Supreme God King

Chapter 2241: Ancient astronomical phenomenon

The headquarters of the dark alliance, the pinnacle.

Meng Fan was standing above the top of the cloud, holding his hands, and looking at the entire universe.

At this time, there was chaos everywhere, and a sea of ​​blood and corpses were still piled up. Teams of dark alliance soldiers were collecting the corpses of the dark alliance people who died in battle, rebuilding some fortress castles, and incinerating the pawns in the restricted area.

Meng Fan's eyes were slightly vicissitudes of life, not in line with his 18 or 9-year-old young appearance, like a withered old man who has read all over the world, read all the scenery, and traveled all over the world.

"No matter how sharp you are, no matter how domineering you are, you are also an eternal giant who has traveled through the times."

A cold voice sounded, inviting Princess Yue to come to the front and stand side by side with Meng Fan, watching after a great catastrophe, countless creatures were affected, and there was sorrow everywhere, but everywhere was rebuilding Wanyu.

Meng Fan said blankly, "I know."

"At the burial site, where can I tell that you are such a prosperous overlord of the big world, how can you tell that you are all a granddaughter, and that your granddaughter has already set foot on the King of Gods?" There was some sarcasm in the words of Princess Yueyue.

At the burial site, what Meng Fan did did not really fit his identity, all kinds of slanderous tricks, all kinds of shameless, all kinds of molesting inviting Princess Moon.

At this moment, Meng Fan seemed to have seen through the vicissitudes of the world, his posture was indeed very different from when he was in the burial ground.

Generally speaking, the realm of the **** king is supreme and invincible, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, and the nature is unchanging, but this huge catastrophe did make Meng Fan completely calm down. Although this scene, he had expected it, this was what he hoped, dark Because of him, the alliance dominates all domains. Meng Fan is the backbone of the dark alliance and the spirit of the dark alliance. It can even be said that it is everything in the dark alliance. With Meng Fan’s protection, everyone in the dark alliance is like a young child. , And the great catastrophe that Meng Fan expected was a melting pot for a child to truly grow up.

Meng Niuniu set foot in the realm of the **** king, so, in the dark alliance, there are three big **** kings.

In addition, the survivors of the dark alliance, although less than one-third of the original dark alliance’s number, and many of them were seriously injured, but after this tremendous hardship, the survivors all broke through the realm. There are tens of thousands of masters in the Divine Origin Realm, and what is even more frightening is that nearly a hundred new stars of the first sacred level have appeared!

There are nearly a hundred sacred kings of three gods, including half-step **** kings, and tens of thousands of murderous and shocking **** masters, and these people use their lives to fight without knowing Meng Fan's life or death.

If we say that the previous dark alliance, compared with the restricted area, and the ancient gods, the most lacking is the foundation, the ups and downs of countless years, the lack of precipitation, then the current dark alliance is a vibrant, fighting spirit, and breath. Introverted, but as long as they take action, they will be murderous and awe-inspiring forces. Moreover, every dark alliance fighter is a powerful fighter in his heart. He has survived this huge fluctuation, does not rely on them, and only relies on his own ideas to fight silently.

Such a dark alliance is truly powerful! Not to mention the forbidden area that has been destroyed, even if it is the ancient gods, the ancient emperor, the supreme figure, is in all aspects, compared to the dark alliance, and the momentum is much weaker.

If you don't experience such growth, how will the dark alliance face the real **** storm that will erupt in the next few years? That is a catastrophe that can annihilate all creatures in the primordial universe.

It hurts, and it is correspondingly heavy.

Two million dead bodies are just the number of dark alliance fighters. There are too many forces sheltered by the dark alliance. Many cities have become dust. Among them, the dead lives cannot be counted at present.

In addition, it is a brand-new building built under the auspices of the dark alliance headquarters, named Hall of Heroes.

At this moment, the dark alliance defeated the forbidden area, allowing all parties to surrender, and gradually dominate all domains, solitary and proud to shed all responsibilities and become the guardian of the Hall of Valor, with many dark alliance people who died in battle.

At this moment, Meng Fan looked over, and saw that a piece of sandalwood spirit card was placed in the Hall of Heroes that had just been built.

The above three words.

"Burning Heaven Order."

Another place.

Many dark alliance healing masters are constantly healing a huge giant, it is the battle giant. After the forbidden area collapsed, Meng Fan rescued him, and first waved his hand to smash the many black death formations in the battle giant. However, his origin and many laws have been severely traumatized, and his vitality is almost exhausted. After a little deduction, Meng Fan has the answer. After the giant of the sky was caught by the thirteen hall master, he was severely tortured. Obviously the Thirteenth Hall Master wanted to get some secrets from the Battle Sky Giant, but what the specific secret was, Meng Fan didn't know what the Battle Sky Giant did not wake up.

And beside the Zhantian Giant, there was a handsome middle-aged man in a white gown.

That's right, it's white clothes!

Princess Yueyue came to Wanyu this time for two things. First, she was asked by Meng Fan to search for the whereabouts of Bai Xingyi on the road to the hidden. It’s not just talking, Princess Yueyue did what she said. Sure enough, I found Bai Xingyi in a sinking mystery and brought it back.

And the second thing.

Princess Yueyue followed Meng Fan's gaze and swept the ten thousand domains before finally speaking.

"The ancient celestial phenomena are emerging one by one."

With a word, Meng Fan has no words. Today, he, looking through the ages, knows innumerable secrets. If he writes a book, ordinary monks will not be able to read one ten millionth in his lifetime, so this ridiculous four words , Meng Fan is no stranger.

In the memory fragments of the **** of good fortune, he knew that at the end of the previous era, there had also been ancient celestial phenomena.

What is an ancient celestial phenomenon?

Desolate ancient is the meaning of Primordial Primordial Era. It refers to the beginning of the epoch, or the last epoch, in short, a very remote era, and the desolate ancient celestial phenomena are many hidden by history before the last epoch was destroyed. Power, one by one, appeared in the world.

This is no coincidence.

Thousands of thousands of years before the arrival of the Last Era Disruption Great Tribulation, there were many memory fragments of ancient powers, broken souls, tombs, ruins, Taoist artifacts, etc., appearing in this world, which is like a rainy day. The whole building is full, before the earth has a vision, many little creatures will be irritable, uncharacteristically, those powerful relics are all contaminated with the laws of heaven and earth, so there will be major changes in the sky and the earth, in other words, the five decay of heaven and man At that time, not only the living powerful **** king can perceive it, but also the relics of the ancient power.

As a result, many powerful heritages are triggered, either in the present world, or indirectly triggering visions, which are the ancient celestial phenomena.

Before Meng Fan set foot in Shenyin again and discovered the universe, one of his purposes was to find the relics of the nine ancient gods, to find the monuments left by them, and to obtain the true meaning of the Great Dao. He did this on the basis of the incarnation of God’s punishment. , The appearance of a strange ghost, and the perception in the dark, it can be determined that the time when the era is broken is getting closer and closer, maybe tens of thousands of years, maybe thousands of years, maybe, tomorrow.

Therefore, the relics of the nine ancient gods and kings are likely to appear. In other words, Meng Fan is going to find the ancient vision.

The result did not disappoint him. In the universe, he found the extremely abrupt stone pillars of reincarnation. At the same time, he was informed that the tomb of the ancient Jiuquan Demon Venerable has appeared. The universe and the giants of the underworld will go there, and Meng Fan, also Will definitely go there.

The real catastrophe is the final catastrophe brought down by the source of the heavens, and the end of the divine hidden, still incomparably mysterious, the Great Chaos Emperor!

All the roads Meng Fan took was a straight road leading to these two ends.

And soon the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains will be opened for the third time, and there are other ancient visions like the death of the tomb of Jiuquan Demon Venerable, which are the keys to this straight road.

"You mean the tomb of Jiuquan Demon Venerable."

Meng Fan said directly.

Leng Bing Ru Ying Yue Princess was also taken aback, indicating that Meng Fan had guessed it, and then she nodded gently: "Yes, the news of the death of the tomb of the Demon Lord, I just learned, I did not expect that you already knew it, and it was so accurate. I’ve guessed it right. I heard that a few years ago, people have been discovering the clues of the tomb of Jiuquan Demon Sovereign. Now, more and more people are known, there are constantly hidden monsters above the gods, and other The powerhouses of the big world must go. I said it straight. It is not safe to enter with my personal strength, so I invite you to go with you. I dare not say anything to others, but you, I can still trust you."

Meng Fan chuckles: "Of course I will go and walk with you. It is no better. I can trust you too."

The two looked at each other, Meng Fan chuckled, and Princess Yueyue still looked cold, with an attitude of avoiding idlers, and then the two continued to look at this huge Wanyu without words.

Divine kings who have reached such a powerful level as the two of them are also rare. It is very difficult to become an absolutely honest ally.

Meng Fan helped Princess Yueyue and rescued the landlord of the burial ground. Princess Yueyue also reciprocated her, and rescued the white clothes. He also helped the dark alliance kill two **** kings. It can be said that the friendship is very deep.

"At the beginning, too, all kinds of divine hidden giants..." Meng Fan muttered: "They will go to the tomb of Jiuquan Demon Venerable. This time, not only to get an important key, but also half of the mind. The stone tablet, and to solve the grievance problem, the forbidden area has fallen. Next, it should be the land of the earth."

With these words, Princess Yueyue frowned. She was not very clear about Meng Fan’s subsequent journey on the road to the hidden, but she knew the reputation of the lord of the thirteen halls, even the lord of the burial ground, Speaking of the thirteen hall masters, his face was clouded and extremely jealous, but Meng Fan actually stepped into it and defeated him. Obviously, Meng Fan today is much stronger than the Meng Fan who had known Princess Yueyue before!

But Meng Fan didn't say, she didn't want to ask.

At this moment, the three gods, Empress, Renxiong, and Meng Niuniu, came to the summit of the dark alliance.

"Grandpa, everywhere is recovering, I want to ask for orders to immediately exterminate the four major races." Meng Niuniu said loudly.

"You don't need to ask for orders." Meng Fan didn't turn around, the green shirt fluttered, and said lightly: "Niuniu, you really grow up, you don't need to listen to me anymore, and your father's teachings are there. From now on, as long as you think it is right, do Just fine."

"Yes!" Meng Niuniu nodded deeply.

Meng Fan turned around, looked at the three **** kings, and suddenly said to Princess Yaoyue with a very weak spirit: "Did you mock me before?"

Princess Yueyue's expression changed slightly, and she suddenly felt that something was not good!

But Meng Fan already smiled easily: "Let me introduce to everyone, this is the first chest of Shenyin who is as famous as Shenyin's giants."

A huge punch that was enough to destroy one party and hit Meng Fan, the power that burst out of it made the empress, the hero, and Meng Niuniu all scalp numb!

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