Supreme God King

Chapter 2234: Let the punishment come harder

On the seventh day of the battle between the restricted area and the dark alliance, the light jumped to the horizon in the early morning, shining on the valley and mountains.

Three silhouettes entwining the black death air fell in the canyon, and immediately many creatures fled around, and some were directly contaminated by the black death air and were killed on the spot.

These three characters are all sacred!

After the three people in the restricted area fell, the spirits swept all around and explored the terrain. For a long time, one person said: "The flames are all around! Why, the dark alliance that was engulfed by the army of my restricted area, has not died, and is rekindling everywhere?"

"Does it make sense to say these nonsense at this time?" Another person said coldly: "Although the dark alliance is not as long as the forbidden zone, it is a new powerful force after all. Among the ten thousand domains, except for my forbidden zone, it is a dark alliance. How many sacred are there? A dozen of them are definitely there, all commanders everywhere, who can reach the sacred realm. Which one is not a master of many years? Isn’t there some life-saving means? They are not dead, but the people of the dark alliance It will not be completely defeated."

The third humanity: "According to the intelligence, Lin Tang, the deputy marshal of the dark alliance, is going all the way to Beishan to help the headquarters of the dark alliance. I heard that his troops are getting bigger and bigger. There are already more than 10,000 people. Not only him, but also everywhere. , All have dark alliance commanders, leading the army, the task of the three of us is to kill Lin Tang and share his vitality source, and then I will go to the east."

"Go to the east? Stop the dark alliance veteran?"

"I'm not interested in that old bird, let's say... that old bird shocked the ghosts in the first battle. It's really hard to deal with. I'm going to kill Meng Fan's blood!"

"What? But Meng Fan's granddaughter, Meng Niuniu, is playing against the fifth God King in my penalty zone. Even the God King is not an opponent. Are you going?"

"The Fifth God King was seriously injured by Meng Fan, and his combat effectiveness was less than 20%. He fought Meng Niuniu for seven days. Both should be exhausted, right?"

As soon as he said this, the other two **** kings showed different colors, and then they sneered.

"Go sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman, and then... even solve the **** king together?"

"Huh, now the restricted area will take the entire Ten Thousand Realm at any time, and a new era is about to begin. Don't you guys don't want to have a share of the pie in the next era? If it is the king of gods, our right to speak will be great! In order to practice step by step, it is too difficult for the three of us to reach the line of the **** king. It is not a matter of time, but our natural aptitude. This is already the case. To achieve the sacredness, we still rely on the means of black death to refine and reach the gods. King, it’s impossible, but if we kill a **** king, share his laws, origins, and various powers, and kill Meng Niuniu, the thirteen hall masters will reward us again and step into the **** king. , Isn't it that difficult?"

The three sneered.

Suddenly, three swishes, three arrows entwined to the flames of the sun, shooting straight! The speed was so fast that the three restricted areas were sacred for a moment, and quickly released the black death air to save their lives, while dodged.


With a bang, a ball of fire fell on the ground, the fire dissipated, and the three restricted areas frowned immediately.

"King Yan!"

That's right, the person here is not King Yan, who is it?

The dark alliance has thousands of troops stationed in various places. Among them, the main force is led by the top masters of the dark alliance's sacred level. Within just one day of the war, the army around the dark alliance was quickly swallowed, and many dark alliances The top masters, except for a few, the others are missing. This Yan King is one of them.

The forbidden zone commander has already issued an order. These dark alliances are sacred, and each head is a super reward. What they send out are the Yuanqi Mountain Range, the Five Elements Godly Object, and even a strand of the God King's Law!

The three forbidden areas were sacred and overjoyed. I didn’t expect to get it without any effort. This Yan King’s bounty is a black dragon pearl, which is a **** in itself. The black death gas contained in it is refined by dripping blood. , Can have all kinds of changes, very powerful.

"kill him!"

"Just leave the head, the body, we share the food!"

The three forbidden areas were so excited for a while, they rushed forward regardless of their disregard.

King Yan was expressionless, and said solemnly: "Do it all."

Before the words fell, an old man with a rickety figure suddenly came.

The movement of the sacred rush in the three restricted areas was stagnant, and when he saw the old man, they all testified: "It turned out to be the old man, you old fellow."

"My youngest?" The old man Panshe looked more sullen: "That screaming grandpa."


A purple color descended, wearing a purple robe, natural charm of amethyst, at this moment, his face appeared cold and cold.

There was an extremely ugly scar on her right cheek. It was a fight with a master in the restricted area before, and a formation hit her in the face, severely sealing half of her vitality. It was a vicious trick. At this moment, she was also helpless, but she didn't care, and the scar of this formation made her angry and hideous.

The three sacred dark alliances appear!

The three forbidden areas are sacred, but I did not expect that at such a moment, there will be three top figures of the sacred level of the dark alliance, and these three people will remove the amethyst, and the other two will have strong fighting spirit and no injuries at all. !

"It seems that I have to move my muscles and bones." A restricted area sneered holy.

at this time!

The fierce aura continued to erupt, and that was a terrible killing intent. It surprised the sacredness of the three restricted areas, and quickly looked around. For a time, from every corner, many dark alliance fighters, tens of thousands of people !

Each of these Dark Alliance fighters had torn clothes and damaged weapons. Many of them were seriously injured, even a quarter of them were missing arms and legs. Some used vital energy to condense temporary arms and legs to support themselves. Yes, just tie a weapon to your knee.

Completely a group of remnants.

But the realm of these remnants is amazing!

Among the tens of thousands of characters, the realm of the gods, I don't know how many, many, they are all realm of the gods!

The rest is basically the Tianyuan realm.

The three forbidden areas are all sacred for a moment, they know the information of the dark alliance well, and all the spiritual realms of the dark alliance add up, that's it!

And with so many Tianyuan realms, although the strength of each Tianyuan realm is quite different from that of the gods, there are tens of thousands of people, which is terrifying!

How could this be?

Not only that, each of these dark alliance fighters has an extremely fierce aura, an extremely heavy murderous intent. This murderous intent makes their spirits pure and powerful. They are connected together, staring straight at the three. This restricted area is sacred, making them feel uncomfortable and breathless.

These dark alliance fighters were all the old snake snake, amethyst, and the flame king. As the three of them rushed all the way to the dark alliance headquarters, they gathered one by one from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountains.

During the battle, they did not flinch.

The soul of the dark alliance is extremely powerful.

And almost everyone who survived the **** battle broke through the realm of self because of the purity of spirit and the baptism of killing! Moreover, this kind of breakthrough did not rely on divine objects or other external forces at all, it was they broke through themselves, so their foundation at this moment is very strong and strong!

For this scene, both the old snake snake and Amethyst must sigh.

These surviving dark alliance fighters, at this moment, are really like the dark alliance leader Meng Fan. He was trained step by step in the land of death, so he is extremely overbearing, and at this moment, among the dark alliance fighters, Many such characters were born. Although they were one billion li less than Meng Fan in the heat, they planted such a seed. As long as they were given enough time, the seed would take root and germinate. The dark alliance will give birth to countless masters! Even a master who can cross the realm to kill the enemy, and has the indomitable will, regard death as home, kill and kill decisively, everyone must be afraid!

However, this battle may end with the complete destruction of the Dark Alliance.

Yesterday, when the 50,000 dark alliance surviving fighters were gathered together, the old snake, the amethyst, and the flame king talked with each other about how to face what will happen next, and what if the dark alliance is completely destroyed? They even thought about disbanding these fifty thousand soldiers and letting them leave, which is regarded as leaving fire.

However, Amethyst said that if they leave, it is to escape, then the fire will disappear.

King Yan said a word at the time.

"If the dark alliance is completely destroyed, we will become legends."

Therefore, the army rushed to aid the dark alliance headquarters!

In the three restricted areas, facing the awe-inspiring gazes of more than 50,000 murderous, the body actually stiffened, and the vitality in the body was not running smoothly.

The old snake snake sneered: "Is it up to me to single-handedly scold you to death, or to beat you to death?"


The six sacred people present were all taken aback. They were the people closest to the realm of the **** king on both sides. They had a certain ability to perceive the heavens and had a certain intuition. At this moment, all the six felt a sense of terror. The breath of wandering, as if after the endless night, the sun jumped onto the earth, like a rolling wave, swallowing all things in the world, as if the heavens and human beings are five fading, the heavens are reversing, it is an unimaginable, terrifying breath!

King Yan said solemnly: "There is a penalty."

The old snake snake murmured: "Among the ten thousand domains, someone wants to become a **** king, who is it? How come at such a moment? Is it a coincidence?"

Far away.

Ancient fortress!

Meng Niuniu removes her armor, her daughter's red makeup is soft and cute, her palms are overturned in the air, her expression is drunk.

A purple fire lotus flower fell on her palm.

not far away.

The last **** king in the restricted area, his eyes are extremely solemn, but there is a hint of excitement. For seven days, he and Meng Niuniu have been fighting for seven days, and the winner is always difficult to distinguish. In seven days, Meng Niuniu will fight the God of War. Retreat, especially when the flames were raging to the sky, she looked up to the sky and laughed, her momentum was like a rainbow, very similar to Meng Fan, and then, a certain power in her body awakened.

It was just a hint of Meng Fan's own martial arts will that Meng Fan gave her.

Under the impetus of various forces, Meng Niuniu actually became a **** king at this moment, and it caused God's punishment!

At the time of Heaven's Punishment, the God King is the weakest, just like a snake transforming into a Heavenly Dragon, and when it is transformed, he is weak.

The **** king in the restricted zone knew that his chance was here, taking advantage of Meng Niuniu's weakest moment, one blow would kill!

So he moved.

And Meng Niuniu smiled.

She raised her tender face and looked at the punishment everywhere, her voice was loud, as if it had penetrated the eternal thunder.

"The source of the heavens, are you capable of this? It's not as good as drizzle, God's punishment, come more violently! Hahahaha!"

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