of moving thousands and dividing everything. .

"Joke!" The hall master, who was pierced by the Beidou sword, converged the air of black death into his body, and a short syllable came out of his hideous mouth. At the same time, the two hall masters on the side fell behind him and immediately put their own The air of black death was injected into his body, and immediately, the sword intent was suppressed, immediately forced out of the body, and then crushed by the air of black death.

"Good method!" Meng Fan exclaimed. When the words came out, he turned around and punched the ground.

There was a loud rumbling, and strength penetrated, and a pillar that quickly swam through the many formations of the black earth was immediately swayed by the bombardment.

He had already seen that the black soil in this restricted area was condensed from the aura of black death, which was equivalent to a sand table completely controlled by the thirteen hall masters, and it could even sneak in and attack at will.

After the emperor fist blasted out, forcing a palace master who was about to attack and kill to retreat, Meng Fan's body of heaven revolved, and through the black soil fluctuations, he calculated the direction of the palace master to retreat.


Contains the godly meaning of God!

This finger almost consumed 30% of the vitality in Meng Fan's body. You must know that at this time, Meng Fan has absorbed all the remaining vitality of the entire universe, and its 30% power is amazing!

This finger penetrated the thick black soil layer and landed on that pillar at the fastest speed Meng Fan could reach.


On the pillar, a very slight crack appeared. The hall master sitting on the top of the pillar was also shaken by the aftermath, his body swayed, and blood was spit out in the air.

"Tie the fairy rope!"

"Order to kill!"

Two eerie roars.

Meng Fan's whole body trembled, and suddenly he felt a wave of weakness, which caused a violent wave in his heart. Although the feeling of weakness was fleeting, he knew very well that it was the air of black death that penetrated into his body. !

However, this is impossible. Now that the universe is prevalent, how can there be any power that directly penetrates his defenses and penetrates directly into his body?

After a while, marks appeared on his body.

These marks are not external marks, but emerge from his body. They are derived from the black death energy in his body.

Each mark is the same word.


A single word reveals a taste that is similar to the punishment of heaven, but is completely different. It is also a judgment, an erasure, and a will to kill.

This kind of will mark derived from the qi of black death covered Meng Fan's body, and immediately, he felt that his own vitality was strongly suppressed, it was difficult to activate, and his strength was a little weak.

A palace master's voice sounded: "Meng Fan, if we fight against you outside the restricted area, we are not sure of victory." With the sound, a stone pillar sprang out from the black soil nearby. "Now you are in a general situation, with no two mighty powers. Among the ten thousand domains, you and the ancient emperor are our most feared opponents, so no matter how the servants of the restricted zone and the dark alliance fight, we will not intervene, just because we want to guard against You, it can be said that you are our confidant, but we have been deducing you and imitating you, and have already figured out your character. For the battle of the giants, you will definitely come to the restricted area!"

Rumbling, another pillar rushed out, and the palace owner on it, with a cold palm, immediately all kinds of formations all over the restricted area violently circulated, and the billowing black death air condensed in his palm, turning into a chain, chain One end was tied directly to Meng Fan's body, and the other end was tied to his pillar.

This chain, which is completely condensed from the aura of black death, has powerful laws and powers. It is the most fierce and domineering of all the laws and powers Meng Fan has seen. It has the power to suppress all things and enslave all beings. After being entangled , Meng Fan could hardly break free for a while.

At this time, the pillars continued to rush out, and every time a pillar was rushed out, the hall master on it would throw out a chain of black death condensed air and tie Meng Fan to the pillar.

Thirteen hall masters, thirteen chains.

"As long as you step into the forbidden zone, you can't help you. Here, we are the source of the heavens. We have the final say on all laws!"

The thirteen hall masters spoke these words in exactly the same tone and voice.

"Everything here must abide by the law of operation of the black death Qi, even if you are the source of the heavens, you will be corroded by the black death Qi, and the vitality in your body will be blackened to a certain extent!"

The chain became tighter and tighter, and he kept pulling on Meng Fan's body. He used tremendous strength, but it was difficult to break free. On the contrary, the more he struggled, the more his body's vitality was corroded by the black death Qi.

At this moment, Meng Fan finally understood that the real horror of the black death air was not the power of death, but the power used by the thirteen hall masters to transform all vitality into the black death air!

"The last time the source of the heavens was opened, we stepped into the source of the heavens and captured the will of heaven. We spent countless hours and used the will of heaven to reversely deduct the vitality. The vitality is the foundation of all living beings. The reverse deduction is the vitality of the black death. We are the black death. The creator of the Qi is also the master, absolute control, no one can seize our control, rest assured, Meng Fan, we will not kill you, this is the style of the ancient emperor, not ours, you are dead, only It will become a legend, and it makes sense if you live!"

"We want to transform all the vitality in your body into the vitality of black death. This is a feast! A majestic king, how abundant and magnificent is the vitality in the body, especially you, I don’t know why you have absorbed a great world. The vitality of is simply great, let’s all be immersed in the aura of black death, become our most powerful puppet, dedicate all the great meanings in your body, and then, kill the ancient emperor, dominate the world, and wait until the sky is once again Open source, we are the only winner!"

"After dominating the Ten Thousand Realms, dominate the Divine Yin!"

"After dominating Divine Yin, we are going to meet, the mysterious and unpredictable Emperor Chaos!"

"Meng Fan, don't worry. The vitality in your body is too majestic. Even if we all join hands, it will take some time. In the meantime, you won't be bored."

The thirteen hall masters were extremely excited. With this shocking arrangement, they did not obliterate Meng Fan, but turned Meng Fan into a puppet, absorbing his majestic strength and five great intentions, and then using Meng Fan to defeat the ancient emperor and dominate. Wanyu, to obliterate all the enemies who did not submit to Wanyu, finally, as the only victor, setting foot on the source of the heavens is really too big a layout. Seeing that it has succeeded, how are they not excited!

With a wave of the palm of a palace lord, a vision of the universe deduced by God’s will immediately appeared, and there were many seeds planted in the restricted area, various assassination masters, and powerhouses who mastered the power of black death. , Launched a crazy attack.

At the same time, thousands of void passages were opened, and within the restricted area, the servants of the thirteen hall masters screamed feverishly, and the tide generally flooded into the world!

Tens of thousands of earth ghosts, millions of dark dead beings, various masters, including the only **** king who survived without being obliterated by Meng Fan, all rushed out.

"You will see that your dark alliance has been completely destroyed!"

The thirteen hall masters laughed wildly together, and immediately in the restricted area, all the black death air began to flow towards the thirteen pillars, merged into the pillars, and then flowed into Meng Fan’s body through the chains. At the same time, the pillars The forbidden formation that has been nurtured by the thirteen hall masters for many years is also running wildly.

In the face of thirteen extremely strong chains, with Meng Fan’s strength, he could not break free, because his flesh kept showing signs of condensed black death, and the words "punished" were suppressing his power.

This is the killing order, the immortal rope.

Meng Fan stopped breaking free and closed his eyes.

"Give up?" The thirteen hall master laughed: "Give up, Meng Fan, become our most powerful puppet!"

"Eternal dominance of ten thousand domains, this day has finally arrived!"

"finally reached!"

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