Supreme God King

Chapter 2233: Beacon after Firefly

There was darkness before Zhan Wuji.

He and Yun Feiyang battled nine masters of the gods, covering the retreat of the dark alliance army, and was severely injured in the chaos army. He was invaded by the black death air, and his origin was damaged, and then he passed out into a coma.

But he was not in a coma all the time. Occasionally, he still felt that Yun Feiyang could feel that Yun Feiyang was running away with him, then he passed out again, and then regained a little bit. What he heard was the army fighting, shouting, and fainting again. When I wake up, there is silence in my ears, everything is silent, except for the heavy breathing of Yunfei.

This time, it was the third time that he passed out and came back to life.

The first thing he heard was the cry of chasing and killing.

Soon after, it was Yun Feiyang's vague curse.

It means that there must be a master to chase and kill them. If they are just ordinary pawns in the restricted area, Yun Feiyang will not curse, so he can kill them directly.

He didn’t know how long he had spent several days and nights and how long he had escaped. He just knew that Yun Feiyang continued to heal his injuries while leading him to escape, and forced out the black death in his body. Now, he feels that he has With these strengths, although it may be difficult to stand up, he didn't want Yun Feiyang to face the enemy alone, so he struggled to open his eyes.

A corpse.

A corpse still surrounded by black death.

Two bodies.

A dozen corpses.

As Zhan Wuji sat up, he saw more and more corpses, all over the sky, uncountable, and these corpses were all the corpses of people in the restricted area and pawns in the restricted area.

Between the corpses, many figures stood.

A few thousand people, almost.

Zhan Wuji rubbed his eyes and clearly saw that these thousands of people were all smiling, and one arm was broken, half of their face was also swallowed by the black death, and the one-armed cloud with a stern skull was flying, standing now. Among the thousands of people screamed.

"I told you to evacuate, and you are still here. This is to disobey the order. You should be killed without mercy! I will tear you up one by one!"

"Old Cloud..."

Zhan Wuji Nuinuo shouted, weakly.

Yun Feiyang was taken aback, and stepped closer: "You are awake!"

"What's going on..." Zhan Wuji asked.

"These bastards!" Yun Feiyang raised his hand and was about to continue yelling, but saw a dark alliance soldier sitting on the corpse of a person in the restricted area nearby, with a simple smile on his face, and he couldn't swear again.

Zhan Wuji looked around and understood.

The last cry of fighting he heard was a hunt for people in the restricted area.

And then, suddenly thousands of Dark Alliance fighters appeared.

The sudden appearance of these soldiers caused the entire army to be wiped out in the restricted area. They were all weakened to the extreme, but they looked at him with a smile on their faces and clouds were flying.

Among them, an old captain, carried by a young dark alliance soldier, came to the front, he cautiously said: "Marshal Yun, Marshal Zhan, don't blame them, I said, guard, wait for the two marshals. Yes, if it's fine, fine me."

"Yes, punishing him a bastard!"

"Punish him!"

Thousands of Dark Alliance fighters were talking babbledly.

Yunfei was so angry that he was going to die.

The domineering figure Zhan Wuji smiled angrily.

"You're still smiling." Yun Feiyang said angrily: "You just laughed!"

Zhan Wuji said, "I laugh at you--this is Maoshui County?"

A dark alliance soldier nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Maoshui County!"

"There is a beacon tower in Maoshui County. There is a large formation set up by the dark alliance a few years ago. The beacon is lit, and other beacon towers within tens of thousands of miles can also perceive it. If those beacon towers have people, they should It will also light a beacon." Zhan Wuji said.

Yun Feiyang frowned: "The beacon is used for communication. If you encounter an enemy somewhere, light the beacon and notify other beacon towers within tens of thousands of miles. Now, what is the use of lighting the beacon? I guess the pawns in the restricted area are already dark. The headquarters of the league."

"Ignite." Zhan Wuji patted Yun Feiyang's hand: "Tell others that we are still there."

Yun Feiyang sighed and said, "Are there anyone else?"

Zhan Wuji looked at the faces of the dark alliance fighters around him, and said for a long time: "Yes, there should be some."

"I'll go!" A dark alliance soldier immediately went to the hidden beacon formation in Maoshui County.

After a few sticks of incense, these exhausted dark alliance fighters changed groups of people successively, injected vitality into the beacon array, and finally filled it with a bang, and the flames skyrocketed. At the same time, a group of flames was in front of the large array. Form a pattern, which is a topographic map with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Zhan Wuji and Yun Feiyang and thousands of Dark Alliance fighters sat in front of the flames of war, healing each other, waiting indifferently.

An hour passed.

Yun Feiyang said: "It can be extinguished, it consumes too much vitality, an hour, if there are scattered dark alliance fighters around, you should know that we are here and will rush over."


A dark alliance soldier said in surprise: "Ashamed to lead the pass!"

On the flame map, a small group of flames suddenly appeared in a place where the flame text read "Ashamed Leadership".

After a while.

"Seoul, Surabaya!"

"Hundred Step Canyon!"

Amidst the screams of the surrounding Dark Alliance soldiers who were scrambling to answer, Zhan Wuji and Yun Feiyang looked at the blaze map with stunned faces, and the beacon lights lit up one after another!

But the flame map, which originally only covered tens of thousands of miles in a radius, is constantly expanding. It is a beacon that is further ignited, which touches the large array of interconnected beacons, and continues to complement the picture.

Soon, the scope of the flame map expanded several times, and it seemed that the entire ten thousand domains were drawn, and there was no intention to stop.

In the eyes of Zhan Wuji and Yun Feiyang, the flames of the flames were reflected in their eyes, and they were always reluctant to blink.

This picture of constantly flashing firelight is simply too beautiful.

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away, a dark fortress.

A few days ago, this place had been invaded by a group of forbidden zone demons and became the territory of the forbidden zone.

Yesterday, four-fifths of the troops in the fortress left and went to the headquarters of the dark alliance to participate in the siege. The headquarters of the dark alliance had obviously been cleaned up, and there was no need to bother to station.

But half an hour ago.

I don’t know why, scattered dark alliance fighters from all over the dark fortress continued to attack the dark fortress. Originally there were equal numbers of both sides, but the dark alliance fighters burst into force in a tidy cry. Unstoppable rushed into the dark fortress.

Their cry is.

"Light a beacon and tell everyone that we are here!"

More distant places.

Outside the ancient fortress hundreds of feet high.

The last **** king born and raised in the restricted area has been here for six days!

In front of him, there is the towering fortress, and outside the fortress, on the wasteland, the heroic girl sitting steadily.

This **** king has cold eyes. Although he was seriously injured before leaving the restricted area, he could only show 20% combat effectiveness, but he was a **** king after all, but he was blocked by the opposite girl, a half-step **** king. Six days!

The two have fought each other how many times, and at this moment, the two are almost at the end of their lives, sitting in front of the fortress and confronting each other.

In the fortress, there are still more than half of the elite of the dark alliance, about two thousand people, one by one, full of energy, high morale, standing in rows, from the top of the fortress silently watching the battle below.

And the army in the restricted area has already turned into dust in the confrontation between the two top figures.

The **** king whispered: "Meng Fan's blood?"

The girl sitting in the distance said, "Yes."

"Ninety thousand miles away, a beacon array was activated!" Suddenly a dark alliance elite shouted at the fortress head.

Meng Niuniu shook her head for a moment, and then she looked up to the sky and laughed!

Laughing heroic Wushuang, where is a soft and lovely girl, she is an overlord who kills Wushuang!

That **** king brows repeatedly, because at this moment, the breath of the girl in front of him, the laughter, are so much like the characters of Naha Juten, they are exactly the same.

"Ignite the flames of the ancient fortress, tell everyone, not only tell the people in the dark alliance, but also tell everyone in the ten thousand domains, the ancient fortress is still there!"


Meng Niuniu stood up suddenly, the sword in her hand had already turned into powder, but with the movement of the delicate palm, it was a sword of vitality and pointed directly at the **** king.

"Enough rest, let's fight!"

Another place in Wanyu.

Teams of barbarians who were looting scattered and looted were crushed by vitality without making a sound, and turned into mud!

Thousands of barbarians, many of them masters in the restricted zone, died inexplicably.

A very inconspicuous old tortoise with only the palm of the hand passed through the void and continuously marched towards the headquarters of the dark alliance. He raised his head and saw the distant place, the flames were constantly burning, and he couldn't help but smile wretchedly: "Little boy Good job, guys."

Jiu'an City.

The ugly bird sits for six days and six nights.

The stars are shining in the sky, and he still doesn't move.

According to the countless barbarians guarding outside the city of Jiu’an, now there is not much left, and they have basically been withdrawn, bypassing the city of Jiu’an and heading to the headquarters of the dark alliance. What you can still see now is some scattered ones. The small tribes add up to no more than tens of thousands.

A dark alliance warrior hurried to the top of the city, shouting: "Master Bird!"

"I know, I'm not deaf, what do you shout." The old bird pecked his wings: "Light a beacon, then go out of the city and return to the headquarters."

The dark alliance soldier's eyes flashed with joy, and he immediately turned around and shouted at the city: "Out of the city!"

In the city of Jiu'an, cheers continued to sound.

The dark alliance fighters here have been holding on to the city for six days and six nights. Because of the presence of the old bird, none of the soldiers were injured. Everyone was full of energy. Some of them asked for orders to go out of the city to fight. They were all stuck by the old bird. Sputum went back in shock, so many Dark Alliance fighters could only wipe the saliva on their faces and returned to the team in grief.

At this moment.

When everyone thought that there were no Dark Alliance fighters outside the Dark Alliance headquarters.

Beacon fires lit up everywhere.

Jiu'an City opened its gates.

Under the leadership of Old Que, 20,000 Dark Alliance soldiers destroyed tens of thousands of barbarians outside the city in the blink of an eye, and then went to the Dark Alliance headquarters.

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