Supreme God King

Chapter 2229: Total defeat

Longquan Lake has been stained red with blood.

On the huge lake, there are burning ships and floating corpses everywhere. Gu Xin'er stands on an overturned ship, and her white skin is more like snow against the surrounding blood, white and flawless.

She silently looked at a peaceful lake in the distance.

With a crash, the lake exploded, Xiao Hei rose into the sky, and his body was covered with all kinds of forbidden area monsters. As he continued to vacate, his body expanded rapidly, and he smashed each enemy in the forbidden area and turned them into blood rain. , Xiao Hei opened his mouth and spit out, a beautiful figure floated out, falling beside Gu Xin'er, it was Bai Shui'er.

Longquan Lake was originally a secret point of the dark alliance. The dark alliance troops stationed here are secret forces, ready to respond to all parties at any time, but I did not expect that the offensive in the restricted area is so powerful that there are countless water ghosts pushing ships to carry. The master of the restricted area, going south from here, the battle also broke out.

After the dark alliance elite killed dozens of times its own enemies, most of them have sunk at the bottom of the lake, only the remaining ones, but Xiao Hei, Hu Niu, Bai Shui'er, and Gu Xin'er are four powerful dark League elders and some personal guards.

Before Bai Shui'er was besieged by the black death air of more than a dozen Divine Yuan enemies, he was injured and fell to the bottom of the lake.

After Gu Xin'er supported Bai Shui'er, she quickly checked her injury, but was surprised to find that Bai Shui'er's physical body was still intact, and the origin was not affected, but her vitality was constantly surging. It turned out that the black death gas penetrated into her body, constantly Destroy her vitality.

Even in Bai Shui'er's eyes, there was black energy rolling, as if a monster!

She gasped weakly and whispered, "Xin'er."

Gu Xin'er was taken aback for a moment, and had never heard Bai Shui'er call herself so affectionately.

"Take me home." Bai Shui'er said sadly: "I'm running out of time."

Two lines of tears flowed from Gu Xin'er eyes hot.

"Okay." She nodded and said, "Xiao Hei, find Huniu, let's go home!"

Longquan Lake, lost.

Outside a secret fortress of a dark alliance.

A huge innate giant spirit, holding a large black axe measuring tens of feet, chopped down the gate of the fortress.

Behind this innate giant spirit is an army of hundreds of thousands. This army is not made up of those running dogs in the forbidden area in the Ten Thousand Realm, but an army that is enveloped in the black death and truly comes from the forbidden area!

It is a main force.

Among them, I don't know how many divine essence realms are hidden, even half a holy!

In the fortress, more than 20,000 dark alliance guards waited quietly. Among them, the slightly old Burning Tianling sat on the ground, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

On his shoulder, chest, and abdomen, there was a fist-sized wound, blood holes, shocking!

At the moment when the battle just broke out, Fen Tianling led a dark alliance force to go out to the enemy, but was attacked by twelve hidden ground ghosts, leaving these three wounds, and then returned to the fortress to heal the wounds, and more than 20,000 dark alliances Guards, without the leadership of the Burning Heaven Order, cannot go out to confront the enemy, and can only defend the fortress.

Fen Tianling was sitting at this end for three hours.

When all the formations on the gold and iron gates of the fortress were shattered and cracks appeared, Fen Tianling finally opened his eyes. A trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, and he whispered in a whisper that only he could hear: "Meng Fan , I have let you down, and still haven't been able to understand your martial arts will."

He stood up, took off his uniform, and shouted, "Brothers!"

Twenty thousand silent guards of the dark alliance, attracted by this clear cry, looked at the burning sky.

After taking off his military uniform, there was only a white shirt all over his body. It was not like a general who commanded the army, but more like a scholar who had seen everything in the world.

His eyes wandered across the faces of the dark alliance guards.

For a long time, his lips lightly opened.

"Die with me."

Twenty thousand dark alliance guards suddenly lost the previous depression and silence. A certain emotion reverberated in everyone's hearts. They slowly turned their heads, looked at the cracked golden iron gate, and pulled out the killer. Still not saying a word, but already murderous!

The captain of the dark alliance in front of the gate of Jintie, with firm and decisive eyes, waved: "Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"



The southeast border of the Dark League.

It is already the battlefield of Shura!

Because here, there are a large number of dark alliance guards stationed here, more than any fortress stationed. When the war broke out, pawns in the restricted area appeared in the southeast, and many masters from the restricted area led them to break through. After several dark alliance fortresses, the battle became a chaotic fight.

From the eternal jungle, to the towering mountains and rivers, and then to the swamps full of miasma, no matter where they go, there is a cruel fight. You can see a sea of ​​corpses everywhere, and you can encounter pools of blood everywhere. How many soldiers with severed limbs and hands are still struggling!

But no matter how many Dark Alliance guards are stationed here, they can't compare with the surging guards in the restricted area, and the number is almost one hundred to one.

A dark alliance guard immediately flew into the air after beheading a minion in the restricted area, because he was not a real soldier, he was a messenger, and needed to spread the news from here to the base camp on the southeast border of the dark alliance from time to time.

Here, there is a real commander, not only commanding many dark alliance fighters, but also in charge of all the business and government affairs of the dark alliance here. This person is called Lin Tang.

The shoulders of the messenger have been split, and blood is constantly spitting out from his mouth, but the task must be completed. To tell the President Shuai Lin Tang to let him withdraw. This is the meaning of many dark alliance captains. This place has been lost regardless of the battle. How tragic, in the end, the dark alliance fighters here will always be swallowed by the forbidden area army that keeps appearing, so Lin Tang and base camp must leave this dangerous place.

The messenger had just flew only a few hundred meters, and was shot through his chest by a deep blue crystal sharp arrow. He fell to the ground in a volley. He was in pain and wanted to scream, but because his chest was pierced, he was discouraged. Can't shout.

"Hey Hey……"

A group of people who drive away poisonous insects come close, each of them is thin and strong, and their whole body is full of strange and dense tattoos. Each tattoo is a secret method to help them resist the miasma and the poison of snakes and insects.

"What are you doing?" A little man crouched on the ground strangely, and said to the messenger.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he just looked at him, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"Look back." The little man waved his hand to the rear, and immediately, it was a raging army, spreading over the mountains and plains, without a glance, and within a hundred miles, the surviving and exhausted Dark Alliance fighters once again The battle started, but it was like a reef swallowed by the tide, and soon disappeared.

It is also like a reef engulfed by a wave, so strong, in the army, do your best to fight!

The little man continued: "Let's talk about it, what are you doing, say it, I will make your death easier, not let my gu worm eat you, and let my mount Owl Wolf give you a good time."

Chuan Lingbing smiled slightly, and more blood flowed from his mouth.

"Just let your Gu worm... eat me."

Because the heart and lungs were penetrated, the hoarse voice was extremely difficult to hear. What you can say...

"Okay, okay." The little man smiled and nodded. With a move of his palm, he took out a dark gourd from his waist. After opening it, there were only small nails inside, a Gu that eats flesh and vitality for a living. The worm crawled out immediately.

In the eyes of Chuan Lingbing, it was fear.

Faced with this kind of death, no matter who it is, he must be afraid, but he does not regret it, but he dared not to watch these Gu worms cannibalize himself little by little, so he turned his gaze to the direction of the Dark League headquarters.

The moment he looked over.

His expression was startled.

Below the horizon, a group of people flew out.

The shiny armor and the silent flight movement are the army of the dark alliance.

Not many, more than 10,000 people.

However, the commander-in-chief of more than 10,000 people made the messenger and the many dark alliance soldiers drowned by the pawns in the forbidden area to shout excitedly.

Lin Tang came in armor!

More than 10,000 dark alliance fighters, under the leadership of Lin Tang, overlooked the Asura battlefield from the horizon and remained silent for a long time.

At this moment, one person flew out of the boundless restricted area. He was a half-step sacred figure. His breath was condensed. His whole body was wearing armor made from the black death gas for several years. There was a lot of black behind him. Monster creatures derived from the breath of death.

This restricted area was half-sacred, standing in the air, waving a flag in his hand, and said to Lin Tang: "Meng Fan must die, the dark alliance must die, kneel and surrender, don't kill!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Strange screams and cheers continued to come from the stroke of the restricted area, and a pair of bloodthirsty eyes stared at more than 10,000 dark alliance soldiers, excited, excited, and wished to rush up immediately!

That half-step sacred quietly awaited the response of more than ten thousand dark alliance fighters.

Lin Tang looked at him blankly.

After a long time, he let out a laugh.

Immediately, a dark alliance guard beside Lin Tang also laughed out loud.



"What did he say? Did he tell a joke?"

"Yeah, he made us kneel and surrender."


More than 10,000 dark alliance fighters roared with laughter, and the laughter shocked the world!

Those dark alliance fighters who were submerged by the forbidden zone pawns and were seriously injured also laughed heartily!

Lin Tang waved his palm: "Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

Thousands of fighters in the restricted area drove into the enemy in the restricted area nearly a hundred times larger than his own.

At this moment, the restricted area!

On the thirteen pillars, the thirteen hall master constantly urged the billowing black death air to penetrate into Meng Fan's body.

Meng Fan, who was firmly grasped by thirteen pillars and thirteen immortal cords, kept closing his eyes tightly, and his breath became weaker.

"Did you see it, Meng Fan?" A hall master laughed wildly: "The time that the 13 hall masters of my restricted area ruled ten thousand domains is much longer than you. Our methods and background are much heavier than you. Today, all the methods used are displayed in one breath. Your dark alliance can only retreat steadily! Before you become our most powerful puppet, enjoy this feast!"

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