Supreme God King

Chapter 2238: Dawn hour

In the headquarters of the dark alliance, among the green mountains and forests, the female emperor opened her charming eyes and looked at the two true demon kings and thirty-four true demon descending from the sky.

"The running dogs of the thirteen hall masters bear the punishment of heaven in the forbidden area, and set foot on the **** king." The female emperor's voice fell on the silver plate like a jade pearl: "In the forbidden area, there is a law of black death, and the power of heavenly punishment is not as powerful as that of the ten thousand domain One-tenth, is your foundation enough?"

The two true demon kings smiled wickedly: "Emperor, you are the first female arrogant in the ten thousand domains. The thirteen hall masters have ordered to capture you alive. Now the forbidden area has flooded into the headquarters of the dark alliance, and thousands of ghosts have been killed everywhere. , The day when your dark alliance is broken has arrived!"

A burst of wild laughter, the two true demon kings, and thirty-four true demon, shot together, billowing black death, deeper than this night, filled the void, just like the end of the world!

The female emperor takes ten steps in a row, and the eagle strikes the sky!

She sat firmly in the dark alliance for a long time, waiting for this moment.

The headquarters of the dark alliance has become a battlefield for Shura.

There are more than one million troops in the restricted area, and the pawns from all over the restricted area, such as ghost tribes, demons, barbarians, worms, poison tribes, demon spirits, ancient creatures, etc., have more than 8 million, which is a full tens of millions of troops. League headquarters!

The people of the dark alliance were originally stationed in the ten thousand domains. Now the soldiers in the dark alliance headquarters are only a few hundred thousand, but no one backs down and concessions, relying on geographical advantages, many formations, and tens of thousands of forbidden areas. Together, the vitality burst, I don't know how many buildings collapsed and shattered, from the bottom of the deep water to the top of the mountain, from the secret forest to the huge square!

As the commander-in-chief of the dark alliance headquarters, Ling Daiyou and Gu Xinao constantly mobilized the formations, mobilized fighters, and fought around.

But the army in the restricted area is too numerous, and the mountains are whistling and tsunami.

In the discussion hall, Ling Daiyou, lonely arrogant, and a few high-level dark alliances were all quickly rehearsing the formation on the sand table. At this moment, the discussion hall was constantly shaking, and the killing sound outside became more and more harsh.

The white temples squinted his eyes proudly, without a word, he stepped out of the conference hall and participated in the melee.

"Commander in chief." A dark alliance senior said to Ling Dai quietly: "It has been disrupted, broken, and it is meaningless to deploy troops!"

Ling Dai took a deep breath, waved her palm, smashed the sand table, turned and said fiercely, "Kill the enemy with me!"

In the headquarters of the dark alliance, there was no order and rules at all, and it was a mess. Some people even exhausted their vitality and directly fought physically, and many masters exploded in anger during the encirclement and suppression.

At every moment of breathing, thousands of people died.

The killing sound here has spread throughout the entire ten thousand domain!

This is the most expansive battle in Wanyu's history. Even the battle between the ancient gods and the tribes, or the thirteen hall masters coming to life, the old man of the mountain splitting and the Big Dipper, are not so huge. The momentum has affected such an astonishing number of monks!

There is no such posture. Among the people on both sides who participated in the war, the number of kings is unprecedented in history!

Any **** king is an eternal giant, sacred and supreme. Throughout the ages, any battle involving the **** king must be a major event in the sky. And this time, how many **** kings are there?

The thirteen hall masters are the thirteen **** kings.

The six kings of the restricted area were cultivated by thirteen hall masters.

Two true demon kings who were baptized in the restricted area and stepped into the realm of the **** king.

In addition, the four deities of Guishuai, Daoping old man, Ancient Snake Fairy, and Desolate Xianwang have returned to the divine king in the restricted area.

This is already twenty-five gods!

On the dark alliance side, it was Meng Fan, the Empress, and Meng Niuniu, who was punished by heaven and set foot in the realm of God King during the fight.

There are also Zhongtian, Tianchou, and Renxiong.

And at this moment, for some reason, she suddenly appeared in Ten Thousand Regions, and no one recognized Princess Yueyue.

Coupled with being trapped in the restricted area, it is the battle giant of the entire incident*.

There are already more than thirty **** kings who have joined in this epic battle!

In the ten thousand realms, any power, as long as one **** king is born, it is one overlord. If there are two **** kings, it can be called a two **** king and dominate the world.

Although Wanyu has a long history, and each group fights endlessly, there are talents from generation to generation, which is a legendary land, but the thirty gods fighting each other and fighting each other is still too terrifying!

A **** king is the strongest force, enough to destroy one party, the power of thirty **** kings, if you want to turn the entire ten thousand domain, it is no joke!

The battle at the headquarters of the Dark Alliance soon passed more than two hours.

Although relying on many defense formations, the damage of the dark alliance is very small, but because of the disadvantage of the number, especially among the forbidden area, more than two thousand ghosts and gods appear, and they continue to assassinate the dark alliance fighters, causing the dark alliance members to gradually inward. Shrinking, a large area of ​​the dark alliance was occupied. In the end, hundreds of thousands of dark alliance fighters hid in the fortress cities around the conference hall.

"Tear the defense and obliterate the secret alliance!"

Among the army in the restricted area, roars continued to sound.

Inside the conference hall.

Sitting arrogantly and steadily alone, it seems that he is in good condition. A high-level dark alliance masters healing energy, but he is very worried and constantly checks his body, because in the previous battle, he was attacked by the earth ghost, although the body was not injured. But the origin is broken!

At this moment, in the discussion hall, only the dark alliance high-level who is good at healing and the lonely proud two, the others are facing the enemy in the many fortress cities outside the discussion hall.

"There are a total of seventeen fortresses around the conference hall, all of which have the vitality of a leader and a solid formation." The dark alliance senior said while healed his wounds, as if he was comforting himself, but his expression and his shaking His hands showed the panic in his heart.

She looked at him arrogantly and didn't speak. At such a moment, at the critical moment of life and death, everyone would panic. Even if he had worked hard with Meng Fan until now, his heart was arrogant and murderous, and there was a trace of anxiety in his heart.

"The female emperor is fighting thirty-six true demons, among them there are two true demon kings in the realm of gods..." Lonely and proudly exhaled: "You don't need to heal any more, waste your vitality, my origin is broken, you cure not good."


Sounds like a landslide.

The dark alliance showed a different color on the high level, so he had to go out to check, and arrogantly grabbed him, and whispered: "Don't look, this sound is a fortress collapsed."

The lonely voice did not fall, but there was another loud noise.

The dark alliance high-level guy seemed to be about to collapse, sitting in a chair beside him, his palms clenched into fists, still shaking slightly.

Lonely patted him on the shoulder.

At the moment of decisive death, no matter how strong the soul of the dark alliance, it is impossible for everyone to regard death as home.

"It's almost dawn." Gu Xin proud said casually, and suddenly smiled: "Last night I wondered if I would never see the dawn of the next day." He shook his body and came to the top of the conference hall. , Here is a hopeful dragon platform, you can see the entire dark alliance headquarters, very tall.

The dark alliance high-level also followed him to the Dragon Lookout.

The eyes of the two slowly swept across the dark alliance headquarters.

Because a large number of formations were broken, vitality leaked, and the **** wind was restless, the entire dark alliance headquarters was shrouded in a red and white mist, which was a mixture of blood and vitality.

In the mist, you can vaguely see the dark fortresses around the conference hall, in which the sounds of fighting are constantly sounding, and occasionally there is the sound of vitality exploding. Just hearing it, you know that there is manpower exhausted and blew up.

Gu Xin Ao only glanced, then stopped looking, raised his head, and looked towards the distant horizon, where a very faint light flickered.

It's almost dawn.

Lonely sitting proudly on the Dragon Watching Platform, quiet and peaceful, looking at the faint light, tilted his head, and suddenly smiled.

The dark alliance high-level also sat next to him, looking at the lonely smile, feeling strange, but his extremely nervous mood relaxed a little.

"I think of meeting Meng Fan back then." I arrogantly scratched the tip of my nose, and my eyes were full of nostalgia: "That guy is the most shameless person I have ever seen. How can I think of it, so many years have passed. , That guy turned out to be my most iron brother and most important friend. How many ups and downs, lives, and events, how many turbulent years have gone through together, maybe it will end today, many years later, yes Wouldn't someone say our name and then sigh, how many heroes from ancient to modern times are talking about it?"

Having said this, he laughed at himself again: "It's a bit difficult to recite my name, but Meng Fan will always be remembered."

The high level of the dark alliance, listening to the arrogant and calm words, the panic in his heart was gone, but a kind of relief, just accompany the arrogant, watching another fortress collapse.

They waited quietly for the final moment.

Lonely arrogantly narrowed his eyes.

He was a little dazed.

Because he vaguely saw that on the horizon, as the light rose, vaguely, there were faint figures shaking.

Are there more troops in the restricted zone?

Lonely proud of looking over.

They were all embarrassed people wearing common clothes.

They advanced at a neat pace.

Thousands of people jumped to the horizon.

It quickly expanded to more than 10,000 people.

Then there are more, more than 50,000 people!

In front of the army, three people led.

Lonely and arrogantly said in a daze: "Snake...Amethyst... King Yan."

"My lord, look over there!" The dark alliance executive suddenly shouted, pointing in a direction.

Gu Xin proud quickly looked over.

In the other direction, there are groups of warriors who wear messy clothes, and have a lot of missing arms and legs. They just use vitality to temporarily condense their arms and legs, or use weapons to replace the broken limbs of the soldiers, all expressionless. , Came to the headquarters of the dark alliance with a completely decisive attitude.

More than thirty thousand.

The leader can be seen at a glance.

Lin Tang.

He turned his head again.

From the third direction, some dark alliance fighters appeared scattered, about 80,000.

The leader is Yun Feiyang and Zhan Wuji.

The trio of people, Yu Limin, showed up one after another and rushed to the headquarters of the dark alliance!

And arrogant, from these three dark alliance armies, I felt an astonishing breath. It was a terrifying breath that ignored death, rolled out of the sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain, and finally survived after countless death battles. Murderous, but not crazy, but extreme indifference, no emotions toward any killing, especially, among the three parties, there are countless masters of the gods, and the others, even if they are not in the realm of the gods, must be the peak of the realm of heaven.

This battle is a melting pot, a huge grindstone, and the dark alliance soldiers who survived **** battles from all parts of the Ten Thousand Regions have been trained into murderous gods and strong men.

The fourth direction, vitality fluctuations.

Lonely proud immediately cast his gaze.

I saw a place in the headquarters of the dark alliance, suddenly opened a large teleportation formation, and then, nearly 100,000 Emperor Xuanyuan, amidst the roar of an old man with white hair and beard, rushed into the restricted area!

The trio led by Lin Tang, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Snake Elder, Amethyst, and Yan King were silent, and suddenly accelerated their pace. With the momentum of thunder, they penetrated into the restricted area from the outside, like cutting grass with a sharp blade. , For a time the screams were shaking, and the corpses of countless forbidden area pawns flew across the sky, but they couldn't fall down at all.

The lonely palm is numb.

But everything is not over yet.

Three powerful auras of the gods turned out, and fell to the top of the dark alliance headquarters where the empress sits.

At the same time, a woman wearing a black plum-blossom dress with a white background, carrying the corpse of the barren king, came to the sky above the headquarters of the dark alliance. At first glance, she passed through countless forbidden zone pawns and countless mirage barriers, looking towards the old treacherous road. Ping old man.

The eighth day of the dark alliance and the restricted zone war.

Hour of dawn.

The three-way dark alliance has arrived.

The Xuanyuan emperor clan rushed to help.

Tiancan, Renxiong, and Zhongtian three **** kings shot.

Invite Princess Yue to kill the barren wise king and rush to the headquarters of the dark alliance, focusing on the elderly Daoping.

Inside the restricted area, Meng Fan opened his eyes!

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