Supreme God King

Chapter 2245: Longlin Taibao

This hand urged the vast vitality to emerge the world's cause and effect, and then the means of cutting the cause and effect, shocked Meng Fan.

When the thin old monk and the obese old monk disappeared, Meng Fan shook his mind for a moment, a little at a loss as to why he stood here, and took two or three breaths to react.

On the other hand, Princess Yaoyue and the dragon clan were completely blank and stood stupidly.

"Meng Fan..." Princess Yingyue murmured: "What just happened..."

When Meng Fan's soul moved, two imprints were immediately entered into the souls of Princess Yaoyue and the Dragon God King. The two were suddenly startled before they realized it, and then thoughtfully.

What has just happened, the two **** kings have not yet reached the level of the meaning of the Great Dao, they can't understand, but they feel extremely mysterious.

If it was many years ago, Meng Fan, who had not set foot in Shenyin, experienced the scene just now, and could only use a mysterious character to express his feelings, but with the passage of time, his realm has continued to improve, and many things have been seen through. .

This Zen causality is really terrifying.

At the same time, outside the tomb of the Demon Lord, on a floating continent, in the middle of the vast plain, was an old tree. Under the tree, there was an old monk who was very tall and more than ten feet tall.

Suddenly the old monk's brows jumped, and in front of his eyes, a thin old monk and a fat old monk appeared.

This thin old monk and obese old monk also looked blank, looking around, then recovered, and frowned.

The tall old monk flicked his fingers, various Zen intents beating on his fingertips, and said for a long time: "Have you met Meng Fan?"

"Meng Fan?" The fat old monk was inexplicable: "Who is Meng Fan?" Then he rubbed his neck and lost his face in shock: "My King Kong body was broken! How could this happen, what happened!"

The thin old monk pondered for a long while, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "What a terrible power, I almost forgot what just happened." He also immediately typed a thought into the fat old monk's mind, and the latter immediately woke up. .

"Zen causality is a great method." The tall old monk calmly said: "I have just mastered it, so I didn't dare to use it. I taught it to you. Your mastery is still superficial. I'm not talking about it. As a last resort, you can't cut it off. Causality? A carelessness may implicate yourself and make you disappear forever, not only in the present, but also in the past. There is no memory of you in the prehistoric universe."

The thin old monk sighed: "If it's not a last resort, I won't use it."

The tall old monk blinked and continued to flick his fingers. He was slightly surprised and said, "It is so! This Meng Fan is indeed a man of heaven. I used to think that he has no chance, no luck, no background, what? No, I have come to this day on my own. Whether he is an enemy or not, he is worthy of admiration, but I have never thought that this kind of character, who has reached his current position, even if there is no chance, he will go against the laws of heaven and earth and create opportunities. He actually has a lot of true meaning, which is incredible."

"Can you figure out, if the two of us really join hands and fight him in a fair situation, what is the winning rate?" the thin old monk asked.

The fat old monk looked angry.

The tall old monk took a deep look at the thin old monk. For a divinely hidden giant, who has too long years, it is somewhat surprising to say this.

Two people join forces to deal with one person?

If it was back then, the three of them hadn't reached their current status, it wouldn't be a big deal to say these words, and none of them would have gone on stage with arrogance. They had all been humiliated, down, and even wandered between life and death many times, but After becoming a giant of Shenyin, no one dared to touch their edge. After a long time, there was a strong arrogance in their bones. Such words have not been said for many years.

"Sixty percent is slightly more than seventy percent," said the tall old monk.

This result made the emaciated old monk look gloomy.

The two great divine hidden giants join forces to fight a young rising star, even if he is domineering, and he is also a young man, for the existence of the **** king realm, age is wealth, and the longer you live, even the long-lasting vigor of the world will be absorbed. , To consolidate their own cultivation base, and their strength will reach an astonishing level. How many times Meng Fan has lived for them!

"However, this person, Meng Fan, was not a person who could calculate by common sense when I had not really realized Zen before. The more he was in the most critical moment, the more he was able to stimulate his huge potential. He has experienced In many battles, including the time when I joined forces with the Thirteenth Hall Master to encircle and suppress him, he is absolutely impossible to survive, and even the possibility of running away is only one in ten thousand, but let him run away, so the real lore At that moment, when you face him, your winning rate may be less than 60%."

As the tall old monk said, he stood up abruptly: "I wanted to continue to comprehend, and I would not fully grasp the cause and effect of Zen, and never leave, but I have vaguely seen that this Meng Fan will be the next one on the road for the three of us. The biggest destabilizing factor, if you don’t kill him, the consequences cannot be imagined. Go and enter the tomb of the Demon Lord. The revived dragon is not important now. There is no need to refine the eight Tianlong Buddha. Although it is powerful, but It’s just something outside of your body, kill Meng Fan first! You two quickly heal your injuries, and in an hour, we will set off!"

In the grave of the devil.

Meng Fan, Princess Yueyue, and the mysterious dragon **** king, three powerful characters, swim together.

"I am a descendant of the ancient dragon, and I am called the Dragon Scale Taibao." The mysterious dragon **** king turned into a human form. Because Meng Fan had a life-saving grace for him, he chose to go with him, and he was very straightforward. A gentleman is magnanimous. "The history of our dragon clan is very long. The earliest history has existed since the beginning of the epoch, but we are very small. According to legend, the ancestor of our dragon clan led countless dragon clan to join a great battle. As a result, all of them died in battle, and all that was left were old and weak people, and there was some kind of huge catastrophe. In short, the number left was very small.

I, from the Dragon Realm, that is the territory of our Dragon Clan. It is very barren. About 100,000 years ago, a **** king finally appeared in our Dragon Clan, so I walked out of the Dragon Clan and looked everywhere for the origin of our Dragon Clan, as well as various myths and legends. , Because our bloodline is very special, born in the Tianyuan realm, stronger than other creatures, so we are always curious about our origin.

But after walking through countless places, I didn't find any dragons. There were only some creatures with blood similar to ours, also called dragons, but none of our blood was pure... Hey, it's a sad sigh to say it.

Okay, let’s not talk about these distant pasts. To put it simply, our dragon clan also has a **** king, but there are only five. We think that the **** king is invincible. Only when we leave the dragon domain, we know that there are people outside the world, and there are many powerful **** kings. , For example, the **** hidden giant, brother, you are so powerful, and the **** hidden giant who can actually fight escapes-our five dragon gods, who call themselves the Five Taibao, why are they called Taibao? It is to protect our sparse dragon clan, we only have a few hundred thousand of the same clan, and I am Dragon Scale Taibao, the fifth! "

What Meng Fan began to listen to was just as historical information, blending it into his own mind, filling up some memory fragments of the gods of good fortune, but when he heard the last sentence, he was completely shocked.

The dragon clan has only five **** kings.

There are indeed very few. There are definitely more than five human **** kings in the ten thousand domains, plus the universe of the universe? Are there other Zhongqian worlds, and worlds that Meng Fan has not seen before?

But, the last sentence.

There are only a few hundred thousand dragons in the entire Dragon Realm!

Over hundreds of thousands of dragons, five **** kings were born!

This ratio far surpasses any race, even human beings who are innately most suitable for absorbing vitality and practicing cultivation do not have this ratio!

Innate sacred blood...

Meng Fan silently touched these six words, which was exactly the evaluation of the dragon in the memory fragments of the gods of creation.

In the ancient era, why did the dragons have the power to overwhelm all living beings, so powerful?

In the dark alliance before the Great War, there were as many as three million soldiers. In addition, the various blessed human races within the dark alliance's sphere of influence, other creatures are not counted, just human races, and it needs to be calculated with billions.

Of course, there are many mundane empires here, with a large population, but there are also many ordinary people who have no vitality.

But how many **** kings does the dark alliance have?

Before the Great War, there was only one Meng Fan and one empress!

Meng Fan squinted his eyes, and became more curious about the Dragon Clan. You must know that the divine will was controlled by the oracle Dragon Emperor among the nine ancient gods.

The true meaning of the supreme avenue.

"Longlin Taibao, you said before that you came to this tomb to save your clan?"

"Yes!" Longlin Taibao is very upright, and he will answer any questions. This makes Princess Yueyue look a bit sideways. Even if Meng Fan saves him, is it too straightforward? Not hiding at all?

However, it is easy to think about it. In that dragon domain, there are only dragons. It seems that the number of dragons is very small. They are all protecting each other and are very harmonious. Even the names of the five gods are called Taibao, and they want to protect the dragons.

Growing up in this environment, it’s not like Wanyu’s dangers, intrigues, spears and arrows, and there is no calculation between flesh and blood in the burial ground. It is even more harmonious than the peaceful universe. There are also three * sects in the Universe Great World, various empires, dragons, and there is no power separation between them.

So Longlin Taibao’s way of life is that I believe in you and be a good person. If you use treacherous tricks, you will be shameless. Like before, he scolded fat old monks and thin old monks. If this happened to Meng Fan, He would never scold him, he would only quickly think of a more vicious strategy to kill the opponent.

"It's our Dragon God King Boss Taibao, called Dragon Blood Taibao. He is the first God King. He was in the Outer Realm very early, looking everywhere for the origin of my dragon, but he broke into here by mistake. In fact, he has disappeared for almost ten thousand years. It’s been a long time, until not long ago, we found a scale, ten thousand are sure, it is Dragon Blood Taibao! Although he used our dragon clan’s deification technique to disguise the scales as other flood dragons, but I just glanced at it. I recognized it, and then I came here to find it, but I didn't expect that two divine hidden giants, such a powerful figure, even a figure who was afraid of Dragon Blood, found a scale and used various methods to simulate the breath of Dragon Blood. , Get me hooked!"

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