Supreme God King

Chapter 2239: Foundation

Hour of dawn.

Nearly 300,000 troops came to the headquarters of the dark alliance. This number is even negligible compared to the tens of millions of troops in the forbidden area. But when these 300,000 members of the dark alliance are inserted into the troops of the ten million forbidden areas, they penetrate all the way. unstoppable!

The heads of the pawns in the restricted area are like ears of wheat, and the people of the dark alliance are like scythes, mowing the grass like crazy deep, and it is no problem for one person to fight dozens of people!

Three hundred thousand people, involved in an army of tens of millions, actually reversed the situation immediately, allowing all the dark alliance fighters who stood against the water to see infinite vitality and morale.

Inside the Dark Alliance headquarters, a void furnace.

Xiao Tian and Wan Mu Zi Qi Ding, also considered to be the two masters of the dark alliance, teamed up to deal with the ghost commander, but they were somewhat uncontrollable.

A **** king masters many methods, and the cold air penetrates, even if it is two masters, it is not easy to deal with.

The two parties are constantly consuming each other, and the vitality is passing away like water.

"It's been a few hours, can't you refining me?" Gui Shuai said viciously, with a smile on his face.

Xiaotian condensed his eyebrows: "The cooked duck has a hardened mouth. Your vitality will be exhausted sooner or later. We are located in the headquarters of the dark alliance. We are connected to many formations and can continuously draw vitality. Are you our opponent?"

Guishuai snorted coldly: "Yes, you are right, I was careless, and fell into your formation, but if I want to go, you will definitely not be able to trap me, the power of the king, how can you provoke at will? Means, tens of thousands!"

After he finished speaking, his physical body began to agitate, his blood squirming like an earthworm snake.

Seeing this, Xiaotian quickly said: "Xiaoding, get out quickly, he wants to explode himself in order to get his soul to escape!"

Wan Ma Zi Qi Ding was suddenly shocked when he heard this. A **** king blew himself up. It was too terrifying. Even Meng Fan in the world did not dare to resist the explosion of the **** king. In anxiety, he immediately withdrew all means and Xiang Xiao Escape in the space of heaven.


Guishuai laughed slyly: "This magical skill of blood and blood that has changed from a thousand mechanisms was originally a trick of the demons. There is nothing powerful in it, but this move that imitates the body's self-destruction is enough to scare everyone away with fake and real!"

"Not good!" Xiaotian was startled.

It turned out that Gui Shuai did not really blew himself up.

But in order to dodge, he and Wan Mu Zi Qi Ding had already withdrawn all means.

Gui Shuai looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, a huge ghost hand directly grabbed Xiang Xiaotian!

The cold light flashed.

Gui Shuai was taken aback.

Looking at his arm in amazement, the volley was cut off.

Then he burst out a roar. This time, he broke his arm, damaging the origin of the flesh, and his pain was deep into the bone, but he was not as angry as his heart, and said loudly: "Who!"


A figure fell in front of Gui Shuai.

Wearing a red armour and red robe, the blue silk is flying, the heroic posture, a sharp sword in his hand condensed with a billowing vitality, coldly looking at the handsome ghost.

Xiaotian said in shock: "Niuniu!"

"Grandpa Xiaotian, I'm late to come back." Meng Niuniu said, her eyes cold, still looking at Guishuai, suddenly, a sword pierced out!

Meng Niuniu, come back!

Over the dark alliance.

The overbearing Princess Inviting Yue carried the corpse of the barren king, like a chicken that had been stripped of its hair and ready to be cooked, staring coldly at Old Man Daoping.

Old Daoping smiled freely.

Turn around and run!

But the front foot had just escaped into the void and was ejected the next moment. In the void, a wretched old tortoise slowly floated out.

"Meng Fan said that the Dark Alliance is the overlord of the Ten Thousand Territories. He needs to be hospitable, and he hasn't had tea yet, so don't rush to go." The old turtle smiled very *.

The turtle is back!

In the headquarters of the dark alliance, there were various turning points in the battle, and the earth ghosts immediately assembled and hid in the darkness, looking for opportunities to carry out assassination and sneak attacks on the multi-channel killer army that rushed back.

But at this moment!

A few ground ghosts escaped in the dark, and a shriveled feather on their buttocks directly inserted them into meat skewers.

An ugly old bird stood in the air, and tens of thousands of Dark Alliance fighters from Jiu'an City joined the battlefield.

Lord Bird is back!

In the distance, there was a trembling dragon chant.

A huge black dragon, carrying Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, and Huniu on his back, released a terrible rage and slammed into a group of barbarians.

Kill again!

The top of the Dark League headquarters.

The female emperor was bleeding from the corner of her mouth, sitting on the ground with a clear tear in her eyes.

Beside her, there are the three great gods: Renxiong, Zhongtian and Tiancan.

There are also thirty-six corpses of true demon ancestors.

"The dark alliance has won." The empress was smiling, but tears flowed in her eyes.

"Yes, the dark alliance won." Tian Can nodded, stepped out, and appeared in the chaos army. With his fingers, countless forbidden zone pawns were wiped out and turned into dust.

Zhongtian and Renxiong also took action one after another to crush the army in the restricted area!

The female emperor gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said to herself: "Meng Fan, the dark alliance has won." Then she rose into the air and stood on top of the heads of thousands of people. Her lips lightly opened, and a voice like a decree came out.

"This is the highest decree of the dark alliance. All pawns in the restricted area will be strangled regardless of race, realm, or status! If they flee, they will all be included in the kill list. Chasing to the ends of the world, you must not let it go!"

The voices stirred in the dark alliance, and millions of dark alliance soldiers shouted: "Kill without mercy!"

Immediately, the female emperor turned her body, facing all over the ten thousand domains, and said coldly: "Ghost tribe, barbarians, gu worm poisonous tribe, demons, from today onwards, will be the public enemy of ten thousand domains, will not be beheaded, the dark alliance will not give up!"

A corner of Wanyu, intertwined, like a dragon-like ruled by the ancient gods, in the palace hall.

Many elders of the ancient gods rushed in.

Without waiting for them to speak, the ancient emperor said: "The battle of ten thousand domains, the dark alliance has won, but the real victory or defeat is still in the forbidden zone. Meng Fan, if you can defeat the thirteen hall masters, no one has ever made it. Things, creating a new era..."

In the end, his voice became smaller and smaller, but no one could hear him clearly.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes in Wanyu, after eight days of fighting between the restricted area and the dark alliance, it finally ended in the dark alliance headquarters with the force of wind and thunder.

In the headquarters of the Dark Alliance, millions of corpses, ghosts, barbarians, gu insects, and some remaining demons were almost wiped out.

Just because in the end, all the kings of the forbidden area were beheaded, the dark alliance kings let go and beheaded the enemy without any scruples. Faced with the might of the kings, the army in the restricted area had no right to escape.

The four major races returned to the restricted area. Almost all the monks participated in this battle and almost all were killed. The law issued immediately after the four major races were exterminated, regardless of their status or status. They are all enemies of the dark alliance and must be killed!

It is going to be genocide.

But these are things for the future.

After killing thousands of troops in the restricted area with the momentum of thunder, the people of the dark alliance suffered equally heavy losses.

At least two million dark alliance fighters were killed successively in the eight days of this battle.

More than half of the two million dark alliance fighters who died in battle were on the first day of the war. The massive army accumulated in the forbidden area suddenly surged out. The Dark Alliance did not expect that there would be so many enemies. They were caught off guard and were swallowed by the black of the forbidden area. After that, in the constant melee everywhere, there were countless casualties.

Today's dark alliance members, but more than 900,000, more than two-thirds of them, have died in this battle.

The headquarters of the dark alliance, as well as the fortresses of the dark alliance everywhere, have also been almost destroyed.

Therefore, killing the four major races is not a top priority. What we have to do now is to deal with battlefields in various places, to bury the dead bodies, to repair the headquarters of the dark alliance, and to stare at the various forces in the ten thousand domains.

Dark League headquarters, the top spot.

The empress meets Princess Yinyue.

"It turned out to be Meng Fan's friend." The female emperor said softly.

Princess Yueyue didn't respond, she just looked into the void.

Renxiong, Tiancan, Zhongtian, and Meng Niuniu are all on the sidelines. Six **** kings that have shaken the past and the present are gathered together. However, the three great **** kings including Zhongtian, and the female emperor, all watched princess Yueyue vigilantly. Meng Niuniu really has Meng Fan's domineering attitude, and his attitude is much more casual.

The battle was just over two hours ago, and just as soon as he ordered one party, the five **** kings came here and looked at Princess Yaoyue for no reason! It was Princess Yueyue who didn't recognize anyone, but claimed to have met Meng Fan on the road of divine hiding, and she had a cold personality. After saying this, she didn't bother to introduce herself.

Secondly, the terrifying aura exuded from the whole body of Princess Yueyue made several **** kings feel the pressure!

That’s right, the strength of Princess Yueyue is still higher than that of the great **** kings. Even the old **** kings such as Renxiong, Tiancan, and Zhongtian, and the eternal giants, felt horrified, and almost everyone was weighing it. If this invites Princess Yue to take action, can they resist it?

The answer that came out was a bit annoying, but it was a fact. Any one of them would fight alone with Princess Yingyue, and they were not opponents.

During the whole battle, the **** king dispatched from the restricted area invited Princess Yue to kill two with the momentum of thunder, and he suffered no injuries at all.

"Forbidden area..." Princess Yueyue whispered to herself: "Thirteenth Palace Master, I know that there are two great figures in the Ten Thousand Realms, who are also famous on the road to the gods, there are various rumors, one is the ancient emperor, the other is The thirteen hall masters, that **** Meng Fan, actually single-handedly challenged the thirteen hall masters."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several **** kings became solemn, including Meng Niuniu. Although she was overbearing and very similar to Meng Fan, at this moment, she was also worried.

The dark alliance and the restricted area have already divided the victory and defeat, but everyone knows that the real victory or defeat of this battle concerning the future of Wanyu is still in the restricted area.

If Meng Fan is refined by the thirteen hall masters and becomes the most powerful puppet of the thirteen hall masters, then ask, among the ten thousand domains, who else is the opponent in the restricted zone!

Even the ancient emperor must run away.

But at this moment, no matter how many **** kings searched the heavens, they couldn't find any breath of the restricted area.

After the thirteen hall masters locked Meng Fan and sent a large army to attack the dark alliance, they completely sealed off the forbidden area and sealed all the spaces in order to prevent anyone from interfering with them to refine Meng Fan.

Several **** kings stepped forward and stood side by side with Princess Yingyue, looking at the void together.

In the restricted area.

The lord of the thirteen halls is serious.

The thirteen pillars kept shaking.

Meng Fan's eyes were as long as the sun from ancient times, and his body was shaking. The entire restricted area was cracked!

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