Supreme God King

Chapter 2240: Wanyu Unification


"how come!"

The thirteen hall masters roared again and again, extremely shocked.

At this moment, Meng Fan opened his eyes and kept breaking free. The thirteen pillars were swaying, and the immortal cords were tied, and there were signs of breaking!

For eight full days, the breath of black death poured into Meng Fan's body, constantly refining it, but at this moment, he found that he couldn't stop the siege.

And the imprints derived from the killing orders up and down Meng Fan's body also burst.

"Want to know why?"

Meng Fan sneered again and again, with a sigh, suddenly, a trace of black gas welled up in the heart of his eyebrows, condensed into an extremely black, as if swallowing all the bright black beads.

"The Origin of Black Death!"

"He condensed the origin of black death!"

The astonishment of the thirteen hall masters is at its extreme!

The essence of black death is vitality.

Countless years ago, the source of the heavens opened for the second time, and the thirteen hall masters stepped into it to seize the will of heaven, and from this, the vitality was reversed and deduced, finally deducing the aura of black death.

The vitality is the foundation of all things and the source of life, while the vitality of the black death is just the opposite, reversing vitality and obliterating vitality, but the two have the same origin, so the vitality of the black death can be integrated into the body of any creature and transform it Becoming a black death creature can also refine many Dao artifacts and evolve them into a black death magic weapon.

This is the power of black death.

The thirteen hall masters, as the master of the black death qi, the source of vitality in his body has also evolved into the origin of black death after countless years. It can be said that among the heavens, they are the only ones who can manipulate the black death. The existence of qi!

Anything that is refined by the black death air and turned into a black death creature or a black death magic weapon will become their slave.

That’s why they had such a plan to introduce Meng Fan into the forbidden area, and then use the rich black death energy accumulated in the forbidden area to wash Meng Fan’s body, infuse his body, infect his soul, and turn it into The spirit of the black death became the puppet of the thirteen hall masters.

As a result, it was completely beyond their expectation. Meng Fan actually condensed the origin of the black death. In other words, he, like the thirteen hall master, has become the master of the black death, and it is impossible to become the thirteen. The puppet of the palace lord, because of Meng Fan's position in the spirit of black death, is comparable to the thirteen palace lord.

eight days!

The entire forbidden area was filled with black death energy. It was summoned by the power of the thirteen hall masters, merged into the pillars, and then injected into Meng Fan's body through the immortal cables. It can be said that the thirteen hall masters used the strongest means, and countless use of the restricted area The accumulation of loads, to refine Meng Fan alone.

Meng Fan closed his eyes and said nothing for eight days. Not only was he not invaded by the Qi of Black Death, on the contrary, he had mastered the Qi of Black Death. The Qi of Black Death that has been continuously injected into Meng Fan's body for the past eight days is like vitality. , Was absorbed by Meng Fan.

The lord of the thirteen halls could not understand why it was!

"Can't figure it out?" Meng Fan sneered again and again. "Back then, you stepped into the source of the heavens, understood the mystery of vitality, and deduced this black death air, and I, having fought with you so many times, naturally have to keep collecting news about the black death air, these eight days Here, the black death qi pouring into my body is pure and majestic. I suppress it with my divine will, deduced by the will of heaven, derives from good fortune, and the three true wills work together to deduced the origin of the black death!"

Every syllable is the eternal punishment of thunder, shaking the eardrums of the thirteen hall masters.

"If on that day, when the killing order and the immortal rope trapped me, you would kill me. I will definitely die. How can I control this black death?"


The thirteen hall master shouted.

"kill him!"

The facts were in front of them, and they couldn't tolerate their unbelief, so the thirteen hall masters suddenly used a lore to kill Meng Fan.

"The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in an ant nest, broken!"

At the moment of the moment, Meng Fan suddenly pulled a bundle of immortal cables with one arm, crackling.

That was eight days ago, when Meng Fan exploded with a huge force of insurgency, hit a pillar that had cracked, and with his force, it suddenly broke!

At this moment, the thirteen hall master lore formation was opened.

Meng Fan immediately fled out along the gap, and the thirteen black marks of death followed with the killing. He couldn't dodge, and was immediately severely hit, his body skewed, and blood was vomiting at the mouth.

"Thirteen hall masters." Meng Fan wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, turned around, and faced the thirteen hall masters who drove the billowing black death. "The true power of the black death qi lies in reversing the vitality and obliterating sentient beings. Now, I have mastered the origin of the black death. Your 13 black death marks don't seem to kill me?"

In this scene, the eyes of the thirteen hall masters fuse.

Meng Fan was firmly hit by the thirteen black marks of death.

With their black spirit of death and thirteen lore killing methods, no matter who it is, as long as they are hit, they will definitely die. Even the ancient emperor, in the original melee, avoided the seven marks and hit the six marks. Retired and fleeed for countless years, recuperating and regenerating, afraid to reappear.

Now, thirteen black marks of death smashed behind Meng Fan's back, and he was just vomiting blood, turning around, still talking and laughing!

Meng Fan sneered again and again: "Your black death aura is indeed powerful enough to frighten the past and the present. The reason is that the black death aura inhibits vitality and restrains vitality. Besides you, no one really controls the black death Qi, it’s just borrowing your strength, but at this moment, what should you do when facing me, who is just like you?"

The air of black death is like a flame.

The vitality is like paper silk brocade.

Paper silk brocade will be burned when encountering a flame.

This is the power of black death.

But the flames, what about the flames?

The expression of the thirteen hall masters kept changing.

Yes, their most powerful means, which has been used to frighten the past and present for countless years, once dominated all domains, and everything was their servant, for Meng Fan, it has no effect!

Meng Fan, the overlord of the Ten Thousand Territories, carried the vitality of a big world, and had several true meanings in his body. It took only eight days to reverse the situation and change the situation forever.

"Wan Liu returns to the sea."

A palace master suddenly said.

"No." The other Lord of the Palace squinted his eyes: "The time is not yet ripe, and there is no absolute grasp. It is too dangerous to use the means of merging the heavens. It is too dangerous to return to the sea. You have to wait until the final moment before you can use it."

The two conversations were clearly heard by Meng Fan.

He wiped off the blood that was oozing from the corner of his mouth again, and suddenly his body was surging. Within the restricted area, the mountain shook again. It was a phenomenon that the billowing black death gas was pulled by his strength and fluctuated violently.

"The real secret of the thirteen hall masters lies in your power, origin, laws, spirits, thoughts, and so on. Everything is one, so it can be completely integrated. The flow of the sea is the means of all the thirteen of you. ,Right?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the thirteen hall masters became more gloomy.

This expression proved Meng Fan's guess, right!

However, he thoroughly understood that the thirteen hall masters felt naked humiliation at this time, unprecedented humiliation, and the murderous intent was complete. They wished to take action immediately and tried their best to obliterate Meng Fan, but they resisted it and did not do anything.

"The thirteen gods and kings are powerful, all cultivated for the aura of black death, and they all have the will of heaven, and even their spirits are all the same. Once they merge and there is no hindrance, I am really curious about what the thirteen of you are completely integrated. A monstrous scene? Come on, Lord Thirteen! Let me, Meng Fan, see the power that shocks the past and the present!"

Domineering words, overwhelming words, voices fell, Meng Fan continued to advance, a move of the emperor fist bombardment, entrained infinite black death, the power that penetrates the past and present, is much stronger than stepping into the restricted area eight days ago, and crushed. !


The thirteen hall masters opened their mouths at the same time, and thirteen black death origin imprints burst out.

The monstrous emperor's fist collided with the 13 original marks of black death.

Immediately, the forbidden area, which was already cracked by the sky, fell apart more rapidly at this moment, and continued to shatter.

Shocked by the tremendous force, Meng Fan stepped back a hundred steps, his throat was sweet and he coughed up blood.

The thirteen hall masters also stepped back more than a dozen steps, their complexions changed a little, and they returned to their original state.

In this collision, a judgment was made, Meng Fan withdrew a hundred steps and coughed up blood, while the Thirteen Palace Lord was much more stable.

But this is the thirteen hall masters and the thirteen **** kings teaming up, occupying the right time and place in the restricted area, and fighting Meng Fan.

But it just made Meng Fan retreat and cough up blood. As the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms, Meng Fan's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and the fighting spirit in his eyes is getting more and more fierce.

At this time, the thirteen hall masters knew better that they couldn't hold Meng Fan.

The air of black death has no effect on Meng Fan, and it is impossible to condense the killing order and suppress Meng Fan’s origin. So even if the thirteen hall masters can work together to stabilize Meng Fan, they can’t stop Meng Fan as long as he wants to leave. .

When they left the restricted area and returned to Wanyu, they had no choice but to take Meng Fan. Not only was the power of the dark alliance in the Wanyu, but also the ancient emperor in the Wanyu. Body, they have no doubt that the ancient emperor will take action.

Gu Huang would not let go of any opportunity that could strike the thirteen hall masters.

The hatred of the ancient emperor towards the lord of the thirteen halls could not be washed away.

What's more, the thirteen hall masters, without certainty, can stabilize Meng Fan! Eight days ago, Meng Fan fought against the thirteen hall masters, and it was difficult to distinguish the outcome. If it were not for the advantage of the black death in the restricted area, it could not be suppressed at all. Now, Meng Fan masters the black death and their chances of winning are It's much smaller.

What about coughing up blood after a collision? Characters like Meng Fan, let alone coughing up blood, even if his body explodes and his soul is damaged, as long as he is alive and still has a breath, the fighting power cannot be underestimated!

The lord of the thirteen halls pondered for a moment.

"Meng Fan, you are indeed one of the best in ten thousand domains throughout the ages. In this battle, we have lost, and everyone in the restricted area will die. However, these are all trivial things. The pawns we trained were originally For sacrifices, if you die, you will die. The decisive battle between you and us is not today, but the moment when the source of the heavens is opened. Don't worry, we will have a period later!"

After the thirteen hall master said, suddenly in the restricted area, an extremely profound, complicated and mysterious space law emerged.

Meng Fan frowned and punched out!

The fist of the world had not fallen, the thirteen hall masters, quietly disappeared in the same place, the emperor fist that dominated the world failed.

Sitting in the restricted area for countless years, dominating the Ten Thousand Realms for too many years, they still have many hidden methods, and it is not difficult to escape.

The thirteen hall masters were also decisive enough to not care about the death of countless people in the restricted area, and to sit firmly in the restricted area for many years was to give up.

Just like the ancient emperor, they didn't care about anything outside of their bodies, and they wouldn't blink their eyes.

The Lord of the Thirteenth Palace also knew that the restricted area was dead, and it made no sense to miss such a fragmented field.

Meng Fan stopped for a moment.

Tearing space with both hands.

Within the restricted area, a series of cobweb-like cracks appeared.

On the other side of the rift is Wanyu.

restricted area.

A forbidden word has isolated Wanyu for countless years.

At this moment, the restricted area is torn and everyone can set foot.

The restricted area is dead.

Countless people who followed this battle withdrew their gazes and muttered four words in their hearts.

"One Thousand Domains."

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